Browse research from the School of Psychology.


Submissions from 2019

Children’s respect for ownership across diverse societies, Patricia Kanngiesser, Federico Rossano, Henriette Zeidler, Daniel Haun, and Michael Tomasello


Children’s Selective Trust in Promises, Margherita Isella, Patricia Kanngiesser, and Michael Tomasello


Dissociation between Private and Social Counterfactual Value Signals Following Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Damage, Nadège Bault, Pellegrino G di, Martina Puppi, Gaëlle Opolczynski, Alessia Monti, Davide Braghittoni, Florence Thibaut, Aldo Rustichini, and Giorgio Coricelli


Do Others Judge My Humor Style as I Do? Self-Other Agreement and Construct Validity of the Humor Styles Questionnaire, Sonja Heintz


Do Psychological Factors Relate to Energy Saving Behaviours in Inefficient and Damp Homes? A study among English social housing residents, C Boomsma, RV Jones, S Pahl, and A Fuertes

Face search in CCTV surveillance, A. Mike Burton and Mila Mileva


From four to nine styles: An update on individual differences in humor, Sonja Heintz and Willibald Ruch

Individual variation in patterns of task focused, and detailed, thought are uniquely associated within the architecture of the medial temporal lobe, Nerissa Siu Ping Ho, Xiuyi Wang, Deniz Vatansever, Daniel S. Margulies, Boris Bernhardt, Elizabeth Jefferies, and Jonathan Smallwood


Learning from failure: Errorful generation improves memory for items, not associations, Tina Seabrooke, Timothy J. Hollins, Christopher Kent, Andy J. Wills, and Chris J. Mitchell

Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex supports context-dependent prioritisation of off-task thought, A. Turnbull, HT Wang, C. Murphy, N. S.P. Ho, X Wang, M. Sormaz, T. Karapanagiotidis, R. M. Leech, B. Bernhardt, D. S. Margulies, D. Vatansever, E. Jefferies, and J. Smallwood


Linking repetition priming, recognition, and source memory: A single-system signal-detection account, Nicholas Lange, Christopher J. Berry, and Timothy J. Hollins


Long Term Care Needs Following Acquired Brain Injury and Social Care Services in the UK, M Holloway and A Norman


Mine or mother’s? Exploring the self-ownership effect across cultures, M Golubickis, NSP Ho, JK Falbén, KM Mackenzie, A Boschetti, WA Cunningham, and Macrae C Neil


Natural environments and craving: The mediating role of negative affect, Leanne Martin, Sabine Pahl, Mathew P. White, and Jon May


Neural correlates of weighted reward prediction error during reinforcement learning classify response to cognitive behavioral therapy in depression, Filippo Queirazza, Elsa Fouragnan, J. Douglas Steele, Jonathan Cavanagh, and Marios G. Philiastides


Recommendation of New Medical Alarms based on Audibility, Identifiability, and Detectability in a Randomized, Simulation-Based Study, J Edworthy, C Bennett, R Dudaryk, N Crenshaw, and R McNeer


Refractory depression – cost-effectiveness of radically open dialectical behaviour therapy: findings of economic evaluation of RefraMED trial, James Shearer, Thomas R. Lynch, Rampaul Chamba, Susan Clarke, Roelie J. Hempel, David G. Kingdon, Heather O'Mahen, Bob Remington, Sophie C. Rushbrook, Ian T. Russell, Maggie Stanton, Michaela Swales, Alan Watkins, Ben Whalley, and Sarah Byford


Social Evaluation of Faces Across Gender and Familiarity, Mila Mileva, Robin S.S. Kramer, and A. Mike Burton

Stärkenbasierte Interventionen in der Positiven Psychologie. [Strengths-based interventions in Positive Psychology.], V Vylobkova, S Heintz, and F Gander


Stop stereotyping, Johanna K. Falbén, Juliana L. Olivier, Marius Golubickis, Nerissa S.P. Ho, Linn M. Persson, Dimitra Tsamadi, Eleni Marinopoulou, Bianca Bianciardi, William A. Cunningham, and C. Neil Macrae


The CORE-10 in screening for current mental health problems and severe mental illness in prisoners, Reg Morris and Gwen O'Connor


The macaque anterior cingulate cortex translates counterfactual choice value into actual behavioral change, Elsa F. Fouragnan, Bolton K.H. Chau, Davide Folloni, Nils Kolling, Lennart Verhagen, Miriam Klein-Flügge, Lev Tankelevitch, Georgios K. Papageorgiou, Jean Francois Aubry, Jerome Sallet, and Matthew F.S. Rushworth

