Submissions from 2018
The diagnostic test accuracy of rectal examination for prostate cancer diagnosis in symptomatic patients: a systematic review, Daniel Jones, Charlotte Friend, Andreas Dreher, Victoria Allgar, and Una Macleod
The effectiveness of Chance UK’s mentoring programme in improving behavioural and emotional outcomes in primary school children with behavioural difficulties: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Nick Axford, Laura Whybra, Georgina Warner, Gretchen Bjornstad, Tim Hobbs, Lucy Brook, Zoe Wrigley, Vashti Berry, Obioha C. Ukoumunne, Justin Matthews, Rod Taylor, Tim Eames, Angeliki Kallitsoglou, and Sarah Blower
The effectiveness of the Inspiring Futures parenting programme in improving behavioural and emotional outcomes in primary school children with behavioural or emotional difficulties: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Nick Axford, Georgina Warner, Tim Hobbs, Sarah Heilmann, Anam Raja, Vashti Berry, Obioha C. Ukoumunne, Justin Matthews, Tim Eames, Angeliki Kallitsoglou, Sarah Blower, Tom Wilkinson, Luke Timmons, and Gretchen Bjornstad
The Evolving Purposes of Medical Revalidation in the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study of Professional and Regulatory Narratives, Abigail Tazzyman, Jane Ferguson, Kieran Walshe, Alan Boyd, John Tredinnick-Rowe, Charlotte Hillier, De Bere S Regan, and Julian Archer
The Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Measure-Axillary: Conceptualization and Development of Item Content, BM Kirsch, L Burke, J Hobart, D Angulo, and PS Walker
The transcription factor GATA4 is overexpressed in malignant meningioma enhancing proliferation via downregulation of miR-15 family members, C Negroni, E Ercolano, C Adams, D Hilton, D Baiz, and CO Hanemann
Transection and Crush Models of Nerve Injury to Measure Repair and Remyelination in Peripheral Nerve, David B. Parkinson and Xin Peng Dun
Trends of testing for and diagnosis of α 1 -antitrypsin deficiency in the UK: more testing is needed, JB Soriano, SJ Lucas, R Jones, M Miravitlles, V Carter, I Small, D Price, and R Mahadeva
Validation of Multisource Feedback in Assessing Medical Performance: A Systematic Review, SAG Stevens, J Read, R Baines, A Chatterjee, and J Archer
Whole Mount Immunostaining on Mouse Sciatic Nerves to Visualize Events of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Xin Peng Dun and David B. Parkinson
Submissions from 2017
Epistaxis 2016: national audit of management, INTEGRATE, J Chynoweth, BG Jones, and K Stevens
Factors associated with junior doctors' decisions to apply for general practice training programmes in the UK: Secondary analysis of data from the UKMED project, Thomas C.E. Gale, Paul J. Lambe, and Martin J. Roberts
Making progression and award decisions, SA Burr, VM Salih, T Gale, D Moles, T Vallance, and D Bristow
A pre–post intervention study of pulmonary rehabilitation for adults with post-tuberculosis lung disease in Uganda, R Jones, BJ Kirenga, W Katagira, SJ Singh, J Pooler, A Okwera, R Kasiita, DG Enki, S Creanor, and A Barton
Adapting QOF to focus on wellbeing and health, James Close, Jose M. Valderas, Richard Byng, Nicky Britten, and Helen Lloyd
A comparison of inferential analysis methods for multilevel studies: Implications for drawing conclusions in animal welfare science, KN Stevens, L Asher, K Griffin, M Friel, and N O'Connell
An experimental model to measure the ability of headphones with active noise control to reduce patient’s exposure to noise in an intensive care unit, S Gallacher, D Enki, S Stevens, and MJ Bennett
Comparative costs and activity from a sample of UK clinical trials units, D Hind, BC Reeves, S Bathers, C Bray, and et al
Effectiveness of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) to prevent obesity in UK primary-school children: a cluster randomised controlled trial, J Lloyd, E Creanor, S Logan, C Green, SG Dean, M Hillsdon, C Abrahan, R Tomlinson, V Pearson, RS Taylor, E Ryan, L Price, A Streeter, and K Wyatt
