Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2018
Mode truncations and scattering in strong fields, Tom Heinzl, Anton Ilderton, and Daniel Seipt
Creating Real-Time Aeroacoustic Sound Effects Using Physically Derived Models, R Selfridge, D Moffat, EJ Avital, and JD Reiss
Driver adherence to recommendations from support systems improves if the systems explain why they are given: a simulator study, S Thill, M Riveiro, E Lagerstedt, M Lebram, and et al
ShinyKGode: an interactive application for ODE parameter inference using gradient matching, J Wandy, M Niu, D Giurghita, and et al
Assessment of Quality of Experience (QoE) of Image Compression in Social Cloud Computing, Ali L Asif, H He, AI Khan, and M Shafiq
QualitySDN: Improving Video Quality using MPTCP and Segment Routing in SDN/NFV., Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, Is Haka Mkwawa, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor
Exploring the Potential for Multivariate Fragility Representations to Alter Flood Risk Estimates, Robert A. Jane, Valle L Dalla, David J. Simmonds, Ben P. Gouldby, Jonathan D. Simm, and Alison C. Raby
Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection, J Abanades, G Flor-Blanco, G Flor, and JG Iglesias Rodriquez
Tidal stream resource characterisation in progressive versus standing wave systems, SL Ward, PE Robins, MJ Lewis, and et al
Feasibility study of a constrained Dijkstra approach for optimal path planning of an unmanned surface vehicle in a dynamic maritime environment, Yogang Singh, Sanjay Sharma, Robert Sutton, Daniel Hatton, and Asiya Khan
Numerical simulation of focused wave interactions with a fixed FPSO using OpenFOAM 4.1, SA Brown, P-H Musiedlak, E Ransley, and D Greaves
Identifying and Predicting the Factors Affecting End-Users’ Risk-Taking Behavior, Nathan Clarke, Manal Alohali, Fudong Li, and Steven Furnell
Combining Software Cache Partitioning and Loop Tiling for Effective Shared Cache Management, Vasilios Kelefouras, Keramidas Georgios, and Voros Nikolaos
Neutron Diffraction Investigation of Residual Stresses in Nickel Based Austenitic Weldments on Creep Resistant Cr-Mo-V Material, P. Doubell, M. Newby, D. Hattingh, A. Steuwer, and M. N. James
A methodology for efficient code optimizations and memory management, Vasilios Kelefouras and Karim Djemame
Experiences of a motivational interview delivered by a robot: qualitative study, Jackie Andrade, Gomes da Silva J Galvão, Tony Belpaeme, David J. Kavanagh, Lloyd Taylor, and Konna Beeson
Behavioral Learning in a Cognitive Neuromorphic Robot: An Integrative Approach, Thomas Wennekers and Angelo Cangelosi
Prior knowledge in mathematics and study success in engineering: informational value of learner data collected from a web-based pre-course, K Derr, R Hübl, and MZ Ahmed
Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a Quadrotor on the Perturbed Deck of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle, Riccardo Polvara, Sanjay Sharma, Jian Wan, Andrew Manning, and Robert Sutton
Strong-isospin-breaking correction to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD at the physical point, B. Chakraborty, C. T.H. Davies, C. Detar, A. X. El-Khadra, E. Gámiz, Steven Gottlieb, D. Hatton, J. Koponen, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, G. P. Lepage, Yuzhi Liu, P. B. Mackenzie, C. McNeile, E. T. Neil, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, RSVD Water, and A. Vaquero
Bolted fibre-reinforced polymer flange joints for pipelines: A review of current practice and future challenges, Muhsin Aljuboury, Md Jahir Rizvi, Stephen Grove, and Richard Cullen
A New Dynamic Trust Model for "On Cloud" Federated Identity Management, K Bendiab, S Shiaeles, S Boucherkha, and IEEE
2D recurrent neural networks: a high-performance tool for robust visual tracking in dynamic scenes, G Masala, F Casu, B Golosio, and E Grosso
