Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2013
Modelling gravel beach dynamics with XBeach, MH Jamal, DJ Simmonds, and V Magar
Nucleon structure using lattice QCD, C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, V. Drach, K. Hadjiyiannakou, K. Jansen, C. Kallidonis, G. Koutsou, T. Leontiou, and A. Vaquero
Accounting for multivariate probabilities of failure in vertical seawall reliability assessments, A Carter, V Magar, J Simm, B Gouldby, and M Wallis
A Flexible and Robust Large Scale Capacitive Tactile System for Robots, P Maiolino, M Maggiali, G Cannata, G Metta, and L Natale
Enabling Wave Power: Streamlining processes for progress, D Greaves, C Perez-Collazo, D Magagna, D Conley, I Bailey, T Simas, B Holmes, AM O'Hagan, J O'Callagahn, Encirso Y Torre, D Marina, Olivares C Huertas, Crom I Le, JB Saulnier, J Sundberg, C Embling, M Witt, B Goodley, and Leitão J Chambel
Integrated Numerical Modelling System for Extreme Wave Events at the Wave Hub Site, T Vyzikas, E Ransley, M Hann, D Magagna, D Simmonds, V Magar, D Conley, and DM Greaves
The new COAST laboratory at Plymouth University: A world-class facility for marine energy, K Collins, G Iglesias, S Stripling, A Toffoli, and DM Greaves
B, Bs, K and pi weak matrix elements with physical light quarks, RJ Dowdall, CTH Davies, RR Horgan, GP Lepage, C McNeile, CJ Monahan, and J Shigemitsu
Numerical and physical modelling of extreme wave impacts on a stationary truncated circular cylinder, E Ransley, M Hann, D Greaves, A RABY, and D Simmonds
Report of final project conference, Aalborg, Denmark, C Perez-Collazo and D Greaves
On-scene triage open source forensic tool chests: Are they effective?, S Shiaeles, A Chryssanthou, and V Katos
Acoustic Emission Source Location in Fibre-Reinforced Composite Materials, J Summerscales
Model for (a)synchronous/spontaneous release, applied to CCK-positive Interneuron synapses, S Rodrigues, M Desroches, M Krupa, J Cortes, and A Afia
Facilitating coastal and ocean research in the laboratory, KM Collins, P Arber, D Greaves, M Hann, G Iglesias, D Simmonds, S Stripling, and A Toffoli
Modelling mental rotation in cognitive robots, K Seepanomwan, D Caligiore, G Baldassarre, and A Cangelosi
Nucleon form factors and moments of generalized parton distributions usingNf=2+1+1twisted mass fermions, C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, S. Dinter, V. Drach, K. Jansen, C. Kallidonis, and G. Koutsou
Corrections to Laser Electron Thomson Scattering, T Heinzl
Space-time symmetries and the Yang-Mills gradient flow, LD Debbio, A Patella, and A Rago
iCub World: Friendly Robots Help Building Good Vision Data-Sets, SR Fanello, C Ciliberto, M Santoro, L Natale, and et al
Numerical and physical modelling of extreme waves at Wave Hub, EJ Ransley, M Hann, D Greaves, AC Raby, and D Simmonds
Numerical and physical modelling of extreme waves at Wave Hub, EJ Ransley, M Hann, D Greaves, A Raby, and D Simmonds
An Interactive Channel Model of the Basal Ganglia: Bifurcation Analysis Under Healthy and Parkinsonian Conditions, R Merrison-Hort, N Yousif, F Njap, and et al
A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 3: modelling, John Summerscales, Amandeep Virk, and Wayne Hall
A robust sound perception model suitable for neuromorphic implementation., Martin Coath, Sadique Sheik, Elisabetta Chicca, Giacomo Indiveri, Susan L. Denham, and Thomas Wennekers
Event-driven visual attention for the humanoid robot iCub, F Rea, G Metta, and C Bartolozzi
Flap gate farm: From Venice lagoon defense to resonating wave energy production. Part 1: Natural modes, P. Sammarco, S. Michele, and M d’Errico
