Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.


Submissions from 2016


A stiffened plate buckling model for calculating critical stress of distortional buckling of CFS beams, Long yuan Li


MORI: An Innovative Mobile Applications Data Risk Assessment Model, S Alotaibi, S Furnell, and N Clarke


Sentiments, surnames and so long EU, J Stander, Valle L Dalla, and Borja M Cortina


Wave Structure Interaction Computation and Experiment Roadmap Part 1: A Report on the 1st CCP-WSI Focus Group Workshop, E Ransley, C Jones, Q Ma, G Poulter, L Qian, G Tabor, S Yan, J Zang, and D Greaves


Very special relativity as a background field theory, A Ilderton


Prediction of chloride diffusion coefficients in concrete using meso-scale multi-phase transport models, L Li


2D Recurrent Neural Networks for Robust Visual Tracking of Non-Rigid Bodies, GL Masala, M tistarelli, B golosio, and E grosso


Co-exploring Actuator Antagonism and Bio-inspired Control in a Printable Robot Arm, MF Stoelen, F Bonsignorio, and A Cangelosi


25th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS-2016, Various Authors


An application of the generalized Poisson difference distribution to the Bayesian modelling of football scores, G Shahtahmassebi and R Moyeed


An interval Kalman filter-based fuzzy multi-sensor fusion approach for fault-tolerant heading estimation of an autonomous surface vehicle, Amit Motwani, Wenwen Liu, Sanjay Sharma, Robert Sutton, and Richard Bucknall


Assessment of crack tip plastic zone size and shape and its influence on crack tip shielding, J. M. Vasco-Olmo, M. N. James, C. J. Christopher, E. A. Patterson, and F. A. Díaz


Brexit: surname diversity and voting patterns, Mario Cortina Borja, Julian Stander, and Valle L Dalla


Changes in the EEG amplitude as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, Ali H. Al-Nuaimi, Emmanuel Jammeh, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor


Creep analysis of concrete with different mineral admixtures, Shigui Du, Zhihai He, Chunxiang Qian, and Longyuan Li


Evaluation of turbulence closure models under spilling and plunging breakers in the surf zone, S. A. Brown, D. M. Greaves, V. Magar, and D. C. Conley


Irregular wave runup statistics on plane beaches: application of a Boussinesq-type model incorporating a generating-absorbing sponge layer and second-order wave generation, Colm J. Fitzgerald, Paul H. Taylor, Jana Orszaghova, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Colin Whittaker, and Alison C. Raby


Lateral specialization in unilateral spatial neglect: a cognitive robotics model, D Conti, S Di Nuovo, A Cangelosi, and A Di Nuovo


The average shape of large waves in the coastal zone, C. N. Whittaker, A. C. Raby, C. J. Fitzgerald, and P. H. Taylor


The turbulent wake of a monopile foundation, C. Rogan, J. Miles, D. Simmonds, and G. Iglesias


$SU(2)$ Gauge Theory with Two Fundamental Flavours: Scalar and Pseudoscalar Spectrum, R Arthur, V Drach, A Hietanen, C Pica, and F Sannino


Image Set based Fish Identification in Unconstrained Environments from Underwater Videos, PF Culverhouse, F Shafait, M Shortis, B Ghanem, and et al


Conformal symmetry vs. chiral symmetry breaking in the SU(3) sextet model, M Hansen, V Drach, A Hietanen, C Pica, and F Sannino


Renormalisation of the energy-momentum tensor in scalar field theory using the Wilson flow, S Ehret, F Capponi, A Rago, Debbio L Del, and R Pellegrini


Template Composite Dark Matter : SU(2) gauge theory with 2 fundamental flavours., V Drach, A Hietanen, C Pica, J Rantaharju, and F Sannino


Wilson Fermions with Four Fermion Interactions, J Rantaharju, V Drach, A Hietanen, C Pica, and F Sannino


