Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2017
A computational model of the evolution of antipredator behavior in situations with temporal variation of danger using simulated robots, D Pacella, M Ponticorvo, O Gigliotta, and O Miglino
Active lead-in variability affects motor memory formation and slows motor learning, Ian S. Howard, Christopher Ford, Angelo Cangelosi, and David W. Franklin
RANS-VOF modelling of the Wavestar point absorber, E. J. Ransley, D. M. Greaves, A. Raby, D. Simmonds, M. M. Jakobsen, and M. Kramer
Survivability of wave energy converters using CFD, E. J. Ransley, D. Greaves, A. Raby, D. Simmonds, and M. Hann
An SDN-approach for QoE management of multimedia services using resource allocation, AA Barakabitze, L Sun, A Luigi, V Pilloni, and E Grigoriou
Performance of 2D SOVA along and across track in shingled magnetic recording media, Muhammad B. Abdulrazaq, Mohammed Z. Ahmed, and Paul Davey
Superintegrable relativistic systems in spacetime-dependent background fields, T. Heinzl and A. Ilderton
Jellyfish inspired soft robot prototype which uses circumferential contraction for jet propulsion, G Bridge, M Raach, and MF Stoelen
An Open-Source Tele-Operated Mobile Manipulator: CHAP V1, G Bugmann, D Cassidy, P Doyle, and K Singh Mann
Recovery of a Humanoid Robot from a Destabilising Impact, CD Wallbridge and G Bugmann
Soft robotic snake with variable stiffness actuation, J Sheard, R Draper, M Troughton, and MF Stoelen
BBIOS: A Characterization of Evolutionary Algorithm Stability, MJ Craven and SP Martin
Exploring the (Efficient) Frontiers of Portfolio Optimization, MJ Craven and DI Graham
Advanced Correlation Grid: Analysis and Visualisation of Functional Connectivity among Multiple Spike Trains, MS Masud, R Borisyuk, and L Stuart
A Label-Free and Ultrasensitive Immunosensor for Detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Based on Graphene FETs, Kamrul Islam, Ahmed Suhail, and Genhua Pan
Higuchi fractal dimension of the electroencephalogram as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, Ali H. Al-Nuaimi, Emmanuel Jammeh, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor
Improving the Representation of the Fragility of Coastal Structures, R. Jane, D. Simmonds, J. Simm, B. Gouldby, A. Raby, and Valle L Dalla
A novel privacy preserving user identification approach for network traffic, F. Li, N. Clarke, and S. Furnell
Frequency Domain Modelling of a Compressible Wave Energy Device, SA Brown, DM Greaves, M Hann, A Kurniawan, and D Forehand
Numerical Modelling of a Floating OWC-WEC Using CFD, E Ransley, SA Brown, B Howey, K Collins, and D Greaves
The validity of numerical models for testing the survivability of WECs, P-H Musiedlak, D Greaves, E Ransley, M Hann, G Iglesias, and B Child
Cache partitioning + loop tiling: A methodology for effective shared cache management”, Vasilios Kelefouras, Georgios Keramidas, and Nikolaos Voros
Neurorobotic Simulations on the Degradation of Multiple Column Liquid State Machines, R de Azambuja, D Garcia, MF Stoelen, and A Cangelosi
Alternative infill strategies for expensive multi-objective optimisation, A Rahat, R Everson, and J Fieldsend
Controlled tactile exploration and haptic object recognition, M Regoli, N Jamali, G Metta, and L Natale
Distributed event-triggered control for multi-agent formation stabilization, C Viel, S Bertrand, M Kieffer, and H Piet-Lahanier
Experimental evaluation of CTOD in constant amplitude fatigue crack growth from crack tip displacement fields, JM Vasco-Olmo, FA Díaz, FV Antunes, and MN James
Human-Robot Interaction and Neuroprosthetics: A review of new technologies, A Cangelosi and S Invitto
Discussion on "Random-projection ensemble classification" by T.I. Cannings and R.J. Samworth, J Stander and Valle L Dalla
Disability, social inclusion and the marketing of tourist attractions, I Cloquet, M Palomino, G Shaw, G Stephen, and T Taylor
SPH Modelling of the Impact of a Flat Plate upon an Aerated Water Surface, H Sdiq, DI Graham, and JP Hughes
Biological attenuation of arsenic and iron in a continuous flow bioreactor treating acid mine drainage (AMD), L Fernandez-Rojo, M Héry, P Le Pape, C Braungardt, and et al
Forensic identification of bast fibres, J. Summerscales, D Ray, and C. Gwinnett
A Review of Network Models for Internet of Vehicles, AI Khan, C Goh, C Lim, and S Sharma
Magnetically Assisted Bilayer Composites for Soft Bending Actuators, S-H Jang, S-H Na, and Y-L Park
Optimizing the Decoding Complexity of PEG-Based Methods with an Improved Hybrid Iterative/Gaussian Elimination Decoding Algorithm, R Alkanhel and MA Ambroze