The potential and value of objective eye tracking in the ophthalmology clinic, R Clark, J Blundell, MJ Dunn, JT Erichsen, ME Giardini, I Gottlob, C Harris, H Lee, L Mcilreavy, A Olson, JE Self, V Vinuela-Navarro, J Waddington, JM Woodhouse, ID Gilchrist, and C Williams


Thinking outside of the box II: Disrupting the cognitive map., Matthew G. Buckley, Alastair D. Smith, and Mark Haselgrove


Two- and three-year-olds consider ownership when selecting and allocating resources, M Petrowski, Patricia Kanngiesser, and Ori Friedman


Uncertainty and blocking in human causal learning, Peter M. Jones, Tara Zaksaite, and Chris J. Mitchell

Understanding facial impressions between and within identities, Mila Mileva, Andrew W. Young, Robin S.S. Kramer, and A. Mike Burton

Submissions from 2018


Perception of risk for older adults: Differences in evaluations for self vs. others and across risk domains, J Rolison, Y Hanoch, and A Freund


Slower alpha rhythm associates with poorer seizure control in epilepsy, E Abela, AD Pawley, C Tangwiriyasakul, SN Yaakub, and et al


A computationally efficient formal method for discovering simutlaneous masking in medical alarms, ML Bolton, J Edworthy, AD Boyd, J Wei, and X Zheng


A Qualitative Evaluation of Recovery Processes Experienced by Mentally Disordered Offenders following a Group Treatment Programme, Alison M. Bacon, B Colquhoun1, and Alex Lord


Investigating the association between fantasy proneness and emotional distress: the mediating role of cognitive coping strategies, AM Bacon and JJ Charlesford


Predictors of post-traumatic growth in stroke survivors, Reg Morris, Grace Kelly, and Hamsaraj Shetty


The ‘Right’ Side of Creativity: Creative Personality and Social Risk-Taking Predict Political Party Affiliation, V Tyagi, Y Hanoch, B Choma, and SL Denham


Dissecting the politics of “Obamacare”: The role of distributive justice, deservingness, and affect., Y Hanoch, B Choma, A Barnes, and R Braun

Should Phd Students Teach?, S Homer


What a discursive understanding of interprofessional team meetings might reveal: an exploration of intellectual (learning) disability managers' performances., C Smart, N Froomberg, and T Auburn


The logic sense: exploring the role of executive functioning in belief and logic-based judgments, Stephanie Howarth, Simon Handley, and Clare Walsh


Supranuclear eye movements and nystagmus in children: A review of the literature and guide to clinical examination, interpretation of findings and age-appropriate norms., D Osborne, M Theodorou, H Lee, M Ranger, F Shawkat, CM Harris, and JE Self


Eye movements while judging faces for trustworthiness and dominance, F Hermens, M Golubickis, and CN Macrae


Reaping the Benefits and Avoiding the Risks: Unrealistic Optimism in the Health Domain., Y Hanoch, J Rolison, and AM Freund


Paving the way to Eureka-introducing "Dira" as an experimental paradigm to observe the process of creative problem solving, Frank Loesche, Jeremy Goslin, and Guido Bugmann


Dynamic brain network states in human generalized spike-wave discharges, C Tangwiriyasakul, S Perani, M Centeno, SN Yaakub, and et al


Getting alarm sounds into a global standard: A cases study with reflections, J Edworthy, R McNeer, C Bennett, R Dudaryk, S McDougall, J Schlesinger, M Bolton, Edworthy J Reed, Vieira E Özcan, A Boyd, S Reid, M Rayo, M Wright, and D Osborn


Attitudes Toward Presidential Candidates in the 2012 and 2016 American Elections: Cognitive Ability and Support for Trump, Y Ganzach, Y Hanoch, and B Choma


Creativity Through Connectedness: The Role of Closeness and Perspective Taking in Group Creativity, P Öztop, KV Katsikopoulos, and M Gummerum


Automaticity and cognitive control: Effects of cognitive load on cue-controlled reward choice, Tina Seabrooke, Andy J. Wills, Lee Hogarth, and Chris J. Mitchell


Functional Imagery Training versus Motivational Interviewing for Weight Loss: A randomised controlled trial of brief individual interventions for overweight and obesity, Jackie Andrade, Linda Solbrig, Ben Whalley, David J. Kavanagh, Jon May, Tracey Parkin, and Ray Jones


