Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2010
A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 1 - Fibres as reinforcements, John Summerscales, Nilmini P.J. Dissanayake, Amandeep S. Virk, and Wayne Hall
A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 2 - Composites, John Summerscales, Nilmini Dissanayake, Amandeep Virk, and Wayne Hall
Context-Dependent Partitioning of Motor Learning in Bimanual Movements, Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Good codes from generalised algebraic geometry codes, M Jibril, M Tomlinson, MZ Ahmed, and C Tjhai
Grounding Action Words in the Sensorimotor Interaction with the World: Experiments with a Simulated iCub Humanoid Robot., D Marocco, A Cangelosi, K Fischer, and T Belpaeme
Nucleon matrix elements with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 maximally twisted fermions, S Dinter, C Alexandrou, M Constantinou, V Drach, K Jansen, and D Renner
Sentence processing: linking language to motor chains, F Chersi, S Thill, T Ziemke, and AM Borghi
Stability, creation and annihilation of charges in gauge theories, Anton Ilderton, Martin Lavelle, and David McMullan
Strange and charmed baryons using Nf = 2 twisted mass QCD, M Papinutto, J Carbonell, V Drach, and C Alexandrou
Workspace comparisons of setup configurations for human-robot interaction, Franziska Zacharias, Ian S. Howard, Thomas Hulin, and Gerd Hirzinger
Submissions from 2009
Low-lying baryon spectrum with two dynamical twisted mass fermions, C. Alexandrou, R. Baron, J. Carbonell, V. Drach, P. Guichon, K. Jansen, T. Korzec, and O. Pène
Robust Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Strict-feedback Discrete-time Systems with Exact Output Tracking, SS Ge, C Yang, S-L Dai, ZX Jiao, and TH Lee
Physical charges in QED and QCD, A Ilderton, M Lavelle, and D McMullan
Ice internal friction: Standard theoretical perspectives on friction codified, adapted for the unusual rheology of ice, and unified, DC Hatton, PR Sammonds, and DL Feltham
KLAIR: a virtual infant for spoken language acquisition research, M Huckvale, IS Howard, and S Fagel
Nucleon form factors with dynamical twisted mass fermions, T Korzec, C Alexandrou, G Koutsou, M Brinet, J Carbonell, V Drach, P-A Harraud, and R Baron
Partially quenched study of strange baryon with Nf = 2 twisted mass fermions, V Drach
Status of ETMC simulations with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions, S Reker, R Baron, P Boucaud, A Deuzeman, V Drach, F Farchioni, V Gimenez, G Herdoiza, K Jansen, I Montvay, D Palao, E Pallante, O Pene, EE Scholz, C Urbach, M Wagner, and U Wenger
Felix - A Simulation-Tool for Neural Networks (and Dynamical Systems). User Guide., T Wennekers
Guidance on Carbon Capture Readiness and Applications under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989: consultation response, HE Huppert, MJ Golding, MA Hallworth, and et al
A modular planar robotic manipulandum with end-point torque control, Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Design, manufacture, mechanical testing and numerical modelling of an asymmetric composite crossbow limb, J. Summerscales, Amandeep S. Virk, W. Hall, S. M. Grove, and M. E. Miles
Output Feedback Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Unknown Control Directions, C Yang, SS Ge, and TH Lee
Statistics of Natural Movements Are Reflected in Motor Errors, Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, KP Koerding, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Submissions from 2008
Solution of the Gribov problem from gauge invariance, K Langfeld, T Heinzl, A Ilderton, M Lavelle, and D McMullan
Output feedback NN control for two classes of discrete-time systems with unknown control directions in a unified approach, C Yang, SS Ge, C Xiang, TY Chai, and TH Lee
Ice-limit of Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills theory, T. Heinzl, A. Ilderton, K. Langfeld, M. Lavelle, and D. McMullan
Adaptive Predictive Control Using Neural Network for a Class of Pure-feedback Systems in Discrete-time, SS Ge, C Yang, and TH Lee
Light baryon masses with dynamical twisted mass fermions, C. Alexandrou, R. Baron, B. Blossier, M. Brinet, J. Carbonell, P. Dimopoulos, V. Drach, F. Farchioni, R. Frezzotti, P. Guichon, G. Herdoiza, K. Jansen, T. Korzec, G. Koutsou, Z. Liu, C. Michael, O. Pène, A. Shindler, C. Urbach, and U. Wenger
Diffusion-controlled dissolution of a binary solid into a ternary liquid with partially-molten zone formation, DC Hatton and AW Woods
Is the ground state of Yang-Mills theory Coulombic?, T Heinzl, A Ilderton, K Langfeld, M Lavelle, W Lutz, and D McMullan
A neuroanatomically grounded Hebbian-learning model of attention-language interactions in the human brain., Max Garagnani, Thomas Wennekers, and Friedemann Pulvermüller
Composition and Decomposition in Bimanual Dynamic Learning, Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Modeling motor pattern generation in the development of infant speech production, IS Howard and P Messum
