Browse research from the School of Psychology.
Submissions from 2012
Feeling good about being hungry: food-related thoughts in eating disorder, JF Blackburn, AR Thomson, and J May
Implicit Social Learning in Relation to Autistic-Like Traits, Matthew Hudson, Tanja C.W. Nijboer, and Tjeerd Jellema
Individual Differences in (Non-Visual) Processing Style Predict the Face Inversion Effect, NA Wyer, D Martin, T Pickup, and CN Macrae
Linguistic processing of accented speech across the lifespan., Alejandrina Cristia, Amanda Seidl, Charlotte Vaughn, Rachel Schmale, Ann Bradlow, and Caroline Floccia
Segmentation cues in spontaneous speech: Robust semantics and fragile phonotactics., L White, SL Mattys, and L Wiget
Sensory imagery in craving: From cognitive psychology to new treatments for addiction., J Andrade, J May, and DK Kavanagh
Syllable effects in a fragment-detection task in italian listeners., Caroline Floccia, Jeremy Goslin, JJD Morais, and Régine Kolinsky
The effects of label design characteristics on perceptions of genetically modified food, E. Hellier, M. Tucker, L. Newbold, J. Edworthy, J. Griffin, and N. Coulson
Use of a clay modeling task to reduce chocolate craving., Jackie Andrade, Sally Pears, Jon May, and David J. Kavanagh
Young children consider merit when sharing resources with others, Patricia Kanngiesser and Felix Warneken
Submissions from 2011
Space makers or space cadets exploring children's perceptions of space and place in the context of a dublin primary school, A Loxley, B O'Leary, and SJ Minton
Testing the dorsal stream attention hypothesis: Electrophysiological correlates and the effects of ventral stream damage, Narisa E. Marrett, Lee H. de-Wit, Matthew E. Roser, Robert W. Kentridge, A. David Milner, and Anthony J. Lambert
Cognitions in bipolar affective disorder and unipolar depression: imagining suicide, SA Hales, C Deeprose, GM Goodwin, and EA Holmes
Don't sit so close to me: Unconsciously elicited affect automatically provokes social avoidance, NA Wyer and G Calvini
Interventions for the treatment of oral and oropharyngeal cancers: surgical treatment., A Bessell, A-M Glenny, S Furness, JE Clarkson, R Oliver, DI Conway, M Macluskey, S Pavitt, P Sloan, and HV Worthington
Bilateral redundancy gain and callosal integrity in a man with callosal lipoma: a diffusion-tensor imaging study, Matthew E. Roser, Michael C. Corballis, Ashok Jansari, Jon Fulford, Abdelmalek Benattayallah, and William M. Adams
Automatic and ironic behavior are both mediated by changes in the self-concept, NA Wyer, H Neilens, TJ Perfect, and G Mazzoni
Right hemisphere dominance in visual statistical learning, Matthew E. Roser, József Fiser, Richard N. Aslin, and Michael S. Gazzaniga
Feeding interventions for growth and development in infants with cleft lip, cleft palate or cleft lip and palate., A Bessell, L Hooper, WC Shaw, S Reilly, J Reid, and A-M Glenny
The face inhibition effect: Social contrast or motor competition?, SP Tipper and P Bach
The predictive mirror: interactions of mirror and affordance processes during action observation, P Bach, AP Bayliss, and SP Tipper
Attention deployment during memorizing and executing complex instructions., Jens K. Apel, Gavin F. Revie, Angelo Cangelosi, Rob Ellis, Jeremy Goslin, and Martin H. Fischer
Learning associations between action and perception: Effects of incompatible training on body part and spatial priming, Alison J. Wiggett, Matt Hudson, Steve P. Tipper, and Paul E. Downing
Lexical stress and phonetic processing in word learning in 20-to 24-month-old English-learning children, Caroline Floccia, Thierry Nazzi, Keith Austin, Frédérique Arreckx, and Jeremy Goslin
Measuring alcohol craving: development of the Alcohol Craving Experience questionnaire., Dixie J. Statham, Jason P. Connor, David J. Kavanagh, Gerald F.X. Feeney, Ross Mc D. Young, Jon May, and Jackie Andrade
Points in mental space: an interdisciplinary study of imagery in movement creation, Jon May, Beatriz Calvo-Merino, Scott Delahunta, Wayne McGregor, Rhodri Cusack, Adrian M. Owen, Michele Veldsman, Cristina Ramponi, and Philip Barnard
Resolving ambiguous behavioral intentions by means of involuntary prioritization of gaze processing., Matthew Hudson and Tjeerd Jellema
The influence of auditory feedback on speed choice, violations and comfort in a driving simulation game, E. Hellier, A. Naweed, G. Walker, P. Husband, and J. Edworthy
The Psychology of Stroke in Young Adults: The Roles of Service Provision and Return to Work, Reg Morris
