Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2019
Absorption cross section in an intense plane wave background, A. Ilderton, B. King, and A. J. Macleod
Antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles grown in situ and anchored to titanium dioxide nanotubes on titanium implant against Staphylococcus aureus, Huirong Le, Urvashi F. Gunputh, Kiruthika Lawton, Alexandros Besinis, Christopher Tredwin, and Richard D. Handy
Prediction of Seabed Scour Induced by Full-Scale Darrieus-Type Tidal Current Turbine, Wei Haur Lam, Chong Sun, Ming Dai, and Gerard Hamill
Experimental study of particle trajectories below deep-water surface gravity wave groups, Den Bremer T Van, C. Whittaker, R. Calvert, A. Raby, and P. H. Taylor
Experimental characterisation of fatigue crack growth based on the CTOD measured from crack tip displacement fields using DIC, JMV Olmo, FA Díaz, FV Antunes, and MN James
Wave power extraction from multiple oscillating water columns along a straight coast, Siming Zheng, Alessandro Antonini, Yongliang Zhang, Deborah Greaves, Jon Miles, and Gregorio Iglesias
Nonlinear wave interaction in coastal and open seas -- deterministic and stochastic theory, R Stuhlmeier, T Vrecica, and Y Toledo
Detection of Alzheimer’s protein biomarker Clusterin using Graphene transducers, S Awan
Design and Evaluation of an Alternative Wheelchair Control System for Dexterity Disabilities, Asiya Khan and Samuel Oliver
CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 2: Assessment of focused wave impacts on floating WECs using OpenFOAM, S Brown, E Ransley, and D Greaves
Letter of Intent for the LUXE Experiment, H Abramowicz, M Altarelli, R Aßmann, T Behnke, Y Benhammou, O Borysov, M Borysova, R Brinkmann, F Burkart, K Büßer, O Davidi, W Decking, N Elkina, H Harsh, A Hartin, I Hartl, B Heinemann, T Heinzl, N TalHod, M Hoffmann, A Ilderton, B King, A Levy, J List, AR Maier, E Negodin, G Perez, I Pomerantz, A Ringwald, C Rödel, M Saimpert, F Salgado, G Sarri, I Savoray, T Teter, M Wing, and M Zepf
The WETFEET project - A disruptive approach to wave energy, J Candido, A Sarmento, FE Gardner, LM Gato, M Fontana, and KM Collins
Composites Curriculum Development: tackling the skills gap in UK advanced composites, LR Pickard, K Potter, J Summerscales, J Graham-Jones, A Taylor, S Rusnáková, and M Wisnom
Developing a coupled turbine thrust methodology for floating tidal stream concepts: Verification under prescribed motion, S. A. Brown, E. J. Ransley, and D. M. Greaves
De-noising signals using wavelet transform in internet of underwater things, Asiya Khan, Yaxin Bi, Rahul Bhatia, Supriya Kapoor, Richard Pemberton, Abdul Momen, and Daniel Bristow
Pedestrian Recognition and Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Vehicles using Raspberry Pi, Asiya Khan, Charlie Day, Liam McEachen, Sanjay Sharma, and Giovanni Masala
The Feasibility of Using Behavioural Profiling Technique for Mitigating Insider Threats: Review, G Alotibi, N Clarke, F Li, and S Furnell
Dynamic Behaviors of FA‐GGBS‐HMNS Based Geopolymer Paste When Subjected to Impact Compressive Loadings, Aissa Bouaissi, Zhijun Dong, Xianfeng Wang, Yijiao Huang, Long yuan Li, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, and Shamala Ramasamy
Using Burstiness for Network Applications Classification, Bogdan Ghita, Hussein Oudah, Taimur Bakhshi, Abdulrahman Alruban, and David J. Walker
Multi-modal Personalisation in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction, B Irfan
Wolf Rock lighthouse: past developments and future survivability under wave loading, A. C. Raby, A. Antonini, A. Pappas, D. T. Dassanayake, J. M.W. Brownjohn, and D. D'Ayala
Aeration effects on water-structure impacts: Part 2. Wave impacts on a truncated vertical wall, T Mai, C Mai, A. Raby, and D. M. Greaves
A numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of side walls on hydrodynamic model testing in a wave flume, N. Xie, M. Hann, R. Pemberton, G. Iglesias, and D. Greaves