Amygdala reactivity in ethnic minorities and its relationship to the social environment: an fMRI study, R McCutcheon, MAP Bloomfield, T Dahoun, M Quinlan, and et al


Emotional Preferences and Goals and Emotion Dysregulation in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome and Typically Developing Children, B Lopez-Perez, T Ambrona, and M Gummerum


Frequency-dependent top-down modulation of temporal summation by anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation of the primary motor cortex in healthy adults, SW Hughes, M Ali, P Sharma, N Insan, and PH Strutton


Children's scale errors: A by-product of lexical development?, Beata J. Grzyb, Angelo Cangelosi, Allegra Cattani, and Caroline Floccia


Expertise in evaluating choreographic creativity: an online adaptation of the Consensual Assessment Technique, Lucie Clements, Sell NM Lefebvre, Emma Redding, and Jon May

Inter-rater agreement in trait judgements from faces, Robin S.S. Kramer, Mila Mileva, and Kay L. Ritchie


Perceptual Teleology: Expectations of Action Efficiency Bias Social Perception, Matthew Hudson, Patric Bach, Katrina L. McDonough, and Rhys Edwards


Self-relevance enhances the benefits of attention on perception, CN Macrae, A Visokomogilski, M Golubickis, and A Sahraie


Can self-defeating humor make you happy? Cognitive interviews reveal the adaptive side of the self-defeating humor style, Sonja Heintz and Willibald Ruch

What influences women to continue or stop breastfeeding? A thematic analysis, Alyson Norman, Jessica Keevash, Hannah Forrest, and Samantha Mortimer


Risk as reward: Reinforcement sensitivity theory and psychopathic personality perspectives on everyday risk-taking, Liam P. Satchell, L.P., Alison M. Bacon, Jennifer L. Firth, and Philip J. Corr


The construction and validation of the Severe Asthma Questionnaire, Michael E. Hyland, Rupert C. Jones, Joseph W. Lanario, and Matthew Masoli


Lexical knowledge boosts statistically-driven speech segmentation, SD Palmer, J Hudson, L White, and SL Mattys


Acoustic features of auditory medical alarms - an experimental study of alarm volume, Schlesinger, JJ, SH Baum, K Nash, M Bruce, D Ashmead, MS Shotwell, MT Wallace, MB Weinger, and J Edworthy

Humor Assessment and Interventions in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review, Lisa M. Linge-Dahl, Sonja Heintz, Willibald Ruch, and Lukas Radbruch


Social contact patterns can buffer costs of forgetting in the evolution of cooperation, Jeffrey R. Stevens, Jan K. Woike, Lael J. Schooler, Stefan Lindner, and Thorsten Pachur


A spotlight on safeguarding in trainee selection: The Plymouth programmes experience of safer recruitment, H Lloyd and M Heath


Call to claim your prize: Perceived benefits and risk drive intention to comply in a mass marketing scam., S Wood, P-J Liu, Y Hanoch, PM Xi, and L Klapatch


Updating an International Medical Device Standard: A Process for Audible Alarms, J Edworthy, R Mcneer, C Bennett, and R Dudaryk


Should We Play Games Where Energy Is Concerned? Perceptions of Serious Gaming as a Technology to Motivate Energy Behaviour Change among Social Housing Residents, C Boomsma, R Hafner, S Pahl, RV Jones, and A Fuertes


Similar but separate systems underlie perceptual bistability in vision and audition, SL Denham, D Farkas, R van Ee, M Taranu, and et al


Designing Road Safety Interventions for Young Drivers: the Power of Peer Influence, L Weston and EJ Hellier


Psychometric evaluation of the revised Sense of Humor Scale and the construction of a parallel form, Willibald Ruch and Sonja Heintz


Correction: Prospective mental imagery as its link with anxiety and depression in prisoners, B López-Pérez, C Deeprose, and Y Hanoch


Trust in artificial voices, Ilaria Torre, Jeremy Goslin, Laurence White, and Debora Zanatto


Evaluation of an innovative evidence-guided PBL approach, HF Lloyd


Framing of Online Risk: Young Adults’ and Adolescents’ Representations of Risky Gambles., CM White, M Gummerum, and Y Hanoch

Evaluation of an innovative, evidence- guided, PBL approach, Stephanie Bull, Hilary Neve, Helen Lloyd, Kerry Gilbert, and Karen Mattick


Prospective mental imagery as its link with anxiety and depression in prisoners, B López-Pérez, C Deeprose, and Y Hanoch