Submissions from 2010
Tests of the elaborated intrusion theory of craving and desire: Features of alcohol craving during treatment for an alcohol disorder, David J. Kavanagh, Jon May, and Jackie Andrade
Priming in interpersonal contexts: implications for affect and behavior., NA Wyer, G Calvini, A Nash, and N Miles
Selective self-categorization: Meaningful categorization and the in-group persuasion effect, NA Wyer
A review of human factors principles for the design and implementation of medication safety alerts in clinical information systems, S Phansalkar, J Edworthy, E Hellier, DL Seger, and et al
Investigating the 'latent' deficit hypothesis: Age at time of head injury, implicit and executive functions and behavioral insight, L. A. Barker, J. Andrade, N. Morton, C. A.J. Romanowski, and D. P. Bowles
Modelling Visual Neglect: Computational Insights into Conscious Perception, LJ Lanyon and SL Denham
Temporal Distance and Person Memory: Thinking About the Future Changes Memory for the Past, NA Wyer, TJ Perfect, and S Pahl
On the Role of Object Information in Action Observation: An fMRI Study., P Bach, MV Peelen, and SP Tipper
Salient egalitarian norms moderate activation of out-group approach and avoidance, NA Wyer
A review of human factors principles for the design and implementation of medication safety alerts in clinical information systems., Shobha Phansalkar, Judy Edworthy, Elizabeth Hellier, Diane L. Seger, Angela Schedlbauer, Anthony J. Avery, and David W. Bates
Bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orang utans use feature and spatial cues in two spatial memory tasks, Patricia Kanngiesser and Josep Call
Cyber-bullying: The irish experience, M O’Moore and SJ Minton
Emotional and Behavioral Reaction to Intrusive Thoughts, Jackie Andrade, Lisa Marie Berry, Jon May, and David Kavanagh
Gesturing Meaning: Non-action Words Activate the Motor System, P Bach, D Griffiths, M Weigelt, and SP Tipper
Infants’ Discrimination of Familiar and Unfamiliar Accents in Speech, Joseph Butler, Caroline Floccia, Jeremy Goslin, and Robin Panneton
Integrating Action and Language through Biased Competition., E Symes, M Tucker, and G Ottoboni
Less food for thought. Impact of attentional instructions on intrusive thoughts about snack foods., Jon May, Jackie Andrade, Helen Batey, Lisa Marie Berry, and David J. Kavanagh
Negative intrusive thoughts and dissociation as risk factors for self-harm., Helen Batey, Jon May, and Jackie Andrade
Neuronal network pharmacodynamics of GABAergic modulation in the human cortex determined using pharmaco-magnetoencephalography., Stephen D. Hall, Gareth R. Barnes, Paul L. Furlong, Stefano Seri, and Arjan Hillebrand
Students' experiences of aggressive behaviour and bully/victim problems in Irish schools, Stephen James Minton
Temporal distance and person memory: thinking about the future changes memory for the past., NA Wyer, TJ Perfect, and S Pahl
Visuospatial tasks suppress craving for cigarettes., Jon May, Jackie Andrade, Nathalie Panabokke, and David Kavanagh
What Does Doodling do?, Jackie Andrade
When not thinking leads to being and doing: Stereotype suppression and the self, NA Wyer, G Mazzoni, TJ Perfect, G Calvini, and HL Neilens
Submissions from 2009
Bias for consonantal information over vocalic information in 30-month-olds: cross-linguistic evidence from French and English., Thierry Nazzi, Caroline Floccia, Bérangère Moquet, and Joseph Butler
Understanding pitch perception as a hierarchical process with top-down modulation., E Balaguer-Ballester, NR Clark, M Coath, K Krumbholz, and SL Denham
Anticipating intentional actions: The effect of eye gaze direction on the judgment of head rotation, Matthew Hudson, Chang Hong Liu, and Tjeerd Jellema
Categorization of regional and foreign accent in 5-to 7-year-old British children, Caroline Floccia, Joseph Butler, Frédérique Girard, and Jeremy Goslin
Causal Induction from Continuous Event Streams: Evidence for Delay-Induced Attribution Shifts, M Buehner and J May
Conditions for the implementation of anti‐bullying programmes in Norway and Ireland: a comparison of contexts and strategies, U. V. Midthassel, S. J. Minton, and A. M. O'Moore
Regional and foreign accent processing in English: can listeners adapt?, Caroline Floccia, Joseph Butler, Jeremy Goslin, and Lucy Ellis
What determines auditory similarity? The effect of stimulus group and methodology, KM Aldrich, EJ Hellier, and J Edworthy