Determination of the quark condensate from heavy-light current-current correlators in full lattice QCD, C. T.H. Davies, K. Hornbostel, J. Komijani, J. Koponen, G. P. Lepage, A. T. Lytle, and C. McNeile
Renormalization of the Volkov propagator, Martin Lavelle and David McMullan
Generating Spatial Referring Expressions in a Social Robot: Dynamic vs. Non-ambiguous, CD Wallbridge, S Lemaignan, E Senft, and T Belpaeme
Behaviour of sand-filled plastic bottled clay panels for sustainable homes, Boksun Kim, Josef Wisniewski, Toby Baker, and Muyiwa Oyinlola
The relationship between the chemical, mechanical and geometrical properties of basalt fibre, Calvin Ralph, Patrick Lemoine, John Summerscales, Edward Archer, and Alistair McIlhagger
An automated standard-based life cycle quality inspection methodology for smart precast concrete solutions in buildings, M Hajdukiewicz, J Goggins, O de la Torre, D Holleran, and M Keane
AI-Based Learning Approach with Consideration of Safety Criteria on Example of a Depalletization Robot, M Jocas, P Kurrek, F Zoghlami, M Gianni, and V Salehi
Restricted Orientation Dubins Path with Application to Sailboats, Ulysse Vautier, Christophe Viel, Luc Jaulin, Jian Wan, Robert Hone, and Ming Dai
Compressive stress-strain relationship for fly ash concrete under thermal steady state, Kunjie Fan, D Li, Nattapong Damrongwiriyanupap, and L-Y Li
Bayesian Analysis of Immigration in Europe with Generalized Logistic Regression, Fabrizio Leisen, L Dalla Valle, Luca Rossini, and Z Weixuan
Bayesian Analysis of Immigration in Europe with Generalized Logistic Regression, Fabrizio Leisen, L Dalla Valle, Luca Rossini, and Weixuan Zhu
Efficient Frontiers in Portfolio Optimisation with Minimum Proportion Constraints, Tahani S. Alotaibi and Matthew J. Craven
Wave radiation from multiple cylinders of arbitrary cross sections, S Zheng, Y Zhang, Y Liu, and G Iglesias
Solving the first and last mile problem with connected and autonomous vehicles, A Rahat, R Ledbetter, A Dawn, R Byrne, and R Everson
Sensitivity Comparison of Macro- and Micro-Electrochemical Biosensors for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Biomarker Detection, Samar Damiati, Carrie Haslam, Sindre Sopstad, Martin Peacock, Toby Whitley, Paul Davey, and Shakil A. Awan
Algorithmic approach to strong consistency analysis of finite difference approximations to PDE systems, VP Gerdt and D Robertz
Soft manipulator robot for selective tomato harvesting, A Mohamed, J Shaw-Sutton, BM Green, W Andrews, and et al
Surface PEGylation suppresses pulmonary effects of CuO in allergen-induced lung inflammation, Harri Alenius, Marit Ilves, Pia Anneli Sofia Kinaret, Joseph Ndika, Piia Karisola, Veer Marwah, Vittorio Fortino, Yuri Fedutik, Manuel Correia, Nicky Ehrlich, Katrin Loeschner, Alexandros Besinis, Joanne Vassallo, Richard D. Handy, Henrik Wolff, Kai Savolainen, and Dario Greco
Ai Motion Control – A Generic Approach to Develop Control Policies for Robotic Manipulation Tasks, P Kurrek, M Jocas, F Zoghlami, M Stoelen, and V Salehi
Liquid Composite Moulding reproducibility in real world production of fiber reinforced polymeric composites: a review of challenges and solutions, Spiridon Konstantopoulos, Christian Hueber, Ioannis Antoniadis, John Summerscales, and Ralf Schledjewski
A Modular 3D-Printed Inverted Pendulum, Ian S. Howard
What Can You See? Identifying Cues on Internal States From the Movements of Natural Social Interactions, ME Bartlett, CER Edmunds, T Belpaeme, S Thill, and S Lemaignan
Weakly nonlinear theory for a gate-type curved array in waves, S. Michele, E. Renzi, and P. Sammarco
Detection of Alzheimer’s Protein Biomarker Clusterin using novel Graphene Biosensors, S Awan
Enhanced sulfide removal and bioelectricity generation in microbial fuel cells with anodes modified by vertically oriented nanosheets, Baogang Zhang, Meng Yang, Yuezhi Zhong, Jiaxin Shi, Xueyang Huang, Yi Xing, Lin Su, Huipeng Liu, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick
Mechanical properties and microstructure analysis of FA-GGBS-HMNS based geopolymer concrete, Long yuan Li
Lessons Learnt From the 2009 Padang Indonesia, 2011 Tōhoku Japan and 2016 Muisne Ecuador Earthquakes, S. C. Chian, S. M. Wilkinson, J. K. Whittle, R. Mulyani, J. E. Alarcon, A. Pomonis, K. Saito, S. Fraser, K. Goda, J. Macabuag, M. Offord, A Raby, P. Sammonds, G. Franco, H. Stone, B. Ahmed, F. E. Hughes, N. K. Jirouskova, S. Kaminski, and J. Lopez
Numerical investigation into the influence on hydrofoil vibrations of water tunnel test section acoustic modes, W Wang, L Zhou, Z Wang, X Escaler, and O de la Torre
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Modelling of Tsunami Waves Generated by a Fault Rupture, R Wana, Del Postigo Prieto N Perez, J Hughes, D Graham, A Raby, and C Whittaker
An ultra-sensitive aptasensor on optical fibre for the direct detection of bisphenol A, TDP Allsop, R Neal, C Wang, DA Nagel, and et al
Exploring Women’s Experiences of Choosing and Studying Engineering and Navigation: A case study, L Hodgkinson, AI Khan, and S Braide
On the calibration of a WEC-Sim model for heaving point absorbers, T Tosdevin, M Giassi, S Thomas, J Engstrom, M Hann, J Isberg, M Goteman, E Ransley, P Musliedlak, D Simmonds, and D Greaves
Solving Non-Quadratic Matrices In Assignment Problems With An Improved Version Of Vogel's Approximation Method, M Selmair, A Swinarew, K-J Meier, and Y Wang
Numerical Investigation of Focused Wave Impacts on Floating Wave Energy Converters Using OpenFOAM, S Brown, E Ransley, P-H Musiedlak, and D Greaves
Sensitivity Comparison of Macro- and Micro-electrochemical Biosensors for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Biomarker Detection, S Damiati, C Haslam, S Søpstad, M Peacock, T Whitley, P Davey, and SA Awan
Validation of a Coupled CFD Model for Evaluating Floating Tidal Systems, S Brown, E Ransley, N Xie, D Greaves, L Johanning, and E Guerrini
Feasibility Study of Mooring Lines Design for a Floating Tidal Turbine Platform Using Double Hull Structure, Nu Rhahida Arini, Philipp R. Thies, Lars Johanning, Edward Ransley, Scott Brown, Nan Xie, and Deborah Greaves
Gluon helicity flip in a plane wave background, T Adamo and A Ilderton
Experimental Observation of Modulational Instability in Crossing Surface Gravity Wavetrains, James N. Steer, Mark L. McAllister, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, and den Bremer TS van
Quantifying the Predictive Capability of OpenFOAM 4.1: Focused Wave Interactions with a Fixed FPSO, Scott Andrew Brown, Pierre Henri Musiedlak, Edward Jack Ransley, and Deborah Greaves
Analysis of paediatric visual acuity using Bayesian copula models with sinh-arcsinh marginal densities, Julian Stander, Valle L Dalla, Charlotte Taglioni, Brunero Liseo, Angie Wade, and Mario Cortina-Borja
Disconnected hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 with HISQ, S Yamamoto, C DeTar, A El-Khadra, C McNeile, de Water R Van, and A Vaquero
$\mathcal{O}(a)$ improved quark mass renormalization for a non-perturbative matching of HQET to three-flavor QCD, S Kuberski, P Fritzsch, and J Heitger
Platooning Control for Sailboats Using a Tack Strategy, C Viel, U Vautier, J Wan, and L Jaulin
DFIB-SPH study of submerged horizontal cylinder oscillated close to the free surface of a viscous liquid, Burniadi Moballa, Ming Jyh Chern, Avicenna An-Nizhami, and A. G.L. Borthwick
Parametric study of tsunamis generated by earthquakes and landslides, Del Postigo Prieto N Perez, Alison Raby, Colin Whittaker, and Sarah J. Boulton
Multilayered composite coatings of titanium dioxide nanotubes decorated with zinc oxide and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: Controlled release of Zn and antimicrobial properties against staphylococcus aureus, Huirong Le, Urvashi F. Gunputh, Alexandros Besinis, Christopher Tredwin, and Richard D. Handy
