<p>The study investigated the similarities and dissimilarities of using pedagogical techniques in classroom interactions, taken place whilst teaching a known language and an unknown language in a CELTA training classroom context. For this purpose, the classroom interactions in unknown and known languages were analysed according to the qualitative research method. First, the interactions were recorded; and then transcribed them by following Jefferson’s transcription conventions. The interactants were one instructor (Female), and twelve trainees: seven females and five males. Usually, the CELTA has a maximum class size of tweleve. The instructor was a native-speaker of English, but the trainees were the mixture of native and non-native speakers. One was from Thailand, one from Indonesia, one from Bangladesh; two from Europe, and the rest were from the UK. Most of the trainees had teaching experience. The results of the study indicated that there exist distinctions, rather than similarities, between pedagogical strategies ued while teaching known and unknown languages. The study also suggested that all the pedagogical techniques do not fit equally with teaching both the languages; some can be used in a wider degree—some can be employed in a lesser degree.</p>
Recommended Citation
Shidur, R.
'Investigating Pedagogical Techniques in Classroom Interactions at a CELTA Training Programme',
English Language Teaching, 9(9), pp. 1-1.
Available at: 10.5539/elt.v9n9p1