Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.


Submissions from 2020


Self-Sensing Carbon Nanotube Composites Exposed to Glass Transition Temperature, Sung Hwan Jang and Long Yuan Li


Coherent quantum enhancement of pair production in the null domain, A Ilderton


The hadronic vacuum polarization of the muon fromfour-flavor lattice QCD, C DeTar, C Davies, E Gamiz, S Gottlieb, D Hatton, J Laiho, GP Lepage, Y Liu, C McNeile, T Primer, D Toussaint, Water RSV de, A Vaquero, S Yamamoto, AX El-Khadra, A Kronfeld, PB Mackenzie, ET Neil, J Simone, and de Water R Van


Wave power extraction from a tubular structure integrated oscillating water column, Siming Zheng, Guixun Zhu, David Simmonds, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias


Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing, E. Faraggiana, C. Whitlam, J. Chapman, A. Hillis, J. Roesner, M. Hann, D. Greaves, Y. H. Yu, K. Ruehl, I. Masters, G. Foster, and G. Stockman


A Fault-Tolerant Method for Motion Planning of Industrial Redundant Manipulator, Z Li, C Li, S Li, and Xinwei Cao


Alternate erosion and deposition in the Yangtze Estuary and the future change, Yao Yue, Boyuan Zhu, Yitian Li, Yunping Yang, Enhang Liang, Chuncai Zhang, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


A panorama of positivity. II: Fixed dimension, Alexander Belton, Dominique Guillot, Apoorva Khare, and Mihai Putinar


A Robust Blood-based Signature of Cerebrospinal Fluid Aβ42 Status, Chima S. Eke, Fatemah Sakr, E. Jammeh, Peng Zhao, and E. Ifeachor


A Survey Investigating the Combination and Number of IMUs on the Human Body Used for Detecting Activities and Human Tracking, Olaf Reich, Erik Hubner, Bogdan Ghita, Matthias F. Wagner, and Jorg Schafer


Audio Interval Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Ievgeniia Kuzminykh, Dan Shevchuk, Stavros Shiaeles, and Bogdan Ghita


Barrier lake formation due to landslide impacting a river: A numerical study using a double layer-averaged two-phase flow model, Zhixian Cao, Ji Li, Yifei Cui, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Bluetooth Performance Evaluation based on Notify for Real-time Body-Area Sensor Networks, Olaf Reich, Erik Hubner, Bogdan Ghita, Matthias Wagner, and Jorg Schafer


Characterisation of crack tip fields—CCTF5, Michael Vormwald, Neil James, Youshi Hong, Luca Susmel, and Francesco Iacoviello


Combined effects of nano-TiO2 and hexavalent chromium towards marine crustacean Artemia salina, V Thiagarajan, R Seenivasan, D Jenkins, N Chandrasekaran, and A Mukherjee


Density of State Method for Complex Action Systems, Olmo Francesconi, Markus Holzmann, Biagio Lucini, and Antonio Rago


Detection of Insider Threats using Artificial Intelligence and Visualisation, Vasileios Koutsouvelis, Stavros Shiaeles, Bogdan Ghita, and Gueltoum Bendiab


Determination, occurrence, and treatment of saccharin in water: A review, Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Lina Pang, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Digital forensics cloud log unification: Implementing CADF in Apache CloudStack, Stavros Shiaeles, Nikolaos Dalezios, Nicholas Kolokotronis, and Bogdan Ghita


Distributed ledger technology for trust management optimisation in M2M, B Shala, U Trick, A Lehmann, B Ghita, and S Shiaeles


Dynamic flood topographies in the Terai region of Nepal, E. H. Dingle, M. J. Creed, H. D. Sinclair, D. Gautam, N. Gourmelen, A. G.L. Borthwick, and M. Attal


Erosion-deposition patterns and depo-center movements in branching channels at the near-estuary reach of the Yangtze River, Boyuan Zhu, Jinyun Deng, Jinwu Tang, Wenjun Yu, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Yuanfang Chai, Zhaohua Sun, and Yitian Li


Flow and magnetic structures in a kinematic ABC-dynamo, Zhi Liang Lin, Tao Zhang, Chen Yang Huang, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Geometrical investigation of a U-shaped oscillating water column wave energy device, Rong quan Wang, De zhi Ning, Bao ming Guo, Thomas Vyzikas, and Deborah Greaves


Global trends in water and sediment fluxes of the world’s large rivers, Jinren Ni, Li Li, Fang Chang, Yao Yue, Natalia Frolova, Dmitry Magritsky, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Philippe Ciais, Yichu Wang, Chunmiao Zheng, and Desmond E. Walling


Guest editorial: Characterisation of crack tip fields-CCTF5, Michael Vormwald, Neil James, Youshi Hong, Luca Susmel, and Francesco Iacoviello