The statistics of natural hand movements, James N. Ingram, KP Kording, Ian S. Howard, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Submissions from 2007
Probing the ground state in gauge theories, T Heinzl, A Ilderton, K Langfeld, M Lavelle, W Lutz, and D McMullan
Compositional controls on melting and dissolving a salt into a ternary melt, DC Hatton and AW Woods
Giant magnetoresistance in nanoscale ferromagnetic heterocontacts, AN Useinov, RG Deminov, LR Tagirov, and G Pan
Axon and dendrite geography predict the specificity of synaptic connections in a functioning spinal cord network, WC Li, T Cooke, B Sautois, and et al
Colour, copies and confinement, A Ilderton, M Lavelle, and D McMullan
Evolution of prehension ability in an anthropomorphic neurorobotic arm, G Massera
On Computing Shannon’s Sphere Packing Bound and Applications, MZ Ahmed, MA Ambroze, and M Tomlinson
Submissions from 2006
Easy Grocery: 3D visualization in e-grocery, J Somerville, LJ Stuart, and N Barlow
The Role of Technology Support Centres in stimulating Entrepreneurship and Innovation in SME Clusters, AJ Robotham and J Gatcha
Submissions from 2005
Teaching a vocal tract simulation to imitate stop consonants, M Huckvale and I Howard
GPCALMA: a Grid-based Tool for Mammographic Screening, S Bagnasco, U Bottigli, and SC Cheran
The correlation grid: analysis of synchronous spiking in multi-dimensional spike train data and identification of feasible connection architectures, L Stuart, M Walter, and R Borisyuk
Submissions from 2004
The Representation of Neural Data using Visualization, EJ Stuart
A Neuroeconomics Approach to Inferring Utility Functions in Sensorimotor Control, Konrad P. Körding, Izumi Fukunaga, Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Submissions from 2003
A Computer Aided Detection system for mammographic images implemented on a GRID infrastructure, U Bottigli, P Cerello, P Delogu, ME Fantacci, and et al
Submissions from 2002
On Nonexistence of Magnetic Charge in Pure Yang-Mills Theories, Alex Kovner, Martin J. Lavelle, and David McMullan
Visualisation of synchronous firing in multi-dimensional spike trains, L Stuart, M Walter, and R Borisyuk
The adaptive advantage of symbolic theft over sensorimotor toil: Grounding language in perceptual categories, A Cangelosi and S Harnad
Submissions from 2001
Voronoi cells, fractal dimensions and fibre composites, J. Summerscales, F. J. Guild, N. R.L. Pearce, and P. M. Russell
Submissions from 2000
From robotic toil to symbolic theft: Grounding transfer from entry-level to higher-level categories1, A Cangelosi, A Greco, and S Harnad
Multi-Board Concept - A Scenario Based Approach for Supporting Product Quality and Life Cycle Oriented Design, AJ Robotham and M Hertzum
The Chain of Quality through Integrated Product Development, AJ Robotham
Towards a New Framework for Product Development, CT Hansen, AJ Robotham, and TC McAloone
What is the new paradigm in product quality?, AJ Robotham and M Guldbrandsen
Submissions from 1998
Creating Practitioners of Design for Quality Through Education, AJ Robotham
Problem Based Learning and its use on the Automotive Engineering Design Course at Coventry University, AJ Robotham
Submissions from 1997
Construction and Consequences of Coloured Charges in QCD, E Bagan, M Lavelle, D McMullan, B Fiol, and N Roy
Design With Attitude: A Key World Class Method, AJ Robotham and GN Blount
Submissions from 1995
Design Practice in the UK Car Industry: How Coventry University is Addressing the Needs, AJ Robotham, R Perks, RM Jones, and GN Blount
Submissions from 1994
Cell division and migration in a `genotype' for neural networks, A Cangelosi, D Parisi, and S Nolfi
Design Practice in the UK Car Industry: How Coventry University is Addressing the Needs, AJ Robotham, R Perks, RM Jones, and GN Blount
Wind Turbines In The Landscape: Final Report & Script, AJ Robotham and T Cook
Submissions from 1992
Progress in the development of a video-based wind farm simulation technique, AJ Robotham
Visual Impact Assessment - There's more to it than meets the eye!, AJ Robotham and P Quilleash
Submissions from 1991
Further developments of a neural network speech fundamental period estimation algorithm, I Howard
Submissions from 1990
Real-time portable multi-layer perceptron voice fundamental-period extractor for hearing aids and cochlear implants, J. R. Walliker and I. Howard
Submissions from 1989
Two-level recognition of isolated word using neural nets, IS Howard and MA Huckvale
Submissions from 1986
The Aerodynamic Control of the 'V' Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by Blade Tip Control, MB Anderson, SJR Powles, AJ Robotham, and DJ Sharpe
Submissions from 1985
Further Developments in the Taylor 'V' Type VAWT Concept., AJ Robotham, DJ Sharpe, DA Taylor, and GA Boyle
Submissions from 1966
Quantitative comparisons between time domain speech fundamental frequency estimation algorithms,, I Howard and D Howard