Browse research from the Plymouth Institute of Education, part of the School of Society and Culture.


Submissions from 2018


Standardised assessment and the shaping of neoliberal student subjectivities, P Kelly


Exploring the potential of using undergraduates’ knowledge, skills and experience in research methods as a proxy for capturing learning gain, Rebecca Turner, Carole Sutton, Reema Muneer, Claire Gray, Nadine Schaefer, and Julie Swain


Knowledge and the study of education: an international comparison, P Kelly


Culturing the fruits of the forest: realising the multifunctional potential of space and place in the context of woodland and/or Forest Schools, Alun Morgan


Found in translation: an analytical framework to explore national and regional Early Childhood Education and Care systems, Ulrike Hohmann


Emerging School Landscapes in England: How primary system leaders are responding to new school groupings, MP Crawford


The responsibilisation of teachers: a neoliberal solution to the problem of inclusion, Elizabeth J. Done and Mike Murphy

Submissions from 2017


Headteacher performance management in England: Balancing internal and external accountability through performance leadership, M Crawford, D Eddy-spicer, S bubb, and P Earley


From student to graduate: Four learners’ perspectives of the professional doctorate journey, Louise A. Webber, Helen J. Goodall, Karen L. Wickett, and Valerie A. Huggins


Towards a pedagogy of hope, PN Warwick, A Warwick, and K Nash


Respecting young people’s informal learning: Circumventing strategic policy evasions, Jocey Quinn


Editorial: Professional doctorates in Education: Exploring the tensions and opportunities for those in leadership, G Czerniawski, N Pratt, and K Vigurs


Racism, Prevent and education: insisting on an open space, Joanna Haynes and Rowena Passy


Evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination, RA Passy, J Georgeson, N Schaefer, and I Kaimi


Review of the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination Provider Group quality assurance processes, J Georgeson and R Passy


Women, higher education and family capital: ‘i could not have done it without my family!’, Louise Anne Webber


Stepping through the daylight gate:compassionate spaces for learning in higher education, Joanna Haynes and Emma Macleod-Johnstone


'Supporting professional doctorate women students through identity change and turbulent times: who cares?', Louise Webber


The politics of care, compassion and concern in the contemporary academy, Suanne Gibson and Delia Baskerville


The Private Troubles and Public Issue of Selective Schooling on the Basis of Aptitude: Lessons from Lifelong Learning Histories, CL Gristy


PISA, national and regional education policies and their effect on mathematics teaching in England and Germany, Peter Kelly and Hans Georg Kotthoff


Education governance and standardised tests in Denmark and England, Peter Kelly, Karen Egedal Andreasen, Kristine Kousholt, Elizabeth McNess, and Christian Ydesen


Home-to-school transport in contemporary schooling contexts: an irony in motion, Cath Gristy and Rebecca Johnson


Writing to it: creative engagements with writing practice in and with the not yet known in today’s academy, Jonathan Wyatt and Ken Gale


A school’s journey in creating a relational environment which supports attachment and emotional security, Louise Webber


German childhood services emphasise social pedagogy, U Hohmann and V Campbell-Barr

Think of the future: managing educational change from students' perspectives of an undergraduate sustainable business programme, Paul Warwick, Lynne Wyness, and Hugh Conway


Provision for mathematically able children in primary schools: a review of practice five years after England dropped the gifted and talented initiative, Christos Dimitriadis and Jan Georgeson


“More than scaling up”: a critical and practical inquiry into operationalizing sustainability competencies, PN Warwick, S Sterling, M Rieckmann, and H Glasser


Comparative Research on the Attitudinal Competence for Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe, Barr VJG Campbell and J Georgeson


Learning approaches and lecture attendance of medical students, Madeleine Bates, Sally Curtis, and Harriet Dismore


Including students as co-enquirers: matters of identity, agency, language and labelling in an International participatory research study, Suanne Gibson, Delia Baskerville, Alison Black, Ann Berry, Kathleen Norris, and Simoni Symeonidou


It's different, it's difficult, it's unknown': Letting go of levels, N Pratt and J Alderton

Submissions from 2016


Playing the levelling field: teachers’ management of assessment in English primary schools, NM Pratt


The influence of online problem-based learning on teachers’ professional practice and identity, S Wheeler, P Kelly, and K Gale


Making Policy in the Classroom, Ulrike Hohmann


Intra-generational education: Imagining a post-age pedagogy, Joanna Haynes and Karin Murris


Ordinary? Affects? Swimming with Kathleen Stewart and Others against the Tide Race of Representation and the Heresies of Names, K Gale


The cultural construction of subject discipline knowledge: comparing ‘abstraction’ in two international contexts, Nick Pratt and Peter Kelly


Change management and the SENCo role: developing key performance indicators in the strategic development of inclusivity, L Done, M Murphy, and M Watt


‘Diversity’ ‘Widening Participation’ and ‘Inclusion’ in Higher Education: An International study., S Gibson, D Baskerville, A Berry, A Black, K Norris, and S Symeonidou


