Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2015
On learning time delays between the spikes from different input neurons in a biophysical model of a pyramidal neuron, Chris Christodoulou, Achilleas Koutsou, and Guido Bugmann
Online Assessment of Negotiation Skills through 3D Role Play Simulation, D Pacella, A Di Ferdinando, E Dell'Aquila, and D Marocco
Posture affects how robots and infants map words to objects., AF Morse, VL Benitez, T Belpaeme, A Cangelosi, and LB Smith
Prioritized motion–force control of constrained fully-actuated robots: “Task Space Inverse Dynamics”, A Del Prete, F Nori, G Metta, and L Natale
Robust Adaptive Control of an Uninhabited Surface Vehicle, A. S.K. Annamalai, R. Sutton, C. Yang, P. Culverhouse, and S. Sharma
Snatch loading of a single taut moored floating wave energy converter due to focussed wave groups, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves, and Alison Raby
Testing numerical implementations of strong-field electrodynamics, C. N. Harvey, A. Ilderton, and B. King
The density of states approach at finite chemical potential: A numerical study of the Bose gas., R Pellegrini, L Bongiovanni, K Langfeld, B Lucini, and A Rago
The effects of unequal compressive/tensile moduli of composites, M. Meng, H. R. Le, M. J. Rizvi, and S. M. Grove
Thermal Buckling Analysis of Axially Loaded Columns of Thin-Walled Open Section with Nonuniform Sectional Properties, Shanshan Cheng, Qi Wu Yan, Long Yuan Li, and Boksun Kim
Toward enhanced data exchange capabilities for the oneM2M service platform, Markus Glaab, Woldemar Fuhrmann, Joachim Wietzke, and Bogdan Ghita
Trajectory tracking of batch product quality using intermittent measurements and moving window estimation, EB Lopez-Montero, J Wan, and O Marjanovic
Tsallis entropy as a biomarker for detection of Alzheimer's disease, Ali H. Al-Nuaimi, Emmanuel Jammeh, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor
Wave farm impact on beach modal state, J. Abanades, D. Greaves, and G. Iglesias
Submissions from 2014
A representation of robotic behaviors using component port arbitration, A Paikan, G Metta, and L Natale
Wave energy devices with compressible volumes, Adi Kurniawan, Deborah Greaves, and John Chaplin
Baryon spectrum using Nf=2+1+1 ensembles of twisted mass fermions, C Alexandrou, V Drach, K Hadjiyiannakou, K Jansen, C Kallidonis, and G Koutsou
Co-located wave and offshore wind farms: A preliminary approach to the shadow effect, Collazo C Perez, S Astariz, J Abanades, D Greaves, and G iglesias
From Concept to Laboratory Testing: the Development Cycle of a Novel Wave Energy Converter, KM Collins, O David-West, H Le, and DG Greaves
Studying the Evolutionary Basis of Emotions Through Adaptive Neuroagents: Preliminary Settings and Results, D Pacella, O Gigliotta, and O Miglino
Gaze stabilization for humanoid robots: A comprehensive framework, A Roncone, U Pattacini, G Metta, and L Natale
End-to-middle-to-end solution for IMS media plane security, JO Fajardo, F Liberal, F Li, N Clarke, and I-H Mkwawa
Baryon spectrum withNf=2+1+1twisted mass fermions, C. Alexandrou, V. Drach, K. Jansen, C. Kallidonis, and G. Koutsou
A Constructive Study of the Module Structure of Rings of Partial Differential Operators, A Quadrat and D Robertz
New best equivocation codes for syndrome coding, S Al-Hassan, MZ Ahmed, and M Tomlinson
Enhancing software module reusability using port plug-ins: An experiment with the iCub robot, A Paikan, V ATikhanoff, G Metta, and L Natale
Localisation in worldline pair production and lightfront zero-modes, A Ilderton
Partial force control of constrained floating-base robots, A Del Prete, N Mansard, F Nori, G Metta, and L Natale
Bifurcation study of phase oscillator systems with attractive and repulsive interaction, O Burylko, Y Kazanovich, and R Borisyuk
Motor Contagion during Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction, A Bisio, A Sciutti, F Nori, G Metta, and et al
Multi-objective routing optimisation for battery-powered wireless sensor mesh networks, AA-AM Rahat, RM Everson, and JE Fieldsend
On the Minimum/Stopping Distance of Array Low-Density Parity-Check Codes, E Rosnes, MA Ambroze, and M Tomlinson
Best binary equivocation code construction for syndrome coding, K Zhang, M Tomlinson, M Ambroze, MZ Ahmed, and MRD Rodrigues
Anomalous Radiative Trapping in Laser Fields of Extreme Intensity, A Gonoskov, A Bashinov, I Gonoskov, C Harvey, and et al