Intervention fidelity in the definitive cluster randomised controlled trial of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) trial: findings from the process evaluation, J Lloyd, S Dean, S Creanor, C Abraham, and et al
Is Good Clinical Practice Becoming Poor Clinical Care?, S Le Gouill, M Dreyling, MD Caballero, M Andre, and et al
Observational study of lenalidomide in patients with mantle cell lymphoma who relapsed/progressed after or were refractory/intolerant to ibrutinib (MCL-004), M Wang, SJ Schuster, T Phillips, IS Lossos, and et al
The comparative diagnostic accuracy of the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the General Practitioner assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) for identifying dementia in primary care: a systematic review protocol, HA Hunt, S Van Kampen, Y Takwoingi, and et al
Trial baseline characteristics of a cluster randomised controlled trial of a school-located obesity prevention programme; the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP) trial, J Lloyd, S Creanor, L Price, C Abraham, and et al
WAP four-disulfide core domain protein 2 promotes metastasis of human ovarian cancer by regulation of metastasis-associated genes, Y Chen, L Huang, S Wang, T Liu, and et al
The implementation of medical revalidation: an assessment using normalisation process theory, Abigail Tazzyman, Jane Ferguson, Charlotte Hillier, Alan Boyd, John Tredinnick-Rowe, Julian Archer, Samantha Regan de Bere, and Kieran Walshe
Fine-mapping of genetic loci driving spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus infection, Raymond T. Chung, Hailiang Huang, Priya Duggal, Chloe L. Thio, Rachel Latanich, James J. Goedert, Alessandra Mangia, Andrea L. Cox, Gregory D. Kirk, Shruti Mehta, Jasneet Aneja, Laurent Alric, Sharyne M. Donfield, Matthew E. Cramp, Salim I. Khakoo, Leslie H. Tobler, Michael Busch, Graeme J. Alexander, Hugo R. Rosen, Brian R. Edlin, Florencia P. Segal, Georg M. Lauer, David L. Thomas, Mark J. Daly, and Arthur Y. Kim
Effectiveness of fluticasone furoate plus vilanterol on asthma control in clinical practice: an open-label, parallel group, randomised controlled trial, A Woodcock, J Vestbo, ND Bakerly, J New, JM Gibson, S McCorkindale, R Jones, S Collier, J Lay-Flurrie, L Frith, L Jacques, JL Fletcher, C Harvey, H Svedsater, D Leather, D Adams-Strump, LS Addlestone, A Afshar, J Amin, R Archer, M Austin, A Bakhat, J Behardien, JM Borg-Costanzi, G Breen, N Browne, C Brunt, KH Buch, P Budden, J Chandy, A Chaudhry, L Cheema, N Chennupati, S Coulson, L Cribbin, D Dillon, A El-Kafrawy, E Elliott, B Farooq, NA Finegan, P Fink, A Fletcher, S Frier, C Gibbons, L Gill, D Herron, B Hope, RE Howard, C Hughes, S Iles, P Jackson, M Jarvis, V Joshi, N Kanumilli, RA Khan, M Khan, S Kwok, N Lord, C Mafunga, CI Malcomson, DK McCarthy, HS Milligan, P Patel, SJ Patel, VB Raj, KA Richardson, R Salim, RB Seaton, D Shah, M Sharma, H Singh, N Smith, NN Smyrniou, M Stamp, P Stratford-Smith, M Sultan, RS Sumra, J Tankel, UIN Umeadi, C Westwood, J White, HC Wilkinson, RG Wilson, SA Wright, and AT Wright
Ramucirumab plus docetaxel versus placebo plus docetaxel in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma after platinum-based therapy (RANGE): a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial, DP Petrylak and RANGE study investigators
The proportion of the population of England that self-identifies as lesbian, gay or bisexual: producing modelled estimates based on national social surveys, Kerryn Husk, Kampen SC van, William Lee, and Mauro Fornasiero
Development of a web-based intervention (eMotion) based on behavioural activation to promote physical activity in people with depression, Jeffrey D. Lambert, Colin J. Greaves, Paul Farrand, Anne M. Haase, and Adrian H. Taylor
Physical activity and mental health; it is more than just a prescription, Amanda L. Rebar and Adrian Taylor