Transnational policy flows in European education: the making and governing of knowledge in the educational policy field, P Kelly


Neoliberalism and the (internal) marketisation of primary school assessment in England, N Pratt


How can both scholars and school leaders engage with educational leadership from a relational perspective?', MP Crawford


An integrated leadership model for leading Education for Sustainability in Higher Education and the vital role of students as change agents, Paul Warwick


Governing bodies, headteacher performance and pay: the role of external advisers, P Earley, S Bubb, D Eddy-Spicer, M Crawford, and C James


Reflective writing: I wouldn’t start from here – examining a professional development initiative to enhance the scholarly activity of English HE in FE lecturers, Liz McKenzie, Rebecca Turner, and Ken Gale


Learning to learn in higher education: developing a modus vivendi, Harriet Dismore

Submissions from 2015


Standardised testing in compulsory schooling in England and Denmark: A comparative study and analysis, K Andreasen, P Kelly, K Kousholt, E McNess, and C Ydesen


The role of transnational networking for higher education academics, Kelly Wakefield and Harriet Dismore

Engaging with and moving on from participatory research: A personal reflection, Cath Gristy


The positions of primary and secondary schools in the English school field: a case of durable inequality, J Coldron, M Crawford, S Jones, and T Simkins


Narrative explorations into the professional development of lecturers teaching higher education in English further education colleges, Rebecca Turner, Tony Brown, Andrew Edwards-Jones, Julie Hughes, Alison Banks, Janet Bardsley, Yvette Bryan, Claire Gray, Amanda Isaac, Judith Mann, Maureen Mason, Liz McKenzie, Julie Osborn, Martin Rowe, Mark Stone, and Rachel Wilkinson


Can we have an international approach to child-centred early childhood practice?, Jan Georgeson, Verity Campbell-Barr, Éva Bakosi, Magdolna Nemes, Sándor Pálfi, and Paolo Sorzio


Responding to contestation in teaching and learning projects in the Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in the United Kingdom, David Gosling and Rebecca Turner


Mature women and higher education: reconstructing identity and family relationships, Louise Webber


A Storm in a Tea-Cup? "Making a Difference' in Two Sure Start Children's Centres, Marie Lavelle

Submissions from 2014


Graduate teaching assistants: responding to the challenges of internationalisation, Jennie Winter, Rebecca Turner, Sharon Gedye, Patricia Nash, and Vivien Grant


Experiencing the transition from an apprenticeship to higher education, Harriet Dismore


From apprenticeship to higher education: navigating the credential landscape, Harriet Dismore


Doing Educational Research in Rural Settings: Methodological issues, international perspectives and practical solutions, CL Gristy


‘Writing my first academic article feels like dancing around naked’: research development for higher education lecturers working in further education colleges, Rebecca Turner, Tony Brown, and Andrew Edwards-Jones


Accessing HE for non-traditional students: ‘Outside of my position’, Louise Webber


Implications of localism in educational policy on the aspirations of young people in Cornwall, RA Boyask, T Rees, C Gristy, and H Knowler


Intercultural comparative research:rethinking insider and outsider perspectives, Peter Kelly

Submissions from 2013


A social constructivist approach to introducing skills for employment to Foundation Degree students, L. Rutt, C. Gray, R. Turner, J. Swain, S. Hulme, and R. Pomeroy


Comparing teacher roles in Denmark and England, Peter Kelly, Hans Dorf, Nick Pratt, and Ulrike Hohmann


Coaching of staff in schools: what can we learn from the new role of the Masters in Teaching and Learning in-school coach for schools and the higher education tutors working alongside them?, Julie Anderson and Cath Gristy

Submissions from 2012


Rewarding Excellent Teaching: The Translation of a Policy Initiative in the United Kingdom, Rebecca Turner and David Gosling


The central importance of peer relationships for student engagement and well being in a rural secondary school, Cath Gristy


Teachers as mediators: an exploration of situated English teaching, Peter Kelly, Ulrike Hohmann, Nick Pratt, and Hans Dorf


Varieties of teacher expertise in teaching Danish language and literature in lower secondary schools, H Dorf, P Kelly, N Pratt, and U Hohmann

Submissions from 2011


Tension of APEL: perceptions of higher education in further education lecturers, Harriet Dismore, Anne McDermott, Neil Witt, Robert Stillwell, Sophie Neville, and Mark Stone


Unconsidered activity, craft expertise and reflective practice in teaching, Peter Kelly


Communities of praxis, scholarship and practice styles of the HE in FE professional, K. Gale, R. Turner, and Kenzie L Mc


A different way to think about creativity: the case of autism and Outsider Art, RK McKenzie

Submissions from 2010


Teaching and Research within Further Education Colleges: chalk and cheese?, M Mason, J Bardsley, J Mann, and R Turner

Submissions from 2009


'Square peg- round hole': the emerging professional identities of HE in FE lecturersworking in a partner college network in south-west England, Rebecca Turner, Liz McKenzie, and Mark Stone