Browse research from the Plymouth Business School.


Submissions from 2016


Social Norms and Fundraising: The Trade-Off Between Enhanced Donations and Donor Identity Esteem, J Shang and A Sargeant


‘Am I employable?’: Understanding students' employability confidence and their perceived barriers to gaining employment, EF Beaumont, S Gedye, and S Richardson


Feedback for Learning Development: Tourism students' perspective, Natalie Semley, Rong Huang, and Jenna Dalton


Risk perception and management in development philanthropy, A Sargeant and J Shang


The price of everything, and the value of nothing? Stories of contribution in entrepreneurship research, S Drakopoulou Dodd, P Jones, G McElwee, and MY Haddoud


Investment scenarios and regional factors in the solar energy sector, P Liargovas and N Apostolopoulos


An exploration of consumers' response to online service recovery initiatives, W Ozuem, A Patel, KE Howell, and G Lancaster


Tourist Persuasion and Crime prevention, S Agarwal


Determinants of sustainable growth: A comparative analysis of conventional and islamic banks, T Nawaz


Empirical evidence of an integrative knowledge competence framework for ERP systems implementation in UK industries, Uchitha Jayawickrama, Shaofeng Liu, and Melanie Hudson Smith


Is it a vessel, a ship or a boat, is it just a craft, or is it merely a contrivance?, GM Gauci


University of Southampton Law Research Group Response to House of Lords Consultation on Driverless Cars, M Channon, H Stones, J Davey, J Hjalmarsson, and R Veal


A new trend for knowledge-based decision support systems design, Pascale Zaraté and Shaofeng Liu


The reform of Chinese state-owned ship crewing agencies and implications for China’s seafaring labour export, Zhiwei Zhao, Jørgen Riis Jepsen, and Lijun Tang


Vision, applications and future challenges of Internet of Things: A bibliometric study of the recent literature, D Mishra, A Gunasekaran, SJ Childe, R Dubey, T Papadopoulos, and Wamba S Fosso


Functional and territorial jurisdictions: Regulating a globalized shipping industry, KE Howell and S Bhattacharya


Small Firm Adaptive Capability, Competitive Strategy, and Performance Outcomes: Competing Mediation vs. Moderation Perspectives, George Chryssochoidis, Dimitrios Dousios, and Nikolaos Tzokas


Internal market orientation and work-family balance in family businesses, J Ruizalba, A Soares, M Vallespín, and J González Porras


A comparative study of the performance of Saudi mutual funds, AA El-Masry and D El-Mousallamy


Corporate debt maturity in the MENA region: Does institutional quality matter?, B Awartani, M Belkhir, S Boubaker, and A Maghyereh


The estimation of minimum efficient scale of the port industry, Y-J Seo and JS Park


Understanding consumer intention to participate in online travel community and effects on consumer intention to purchase travel online and WOM: an integration of innovation diffusion theory and TAM with trust, AA El-Masry and G Agag


Competition for the International Pool of Talent, Tim Krieger, Alexander Haupt, and Thomas Lange


Big Data and supply chain management: a review and bibliometric analysis, D Mishra, A Gunasekaran, T Papadopoulos, and SJ Childe


Analysis of the potential contribution of value-adding services to the competitive logistics strategy of ports, CC Okorie, N Tipi, and N Hubbard


Competitiveness in a Multipolar Port System: Striving for Regional Gateway Status in Northeast Asia, S Kim, D Kang, and J Dinwoodie


Discovering Mental Ill Health: 'Problem-Solving' in an English Magistrates' Court, M O'Reilly, J Lester, TC Auburn, C Smart, Santos G Hanley, J Annison, and D Gilling


Inside the mediation room - efficiency, voice and equity in workplace mediation, R Saundry, T Bennett, and G Wibberley


Capital structure and performance of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) banks: an assessment of credit rating, AA El-Masry


Lithuanian genocide heritage as discursive formation, CA Wight


Corporate governance and risk management in GCC Banks, AA El-Masry, T Abdelfattah, and E Elbahar


Crude oil prices and sectoral stock returns in Jordan around the Arab uprisings of 2010, E Bouri, B Awartani, and A Maghyereh


New structured knowledge network for strategic decision-making in IT innovative and implementable projects, Ali Alkhuraiji, Shaofeng Liu, Festus Oluseyi Oderanti, and Phil Megicks


We the living: the effects of living and deceased donor stories on charitable bequest giving intentions, RN James and C Routley


The directional volatility connectedness between crude oil and equity markets: New evidence from implied volatility indexes, AI Maghyereh, B Awartani, and E Bouri