An Alternative Method to Niskin Sampling for Molecular Analysis of the Marine Environment, Michael J. Allen, Jonathan Teague, Thomas B. Scott, Sanjay Sharma, and G George
Challenges of future multimedia QoE monitoring for internet service providers, Werner Robitza, Arslan Ahmad, Peter A. Kara, Luigi Atzori, Maria G. Martini, Alexander Raake, and Lingfen Sun
Artificial Cognition for Social Human-Robot Interaction: An Implementation, S Lemaignan, M Warnier, EA Sisbot, A Clodic, and R Alami
Robot education peers in a situated primary school study: Personalisation promotes child learning, P Baxter, E Ashurst, R Read, J Kennedy, and T Belpaeme
Effects of Support Structures in an LES Actuator Line Model of a Tidal Turbine with Contra-Rotating Rotors, Angus C.W. Creech, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, and David Ingram
Short-Term Plasticity in a Liquid State Machine Biomimetic Robot Arm Controller, R de Azambuja, FB Klein, SV Adams, MF Stoelen, and A Cangelosi
How to Build a Supervised Autonomous System for Robot-Enhanced Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, PG Esteban, P Baxter, T Belpaeme, E Billing, H Cai, H-L Cao, M Coeckelbergh, C Costescu, D David, Beir A De, Y Fang, Z Ju, J Kennedy, H Liu, A Mazel, A Pandey, K Richardson, E Senft, S Thill, de Perre G Van, B Vanderborght, D Vernon, H Yu, and T Ziemke
Antifungal properties and biocompatibility of silver nanoparticle coatings on silicone maxillofacial prostheses in vitro, Alexandros Besinis, Zhala Meran, Peralta T De, and Richard D. Handy
Path Planning of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle based on Artificial Potential Fields in a Real Time Marine Environment, Y Singh, S Sharma, R Sutton, and D Hatton
Incremental robot learning of new objects with fixed update time, R Camoriano, G Pasquale, C Ciliberto, and et al
Positioning control on a collaborative robot by sensor fusion with liquid state machines, D Alberto Sala, V Joao Brusamarello, R de Azambuja, and A Cangelosi
Infiltration of meteoric water in the South Tibetan Detachment (Mount Everest, Himalaya): When and why?, A Gébelin, MJ Jessup, C Teyssier, MA Cosca, and et al
Mechanical properties, drying shrinkage, and creep of concrete containing lithium slag, Long yuan Li
The Impact of Robot Tutor Nonverbal Social Behavior on Child Learning, J Kennedy, P Baxter, and T Belpaeme
Acceptable Risk Analysis for Abrupt Environmental Pollution Accidents in Zhangjiakou City, China, Xi Du, Zhijiao Zhang, Lei Dong, J Liu, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, and R Liu
Modelling of the buckling of a diaphragm–spine structure for a wave energy converter, K. M. Collins, M. Meng, H. R. Le, D. Greaves, and N. W. Bellamy
Wave energy absorption by a submerged air bag connected to a rigid float, A. Kurniawan, J. R. Chaplin, M. R. Hann, D. M. Greaves, and F. J.M. Farley
A simplified model for TIG-dressing numerical simulation, P Ferro, F Berto, and MN James
Assessment of the energy extraction potential at tidal sites around the Channel Islands, D. S. Coles, L. S. Blunden, and A. S. Bahaj
Consolidation process boundaries of the degradation of mechanical properties in compression moulding of natural-fibre bio-polymer composites, Hossein Mohammad Khanlou, Peter Woodfield, John Summerscales, and Wayne Hall
Robotic actuation of a 2D mechanical vocal tract, I Howard
Supervised autonomy for online learning in human-robot interaction, E Senft, P Baxter, J Kennedy, S Lemaignan, and T Belpaeme
Antibacterial activity and biofilm inhibition by surface modified titanium alloy medical implants following application of silver, titanium dioxide and hydroxyapatite nanocoatings, A. Besinis, S. D. Hadi, H. R. Le, C. Tredwin, and R. D. Handy
Dynamic positioning of an uninhabited surface vehicle using state-dependent Riccati equation and pseudospectral method, Yufei Zhuang, Haibin Huang, Sanjay Sharma, and Dianguo Xu
Residual stresses in condition monitoring and repair of thermal power generation components, MN James, DG Hattingh, D Asquith, M Newby, and P Doubell
Cellulo: Versatile Handheld Robots for Education, A Özgür, S Lemaignan, W Johal, M Beltran, and et al
Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: Evaluations and Recommendations, J Kennedy, S Lemaignan, C Montassier, P Lavalade, B Irfan, F Papadopoulos, E Senft, and T Belpaeme
Leveraging Human Inputs in Interactive Machine Learning for Human Robot Interaction, E Senft, S Lemaignan, P Baxter, and T Belpaeme
Quantum Quenching of Radiation Losses in Short Laser Pulses, CN Harvey, A Gonoskov, A Ilderton, and M Marklund