Investigating Pedagogical Techniques in Classroom Interactions at a CELTA Training Programme, Rahman M Shidur


Developing a National Community-serving Numerical Wave Tank Facility, EJ Ransley, D Greaves, D Graham, A Kyte, L Qian, D Causon, C Mingham, J Zang, Q Ma, G Tabor, C Jones, and G Poulter


Evaluation of a Floating Tidal Turbine Device using a Coupled CFD Approach, SA Brown, EJ Ransley, D Greaves, S Hindley, P Weston, and E Guerrini


Finite-element analysis of a piled embankment with reinforcement and subsoil, Y Zhuang and EA Ellis


Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Water Waves based on Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Theory in OpenFOAM-Extend, DI Graham, K langfeld, A mehmood, and Deborah Greaves


On Internet Traffic Classification: A Two-Phased Machine Learning Approach, Taimur Bakhshi and Bogdan Ghita


The Virtual Source Approach to Non-Linear Potential Flow Simulations, DI Graham, K Langfeld, D Greaves, A Mehmood, and T Reis


Adaptive tuning functions arise from visual observation of past movement, Ian S. Howard and David W. Franklin


Discrete derived categories I: homomorphisms, autoequivalences and t-structures, David Pauksztello, Nathan Broomhead, and David Ploog


Lateral transport of soil carbon and land−atmosphere CO 2 flux induced by water erosion in China, Jinren Ni, Yao Yue, Philippe Ciais, Shilong Piao, T Wang, Mengtian Huang, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Tianhong Li, Y Wang, Adrian Chappell, and Oost K Van


Designing aluminium friction stir welded joints against multiaxial fatigue, L Susmel, DG Hattingh, MN James, E Maggiolini, and R Tovo


Geometric parameters for a 2D-Numerical Wave Tank, P-H Musiedlak, D Greaves, E Ransley, G Iglesias, M Hann, and B Child


An efficient algorithm for numerical computations of continuous densities of states, B. Lucini, K. Langfeld, R. Pellegrini, and A. Rago


A holistic method for selecting tidal stream energy hotspots under technical, economic and functional constraints, A Vazquez and G Iglesias


Asymptotic residual stresses in butt-welded joints under fatigue loading, P Ferro, F Berto, and MN James


Axial compression buckling of castellated columns at elevated temperatures, Long Yuan Li


Damage assessment and refurbishment of steam turbine blade/rotor attachment holes, DG Hattingh, MN James, M Newby, R Scheepers, and P Doubell


ICEAF-IV Engineering Against Failure, F Berto and NM James


Improving the Performance Against Force Variation of EMG Controlled Multifunctional Upper-Limb Prostheses for Transradial Amputees, Ali H. Al-Timemy, Rami N. Khushaba, Guido Bugmann, and Javier Escudero


Ranking of fibre-reinforced composite plate surface finish quality by wavelet texture analysis, S. Palmer, W. Hall, and J. Summerscales


Wave energy in Europe: Views on experiences and progress to date, AM O’Hagan, C. Huertas, J O’Callaghan, and D. Greaves


Analysis of high velocity free surface flow interaction with a bridge pier in a trapezoidal channel using CFD, AA Abo, RJ Muhammad, A Raby, A Kyte, and DM Greaves


Discovery of Novel Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease from Blood, Xinzhong Li, Jintao Long, Genhua Pan, Emmanuel Ifeachor, and Robert Belshaw


Wave power absorption by a submerged balloon fixed to the sea bed, Adi Kurniawan and Deborah Greaves


Developing Innovative Tool to Enhance the Effectiveness of Decision Support System, F Almansour and L Stuart


Graphical One-Time Password (GOTPass): A usability evaluation, H Alsaiari, M Papadaki, P Haskell-Dowland, and SM Furnell


The Symmetry of Partner Modelling, P Dillenbourg, S Lemaignan, M Sangin, N Nova, and G Molinari