Infrared conformality and bulk critical points: SU(2) with heavy adjoint quarks, Biagio Lucini, Agostino Patella, Antonio Rago, and Enrico Rinaldi
Large-volume results in SU(2) with adjoint fermions, Debbio L Del, B Lucini, C Pica, A Patella, A Rago, and S Roman
Modeling speech imitation and ecological learning of auditory-motor maps, C Canevari, L Badino, A D'Ausilio, L Fadiga, and G Metta
Nucleon generalized form factors with twisted mass fermions, C Alexandrou, M Constantinou, V Drach, K Jansen, C Kallidonis, and G Koutsou
Overlap valence quarks on a twisted mass sea: A case study for mixed action lattice QCD, Krzysztof Cichy, Vincent Drach, Elena García-Ramos, Gregorio Herdoíza, and Karl Jansen
Self-Sensing Surface Plasmon Resonance for the Detection of Metallic Nanoparticles, NH Salah, D Jenkins, L Panina, R Handy, G Pan, and SA Awan
Signature Verification Based on Moments Technique, Shaymaa Al-Juboori
The effect of contextual cues on the encoding of motor memories., Ian S. Howard, Daniel M. Wolpert, and David W. Franklin
The emergence of two anti-phase oscillatory neural populations in a computational model of the Parkinsonian globus pallidus, R Merrison-Hort and R Borisyuk
The Evaluation of a Biometric-Based Identification System for Remote-Based Exam Invigilation, Nathan Clarke, Paul Dowland, and Steve Furnell
Submissions from 2012
Properties of Pseudoscalar Flavor- Singlet Mesons from 2+1+1 Twisted Mass Lattice QCD, K Ottnad, C Michael, C Urbach, F Zimmermann, K Cichy, V Drach, E Garcia-Ramos, and K Jansen
Sigma terms and strangeness content of the nucleon with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions, V Drach, C Alexandrou, M Constantinou, S Dinter, K Hadjiyiannakou, K Jansen, G Koutsou, A Vaquero, and A Strelchenko
Strange and charm baryon masses with two flavors of dynamical twisted mass fermions, C. Alexandrou, J. Carbonell, D. Christaras, V. Drach, M. Gravina, and M. Papinutto
Top-Down Feedback in an HMAX-Like Cortical Model of Object Perception Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Networks and Belief Propagation, Salvador Dura-Bernal, Thomas Wennekers, and Susan L. Denham
FirstLight: Pluggable Optical Interconnect Technologies for Polymeric Electro-Optical Printed Circuit Boards in Data Centers, J Graham-Jones
Spatio-temporal pattern recognizers using spiking neurons and spike-timing-dependent plasticity., Thomas Wennekers, James Humble, and Susan Denham
Gone in 0.6 seconds: the encoding of motor memories depends on recent sensorimotor states., Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, David W. Franklin, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Intensity-Dependent Electron Mass Shift in a Laser Field: Existence, Universality, and Detection, Chris Harvey, Thomas Heinzl, Anton Ilderton, and Mattias Marklund
Real time DDoS detection using fuzzy estimators, SN Shiaeles, V Katos, AS Karakos, and BK Papadopoulos
SOWFIA Project - Work Package 3 Interim Report, D Magagna, D Greaves, D Conley, E Aires, Leitao J Chambel, M Witt, C Embling, BJ Godley, J-B Saulnier, H Mouslim, T Simas, AM O’Hagan, J O’Callaghan, B Holmes, J Sundberg, and Y Torre-Enciso
Risk of Fatal Injury in Older Adult Drivers, Passengers, and Pedestrians, JJ Rolison, PJ Hewson, E Hellier, and P Husband
Excited state Effects in Nucleon Matrix Element Calculations, S Dinter, C Alexandrou, M Constantinou, V Drach, K Jansen, T Leontiou, and DB Renner
Nucleon scalar matrix elements with N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions, V Drach, K Jansen, and S Dinter