Cyber-Risk Assessment for Autonomous Ships, Kimberly Tam and Kevin Jones
A Novel Feature Set for Application Identification, H Oudah, B Ghita, and T Bakhshi
The Design of a Multimedia-Forensic Analysis Tool (M-FAT), S Mashhadani, H Al-kawaz, N Clarke, S Furnell, and F Li
Towards use of Dijkstra Algorithm for Optimal Navigation of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle in a Real-Time Marine Environment with Results from Artificial Potential Field, Y Singh, S Sharma, R Sutton, and DC Hatton
Structural and functional properties of a probabilistic model of neuronal connectivity in a simple locomotor network., A Ferrario, R Merrison-Hort, SR Soffe, and R Borisyuk
Two-level, two-phase model for intense, turbulent sediment transport, J Gonzalez Ondina, L Fraccarollo, and PLF Liu
Guaranteed State Estimation for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems via Indirectly Implemented Polytopic Set Computation, Jian Wan, Sanjay Sharma, and Robert Sutton
A Novel Hybrid Wind-Wave Energy Converter for Jacket-Frame Substructures, Carlos Perez-Collazo, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias
Complexity Measures for Quantifying Changes in Electroencephalogram in Alzheimer's Disease, Ali H.Husseen Al-Nuaimi, Emmanuel Jammeh, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor
Preface, Richard Pemberton, John Summerscales, and Jasper Graham-Jones
Toward the Online Visualisation of Algorithm Performance for Parameter Selection, David J. Walker and Matthew J. Craven
Agile Behaviour Design: A Design Approach for Structuring Game Characters and Interactions, SE Gaudl
Multi-modal Open-Set Person Identification in HRI, B Irfan, N Lyubova, Ortiz M Garcia, and T Belpaeme
Towards a SAR System for Personalized Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Patient with PCI, J Casas, B Irfan, E Senft, LF Gutiérrez, M Rincon-Roncancio, M Munera, T Belpaeme, and CA Cifuentes
Social Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study with Patients with Angioplasty, J Casas, B Irfan, E Senft, L Gutiérrez, and et al
Social Psychology and Human-Robot Interaction: An Uneasy Marriage, B Irfan, J Kennedy, S Lemaignan, and et al
The mechanical properties of flax fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) bio-composites to wet, freezing and humid environments, Gaston Francucci, HM Khanlou, Wayne Hall, Peter Woodfield, and John Summerscales
The photo-stimulatory effect of low level laser therapy on the proliferation rate of human monocytic leukaemia cells, R Musstaff, David F.L. Jenkins, and J Awadhesh
Estimation of mechanical property degradation of poly(lactic acid) and flax fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) bio-composites during thermal processing, Hossein Mohammad Khanlou, Peter Woodfield, John Summerscales, Gaston Francucci, Benjamin King, Sepehr Talebian, Javad Foroughi, and Wayne Hall
Compact Real-time Avoidance on a Humanoid Robot for Human-robot Interaction, DHP Nguyen, M Hoffmann, A Roncone, U Pattacini, and G Metta
A methodology review on the incremental prognostic value of computed tomography biomarkers in addition to Framingham risk score in predicting cardiovascular disease: the use of association, discrimination and reclassification., Chun Lap Pang, Nicola Pilkington, Yinghui Wei, Jaime Peters, Carl Roobottom, and Chris Hyde
Strength Development and Durability of Alkali-Activated Fly Ash Mortar with Calcium Carbide Residue as Additive, Long yuan Li
Electrons in an eccentric background field, Martin Lavelle and David McMullan
Effect of shear stress on distortional buckling of CFS beams subjected to uniformly distributed transverse loading, Long Yuan Li and Jue Zhu
Experimental Evidence of Radiation Reaction in the Collision of a High-Intensity Laser Pulse with a Laser-Wakefield Accelerated Electron Beam, JM Cole, KT Behm, E Gerstmayr, TG Blackburn, and et al