Depletion of Intense Fields, S. S. Bulanov, D. Seipt, T. Heinzl, M. Marklund, and AIP
The Effect of Age on Engagement in Preschoolers' Child-Robot Interactions, P Baxter, C De Jong, R Aarts, M de Haas, and P Vogt
Reaction times in visual search can be explained by a simple model of neural synchronization, Y Kazanovich and R Borisyuk
Using the Lid-Driven Cavity Flow to Validate Moment-Based Boundary Conditions for the Lattice Boltzmann Equation, S Mohammed and T Reis
Towards automating underwater measurement of fish length: a comparison of semi-automatic and manual stereo–video measurements, F Shafait, ES Harvey, MR Shortis, A Mian, and et al
Renormalisation of the scalar energy-momentum tensor with the Wilson flow, S Ehret, F Capponi, Debbio L Del, R Pellegrini, A Portelli, and A Rago
The scalar sector of $SU(2)$ gauge theory with $N_F=2$ fundamental flavours, V Drach, T Janowski, C Pica, J Rantaharju, and F Sannino
Micromechanics of sea ice frictional slip from test basin scale experiments, PR Sammonds, DC Hatton, and DL Feltham
A Spiking Neuron Model of Word Associations for the Remote Associates Test, Ivana Kajić, Jan Gosmann, Terrence C. Stewart, Thomas Wennekers, and Chris Eliasmith
Making sense of words: a robotic model for language abstraction, F Stramandinoli, D Marocco, and A Cangelosi
Computing the density of states with the global Hybrid Monte Carlo, R Pellegrini, B Lucini, A Rago, and D Vadacchino
Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model with Wilson fermions, Jarno Rantaharju, Vincent Drach, Claudio Pica, and Francesco Sannino
Understanding Spatial Related Network Challenges from Physical and Network Layers, Cheng Leong Lim, Cindy Goh, Asiya Khan, and Yun Li
Video quality management over the software defined networking, IH Mkwawa, AA Barakabitze, and L Sun
A Spiking Neurocomputational Model of High-Frequency Oscillatory Brain Responses to Words and Pseudowords, Max Garagnani, Guglielmo Lucchese, Rosario Tomasello, Thomas Wennekers, and Friedemann Pulvermüller
Learning Robot Control using a Hierarchical SOM-based Encoding, TS Dahl and G Pierris
State of the Art and Recent Research Advances in Software Defined Networking, Taimur Bakhshi
The Evolution of Android Malware and Android Analysis Techniques, Kimberly Tam, Ali Feizollah, Nor Badrul Anuar, Rosli Salleh, and Lorenzo Cavallaro
Adaptive Neural Network Control of AUVs With Control Input Nonlinearities Using Reinforcement Learning, Rongxin Cui, Chenguang Yang, Yang Li, and Sanjay Sharma
Real-time kinetic binding studies at attomolar concentrations in solution phase using a single-stage opto-biosensing platform based upon infrared surface plasmons, T Allsop, C Mou, R Neal, S Mariani, and et al
A genetic programming framework for 2D Platform AI, SE Gaudl
Air permeability of balsa core, and its influence on defect formation in resin infused sandwich laminates, RK Cullen, SM Grove, and J Summerscales
A methodology pruning the search space of six compiler transformations by addressing them together as one problem and by exploiting the hardware architecture details, Vasilios Kelefouras
A modular architecture for transparent computation in recurrent neural networks, GS Carmantini, P beim Graben, M Desroches, and S Rodrigues
Analytical investigation of hydrodynamic performance of a dual pontoon WEC-type breakwater, De Zhi Ning, X-L Zhao, M Zhao, Martyn Hann, and Hai Gui Kang
AndroDialysis: Analysis of Android Intent Effectiveness in Malware Detection, A Feizollah, NB Anuar, R Salleh, G Suarez-Tangil, and S Furnell
Antarctic sea ice region as a source of biogenic organic nitrogen in aerosols, M Dall’Osto, Jurgita Ovadnevaite, Marco Paglione, David C.S. Beddows, Darius Ceburnis, Charlotte Cree, Pau Cortés, Marina Zamanillo, Sdena O. Nunes, Gonzalo L. Pérez, Eva Ortega-Retuerta, Mikhail Emelianov, Dolors Vaqué, Cèlia Marrasé, Marta Estrada, M. Montserrat Sala, Montserrat Vidal, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Rachael Beale, Ruth Airs, Matteo Rinaldi, Stefano Decesari, Facchini M Cristina, Roy M. Harrison, C O’Dowd, and Rafel Simó
Applied Gaussian Process in Optimizing Unburned Carbon Content in Fly Ash for Boiler Combustion, C Wang, Y Liu, RM Everson, AAM Rahat, and S Zheng
A Robust e-Invigilation System Employing Multimodal Biometric Authentication, SS Ketab, NL Clarke, and PS Dowland
Assay of IP mobility management in SDN based mobile network architecture, M. Dawood, W. Fuhrmann, and B. V. Ghita
Asymptotic residual stress distribution induced by multipass welding processes, P Ferro, F Berto, and NM James