High Throughput WMN for the Communication in Disaster Scenario, Auberlin Paguem Tchinda, Gregor Frick, Ulrich Trick, Armin Lehmann, and Bogdan Ghita


Homogenization and polarization of the seasonal water discharge of global rivers in response to climatic and anthropogenic effects, Yao Yue, Yuanfang Chai, Lin Zhang, Chiyuan Miao, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Boyuan Zhu, Yitian Li, and A. J. Dolman


How can technology support ageing in place in healthy older adults? A systematic review, A Ollevier, G Aguiar, M Palomino, and IS Simpelaere


Hydrodynamic performance of a multi-Oscillating Water Column (OWC) platform, Siming Zheng, Alessandro Antonini, Yongliang Zhang, Jon Miles, Deborah Greaves, Z Guixun, and Gregorio Iglesias


Hydroelasticity effects on water-structure impacts, T Mai, C Mai, A. Raby, and D. M. Greaves


Incompressible SPH simulation of flow past horizontal cylinder between plane wall and free surface, Ming Jyh Chern, Burniadi Moballa, and A. G.L. Borthwick


Intention Recognition of Elbow Joint based on sEMG Using Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network, Zhongbo Sun, Y Liu, Chunxu Li, Zhaowei Teng, K Liu, and Gang Wang


Low cost and sustainable repair material made from alkali-activated high-calcium fly ash with calcium carbide residue, Tanakorn Phoo-ngernkham, Chattarika Phiangphimai, Darrakorn Intarabut, Sakonwan Hanjitsuwan, Nattapong Damrongwiriyanupap, Long yuan Li, and Prinya Chindaprasirt


Luxe: combining high energy and intensity to spark the vacuum, Beate Heinemann, Tom Heinzl, and Andreas Ringwald


Master-field simulations of O(a)-improved lattice QCD: Algorithms, stability and exactness, Martin Lüscher, Anthony Francis, Patrick Fritzsch, and Antonio Rago


Microstructure and porosity evolution of alkali activated slag at various heating temperatures, Ikmal Hakem Aziz, MMAB Abdullah, Salleh MAA Mohd, Sorachon Yoriya, Jitrin Chaiprapa, Catleya Rojviriya, and Long Yuan Li


Novel Joint-Drift-Free Scheme at Acceleration Level for Robotic Redundancy Resolution with Tracking Error Theoretically Eliminated, Long Jin, Zhengtai Xie, Mei Liu, C Ke, Chunxu Li, and Chenguang Yang


Offshore conversion of wind power to gaseous fuels: Feasibility study in a depleted gas field, P. D. O'Kelly-Lynch, P. D. Gallagher, A. G.L. Borthwick, E. J. McKeogh, and P. G. Leahy


On the friction drag reduction mechanism of streamwise wall fluctuations, Tamás István Józsa, Elias Balaras, Maria Kashtalyan, Alistair George Liam Borthwick, and Viola I Maria


Perfluoroalkyl substances in the Yangtze River: Changing exposure and its implications after operation of the Three Gorges Dam, Nan Xu, Jinren Ni, J Li, Yue Gao, B Li, Rui An, Weiling Sun, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Performance Evaluation of Bluetooth in a Wireless Body Area Network for Practical Applications, Olaf Reich, E Hubner, Bogdan Ghita, Matthias Wagner, and J Schafer


Piston-Driven Numerical Wave Tank Based on WENO Solver of Well-Balanced Shallow Water Equations, Jin Hwan Hwang, Jaeyoung Jung, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Plain polystyrene microplastics reduce the toxic effects of ZnO particles on marine microalgae Dunaliella salina., D Gunasekaran, N Chandrasekaran, D Jenkins, and A Mukherjee


Possible Challenges and Appropriate Measures for a Resilient WMN-Based Disaster Network, Gregor Frick, Auberlin Paguem Tchinda, Ulrich Trick, Armin Lehmann, and Bogdan Ghita


Power extraction by a water turbine in inviscid free surface flow with vertical shear, A. G.L. Borthwick, J Lin, B Lin, and S. Draper


Preparation of supporting photocatalysts for water treatment using natural sunlight as an alternative driving energy, Puttaiah S Harikaranahalli, S Menon, Ravindra Y Shivamurthy, S Kumari, H Revanna, and D Jenkins


Propeller and vortex ring state for floating offshore wind turbines during surge, Ryan Kyle, Yeaw Chu Lee, and Wolf Gerrit Früh


Sale-based estimation of pharmaceutical concentrations and associated environmental risk in the Japanese wastewater system, Yingchao Lin, Kai He, Alistair G. Borthwick, Yuening Li, Jie Fu, Yongjie Wong, and Wen Liu