Short and medium-term effects of secundum atrial septal defect percutaneous closure using the Amplatzer Septal Occluder in the elderly, A Broadley, L Gogola, C Roobottom, N Ring, and Marshall A J
Mildly elevated lactate levels are associated with microcirculatory flow abnormalities and increased mortality: a microSOAP post hoc analysis, N. A.R. Vellinga, E. C. Boerma, M. Koopmans, A. Donati, A. Dubin, N. I. Shapiro, R. M. Pearse, der Voort PHJ van, A. M. Dondorp, Tony Bafi, M. Fries, Tulin Akarsu-Ayazoglu, A. Pranskunas, Steven Hollenberg, Gianmarco Balestra, Iterson M van, Farid Sadaka, G. Minto, U. Aypar, F. J. Hurtado, G. Martinelli, D. Payen, Haren F van, A. Holley, H. Gomez, R. Mehta, A. H. Rodriguez, C. Ruiz, H. S. Canales, J. Duranteau, P. E. Spronk, S. Jhanji, Sheena Hubble, Marialuisa Chierego, C. Jung, Daniel Martin, C. Sorbara, J. Bakker, and Can Ince
A systematic review of treatments for relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma, M Parrott, SAJ Rule, M Kelleher, and J Wilson
Simvastatin as a Potential Disease-Modifying Therapy for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Rationale for Clinical Trial, and Current Progress, Richard K.H. Wyse and Camille B. Carroll
Improving quality of life relies on valid outcome measures as well as drugs, Rupert C. Jones, Matthew Masoli, Joseph W. Lanario, and Michael E. Hyland
Characterization of atrial fibrillation adverse events reported in ibrutinib randomized controlled registration trials, JR Brown, J Moslehi, S O’Brien, P Ghia, and et al
Prescribing anti-epileptic drugs for people with epilepsy and intellectual disability, Rohit Shankar, Lance Watkins, Regi T. Alexander, J. Devapriam, Jennifer Dolman, Anjana Hari, Richard Laugharne, Brendan Mclean, Howard Ring, Ashok Roy, Josemir W. Sander, Mark Scheepers, Reena Tharian, Phil Tittensor, Matthew C. Walker, and Robert Winterhalder
Subcutaneous Rituximab for the Treatment of B-Cell Hematologic Malignancies: A Review of the Scientific Rationale and Clinical Development, A Davies, C Berge, A Boehnke, A Dadabhoy, and et al
Angoff anchor statements: setting a flawed gold standard?, SA Burr, D Zahra, J Cookson, VM Salih, E Gabe-Thomas, and IM Robinson
Optimizing patient and public involvement (PPI): Identifying its "essential" and "desirable" principles using a systematic review and modified Delphi methodology., Rebecca L. Baines and de Bere S Regan
The value and challenges of collegiality in practice, SA Burr, T Collett, and YL Leung
Comparing Tolerance of Ambiguity in Veterinary and Medical Students, J Hancock, JA Hammond, M Roberts, and K Mattick
Social and professional influences on antimicrobial prescribing for doctors-in-training: a realist review, Chrysanthi Papoutsi, Karen Mattick, Mark Pearson, Nicola Brennan, Simon Briscoe, and Geoff Wong
Testing patient-reported outcome measurement equivalence in multinational clinical trials: An exemplar using the 12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale, Jeremy Hobart, D Hussein, T Yusef, and T Murat
What is the longitudinal profile of impairments and can we predict difficulty caring for the profoundly-affected arm in the first year post-stroke?, Rhoda Allison, Cherry Kilbride, Jade Chynoweth, Siobhan Creanor, Ian Frampton, and Jonathon Marsden
Outcomes in 370 patients with mantle cell lymphoma treated with ibrutinib: a pooled analysis from three open-label studies, S Rule, M Dreyling, A Goy, G Hess, and et al
The formation of autophagosomes during lysosomal defect: A new source of cytotoxicity, Shouqing Luo and Robert W. Button
The comparative effectiveness of initiating fluticasone/salmeterol combination therapy via pMDI versus DPI in reducing exacerbations and treatment escalation in COPD: a UK database study, R Jones, J Martin, V Thomas, D Skinner, J Marshall, d'Alcontres M Stagno, and D Price
