Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.
Submissions from 2020
Loop spin effects in intense background fields, A. Ilderton, B. King, and S. Tang
Dynamic Emotional Language Adaptation in Multiparty Interactions with Agents, B Irfan, A Narayanan, and J Kennedy
Web-flange distortional buckling analysis of partially restrained cold-formed steel beams under uplift loading, Juan Zhao, Zhenlei Chen, and Long Yuan Li
Development of a bionic interactive interface for Owl robot using stereo vision algorithms, Chunxu Li, James Rogers, Philip Culverhouse, and Benjamin Wickenden
A sustainable shipbreaking approach for cleaner environment and better wellbeing, Md Jahir Rizvi, Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, Olalekan Adekola, and Oguguah Ngozi Margaret
Highly polarised gamma photons from electron-laser collisions, S. Tang, B. King, and H. Hu
Hydroelastic interaction between water waves and an array of circular floating porous elastic plates, Siming Zheng, Michael H. Meylan, Guixun Zhu, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias
Focused wave interactions with floating structures: A blind comparative study, Edward J. Ransley, Scott A. Brown, Martyn Hann, Deborah M. Greaves, Christian Windt, John Ringwood, Josh Davidson, Pal Schmitt, Shiqiang Yan, JX Wang, JH Wang, Q Ma, Zhihua Xie, Giuseppe Giorgi, Jack Hughes, Alison Williams, Ian Masters, Zaibin Lin, H Chen, Ling Qian, Z Ma, Q Chen, Haoyu DIng, Jun Zang, Rij J van, Yi Hsiang Yu, Zhaobin Li, Benjamin Bouscasse, Guillaume Ducrozet, and Harry Bingham
Recovery of electronic wastes as fillers for electromagnetic shielding in building components: an LCA study, Rosa AD La, Sotirios Grammatikos, George Andrei Ursan, Sebastian Aradoaei, John Summerscales, Romeo Cristian Ciobanu, and Cristina Mihaela Schreiner
Returning to schools and universities in the time of coronavirus: some statistical suggestions, G Sebastiani and J Stander
The Potential for Tidal Range Energy Systems to Provide Continuous Power: A UK Case Study, Lucas Mackie, Daniel Coles, Matthew Piggott, and Athanasios Angeloudis
Space-based assets, applications, user importance, and maritime vulnerabilities, C Lavers and F Moustakis
Mathematical modelling of concrete carbonation with moving boundary, L-Y Li
Classical and quantum double copy of back-reaction, T Adamo and A Ilderton
Grain‐energy release governs mobility of debris flow due to solid–liquid mass release, Zhixian Cao, Qingquan Liu, Ji Li, Alistair Borthwick, and Gareth Pender
Renormalisation group flow of the Jaynes-Cummings model, A Ilderton
An Open-Source Social Robot Based on Compliant Soft Robotics for Therapy with Children with ASD, D Casas-Bocanegra, D Gomez-Vargas, MJ Pinto-Bernal, J Maldonado, M Munera, A Villa-Moreno, MF Stoelen, T Belpaeme, and CA Cifuentes
Decadal link between longitudinal morphological changes in branching channels of Yangtze estuary and movement of the offshore depo‐center, Boyuan Zhu, Yao Yue, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Wenjun Yu, Enhang Liang, Jinwu Tang, Yuanfang Chai, and Yitian Li
Detection of nitrous oxide using infrared optical plasmonics coupled with carbon nanotubes, Thomas Allsop, Araimi M Al, Ron Neal, Changle Wang, Phil Culverhouse, Juan D. Ania-Castañón, David J. Webb, Paul Davey, James M. Gilbert, and Alex Rozhin
Visualising Evolution History in Multi- and Many-Objective Optimisation, Matthew J. Craven, Mathew J. Walter, and David J. Walker
Finite element analysis of natural fiber composites using a self-updating model, Zia Javanbakht, Wayne Hall, Amandeep Singh Virk, John Summerscales, and Andreas Öchsner
The DREAM Dataset: Supporting a data-driven study of autism spectrum disorder and robot enhanced therapy, E Billing, T Belpaeme, H Cai, H-L Cao, A Ciocan, C Costescu, D David, R Homewood, Garcia D Hernandez, Esteban P Gómez, H Liu, V Nair, S Matu, A Mazel, M Selescu, E Senft, S Thill, B Vanderborght, D Vernon, and T Ziemke
A Novel Double Layered Hybrid Multi-Robot Framework for Guidance and Navigation of Unmanned Surface Vehicles in a Practical Maritime Environment, Yogang Singh, Marco Bibuli, Enrica Zereik, Sanjay Sharma, Asiya Khan, and R Sutton