Action and Language Integration: From Humans to Cognitive Robots, AM Borghi and A Cangelosi
Finite element modelling of residual stresses in shot‐peened steam turbine blades, M Newby, MN James, and DG Hattingh
Aeration Effects on Impact: Drop Test of a Flat Plate, T Mai, D Greaves, and A Raby
Environmental Impact Assessments for wave energy developments – Learning from existing activities and informing future research, Ruth H. Leeney, Deborah Greaves, Daniel Conley, and Anne Marie O'Hagan
Co-located wave-wind farms: A preliminary case study of the shadow effect, C Perez Collazo
Kinematics of the Reach-to-Grasp Movement in Vascular Parkinsonism: A Comparison with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Patients, V Parma, D Zanatto, E Straulino, T Scaravilli, and U Castiello
A scaling cross platform tool for the analysis of neurophysiological data, LJ Stuart, R Tucker, N Barlow, and S Gunaratne
A Spiking Self-Organising Map Combining STDP, Oscillations and Continuous Learning, Timothy Rumbell, Susan L. Denham, and Thomas Wennekers
In-mould gel-coating of polymer composites - a review, John Summerscales, William Rogers, Christopher Hoppins, and Zoltán Gombos
Prioritized optimal control, A Del Prete, F Romano, L Natale, and et al
Computation of disconnected contributions to nucleon observables, Avilés-Casco A Vaquero, C Alexandrou, V Drach, K Jansen, and G Koutsou
Looking at the gluon moment of the nucleon with dynamical twisted mass fermions, C Wiese, C Alexandrou, V Drach, K Hadjiyiannakou, K Jansen, and B Kostrzewa
The quark contents of the nucleon and their implication for dark matter search, V Drach, C Alexandrou, M Constantinou, K Hadjiyiannakou, K Jansen, G Koutsou, A Strelchenko, and A Vaquero
The Generation of Antiphase Oscillations and Synchrony by a Rebound-Based Vertebrate Central Pattern Generator, W-C Li, R Merrison-Hort, H-Y Zhang, and R Borisyuk
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines - Are We Any Better Informed?, AJ Robotham
Control strategies for oscillating water column wave energy converters, Kate Freeman, Ming Dai, and Robert Sutton
Geographical limits to species-range shifts are suggested by climate velocity, MT Burrows, DS Schoeman, AJ Richardson, JG Molinos, and et al
Disconnected quark loop contributions to nucleon observables in lattice QCD, A. Abdel-Rehim, C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, V. Drach, K. Hadjiyiannakou, K. Jansen, G. Koutsou, and A. Vaquero
Can Simple Rules Control Development of a Pioneer Vertebrate Neuronal Network Generating Behavior?, A Roberts, D Conte, M Hull, R Merrison-Hort, and et al
Active authentication for mobile devices utilising behaviour profiling, Fudong Li, Nathan Clarke, Maria Papadaki, and Paul Dowland
A developmental approach to predicting neuronal connectivity from small biological datasets: a gradient-based neuron growth model., R Borisyuk, AK Al Azad, D Conte, A Roberts, and SR Soffe
A novel real-time non-linear wavelet-based model predictive controller for a coupled tank system, Kayode Owa, Sanjay Sharma, and Robert Sutton
Application of a novel decision support system to assess and manage coastal flood risk in the Teign estuary, UK., Santamaria R Gonzalez, D Simmonds, B Zanuttigh, D Reeve, R Nicholls, R Thompson, S Pan, J Horrillo-Caraballo, S Hoggart, S Hanson, E Penning-Rowsell, A Fox, and M Hanley
Application of artificial neural networks to weighted interval Kalman filtering, Amit Motwani, Sanjay K. Sharma, Robert Sutton, and Phil Culverhouse
A stochastic method for computing hadronic matrix elements, Vincent Drach, Constantia Alexandrou, Martha Constantinou, Simon Dinter, Karl Jansen, Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou, and Dru B. Renner
Bedform Dynamics in a Rip Current, Antony Thorpe, Jon Miles, Gerd Masselink, and Paul Russell
Bilateral gain control; an “innate predisposition” for all sorts of things, N Wilkinson and G Metta
Capture of fixation by rotational flow; a deterministic hypothesis regarding scaling and stochasticity in fixational eye movements, NM Wilkinson and G Metta
Coastal defence through wave farms, J. Abanades, D. Greaves, and G. Iglesias
Comparative efficacy and safety of treatments for localised prostate cancer: an application of network meta-analysis, Tengbin Xiong, Rebecca M. Turner, Yinghui Wei, David E. Neal, Georgios Lyratzopoulos, and Julian P.T. Higgins
Critical exponents of the 3d Ising and related models from conformal bootstrap, Ferdinando Gliozzi and Antonio Rago