Seladelpar (MBX-8025), a selective PPAR-δ agonist, in patients with primary biliary cholangitis with an inadequate response to ursodeoxycholic acid: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2, proof-of-concept study., Pol F. Boudes, David Jones, Mark G. Swain, Christopher L. Bowlus, Michael R. Galambos, Bruce R. Bacon, Yvonne Doerffel, Norman Gitlin, Stuart C. Gordon, Joseph A. Odin, David Sheridan, Markus Alexander Wörns, Virginia Clark, Linsey Corless, Heinz Hartmann, Mark E. Jonas, Andreas E. Kremer, George F. Mells, Peter Buggisch, Bradley L. Freilich, Cynthia Levy, John M. Vierling, David E. Bernstein, Marek Hartleb, Ewa Janczewska, Fedja Rochling, Hemant Shah, Mitchell L. Shiffman, John H. Smith, Yun Jung Choi, Alexandra Steinberg, Monika Varga, Harinder Chera, Robert Martin, Charles A. McWherter, and Gideon M. Hirschfield
Fund-Mapping: the investment of public resources in the well-being of children and young people in Northern Ireland, Nick Axford, Frances Kemp, Anam Raja, Cassandra Ohlson, and Louise Morpeth
Bridging the discursive gap between lay and medical discourse in care coordination, Rod Sheaff, Joyce Halliday, Richard Byng, John Øvretveit, Mark Exworthy, Stephen Peckham, and Sheena Asthana
Towards an understanding of how appraisal of doctors produces its effects: a realist review, Julian Archer, Nicola Brennan, Marie Bryce, Mark Pearson, Geoff Wong, and Chris Cooper
Lipid interactions influence hepatitis C virus susceptibility and resistance to infection, David A. Sheridan, Isaac Thom Shawa, Daniel J. Felmlee, and Matthew E. Cramp
Improved Liver R2* Mapping by Averaging Decay Curves, X Zhang, J Peng, C Wang, Y Feng, and et al
An essential role for the tumor suppressor Merlin in regulating fatty acid synthesis., Jonathan Chernoff, Dina S. Stepanova, Galina Semenova, Yin Ming Kuo, Andrew J. Andrews, Sylwia Ammoun, and C. Oliver Hanemann
Improving hospital discharge arrangements for people who are homeless: A realist synthesis of the intermediate care literature, Michelle Cornes, Martin Whiteford, Jill Manthorpe, Joanne Neale, Richard Byng, Nigel Hewett, Michael Clark, Alan Kilmister, James Fuller, Robert Aldridge, and Michela Tinelli
Decreasing rates of disorganised attachment in infants and young children, who are at risk of developing, or who already have disorganised attachment. A systematic review and meta-analysis of early parenting interventions, Barry Wright, Lisa Hackney, Ellen Hughes, Melissa Barry, Danya Glaser, Vivien Prior, Victoria Allgar, David Marshall, Jamie Barrow, Natalie Kirby, Megan Garside, Pulkit Kaushal, Amanda Perry, and Dean McMillan
Cellular prion protein (PrPC) in the development of Merlin-deficient tumours, S. Ammoun, L. Provenzano, Y. Ryan, D. A. Hilton, J. Lyons-Rimmer, F. Dave, E. A. Maze, C. L. Adams, R. Rigby-Jones, and C. O. Hanemann
Exploring the relationships between knowledge and skills assessments in Dental Therapy and Hygiene students as a function of prior qualifications, D Zahra, L Belfield, C McIlwaine, KAMRAN Ali, JH Bennett, and S Zaric
The Aspergillus fumigatus CrzA Transcription Factor Activates Chitin Synthase Gene Expression during the Caspofungin Paradoxical Effect, LNA Ries, Marina Campos Rocha, Castro PA de, Rafael Silva-Rocha, Roberto Nascimento Silva, Fernanda Zanolli Freitas, Leandro Jose De Assis, Maria Célia Bertolini, Iran Malavazi, and GH Goldman
Accumulation of autophagosomes confers cytotoxicity, Shouqing Luo, Robert W. Button, Sheridan L. Roberts, Thea L. Willis, and CO Hanemann
An Emergency Medicine Research Priority Setting Partnership to establish the top 10 research priorities in emergency medicine, J Smith, L Keating, L Flowerdew, R O'Brien, and et al
A systematic mixed-methods review of interventions, outcomes and experiences for midwives and student midwives in work-related psychological distress, S Pezaro, W Clyne, and EA Fulton