Topological susceptibility and chiral condensate with $N_f=2+1+1$ dynamical flavors of maximally twisted mass fermions., E Garcia-Ramos, K Cichy, V Drach, and K Jansen
Spectral quantification of nonlinear behaviour of the nearshore seabed and correlations with potential forcings at Duck, N.C., U.S.A., V Magar, M Lefranc, RB Hoyle, and DE Reeve
Spectral quantification of nonlinear behaviour of the nearshore seabed and correlations with potential forcings at Duck, N.C., U.S.A., V Magar, M Lefranc, RB Hoyle, and DE Reeve
Investigating interaction effects in an array of multi-mode wave energy converters, EJ Ransley and DM Greaves
The density of states in gauge theories, K Langfeld, B Lucini, and A Rago
Noninvasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy–ready for prime time?, DE Wright, LS Chitty, M Hill, and H White
SOWFIA Project - Work Package 2 Interim Report, Arjona E Muñoz, Olivares C Huertas, B Holmes, AM O‟Hagan, D Magagna, and D Greaves
Bayesian Model Selection for Beta Autoregressive Processes, Roberto Casarin, L Dalla Valle, and Fabrizio Leisen
COASTAL DEFENCE EVALUATION: AN SPRC APPROACH, Dominic E. Reeve, Jose M. Horrillo-Caraballo, Andrew Fox, Dave Simmonds, Sum H. Kwan, Shunqi Pan, and Deborah Greaves
Editorial of E-Book on Action and Language Integration, A Cangelosi
Emergent Auditory Feature Tuning in a Real-Time Neuromorphic VLSI System., Sadique Sheik, Martin Coath, Giacomo Indiveri, Susan L. Denham, Thomas Wennekers, and Elisabetta Chicca
Erratum: Spatial modelling of individual-level parasite counts using the negative binomial distribution (Biostatistics (2000) 1 (453-463) DOI: 10.1093/biostatistics/1.4.453), N. Alexander, R. Moyeed, and J. Stander
Evaluation of disconnected contributions using GPUs, C Alexandrou, V Drach, K Hadjiyiannakou, K Jansen, G Koutsou, A Strelchenko, and A Vaquero
Infrared divergences in plane wave backgrounds, Victor Dinu, Thomas Heinzl, and Anton Ilderton
Non-invasive prenatal diagnostic test accuracy for fetal sex using cell-free DNA a review and meta-analysis, Caroline F. Wright, Yinghui Wei, Julian Pt Higgins, and Gurdeep S. Sagoo
Sigma terms and strangeness content of the nucleon with N f = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass fermions, Simon Dinter, Vincent Drach, Roberto Frezzotti, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, and Giancarlo Rossi
Speech Development: Toddlers Don't Mind Getting It Wrong, Piers Messum and Ian S. Howard
Submissions from 2011
Symmetry breaking from radiation reaction in ultra-intense laser fields, Chris Harvey, Thomas Heinzl, and Mattias Marklund
Embodied compositionality, A Cangelosi
Towards the Grounding of Abstract Words: A Neural Network Model for Cognitive Robots, F Stramandinoli, A Cangelosi, and D Marocco
A Single-Rate Context-Dependent Learning Process Underlies Rapid Adaptation to Familiar Object Dynamics, James N. Ingram, Ian S. Howard, J. Randall Flanagan, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Modeling the connectome of a simple spinal cord., R Borisyuk, AK Al Azad, D Conte, A Roberts, and SR Soffe
An investigation of the impacts of climate change on wave energy generation: The Wave Hub, Cornwall, UK, D. E. Reeve, Yongping Chen, S. Pan, V. Magar, D. J. Simmonds, and A. Zacharioudaki
The Use of Phonetic Motor Invariants Can Improve Automatic Phoneme Discrimination, C Castellini, L Badino, G Metta, G Sandini, and et al
A neurocomputational model of stimulus-specific adaptation to oddball and Markov sequences., Robert Mill, Martin Coath, Thomas Wennekers, and Susan L. Denham