Embodied Language Learning and Cognitive Bootstrapping: Methods and Design Principles, C Lyon, CL Nehaniv, J Saunders, T Belpaeme, A Bisio, K Fischer, F Förster, H Lehmann, G Metta, V Mohan, A Morse, S Nolfi, F Nori, K Rohlfing, A Sciutti, J Tani, E Tuci, B Wrede, A Zeschel, and A Cangelosi


Incremental semiparametric inverse dynamics learning, R Camoriano, S Traversaro, L Rosasco, G Metta, and F Nori


Coupled RANS-VOF Modelling of Floating Tidal Stream Concepts, EJ Ransley, SA Brown, DM Greaves, S Hindley, P Weston, E Guerrini, and R Starzmann


Worldline approach to helicity flip in plane waves, A Ilderton and G Torgrimsson


Numerical simulation and experimental verification of heating performance of an integrally water-heated tool, Rzgar Abdalrahman, Stephen Grove, Adam Kyte, and Md Jahir Rizvi

Towards a Mechanical Vocal Apparatus for Vowel Production, I Howard


Influence of Coalescence on the Anisotropic Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Nickel Powder/Polydimethylsiloxane Composites, S-H Jang, Y-L Park, and H Yin


Influence of Carbon Nanotube Clustering on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Cement Pastes, S-H Jang, S Kawashima, and H Yin


Crack initiation and propagation paths in small diameter FSW 6082-T6 aluminium tubes under fatigue loading, R Tovo, L Susmel, MN James, DG Hattingh, and E Maggiolini


RANS-VOF Modelling of Floating Tidal Stream Systems, EJ Ransley, SA Brown, DM Greaves, S Hindley, P Weston, E Guerrini, and R Starzmann


Multi-scale modelling of moisture diffusion coupled with stress distribution in CFRP laminated composites, H. R. Le, M. Meng, M. J. Rizvi, and S. M. Grove


Large volumes and spectroscopy of walking theories, Debbio L Del, B. Lucini, A. Patella, C. Pica, and A. Rago


Providing a Robot with Learning Abilities Improves its Perception by Users, E Senft, P Baxter, J Kennedy, S Lemaignan, and T Belpaeme


Prospects for studying vacuum polarisation using dipole and synchrotron radiation, A Ilderton and M Marklund


Photonic gas sensors exploiting directly the optical properties of hybrid carbon nanotube localized surface plasmon structures, T Allsop, R Arif, R Neal, K Kalli, and et al


Spatial Language and Converseness., M Burigo, KR Coventry, A Cangelosi, and D Lynott


Time-coded neurotransmitter release at excitatory and inhibitory synapses, S Rodrigues, M Desroches, M Krupa, and et al


Transport conductivity of graphene at RF and microwave frequencies, S. A. Awan, A. Lombardo, A. Colli, G. Privitera, T. S. Kulmala, J. M. Kivioja, M. Koshino, and A. C. Ferrari


Taylor’s power law and the statistical modelling of infectious disease surveillance data, DG Enki, A Noufaily, P Farrington, P Garthwaite, and N Andrews


How Long Can Pope Francis Expect to Live, J Stander, Valle L Dalla, and Borja M Cortina


Pure and aerated water entry of a flat plate, Z. H. Ma, D. M. Causon, L. Qian, C. G. Mingham, T. Mai, D. Greaves, and A. Raby


The Online Dissemination of Nature–Health Concepts: Lessons from Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Relating to “Nature-Deficit Disorder”, M Palomino, T Taylor, A Göker, J Isaacs, and S Warber


Activity Recognition using wearable computing, Neamah Al-Naffakh, Nathan Clarke, Paul Dowland, and Fudong Li


A Floating Ocean Energy Conversion Device and Numerical Study on Buoy Shape and Performance, Ruiyin Song, Meiqin Zhang, Xiaohua Qian, Xiancheng Wang, Yong Ming Dai, and Junhua Chen