Hyperglycaemia‐related complications at the time of diagnosis can cause permanent neurological disability in children with neonatal diabetes, JO Day, SE Flanagan, MH Shepherd, AW Patrick, and et al
International Working Group consensus response evaluation criteria in lymphoma (RECIL 2017), A Younes, P Hilden, B Coiffier, and et al
Evidencing the impact of teaching-related CPD: beyond the ‘Happy Sheets’, Lucy Spowart, Jennie Winter, Rebecca Turner, Reema Muneer, Colleen McKenna, and Pauline Kneale
Role of Delta-like 4 in Jagged1-induced tumour angiogenesis and tumour growth, CE Oon, E Bridges, H Sheldon, RCA Sainson, and et al
Metabolic basis to Sherpa altitude adaptation, Andrew J. Murray, James A. Horscroft, Aleksandra O. Kotwica, Verena Laner, James A. West, Philip J. Hennis, Denny Z.H. Levett, David J. Howard, Bernadette O. Fernandez, Sarah L. Burgess, Zsuzsanna Ament, Edward T. Gilbert-Kawai, André Vercueil, Blaine D. Landis, Kay Mitchell, Monty G. Mythen, Cristina Branco, Randall S. Johnson, Martin Feelisch, Hugh E. Montgomery, Julian L. Griffin, Michael P.W. Grocott, Erich Gnaiger, and Daniel S. Martin
Exploration of potential mechanisms of HCV resistance in exposed uninfected intravenous drug users, M. E. Cramp, I. T. Shawa, D. J. Felmlee, D. Hegazy, and D. A. Sheridan
The cost-effectiveness of patient-controlled analgesia vs. standard care in patients presenting to the emergency department in pain, who are subsequently admitted to hospital., C Pritchard, JE Smith, S Creanor, R Squire, and et al
Bridging the second gap in translation: a case study of barriers and facilitators to implementing Patient-initiated Clinics into secondary care, V Goodwin, J Day, R Byng, P McArdle, and E Kieft
Development and feasibility of the Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE) self-management intervention for people living with multiple sclerosis, JK Anderson, A Turner, and W Clyne
Evaluating academic development in the higher education sector: academic developers’ reflections on using a toolkit resource, Jennie Winter, Rebecca Turner, Lucy Spowart, Reema Muneer, and Pauline Kneale
Evaluation of an innovative, evidence-guided, PBL approach., Stephanie Bull, Hilary Neve, Helen Lloyd, Kerry Gilbert, and Karen Mattick
Combined Inhibition of NEDD8-Activating Enzyme and mTOR Suppresses NF2 Loss-Driven Tumorigenesis, Jonathan Cooper, Qingwen Xu, Lu Zhou, Milica Pavlovic, Virginia Ojeda, Kamalika Moulick, Stanchina E de, John T. Poirier, Marjorie Zauderer, Charles M. Rudin, Matthias A. Karajannis, C. Oliver Hanemann, and Filippo G. Giancotti
Collecting student feedback: a whole-school approach, Tracey Collett, Sally Hanks, Helen Watson, and Tony Davies
Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein and gut permeability responses to exercise, DS March, T Marchbank, RJ Playford, and et al
Management of epilepsy in adults with intellectual disability, Rohit Shankar, Mogbeyiteren Eyeoyibo, Mark Scheepers, Jennifer Dolman, Lance Watkins, Rajnish Attavar, Elizabeth Carmody, Fabian Haut, Michael Kerr, Regi T. Alexander, J. Devapriam, and Ashok Roy
The BEACH-containing protein WDR81 coordinates p62 and LC3C to promote aggrephagy, Weixiang Guo, X Liu, Yang Li, Xin Wang, Ruxiao Xing, K Liu, Qiwen Gan, Changyong Tang, Zhiyang Gao, Youli Jian, Shouqing Luo, and Chonglin Yang
Wnt proteins contribute to neuromuscular junction formation through distinct signaling pathways, J Messéant, J Ezan, P Delers, K Glebov, and et al
Adjusting for unmeasured confounding in nonrandomized longitudinal studies: a methodological review, AJ Streeter, NX Lin, L Crathorne, M Haasova, C Hyde, D Melzer, and WE Henley
Care standards for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the United Kingdom 2016: a cross-sectional survey, David A. Sheridan, Guru Aithal, William Alazawi, Michael Allison, Quentin Anstee, Jeremy Cobbold, Shahid Khan, Andrew Fowell, Stuart McPherson, Philip N. Newsome, Jude Oben, Jeremy Tomlinson, and Emmanouil Tsochatzis
