- Ken Gale: 0000-0003-1296-9647
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group We have developed an approach to collaborative-writing-as-inquiry that we sometimes refer to as ‘between the twos’. Increasingly, we came to understand that the only way to continue in our process was to ‘write to it’; whatever the question, the query or the problem, it was this inducement – ‘write to it’ – that led to new experimentations and the indeterminate rhythms and refrains of the multiple that were often present in the agonistics of our practice. This is how we have been living intra-actively with desire within and against the traditional representations of research and pedagogic practice in higher education in recent years. In offering opportunities for bringing non-totalising modes of sensing to life within Deleuze and Guattari’s experimental and creative originations, and in the multiplicity and the vibrant potentialities of always becoming, we make claims for new, creatively productive writing practices in the university of the future.
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International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
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Wyatt, J., & Gale, K. (2017) 'Writing to it: creative engagements with writing practice in and with the not yet known in today’s academy', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, , pp. 1-11. Available at: 10.1080/09518398.2017.1349957