The role of Big Data in explaining disaster resilience in supply chains for sustainability, T Papadopoulos, A Gunasekaran, R Dubey, N Altay, SJ Childe, and S Fosso-Wamba


Understanding employee turnover in humanitarian organizations, R Dubey, A Gunasekaran, N Altay, SJ Childe, and T Papadopoulos


Oil price forecasting using gene expression programming and artificial neural networks, AA El-Masry and M Mostafa


Understanding the determinants of hotel booking intentions and moderating role of habit, AA El-Masry and G Agag


Using Online Role-Playing Games for Entrepreneurship Training, P Rooney, N Whitton, A Keary, P Walsh, D O’byrne, J Moizer, J Lean, Ferdinando A Di, O Miglino, R Friedrich, R Asperges, and E Thomson


Understanding fans' responses to the sponsor of a rival team, Robert J. Angell, Matthew Gorton, Paul Bottomley, and John White


Union learning representatives in the UK: activity, impact and organization, R Saundry, V Antcliff, and A Hollinrake


Servitization and co-opetition in the pharmaceutical distribution: Back to basics? | Servitización y co-opetición en la distribución farmacéutica: ?vuelta a los orígenes?, J Ruizalba, A Soares, and J Morales


Issues and challenges for small countries in attracting and hosting international students: the case of Lithuania, J Urbanovič, S Wilkins, and J Huisman


Institutions and corporate capital structure in the MENA region, M Belkhir, A Maghyereh, and B Awartani


Consumers' behavioural intentions after experiencing deception or cognitive disonance caused by deceptive packaging, package downsizing or slack filling, SJK Wilkins, C Beckenuyte, and MM Butt


Don't Distract Me When I'm Media Multitasking: Toward a Theory for Raising Advertising Recall and Recognition, Robert Angell, Matthew Gorton, Johannes Sauer, Paul Bottomley, and John White


Energy sustainability in operations: an optimization study, KT Shibin, A Gunasekaran, T Papadopoulos, SJ Childe, R Dubey, and T Singh


Bullying and harassment and work-related stressors: Evidence from British small and medium enterprises, D Lewis, P Megicks, and P Jones


CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN GCC BANKS, Ahmed A. El-Masry, Tarek Abdelfattah, and Ehab Elbahar


Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Online Retailing Ethics: Consumer's perspective, AA El-Masry and G Agag


Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment, and Privatisation in Egypt and China: Preliminary Results, R Naguib and F Xu


Levels of Business to Business E-Commerce Adoption and Competitive Advantage in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Comparison Study Between Egypt and the United States, I Elbeltagi, H Hamad, J Moizer, and M Abou-Shouk


Social sustainability in the supply chain: Construct development and measurement validation, V Mani, R Agarwal, A Gunasekaran, T Papadopoulos, R Dubey, and SJ Childe


The impact of big data on world-class sustainable manufacturing, R Dubey, A Gunasekaran, SJ Childe, SF Wamba, and T Papadopoulos


Towards a theory of sustainable consumption and production: Constructs and measurement, R Dubey, A Gunasekaran, SJ Childe, T Papadopoulos, SF Wamba, and M Song


Towards Sustainable ASEAN Port Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Vietnamese Ports, Vinh V. Thai, Saeyeon Roh, and Yiik Diew Wong


Using competing models to evaluate the role of environmental pressures in ecommerce adoption by small and medium sized travel agents in a developing country, Wai Mun Lim, Mohamed A. Abou-Shouk, and Phil Megicks

Submissions from 2015


Religious Tourism and Economic Growth in Oil-Rich Countries: Evidence from Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Alodadi and James Benhin


An investigation into university extra-curricular enterprise support provision, Paul Jones and Sarah Preedy


Researching Literary Tourism, C Mansfield


What role do teaching mentors play in supporting new university lecturers to develop their teaching practices?, Rebecca Turner, Rong Huang, Oxana Poverjuc, and Lynne Wyness


Exploring critical thinking with Chinese students during induction, P Kneale and R Huang


Enablers of Six Sigma: contextual framework and its empirical validation, R Dubey, A Gunasekaran, SJ Childe, Wamba S Fosso, and T Papadopoulos

Leadership insights from the top: exploring leadership through the narratives of CEOs in India, S Tripathi, GP Prabhakar, and J Liddle


Factors affecting university image formation among prospective higher education students: the case of international branch campuses, S Wilkins and J Huisman


Research methods teaching in vocational environments: developing critical engagement with knowledge?, C. Gray, R. Turner, C. Sutton, C. Petersen, S. Stevens, J. Swain, B. Esmond, C. Schofield, and D. Thackeray