Evaluation of disconnected quark loops for hadron structure using GPUs, C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, V. Drach, K. Hadjiyiannakou, K. Jansen, G. Koutsou, A. Strelchenko, and A. Vaquero
Finite-element analysis of a piled embankment with reinforcement compared with BS 8006 predictions, Y ZHUANG and E ELLIS
Finite element modelling of residual stresses in shot-peened steam turbine blades, M Newby, MN James, and DG Hattingh
First results with twisted mass fermions towards the computation of parton distribution functions on the lattice, C Alexandrou, K Cichy, V Drach, E Garcia-Ramos, K Hadjiyiannakou, K Jansen, F Steffens, and C Wiese
Learning to pronounce first words in three languages: an investigation of caregiver and infant behavior using a computational model of an infant., Ian S. Howard and Piers Messum
Light-front quantum chromodynamics, B. L.G. Bakker, A. Bassetto, S. J. Brodsky, W. Broniowski, S. Dalley, T. Frederico, S. D. Głazek, J. R. Hiller, C. R. Ji, V. Karmanov, D. Kulshreshtha, J. F. Mathiot, W. Melnitchouk, G. A. Miller, J. Papavassiliou, W. N. Polyzou, N. G. Stefanis, J. P. Vary, A. Ilderton, and T. Heinzl
Local Covariance Estimation Using Costationarity, Alessandro Cardinali
Megaripple dynamics on a dissipative sandy beach, Jon Miles, Antony Thorpe, Paul Russell, and Gerd Masselink
Non-linear control algorithms for an unmanned surface vehicle, Sanjay K. Sharma, Robert Sutton, Amit Motwani, and Andy Annamalai
Observations of bedforms on a dissipative macrotidal beach, Jon Miles, Antony Thorpe, Paul Russell, and Gerd Masselink
Official Statistics Data Integration Using Copulas, L Dalla Valle
On quaternion based parametrization of orientation in computer vision and robotics, G. Terzakis, P. Culverhouse, G. Bugmann, S. Sharma, and R. Sutton
On the Electrodynamics of Neural Networks, S Rodrigues and PB Graben
Overestimated Crash Risks of Young and Elderly Drivers, JJ Rolison, S Moutari, PJ Hewson, and E Hellier
Performance of BCH codes with (1 + x ) s error detection, M Ambroze and M Tomlinson
Photon polarization in light-by-light scattering: Finite size effects, Victor Dinu, Tom Heinzl, Anton Ilderton, Mattias Marklund, and Greger Torgrimsson
Rogue waves in opposite currents: an experimental study on deterministic and stochastic wave trains, A Toffoli, T Waseda, H Houtani, L Cavaleri, DM Greaves, and M Onorato
Techniques for Production of Large Area Graphene for Electronic and Sensor Device Applications, B Li, G Pan, SA Awan, and N Avent
The antibacterial effects of silver, titanium dioxide and silica dioxide nanoparticles compared to the dental disinfectant chlorhexidine on Streptococcus mutans using a suite of bioassays., Richard D. Handy, Alexandros Besinis, and Peralta T De
Thinking in circuits: toward neurobiological explanation in cognitive neuroscience., Friedemann Pulvermüller, Max Garagnani, and Thomas Wennekers
Toward a self-organizing pre-symbolic neural model representing sensorimotor primitives, J Zhong, A Cangelosi, and S Wermter
Uneven batch data alignment with application to the control of batch end-product quality, J Wan, O Marjanovic, and B Lennox
Vacuum refractive indices and helicity flip in strong-field QED, Victor Dinu, Tom Heinzl, Anton Ilderton, Mattias Marklund, and Greger Torgrimsson
Wave farm impact on the beach profile: A case study, J. Abanades, D. Greaves, and G. Iglesias
Web-flange distortional buckling of partially restrained cold-formed steel purlins under uplift loading, Shanshan Cheng, Wei Bin Yuan, Long Yuan Li, and Boksun Kim
Weld residual stresses near the bimetallic interface in clad RPV steel: A comparison between deep-hole drilling and neutron diffraction data, MN James, M Newby, P Doubell, DG Hattingh, K Serasli, and DJ Smith
Submissions from 2013
RF Transport Electromagnetic Properties of Graphene from DC to 110 MHz, SA Awan, G Pan, Taan LM Al, and B Li
Transfer-free growth of graphene on SiO2 insulator substrate from sputtered carbon and nickel films, Genhua Pan, Bing Li, Mark Heath, David Horsell, M. Lesley Wears, LA Taan, and Shakil Awan
Bending Stresses of Steel Web Tapered Tee Section Cantilevers, Boksun Kim, Andrew Oliver, and Joshua Vyse
Synergies for a wave-wind energy concept, C Perez-Collazo, MM Jakobsen, H Buckland, and J Fernandez-Chozas
Reports of interactive meetings with policy makers, D Magagna, N Rousseau, G San Bruno, and et al
On the electrodynamics of neural networks, PB Graben and S Rodrigues