Carbon Nanofiber versus Graphene‐Based Stretchable Capacitive Touch Sensors for Artificial Electronic Skin, P Cataldi, S Dussoni, L Ceseracciu, M Maggiali, and et al
Methane detection scheme based upon the changing optical constants of a zinc oxide/platinum matrix created by a redox reaction and their effect upon surface plasmons, T Allsop, V Kundrat, K Kalli, GB Lee, and et al
Comparison of a Cost-Effective Integrated Plankton Sampling and Imaging Instrument with Traditional Systems for Mesozooplankton Sampling in the Celtic Sea, PF Culverhouse, S Pitois, J Tilbury, P Bouch, and et al
Evolution of statistically inhomogeneous degenerate water wave quartets, R. Stuhlmeier and M. Stiassnie
Development of a Label-Free Immunosensor for Clusterin Detection as an Alzheimer’s Biomarker, Kamrul Islam, Samar Damiati, Jagriti Sethi, Ahmed Suhail, and Genhua Pan
Use of constrained focused waves to measure extreme loading of a taut moored floating wave energy converter, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves, Alison Raby, and Ben Howey
Winner-take-all in a phase oscillator system with adaptation, O Burylko, Y Kazanovich, and R Borisyuk
Weakly nonlinear theory for oscillating wave surge converters in a channel, S. Michele, P. Sammarco, and M d’Errico
IEEE ICC 2018, A Barakabitze, L Sun, I Mkwawa, and E Ifeachor
Label-Free Sensors Based on Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for the Detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Cancer Risk Biomarker, Shakil A. Awan
Advances in Numerical Techniques for Modelling Water Flows, Jian G. Zhou, Alistair Borthwick, Haifei Liu, and Ling Qian
A more effective rationalisation of fatigue crack growth rate data for various specimen geometries and stress ratios using the CJP model, B Yang, JM Vasco-Olmo, FA Díaz, and MN James
An accurate and cost efficient physical scale model of a direct driven point-absorber with constant damping power take-off, S Thomas, M Giassi, M Göteman, M Eriksson, JM Isberg, MR Hann, EJ Ransley, and J Engström
A National Certification Programme for Academic Degrees in Cyber Security, S Furnell, M K, F Piper, C E, C H, and C Ensor
An enhanced teaching interface for a robot using DMP and GMR, Chenguang Yang, Chunxu Li, Zhaojie Ju, and Andy S.K. Annamalai
Approximate Solutions for Ideal Dam‐Break Sediment‐Laden Flows on Uniform Slopes, Zhixian Cao, Yufang Ni, Alistair Borthwick, and Qingquan Liu
Architecture for a Social Assistive Robot in Cardiac Rehabilitation, J Casas, NC Gomez, E Senft, B Irfan, LF Gutierrez, M Rincon, M Munera, T Belpaeme, and CA Cifuentes
Assessing the size of a twin-cylinder wave energy converter designed for real sea-states, Michael Stiassnie, Dali Xu, and Raphael Stuhlmeier
A Subword-Based Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Political Tweets, M Pota, M Esposito, MA Palomino, and GL Masala
Backreaction on background fields: A coherent state approach, A Ilderton and D Seipt
Bayesian non-parametric conditional copula estimation of twin data, Fabrizio Leisen, L Dalla Valle, and Luca Rossini
Bayesian operational modal analysis of offshore rock lighthouses for SHM, JMW Brownjohn, SK Au, X Wang, Z Zhu, A Raby, and A Antonini
Bottle house: A case study of transdisciplinary research for tackling global challenges, Muyiwa Oyinlola, T Whiteheadb, A Abuzeinabc, A Adefilad, Yewande Akinola, Fatai Anafi, Farukh Farukh, Oluyemi Jegede, Karthikeyan Kandan, Boksun Kim, and Emmanuel Mosugu
Carbon nanotube-reinforced smart composites for sensing freezing temperature and deicing by self-heating, S Jang and Y-L Park
Comparative study of stirrup-confined circular concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under axial loading, Shan Shan Cheng, Fa xing Ding, Jiang Zhu, and Xuemei Liu
Compressive stress-strain relation of recycled aggregate concrete under cyclic loading, Shanshan Cheng, Xiaobin Hu, Qinwang Lu, Zihao Xu, and Wenliang Zhang