Musical Emotions: Predicting Second-by-Second Subjective Feelings of Emotion From Low-Level Psychoacoustic Features and Physiological Measurements, E Coutinho and A Cangelosi
Light hadrons from Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted mass fermions, S Reker, R Baron, B Blossier, P Boucaud, J Carbonell, A Deuzeman, V Drach, F Farchioni, V Gimenez, G Herdoiza, K Jansen, C Michael, I Montvay, E Pallante, O Pene, C Urbach, M Wagner, and U Wenger
Low lying baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted quarks., V Drach, K Jansen, M Papinutto, J Carbonell, and C Alexandrou
Overlap Valence Quarks on a Twisted Mass Sea, K Cichy, V Drach, E Garcia-Ramos, G Herdoiza, and K Jansen
Integration of other renewable energies in offshore wind farms, C Pérez-Collazo
Catalogue of Wave Energy Test Centres, Deborah Greaves, VO Mora-Figueroa, Olivares C Huertas, B Holmes, AM O‟Hagan, Y Torre-Enciso, R Leeney, and Carlos Perez-Collazo
Affordances, adaptive tool use and grounded cognition., A Pellicano, S Thill, T Ziemke, and F Binkofski
Computing K and D meson masses with twisted mass lattice QCD, Marc Wagner, Remi Baron, Philippe Boucaud, Jaume Carbonell, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, Istvan Montvay, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Carsten Urbach, and Urs Wenger
Future wave climate over the west-European shelf seas, Anna Zacharioudaki, Shunqi Pan, Dave Simmonds, Vanesa Magar, and Dominic E. Reeve
Modeling the development of goal-specificity in mirror neurons, S Thill, H Svensson, and T Ziemke
Modeling the development of pronunciation in infant speech acquisition., IS Howard and P Messum
Precision study of excited state effects in nucleon matrix elements, Simon Dinter, Constantia Alexandrou, Martha Constantinou, Vincent Drach, Karl Jansen, and Dru B. Renner
Separate representations of dynamics in rhythmic and discrete movements: evidence from motor learning, Ian S. Howard, James N. Ingram, and Daniel M. Wolpert
Solutions and Open Challenges for the Symbol Grounding Problem, A Cangelosi
The impact of a wave farm on large scale sediment transport, R Gonzalez Santamaria, QP Zou, and S Pan
The Mechanics of Embodiment: A Dialogue on Embodiment and Computational Modeling, G Pezzulo, LW Barsalou, A Cangelosi, and et al
Submissions from 2010
Framework for development of clean coal: consultation response, HE Huppert, MJ Golding, MA Hallworth, and et al
Integration of Action and Language Knowledge: A Roadmap for Developmental Robotics, A Cangelosi, G Metta, G Sagerer, S Nolfi, C Nehaniv, K Fischer, J Tani, T Belpaeme, G Sandini, F Nori, L Fadiga, B Wrede, K Rohlfing, E Tuci, K Dautenhahn, J Saunders, and A Zeschel
Symmetry breaking, conformal geometry and gauge invariance, Anton Ilderton, Martin Lavelle, and David McMullan
First results of ETMC simulations with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions, S Reker, R Baron, B Blossier, P Boucaud, A Deuzeman, V Drach, F Farchioni, V Gimenez, G Herdoiza, K Jansen, C Michael, I Montvay, D Palao, E Pallante, O Pene, C Urbach, M Wagner, and U Wenger
Grounding language in action and perception: From cognitive agents to humanoid robots, A Cangelosi
Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical quarks, E. Pallante, R. Baron, Ph Boucaud, J. Carbonell, A. Deuzeman, V. Drach, F. Farchioni, V. Gimenez, G. Herdoiza, K. Jansen, C. McNeile, C. Michael, I. Montvay, D. Palao, O Pene, S. Reker, C. Urbach, M. Wagner, and U. Wenger
Multiple Grasp-Specific Representations of Tool Dynamics Mediate Skillful Manipulation, James N. Ingram, Ian S. Howard, J. Randall Flanagan, and Daniel M. Wolpert