- AJ Robotham: 0000-0002-0470-1539
This paper describes the development of the Taylor 'V' Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (V-VAWT) which was first described at the 1983 ISES Solar Energy Congress in Perth, Australia. The aerodynamic performance prediction model VAWTTAY has been enhanced in VAWTTAY6. Further wind tunnel tests have been carried out using two-bladed models, and two of these are described. These tests have produced results which are close to the values predicted by VAWTTAY6, and results which have demonstrated that power control of the V-VAWT can be achieved by varying the pitch of the blade tips. The design of a prototype 5kW machine, that utilises lightweight, composite blades, and the continued development of the V-VAWT concept are discussed.
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Default journal
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Recommended Citation
Robotham, A., Sharpe, D., Taylor, D., & Boyle, G. (1985) 'Further Developments in the Taylor 'V' Type VAWT Concept.', Default journal, , pp. 2042-2046. Retrieved from https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk/secam-research/45