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model, G. Colangelo, T. Aoyama, N. Asmussen, M. Benayoun, J. Bijnens, T. Blum, M. Bruno, I. Caprini, CMC Calame, M. Cè, F. Curciarello, H. Czyż, I. Danilkin, M. Davier, C. T.H. Davies, MD Morte, S. I. Eidelman, A. X. El-Khadra, A. Gérardin, D. Giusti, M. Golterman, Steven Gottlieb, V. Gülpers, F. Hagelstein, M. Hayakawa, G. Herdoíza, D. W. Hertzog, A. Hoecker, M. Hoferichter, and B. L. Hoid
Incorporating the Human Facet of Security in Developing Systems and Services, Bilal Naqvi, Nathan Clarke, and Jari Porras
Role and task allocation framework for Multi-Robot Collaboration with latent knowledge estimation, M Gianni and MS Uddin
A novel approach for improving information security management and awareness for home environments, Fayez Ghazai Alotaibi, Nathan Clarke, and Steven M. Furnell
Loads on a Point-Absorber Wave Energy Converter in Regular and Focused Extreme Wave Events, E Katsidoniotaki, E Ransley, S Brown, J Palm, J Engström, and M Göteman
Numerical Model of a Vertical-Axis Cross-Flow Tidal Turbine, R Zhao, ACW Creech, AGL Borthwick, T Nishino, and V Venugopal
Interfacial response of fibre-to-matrix in textile reinforced concrete between two cracks: Analytical solution, Maozhou Meng, Shanshan Cheng, and Jie Ji
Steady-state multiple near resonances of periodic interfacial waves with rigid boundary, Jiyang Li, Zeng Liu, Shijun Liao, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick
Using a Personalised Socially Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Long-Term Case Study, B Irfan, NC Gomez, J Casas, E Senft, and et al
Scaling the HTM Spatial Pooler, D Dobric, A Pech, B Ghita, and T Wennekers
Calculation of electrical conductivity of self-sensing carbon nanotube composites, Long Yuan Li, Yuan Fang, and Sung Hwan Jang
Drying shrinkage, strength and microstructure of alkali-activated high-calcium fly ash using FGD-gypsum and dolomite as expansive additive, Sakonwan Hanjitsuwan, Tanakorn Phoo-ngernkham, Borwonrak Injorhor, Nattapong Damrongwiriyanupap, Long Yuan Li, Piti Sukontasukkul, and Prinya Chindaprasirt
Motion Planning of Redundant Manipulator with Variable Joint Velocity Limit Based on Beetle Antennae Search Algorithm, Yaozong Cheng, C Li, S Li, and Z Li
Scattering in strong electromagnetic fields: Transverse size effects in time-dependent basis light-front quantization, B Hu, A Ilderton, and X Zhao
Color dependence of tensor and scalar glueball masses in Yang-Mills theories, Deog Ki Hong, Ed Bennett, Jack Holligan, Jong Wan Lee, C. J.David Lin, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, and Davide Vadacchino
Techniques and Applications in Water Science and Engineering, Jian Guo Zhou, Haifei Liu, Alistair Borthwick, and Carlo Gualtieri
Recyclable structural composites for marine renewable energy, John Summerscales, Y Qin, Jasper Graham-Jones, R Cullen, Maozhou Meng, and Richard Pemberton
Nonlinear bending of cylindrical shells subjected to transverse loads, LI Long yuan and ZHU Jue
Time-Splitting Coupling of WaveDyn with OpenFOAM by Fidelity Limit Identified from a WEC in Extreme Waves, Pierre Henri Musiedlak, Edward J. Ransley, Martyn Hann, Benjamin Child, and Deborah M. Greaves
Entropy-Based Metrics for Occupancy Detection Using Energy Demand, Denis Hock, Martin Kappes, and Bogdan Ghita
An Enhanced Robot Massage System in Smart Homes Using Force Sensing and a Dynamic Movement Primitive, C Li, Ashraf Fahmy, S Li, and Johann Sienz
An Enhanced Robot Massage System in Smart Homes Using Force Sensing and Dynamic Movement Primitive, C Li, A Fahmy, S Li, and J Sienz
Blockchain and Trust for Secure, End-User-Based and Decentralized IoT Service Provision, Besfort Shala, Ulrich Trick, Armin Lehmann, Bogdan Ghita, and Stavros Shiaeles
Mass transport for Pollard waves, M. Kluczek and R. Stuhlmeier
Investigation of interaction between extreme waves and a moored FPSO using FNPT and CFD solvers, Shiqiang Yan, Zheng Zheng Hu, Deborah Greaves, Tri Mai, Alison Raby, and Qingwei Ma
Marine fibre-reinforced plastics composites, J Summerscales
The Parallel HTM Spatial Pooler with Actor Model, D Dobric, A Pech, B Ghita, and T Wennekers