Simultaneous Detection of Alkylamines in the Surface Ocean and Atmosphere of the Antarctic Sympagic Environment, M Dall’Osto, Ruth L. Airs, Rachael Beale, Charlotte Cree, Mark F. Fitzsimons, David Beddows, Roy M. Harrison, Darius Ceburnis, C O’Dowd, Matteo Rinaldi, Marco Paglione, Athanasios Nenes, Stefano Decesari, and Rafel Simó
Identity-as-a-Service: An Adaptive Security Infrastructure and Privacy-Preserving User Identity for the Cloud Environment, TH Vo, W Fuhrmann, K-P Fischer-Hellmann, and S Furnell
The icosahedra of edge length 1, K-H Brakhage, AC Niemeyer, W Plesken, D Robertz, and A Strzelczyk
A methodology correlating code optimizations with data memory accesses, execution time and energy consumption, Vasilios Kelefouras and Karim Djemame
Active and passive in-plane wall fluctuations in turbulent channel flows, T. I. Józsa, E. Balaras, M. Kashtalyan, A. G.L. Borthwick, and I. M. Viola
Numerical Investigation into the Effect of Sound Speed in Attached Cavitation on Hydrofoil Modes of Vibration, W Wang, L Zhou, Z Wang, and et al
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics – A new approach for modeling flow in oscillatory baffled reactors, Xiong Wei Ni, G Jimeno, and Yeaw Chu Lee
Reducible contributions to quantum electrodynamics in external fields, Naser Ahmadiniaz, James P. Edwards, and Anton Ilderton
The effect of different post-electroplating surface modification treatments on tin whisker growth, DM Haspel, MA Ashworth, GD Wilcox, X Bao, and RJ Mortimer
The threshold GARCH model: estimation and density forecasting for financial returns, Yuzhi Cai and Julian Stander
Platooning Control for Heterogeneous Sailboats Based on Constant Time Headway, C Viel, U Vautier, J Wan, and L Jaulin
Secured by Blockchain: Safeguarding Internet of Things Devices, N Kolokotronis, K Limniotis, S Shiaeles, and R Griffiths
Reaching supercritical field strengths with intense lasers, TG Blackburn, A Ilderton, M Marklund, and CP Ridgers
Summary of strong-field QED Workshop, M Altarelli, R Assmann, F Burkart, B Heinemann, T Heinzl, T Koffas, AR Maier, D Reis, A Ringwald, and M Wing
A Novel Transparent User Authentication Approach for Mobile Applications, Saud Nejr Alotaibi, Steven Furnell, and Nathan Clarke
Efficient optimal path planning of unmanned surface vehicles, S Sharma, B Subudhi, Y Singh, S Sharma, R Sutton, D Hatton, and A Khan
Temporal Evolution of Seabed Scour Induced by Darrieus-Type Tidal Current Turbine, Chong Sun, Wei Hur Lam, Su Shiang Lam, Ming Dai, and Gerard Hamill
Cooperative path planning of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles operating in dynamic ocean environment, Y Zhuang, H Huang, S Sharma, D Xu, and Q Zhang
Flexural buckling of sandwich beams with thermal-induced non-uniform sectional properties, Zhenlei Chen, J Li, Longfei Sun, and L-Y Li
Hydrodynamic performance of a pile-supported OWC breakwater: An analytical study, F He, H Zhang, J Zhao, S Zheng, and G Iglesias
On the arrangement of tidal turbines in rough and oscillatory channel flow, P. A.J. Bonar, L. Chen, A. M. Schnabl, V. Venugopal, A. G.L. Borthwick, and T. A.A. Adcock
Extended locally constant field approximation for nonlinear Compton scattering, A. Ilderton, B. King, and D. Seipt
Realising Single-Shot Measurements of Quantum Radiation Reaction in High-Intensity Lasers, CD Baird, CD Murphy, TG Blackburn, A Ilderton, and et al
A Novel QoE-Aware SDN-enabled, NFV-based Management Architecture for Future Multimedia Applications on 5G Systems, AA Barakabitze, L Sun, I-H Mkwawa, and E Ifeachor
Detection of Alzheimer’s Biomarker Clusterin using Graphene Sensors, S Awan
Multi-modal Personalisation in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction, B Irfan
The Importance of Information Sharing in the Creation and Enforcement of Maritime Cybersecurity Regulation, R Hopcraft
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based method for assessing the hydrodynamic impact of animal borne data loggers on host marine mammals, Adam Kyte, Christopher Pass, Richard Pemberton, Matthew Sharman, and J. Chris McKnight