Smart Security Audit: Reinforcement Learning with a Deep Neural Network Approximator, Konstantin Pozdniakov, Eduardo Alonso, Vladimir Stankovic, Kimberly Tam, and Kevin Jones


The biocompatibility of silver and nanohydroxyapatite coatings on titanium dental implants with human primary osteoblast cells, Richard D. Handy, Ranj Nadhim Salaie, Alexandros Besinis, Huirong Le, and Christopher Tredwin

The effect of bed roughness uncertainty on tidal stream power estimates for the Pentland Firth, M. J. Kreitmair, T. A.A. Adcock, A. G.L. Borthwick, S. Draper, and den Bremer TS van


The role of natural Fe(II)-bearing minerals in chemoautotrophic chromium (VI) bio-reduction in groundwater, Baogang Zhang, Jianping Lu, Chao He, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Towards Better Integration of Surrogate Models and Optimizers, T Chugh, A Rahat, V Volz, and M Zaefferer


Trusted, Decentralized and Blockchain-Based M2M Application Service Provision, L Barolli, P Hellinckx, T Enokido, B Shala, U Trick, A Lehmann, B Ghita, and S Shiaeles


Using multiple data sources to detect manipulated electricity meter by an entropy-inspired metric, Denis Hock, Martin Kappes, and Bogdan Ghita


Validation of a CFD-based numerical wave tank model for the power production assessment of the wavestar ocean wave energy converter, Christian Windt, Josh Davidson, Edward J. Ransley, Deborah Greaves, Morten Jakobsen, Morten Kramer, and John V. Ringwood


Vanadium contamination and associated health risk of farmland soil near smelters throughout China, Baogang Zhang, Yi'na Li, Ziqi Liu, Song Wang, Jun Yao, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Weld solidification cracking in a 304L stainless steel water tank, MN James, L Matthews, and DG Hattingh

Submissions from 2019


A review on the mechanical properties for thin film and block structure characterised by using nanoscratch test, Jun Ren, Xianfeng Wang, Ping Xu, R Han, Longyuan Li, N Han, Feng Xing, and Jihua Zhu


Distortional buckling of perforated cold-formed steel beams subject to uniformly distributed transverse loads, Wei bin Yuan, Nan ting Yu, Boksun Kim, Long yuan Li, and Wei jian Hong


Axion-like-particle decay in strong electromagnetic backgrounds, B. King, B. M. Dillon, K. A. Beyer, and G. Gregori


Exact results for scattering on ultrashort plane wave backgrounds, A Ilderton


Workability and compressive strength development of self-consolidating concrete incorporating rice husk ash and foundry sand waste – A preliminary experimental study, Gritsada Sua-iam, Natt Makul, Shanshan Cheng, and Prakasit Sokrai


One-photon pair annihilation in pulsed plane-wave backgrounds, S. Tang, A. Ilderton, and B. King


Are our teaching approaches suited to the current generation of engineering students?, J Davies and L Hodgkinson


QoE Management of Multimedia Streaming Services in Future Networks: A Tutorial and Survey, Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, Nabajeet Barman, Arslan Ahmad, Saman Zadtootaghaj, Lingfen Sun, Maria G. Martini, and Luigi Atzori


Computing general observables in lattice models with complex actions, O Francesconi, M Holzmann, B Lucini, A Rago, and J Rantaharju


Wave scattering by a floating porous elastic plate of arbitrary shape: a semi-analytical study, Siming Zheng, Michael H. Meylan, Lin Fan, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias


Resonance study of SU(2) model with 2 fundamental flavours of fermions., T Janowski, V Drach, and S Prelovsek


Situational Awareness: Examining Factors that Affect Cyber-Risks in the Maritime Sector, K Tam and KD Jones


The Study of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework (ZIF-8) Doped Polyvinyl Alcohol/Starch/Methyl Cellulose Blend Film, Shaoxiang Lee, Yunna Lei, D Wang, Chunxu Li, Jiaji Cheng, J Wang, Wenqiao Meng, and Meng Liu


Facile Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surface from Fluorinated POSS Acrylate Copolymer via One-Step Breath Figure Method and Its Anti-Corrosion Property, Meng Liu, Xiaochen Zhang, Dong Wang, Jiaji Cheng, Xiujiang Pang, Wenjuan Qu, C Li, and S Li


Identifying Good Algorithm Parameters in Evolutionary Multi- and Many-Objective Optimisation: A Visualisation Approach, David J. Walker and Matthew J. Craven


Laboratory study of the wave-induced mean flow and set-down in unidirectional surface gravity wavepackets on finite water depth, R. Calvert, C. Whittaker, A. Raby, P. H. Taylor, A. G.L. Borthwick, and den Bremer T van