Prevalence of Genes Involved in Colistin Resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii: First Report from Iraq, Israa M.S. Al-Kadmy, Susan A. Ibrahim, Nadal Al-Saryi, Sarah Naji Aziz, Alexandros Besinis, and Helal F. Hetta
Rule-Based Security Monitoring of Containerized Environments, Christoph Reich, Holger Gantikow, Martin Knahl, and Nathan Clarke
Experiment Protocol for Human–Robot Interaction Studies with Seniors with Mild Cognitive Impairments, G Aguiar Noury, M Tsekeni, V Morales, and et al
Mixing with Intelligent Mixing Systems: Evolving Practices and Lessons from Computer Assisted Design, MN Lefford, G Bromham, and D Moffat
Power capture performance of hybrid wave farms combining different wave energy conversion technologies: The H-factor, S Zheng, Y Zhang, and G Iglesias
Prediction of Shoreline Evolution. Reliability of a General Model for the Mixed Beach Case, Giuseppe R. Tomasicchio, Antonio Francone, David J. Simmonds, F D’Alessandro, and Ferdinando Frega
Toward the observation of interference effects in nonlinear Compton scattering, S. Tang, A. Ilderton, and B. King
Composite electroweak sectors on the lattice, V Drach
Design and development of autonomous robotic fish for object detection and tracking, Daxiong Ji, Faizan ur Rehman, Syed Ali Ajwad, K. Shahani, Sanjay Sharma, Robert Sutton, Shuo li, Zhangying Ye, H Zhu, and S Zhu
A label-free biosensor based on graphene and reduced graphene oxide dual-layer for electrochemical determination of beta-amyloid biomarkers, Jagriti Sethi, Bulck M Van, Ahmed Suhail, Mina Safarzadeh, Ana Perez-Castillo, and Genhua Pan
Some comparisons between Italy and the UK for Covid-19: March to April 2020, G Sebastiani, J Stander, and Borja M Cortina
The analytic structure of amplitudes on backgrounds from gauge invariance and the infra-red, A Ilderton and AJ MacLeod
Sp(4) gauge theories on the lattice: Quenched fundamental and antisymmetric fermions, Ed Bennett, Deog Ki Hong, Jong Wan Lee, C. J.David Lin, Biagio Lucini, Michele Mesiti, Maurizio Piai, Jarno Rantaharju, and Davide Vadacchino
Water-wave interaction with submerged porous elastic disks, S. Zheng, M. H. Meylan, D. Greaves, and G. Iglesias
Back-reaction in strong field QED: a toy model, R Ekman and A Ilderton
Speech Fundamental Period Estimation using a Neural Network, I Howard
Synergy of Trust, Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Optimization of Decentralized IoT Service Platforms, Besfort Shala, Ulrich Trick, Armin Lehmann, Bogdan Ghita, and Stavros Shiaeles
Sustainability of global Golden Inland Waterways, Jinren Ni, Yichu Wang, Xiabin Chen, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Tianhong Li, Huaihan Liu, Shengfa Yang, Chunmiao Zheng, and Jianhua Xu
Chairs' welcome, T Belpaeme, J Young, H Gunes, and L Riek
Experimental study of dispersion and modulational instability of surface gravity waves on constant vorticity currents, Den Bremer T Van, James N. Steer, Dimitris Stagonas, Eugeny Buldakov, and Alistair Borthwick
Seawater Exposure Effect on Fly Ash based Geopolymer Concrete with Inclusion of Steel Fiber, Zarina Yahya, Abdullah MMA Bakri, Leow Yee Jing, Long Yuan Li, and Rafiza Abd Razak
Multipath Protections and Dynamic Link Recovery in Softwarized 5G Networks using Segment Routing, Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, Lingfen Sun, Is Haka Mkwawa, and Emmanuel Ifeachor
Plastic CTOD as fatigue crack growth characterising parameter in 2024‐T3 and 7050‐T6 aluminium alloys using DIC, JM Vasco‐Olmo, Garrido FA Díaz, FV Antunes, and MN James
Quantifying the predictive capability of OpenFOAM 5.0: Focused wave impacts with floating bodies, Edward Jack Ransley, Scott Andrew Brown, Pierre Henri Musiedlak, and Deborah Greaves
A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with Floating Structures (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3), Edward Ransley, Shiqiang Yan, Scott Brown, Martyn Hann, David Graham, Christian Windt, Pal Schmitt, Josh Davidson, John Ringwood, Pierre Henri Musiedlak, J Wang, J Wang, Q Ma, Zhihua Xie, Ningbo Zhang, X Zheng, Giuseppe Giorgi, H Chen, Zaibin Lin, Ling Qian, Z Ma, Wei Bai, Q Chen, Jun Zang, Haoyu Ding, Lin Cheng, J Zheng, Hanbin Gu, Xiwu Gong, Zhenghao Liu, Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan, Harry Bingham, and Deborah Greaves