Health Literacy and Plan Choice: Implications for Medicare Managed Care, RT Braun, AJ Barnes, Y Hanoch, and AD Federman


A Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory explanation of antisocial behaviour, Alison M. Bacon, Philip J. Corr, and Liam Paul Satchell


Perceived language proficiency and pain assessment by registered and student nurses in native English-speaking and EAL children aged 4–7 years, Allegra Cattani, Pary M. Azize, and Ruth Endacott


The visual influence of ostracism, M Golubickis, A Sahraie, AR Hunt, and et al


Vocabulary of 2-Year-Olds Learning English and an Additional Language: Norms and Effects of Linguistic Distance, C Floccia, TD Sambrook, Luche C Delle, R Kwok, J Goslin, L White, A Cattani, E Sullivan, K Abbot-Smith, A Krott, D Mills, C Rowland, J Gervain, and K Plunkett


Patient-Reported Measures for Person-Centered Coordinated Care: A Comparative Domain Map and Web-Based Compendium for Supporting Policy Development and Implementation, Helen Lloyd, Hannah Wheat, Jane Horrell, Thavapriya Sugavanam, Benjamin Fosh, Jose M. Valderas, and James Close


Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International, Sonja Heintz, Willibald Ruch, Tracey Platt, Dandan Pang, Hugo Carretero-Dios, Alberto Dionigi, Gutiérrez C Argüello, Ingrid Brdar, Dorota Brzozowska, Hsueh Chih Chen, W Chłopicki, Matthew Collins, R Ďurka, NYE Yahfoufi, Angélica Quiroga-Garza, Robert B. Isler, Andrés Mendiburo-Seguel, Tamil Selvan Ramis, Betül Saglam, Olga V. Shcherbakova, Kamlesh Singh, Ieva Stokenberga, Peter S.O. Wong, and Jorge Torres-Marín


Exploring the self-ownership effect: Separating stimulus and response biases., M Golubickis, JK Falben, WA Cunningham, and CN Macrae


Psychological interventions for coronary heart disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis., Suzanne H. Richards, Lindsey Anderson, Caroline E. Jenkinson, Ben Whalley, Karen Rees, Philippa Davies, Paul Bennett, Zulian Liu, Robert West, David R. Thompson, and Rod S. Taylor


How patient participation was used to develop a questionnaire that is fit for purpose for assessing quality of life in severe asthma., Michael E. Hyland, Joseph W. Lanario, Jill Pooler, Matthew Masoli, and Rupert C. Jones


Broadening Humor: Comic Styles Differentially Tap into Temperament, Character, and Ability, Willibald Ruch, Sonja Heintz, Tracey Platt, Lisa Wagner, and René T. Proyer


Humor, the PEN model of personality, and subjective well-being: Support for differential relationships with eight comic styles, W Ruch, L Wagner, and S Heintz


The Secondary Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Family and Friends, Alyson Norman and Jane Townshend


Evaluation of a surfing programme designed to increase personal well-being and connectedness to the natural environment among ‘at risk’ young people, A Hignett, MP White, S Pahl, R Jenkin, and ML Froy


Adverse life events and the onset of anxiety disorders., B Miloyan, O Joseph Bienvenu, B Brilot, and WW Eaton


A test of the adaptive network explanation of functional disorders using a machine learning analysis of symptoms., Michael E. Hyland, Christos Melidis, and Susan L. Denham


Audiovisual integration in social evaluation, A. Mike Burton, Mila Mileva, James Tompkinson, and Dominic Watt


Auditory icon alarms are more accurately and quickly identified than standard melodic alarms in a simulated clinical setting, R Mcneer, Horn D Bodzin, C Bennett, J Edworthy, and R Dudaryk


Can Nursing Students Gain Person-Centred Skills while Supporting Citizen Contacts to use the Internet for Health?, TM Page, HM Lloyd, GR Williamson, and RB Jones


Competitive escalation and interventions, Sebastian Hafenbrädl and Jan K. Woike


Creativity and cognitive control: Behavioral and ERP evidence that divergent thinking, but not real-life creative achievement, relates to better cognitive control., Darya L. Zabelina and Giorgio Ganis


Due process in dual process: Model-recovery simulations of decision-bound strategy analysis in category learning, Charlotte E.R. Edmunds, Fraser Milton, and Andy J. Wills


Electrophysiological study of action-affordance priming between object names., Isabel M. Feven-Parsons and Jeremy Goslin