5G Network Slicing using SDN and NFV: A Survey of Taxonomy, Architectures and Future Challenges, AA Barakabitze, A Ahmad, A Hines, and R Mijumbi


Genetic algorithm-based multiple moving target reaching using a fleet of sailboats, J Wan, C Viel, U Vautier, and L Jaulin


Natural fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites manufactured by in-situ polymerisation infusion for marine applications: monomer selection, Y Qin, John Summerscales, R Cullen, Jasper Graham-Jones, Maozhou Meng, and Richard Pemberton


Cyber-SHIP: Developing Next Generation Maritime Cyber Research Capabilities, Kimberly Tam, Kevin Forshaw, and Kevin Jones


Is the letter cancellation task a suitable index of ego-depletion? Empirical and conceptual issues, Marina C. Wimmer, Lenard Dome, Peter J.B. Hancock, and Thomas Wennekers


Structure Design and Assessment of a Floating Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines, Qi Ye, Shanshan Cheng, Boksun Kim, Keri Collins, and Gregorio Iglesias


An analytical solution for chloride diffusion in concrete with considering binding effect, Xianfeng Wang, D Li, and L-Y Li


Bayesian Multivariate Nonlinear State Space Copula Models, A Kreuzer, L Dalla Valle, and C Czado


Bayesian operational modal analysis of offshore rock lighthouses: close modes, alignment, symmetry and uncertainty, James Mark William Brownjohn, Alison Raby, Siu Kui Au, Zuo Zhu, Xinrui Wang, Alessandro Antonini, Athanasios Pappas, and Dina D'Ayala


Low velocity impact behavior of interlayer hybrid composite laminates with carbon/glass/basalt fibres, Guangyong Sun, Dongdong Chen, Quantian Luo, and Maozhou Meng


Monopile-mounted wave energy converter for a hybrid wind-wave system, C. Perez-Collazo, R. Pemberton, D. Greaves, and G. Iglesias


Power extraction in regular and random waves from an OWC in hybrid wind-wave energy systems, S. Michele, E. Renzi, C. Perez-Collazo, D. Greaves, and G. Iglesias

Solving the mystery of vanishing rivers in China, Jinren Ni, Y Wang, Yao Yue, J Li, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Ximing Cai, An Xue, L Li, and G Wang


Towards Expendable Robot Teaming in Extreme Environments, M Gianni


A machine-learning approach to Detect users' suspicious behaviour through the Facebook wall, A Panagiotou, B Ghita, S Shiaeles, and K Bendiab


A machine-learning approach to Detect users' suspicious behaviour through the Facebook wall., A Panagiotou, B Ghita, S Shiaeles, and K Bendiab


Hydrodynamic X Waves, James N. Steer, Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Miguel Onorato, Amin Chabchoub, and den Bremer TS van




Ocean Energy Systems Wave Energy Modelling Task: Modelling, Verification and Validation of Wave Energy Converters, Kim Nielsen, Fabian Wendt, Yi Hsiang Yu, Harry Bingham, Claes Eskilsson, Morten Kramer, Aurélien Babarit, Tim Bunnik, Ronan Costello, Sarah Crowley, Benjamin Gendron, Giorgi, Samuel Girardin, Deborah Greaves, Pilar Heras, Johan Hoffman, Hafizul Islam, Ken Robert Jakobsen, Carl Erik Janson, Johan Jansson, Kim, Adi Kurniawan, Massimiliano Leoni, Thomas Mathai, Bo Woo Nam, Sewan Park, Krishnakumar Rajagopalan, Edward Ransley, Robert Read, John V. Ringwood, Edward Ransley, Robert Read, John V. Ringwood, José Miguel Rodrigues, Benjamin Rosenthal, André Roy, Kelley Ruehl, N/A Schofield, Wanan Sheng, Abolfazl Shiri, Sarah Thomas, Imanol Touzon, and Imai Yasutaka


Quality of Experience (QoE) in Cloud Gaming Architectures: A Review, AA Laghari, H He, KA Memon, RA Laghari, IA Halepoto, and A Khan


Teaching robots social autonomy from in situ human guidance, E Senft, S Lemaignan, PE Baxter, M Bartlett, and T Belpaeme


An Augmented Reality Based Human-Robot Interaction Interface Using Kalman Filter Sensor Fusion, Chunxu Li, Ashraf Fahmy, and Johann Sienz


Effect of temperature gradient on transient thermal creep of heated and stressed concrete in transient state tests, Kunjie Fan, D Li, L-Y Li, and J. Wu


A Cyber-Security Review of Emerging Technology in the Maritime Industry, K Tam and K Jones


WHTO: A methodology of calculating the energy extraction of wave energy convertors based on wave height reduction, Feifei Cao, Hongda Shi, Chenyu Zhao, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves, and Zhi Han