Power, buyer trustworthiness and supplier performance: Evidence from the Armenian dairy sector, Matthew Gorton, Robert Angell, Liesbeth Dries, Vardan Urutyan, Elizabeth Jackson, and John White


Does Gender Diverse Board Mean Less Earnings Management?, Khine Kyaw, Mojisola Olugbode, and Barbara Petracci


Absorptive capacity and performance: The role of customer relationship and technological capabilities in high-tech SMEs, N Tzokas, YA Kim, H Akbar, and H Al-Dajani


Dynamic transmissions between the U.S. and equity markets in the MENA countries: New evidence from pre- and post-global financial crisis, AI Maghyereh, B Awartani, and KA Hilu


Reforming marketing for sustainability: towards a framework for evolved marketing, V Hurth, J Peck, E Jackman, and E Wensing


Planning robust policing futures: modelling using multimethodology, Jonathan Moizer, David Carter, and Shaofeng Liu


Reconciling scientific reality with realpolitik: moving beyond carbon pricing to TEQs – an integrated, economy-wide emissions cap, S Chamberlin, L Maxey, and V Hurth


Equity as a Prerequisite for Stability of Cooperation on Global Public Good Provision, Wolfgang Buchholz, Alexander Haupt, and Wolfgang Peters


Stakeholder perspectives on citation and peer-based rankings of higher education journals, S Wilkins and J Huisman


The effects of lecturer commitment on student perceptions of teaching quality and student satisfaction in Chinese higher education, J Xiao and S Wilkins


An Analysis of Port Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Case of Korean Container Ports, Gi Tae Yeo, Vinh V. Thai, and Sae Yeon Roh


Green supply chain management enablers: Mixed methods research, R Dubey, A Gunasekaran, T Papadopoulos, and SJ Childe


The pre-positioning of warehouses at regional and local levels for a humanitarian relief organisation, Stephen Pettit, Saeyeon Roh, Irina Harris, and Anthony Beresford

Submissions from 2014


Film tourism: the pre-production perspective. A case study of Visit Somerset and the Hollywood story of Glastonbury., NA Semley and G Busby


‘Once a Local Surfer, Always a Local Surfer’: Local Surfing Careers in a Southwest English Village, EF Beaumont and D Brown


Corporate images' impact on consumers' product choices: The case of multinational foreign subsidiaries, S Wilkins and J Huisman


'It's not something I'm proud of but it's . . . just how I feel': local surfer perspectives of localism, E Beaumont and D Brown


Creditable behaviour? The intra-firm management of trade credit, R Boden and S Yassia Paul


Investigating the role of entrepreneurial leadership and social capital in SME competitiveness in the food and drink industry, Lise Hunter and Jonathan Lean


Leaving A Bequest: Living on Through Charitable Gifts, A Sargeant and C Routley


Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Exposure of UK Industries Using First-order Autoregressive Exponential GARCH-in-mean (EGARCH-M) Approach, Mojisola Olugbode, Ahmed El-Masry, and John Pointon


The effect of market structure, regulation, and risk on banks efficiency, AI Maghyereh and B Awartani


Chinese international students’ perspective and strategies in preparing for their future employability, Rong Huang, Rebecca Turner, and QIAN CHEN


Compulsory Insurance under EC Directive 2009/20/EC - An Adequate Solution for Victims, or is it also Time for the Abolition of Maritime Limitation of Liability and the Establishment of an International Fund as an Insurer of Last Resort?, GM Gauci


The Exchange Rate Determination and Equity Prices: Evidence from the U.K, I Litsios


Cash holding, trade credit and access to short-term bank finance, G Kling, SY Paul, and E Gonis


Enhancing the Impact of Online Simulations through Blended Learning: a Critical Incident Approach, Jonathan Lean, Jonathan Moizer, and R Newberry


Industry engagement with tourism and hospitality education: An examination of the students’ perspective, Rong Huang


The Role of Organisational Culture in the Merger of English Local Authorities into a Single Unitary Authority, Jonathan Moizer, Colin Cresswell, and Jonathan Lean

Submissions from 2013


Creating entrepreneurial sports management graduates, Amanda Jones and Paul Jones


Citizens as consumers: Profiling e-government services’ users in Egypt via data mining techniques, MM Mostafa and AA El-Masry


From principle to practice Embedding sustainability in clothing supply chain strategies, A Ashby, M Hudson Smith, and R Shand


Company Directors and CSR, AA El-Masry and N Kamal