Copula based generalized additive models for location, scale and shape with non-random sample selection, M Wojtys, Giampiero Marra, and Rosalba Radice
Delivering Impact via Student Research: Sharing Best Practice, Asiya Khan, Richard Pemberton, Priska Schoenborn, Sukrat Honey, and Andrew Edwards-Jones
Development and test of an open source autonomous sailing robot with accessibility, generality and extendability, U Vautier, J Wan, M Dai, C Viel, and R Hone
Development of writing task recombination technology based on DMP segmentation via verbal command for Baxter robot, Chenguang Yang, C Li, Andy Annamalai, Qingsong Xu, and S Li
Discrete triangulated categories, Nathan Broomhead, David Pauksztello, and David Ploog
Distributed NFV Orchestration in a WMN-Based Disaster Network, G Frick, A. Paguem Tchinda, U Trick, A. Lehmann, and B. Ghita
Dynamic Neighbour Aware Power-controlled MAC for Multi-hop Ad-hoc networks, Jims Marchang, Roderick Douglas, Bogdan Ghita, David Lancaster, and Benjamin Sanders
Enhancing security behaviour by supporting the user, SM Furnell, W Khern-am-nuai, R Esmael, W Yang, and N Li
Environmental sustainability of light-driven processes for wastewater treatment applications, Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Spyros Foteinis, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Zacharias Frontistis, and Dionissios Mantzavinos
Ergodicity of the LLR method for the Density of States, Guido Cossu, Biagio Lucini, Roberto Pellegrini, and Antonio Rago
Experimental and Numerical Collaborative Latching Control of Wave Energy Converter Arrays, Simon Thomas, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, Martyn Hann, Jan Isberg, and Jens Engström
Experimental modal analysis of British rock lighthouses, James Mark William Brownjohn, Alison Raby, James Bassitt, Alessandro Antonini, Emma Hudson, and Peter Dobson
Extreme coastal responses using focused wave groups: Overtopping and horizontal forces exerted on an inclined seawall, C. N. Whittaker, C. J. Fitzgerald, A. C. Raby, P. H. Taylor, and A. G.L. Borthwick
Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Curve Based on the CJP Model and Its Application Method, B YANG
Fatigue Properties and Fracture Morphology of Micronised Rubber Powder (MRP) from Waste Tyres in Unfilled Elastomers, A.I.H. D Habibah, F Abraham, J Summerscales, and P Brown
Finite-Time Observer Based Guidance and Control of Underactuated Surface Vehicles With Unknown Sideslip Angles and Disturbances, Ning Wang, Zhuo Sun, Jianchuan Yin, Shun Feng Su, and Sanjay Sharma
Friction stir welds in aluminium: Design S-N curves from statistical analysis of literature data, E Maggiolini, D Benasciutti, L Susmel, DG Hattingh, MN James, and R Tovo
From Babies to Robots: The Contribution of Developmental Robotics to Developmental Psychology, A Cangelosi and M Schlesinger
From Structure to Activity: Using Centrality Measures to Predict Neuronal Activity, Thomas Wennekers and Jack Mc Kay Fletcher
Guidelines for Designing Social Robots as Second Language Tutors, T Belpaeme, P Vogt, den Berghe R van, K Bergmann, T Göksun, Haas M de, J Kanero, J Kennedy, AC Küntay, O Oudgenoeg-Paz, F Papadopoulos, T Schodde, J Verhagen, CD Wallbridge, B Willemsen, Wit J de, V Geçkin, L Hoffmann, S Kopp, E Krahmer, E Mamus, J-M Montanier, C Oranç, and AK Pandey
Impact of Video File Format on Quality of Experience (QoE) of Multimedia Content, Asif Ali Laghari, Hui He, Asiya Khan, and Sajida Karim
Improved efficiency of graphene/Si Schottky junction solar cell based on back contact structure and DUV treatment, Ahmed Suhail, Genhua Pan, David Jenkins, and Kamrul Islam
Intermittent wave energy generation system with hydraulic energy storage and pressure control for stable power output, Ruiyin Song, Yong Ming Dai, and Xiaohua Qian
Investigation of effective stress intensity factors during overload fatigue cycles using photoelastic and DIC techniques, JM Vasco-Olmo, B Yang, MN James, and FA Díaz