What determines auditory similarity? The effect of stimulus group and methodology., Kirsteen M. Aldrich, Elizabeth J. Hellier, and Judy Edworthy
Submissions from 2008
Interdependent Utilities: How Social Ranking Affects Choice Behavior, Nadège Bault, Giorgio Coricelli, and Aldo Rustichini
That's it we're having more insulation: Will householders change behaviours and attitudes after being shown an infrared image of their homes leaking heat?, TC Auburn, J Goodhew, and S Pahl
Cognitive consequences of perceiving social exclusion, NA Wyer
Your own actions influence how you perceive other people: A misattribution of action appraisals, SP Tipper and P Bach
Affection, virtue, pleasure, and profit: Developing an understanding of friendship closeness and intimacy in western and Asian societies, M Gummerum and M Keller
The effectiveness of a nationwide intervention programme to prevent and counter school bullying in Ireland, SJ Minton and AM O'Moore
An exploratory survey of the experiences of homophobic bullying among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered young people in Ireland, Stephen James Minton, Torunn Dahl, Moore AM O’, and Donnely Tuck
A single-system account of the relationship between priming, recognition, and fluency., Christopher J. Berry, David R. Shanks, and Richard N.A. Henson
Conscious and unconscious processes in human desire, J Andrade, J May, and DK Kavanagh
Imagery and strength of craving for eating, drinking, and playing sport, Jon May, Jackie Andrade, David Kavanagh, and Lucy Penfound
Perception and awareness of accents in young children, C Floccia, F Girard, and J Goslin
Submissions from 2007
Improvements in exercise capacity during a 4-weeks pulmonary rehabilitation program for COPD patients do not correspond with improvements in self-reported health status or quality of life., E Haave, ME Hyland, and H Engvik
Focusing on body sites: the role of spatial attention in action perception, P Bach, NA Peatfield, and SP Tipper
Implicit action encoding influences personal-trait judgments, P Bach and SP Tipper
Comparing French syllabification in preliterate children and adults, J Goslin and C Floccia
Evidence for an olfactory store in working memory?, J Andrade and L Donaldson
Hunger-related intrusive thoughts reflect increased accessibility of food items, Lisa Marie Berry, Jackie Andrade, and Jon May
Motivational influences on compliance with and consequences of instructions to suppress stereotypes, NA Wyer
Submissions from 2006
Bend it like Beckham: Embodying the Motor Skills of Famous Athletes, P Bach and SP Tipper
Does a regional accent perturb speech processing?, C Floccia, J Goslin, F Girard, and G Konopczynski
Submissions from 2005
Action Comprehension: Deriving Spatial and Functional Relations., P Bach, G Knoblich, TC Gunter, AD Friederici, and W Prinz
Evaluation of the effectiveness of an anti‐bullying programme in primary schools, Astrid Mona O'Moore and Stephen James Minton
Imaginary relish and exquisite torture: The elaborated intrusion theory of desire, David J. Kavanagh, Jackie Andrade, and Jon May
Weak links and scene cliques in Shakespeare's plays, M Hudson and J Stiller
Submissions from 2004
Communicating hands: ERPs elicited by meaningful symbolic hand postures, TC Gunter and P Bach
Cooperation of different neuronal systems during hand sign recognition, A Nakamura, B Maess, TR Knösche, and et al
Not all stereotypic biases are created equal: Evidence for a stereotype-disconfirming bias, NA Wyer
Submissions from 2003
A brief guide to the selection of quality of life instrument., Michael E. Hyland
Value conflicts in intergroup perception: a social cognitive perspective, N Wyer
Submissions from 2002
Contrast effects in stereotype formation and change: the role of comparative context, NA Wyer, MS Sadler, and CM Judd
Submissions from 2000
Asymmetries of Brain Function in Alcoholism: Relationship to Aging, M Oscar Berman and HE Schendan
The Roles of Motivation and Ability in Controlling the Consequences of Stereotype Suppression, NA Wyer, JW Sherman, and SJ Stroessner
Submissions from 1999
Seeing More Than We Can Know: Visual Attention and Category Activation, CN Macrae, GV Bodenhausen, AB Milne, and G Calvini
Submissions from 1998
Intergroup bias in group judgment processes: The role of behavioral memories, JW Sherman, SB Klein, A Laskey, and NA Wyer
The balance between activation and inhibition in stereotype use, NA Wyer and DL Hamilton
Submissions from 1997
Racism and racial categorization., J Blascovich, NA Wyer, LA Swart, and JL Kibler