Connexin Hemichannels in Astrocytes: An Assessment of Controversies Regarding Their Functional Characteristics, BS Nielsen, DB Hansen, BR Ransom, MS Nielsen, and N MacAulay
Chytrid fungus infection in zebrafish demonstrates that the pathogen can parasitize non-amphibian vertebrate hosts, Matthew C. Fisher, Nicole Liew, Moya MJ Mazon, Claudia J. Wierzbicki, Michael Hollinshead, Michael J. Dillon, Christopher R. Thornton, Amy Ellison, Jo Cable, and Serge Mostowy
IFN-λ3, not IFN-λ4, likely mediates IFNL3-IFNL4 haplotype-dependent hepatic inflammation and fibrosis, Jacob George, Mohammed Eslam, Duncan McLeod, Kebitsaone Simon Kelaeng, Alessandra Mangia, Thomas Berg, Khaled Thabet, William L. Irving, Gregory J. Dore, David Sheridan, Henning Grønbæk, Maria Lorena Abate, Rune Hartmann, Elisabetta Bugianesi, Ulrich Spengler, Angela Rojas, David R. Booth, Martin Weltman, Lindsay Mollison, Wendy Cheng, Stephen Riordan, H Mahajan, Janett Fischer, Jacob Nattermann, Mark W. Douglas, Christopher Liddle, Elizabeth Powell, Manuel Romero-Gomez, Mayada Metwally, Rose White, Rocio Gallego-Duran, Reynold Leung, N Mahajan, Margaret Bassendine, Antony Rahme, Chiara Rosso, Lavinia Mezzabotta, Barbara Malik, Gail Matthews, Anastasia Asimakopoulos, Tanya Applegate, Jason Grebely, Vincenzo Fragomeli, Julie R. Jonsson, and Rosanna Santoro
Public health matters: Innovative approaches for engaging medical students, A Vyas, VC Rodrigues, R Ayres, PR Myles, EJ Hothersall, and H Thomas
The effectiveness of the Incredible Years pre-school parenting programme in the United Kingdom: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial, Vashti Berry, Louise Morpeth, Sarah Blower, Kate Tobin, Rod S. Taylor, Tracey Bywater, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards, Nick Axford, Minna Lehtonen, and Carys Jones
Using audio diaries to identify threshold concepts in 'softer' disciplines: a focus on medical education, T Collett, H Neve, and N Steven
Cost‐effectiveness of zoledronic acid and strontium‐89 as bone protecting treatments in addition to chemotherapy in patients with metastatic castrate‐refractory prostate cancer: results from the TRAPEZE trial (ISRCTN 12808747), L Andronis, I Goranitis, S Pirrie, A Pope, and et al
Safety and efficacy of obinutuzumab with CHOP or bendamustine in previously untreated follicular lymphoma, A Grigg, MJS Dyer, MG Díaz, M Dreyling, and et al
Interleukin-2-regulatory T cell axis critically regulates maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells, Amiya K. Patra, Sabrina Giampaolo, Gabriela Wójcik, and Edgar Serfling
Perfect Bedfellows: Why Early Intervention Can Play a Critical Role in Protecting Children—A Response to Featherstone et al. (2014) ‘A Marriage Made in Hell: Child Protection Meets Early Intervention’, Nick Axford and Vashti Berry
Intra-patient comparison of reduced-dose model-based iterative reconstruction with standard-dose adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction in the CT diagnosis and follow-up of urolithiasis, Sean Tenant, Chun Lap Pang, Prageeth Dissanayake, Varut Vardhanabhuti, Colin Stuckey, Catherine Gutteridge, Christopher Hyde, and Carl Roobottom
Inhibitor SBFI26 suppresses the malignant progression of castration-resistant PC3-M cells by competitively binding to oncogenic FABP5, W Al-Jameel, X Gou, SS Forootan, MS Al Fayi, and et al
A preconsultation web-based tool to generate an agenda for discussion in diabetes outpatient clinics to improve patient outcomes (DIAT): a feasibility study, Obioha C. Ukoumunne, Bijay Vaidya, Julia Frost, Rob Anderson, Catherine Argyle, Mark Daly, Faith Harris-Golesworthy, Jim Harris, Andy Gibson, Wendy Ingram, Jon Pinkney, Jane Vickery, and Nicky Britten
Variation in survival after surgery for peri-ampullary cancer in a regional cancer network, B Amr, G Shahtahmassebi, S Aroori, and et al
Twelve tips for promoting professionalism through reflective small group learning, H Neve and R Morris