Singularities of Algebraic Differential Equations, M Lange-Hegermann, D Robertz, WM Seiler, and M Seiss
Evaluating the effectiveness of a young driver-education intervention: Learn2Live, Clara Alida Cutello, Elizabeth Hellier, Julian Stander, and Yaniv Hanoch
Hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution to the muon's anomalous magnetic moment from four-flavor lattice QCD, CTH Davies, C DeTar, AX El-Khadra, E Gamiz, S Gottlieb, D Hatton, AS Kronfeld, J Laiho, GP Lepage, Y Liu, PB Mackenzie, C McNeile, ET Neil, T Primer, JN Simone, D Toussaint, RSVD Water, and A Vaquero
Fibre Area Correction Factors (FACF) for the extended rules-of-mixtures for natural fibre reinforced composites, John Summerscales, Amandeep Singh Virk, and Wayne Hall
New constraints on bedrock erodibility and landscape response times upstream of an active fault, JR Zondervan, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, and et al
An exact algorithm for small-cardinality constrained portfolio optimisation, Matthew J. Craven and David I. Graham
Aerodynamic Analysis of a Two-Bladed Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Using a Coupled Unsteady RANS and Actuator Line Model, Ruiwen Zhao, Angus C.W. Creech, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Vengatesan Venugopal, and Takafumi Nishino
Experimental study of dispersion and modulational instability of surface gravity waves on constant vorticity currents, James N. Steer, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Dimitris Stagonas, Eugeny Buldakov, and TSVD Bremer
Collaborative and Inclusive Process with the Autism Community: A Case Study in Colombia About Social Robot Design, AA Ramírez-Duque, LF Aycardi, A Villa, M Munera, T Bastos, T Belpaeme, A Frizera-Neto, and CA Cifuentes
Systematic Review Shows That Work Done by Storm Waves Can Be Misinterpreted as Tsunami-Related Because Commonly Used Hydrodynamic Equations Are Flawed, Rónadh Cox, Fabrice Ardhuin, Frédéric Dias, Ronan Autret, Nicole Beisiegel, Claire S. Earlie, James G. Herterich, Andrew Kennedy, Raphaël Paris, Alison Raby, Pál Schmitt, and Robert Weiss
The Novel Strategy for Increasing the Efficiency and Yield of the Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis by the Double Conjugate Salts Stress, D Wang, Wenqiao Meng, Yunna Lei, C Li, Jiaji Cheng, Wenjuan Qu, G Wang, Meng Zhang, and S Li
Analysis of Attention in Child–Robot Interaction Among Children Diagnosed with Cognitive Impairment, LI Ismail, FA Hanapiah, T Belpaeme, J Dambre, and F Wyffels
Modelling the effects of slip on dipole/wall collision problems using a lattice Boltzmann equation method, S Mohammed, T Reis, and D Graham
High Speed Friction Stir Welding of 5182-H111 Alloy: Temperature and Microstructural Insights into Deformation Mechanisms, D Bernard, DG Hattingh, WE Goosen, and MN James
Concept and performance of a novel wave energy converter: Variable Aperture Point-Absorber (VAPA), S Zheng, Y Zhang, and G Iglesias
Asymmetry in kinematic generalization between visual and passive lead-in movements are consistent with a forward model in the sensorimotor system, Ian S. Howard, S Franklin, and DW Franklin
Effects of the sound speed vertical profile on the evolution of hydroacoustic waves, S. Michele and E. Renzi
A Matrix-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Cardinality-Constrained Portfolio Optimisation, M Craven and D Graham
High‐efficient multifunctional self‐heating nanocomposite‐based MWCNTs for energy applications, M Al‐Bahrani, J Graham‐Jones, Zoltan Gombos, A Al‐Ani, and Alistair Cree
Thomas Decomposition and Nonlinear Control Systems, M Lange-Hegermann and D Robertz
A History of Audio Effects, T Wilmering, D Moffat, A Milo, and MB Sandler
A simple method for correcting for the Will Rogers phenomenon with biometrical applications, M Stander and J Stander
Dynamic instability analysis of axially compressed castellated columns, Long yuan Li
Free energy of the self-interacting relativistic lattice Bose gas at finite density, Olmo Francesconi, Markus Holzmann, Biagio Lucini, and Antonio Rago