A forensic acquisition and analysis system for IaaS, Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, and Christoph Reich


An advanced micro-bio-loop to produce biogas, Qiang Jin and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


A parallel evolutionary approach to solving systems of equations in polycyclic groups, Matthew J. Craven and Daniel Robertz


Area-Throughput Trade-Offs for SHA-1 and SHA-256 Hash Functions’ Pipelined Designs, Harris E. Michail, George S. Athanasiou, Vasileios I. Kelefouras, George Theodoridis, Thanos Stouraitis, and Costas E. Goutis


A suspect-oriented intelligent and automated computer forensic analysis, F. Li, Fahdi M Al, N. L. Clarke, and S. M. Furnell


A video game design based on Emotiv Neuroheadset, Chenguang Yang, Rijin Raju, Chunxu Li, and Angelo Cangelosi


BSMBench: A Flexible and Scalable HPC Benchmark from Beyond the Standard Model Physics, Ed Bennett, Biagio Lucini, Debbio L Del, Kirk Jordan, Agostino Patella, Claudio Pica, and Antonio Rago


BSMBench: A Flexible and Scalable HPC Benchmark from Beyond the Standard Model Physics, E Bennett, B Lucini, Debbi L Del, K Jordan, A Patella, C Pica, and A Rago


Changes in the EEG amplitude as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease., Ali H. Al-Nuaimi, Emmanuel Jammeh, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor


Classical and quantum particle dynamics in univariate background fields, T Heinzl, A Ilderton, and B King


Continuous and transparent multimodal authentication: reviewing the state of the art, Abdulwahid Al Abdulwahid, Nathan Clarke, Ingo Stengel, Steven Furnell, and Christoph Reich


Crack path and fracture analysis in FSW of small diameter 6082-T6 aluminium tubes under tension-torsion loading, E Maggiolini, R Tovo, L Susmel, MN James, and DG Hattingh


Default probability estimation via pair copula constructions, Claudia Tarantola, L Dalla Valle, Giuli ME De, and Claudio Manelli


Development of a dynamics model for the Baxter robot, Chenguang Yang, Alex Smith, Chunxu Li, Hongbin Ma, and Lijun Zhao


Development of a user experience enhanced teleoperation approach, Chenguang Yang, Junshen Chen, Marc Glover, and Chunxu Li


Development of Kinect based teleoperation of Nao robot, Chenguang Yang, Chunxu Li, Peidong Liang, Angelo Cangelosi, and Jian Wan


DroidScribe: Classifying Android Malware Based on Runtime Behavior, Santanu Kumar Dash, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Salahuddin Khan, Kimberly Tam, Mansour Ahmadi, Johannes Kinder, and Lorenzo Cavallaro


Efficient electrochemical oxidation of thallium (I) in groundwater using boron-doped diamond anode, Baogang Zhang, Yunlong Li, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, and Yujiao Long


Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering experiences from wave energy test centres in Europe, Deborah Greaves, Daniel Conley, Davide Magagna, Eduardo Aires, Leitão J Chambel, Matthew Witt, Clare B. Embling, Brendan J. Godley, Anthony W.J. Bicknell, Jean Baptiste Saulnier, Teresa Simas, AM O’Hagan, J O’Callaghan, Brian Holmes, Jan Sundberg, Yago Torre-Enciso, and Dorleta Marina


Evaluation of the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) assay for environmental assessment of nanomaterials, J Vassallo, A Besinis, R Boden, and RD Handy


Experimental validation of the distributed drag method for simulating large marine current turbine arrays using porous fences, D. S. Coles, L. S. Blunden, and A. S. Bahaj


From Characterising Three Years of HRI to Methodology and Reporting Recommendations, P Baxter, J Kennedy, E Senft, S Lemaignan, and T Belpaeme


Guest editorial: characterisation of crack tip fields, L Susmel, MN James, Y Hong, and F Iacoviello