Browse research from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.


Submissions from 2021


3D Printed Mechanically Modular Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Robotic Segment Utilizing Variable-Stiffness Actuators, Alfred Wilmot and Ian S. Howard


Evolution of group-theoretic cryptology attacks using hyper-heuristics, Matthew J. Craven and John R. Woodward


Guest Editorial: Advances in Wave Energy Conversion Systems, B Guo, S Zheng, J Ringwood, J Henriques, and D Zhang


Dynamical Analysis of Diversity in Rule-Based Open Source Network Intrusion Detection Systems, H Asad


Monomer selection for natural fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composite manufacture by monomer infusion under flexible tooling (MIFT), John Summerscales, Y Qin, Maozhou Meng, Jasper Graham-Jones, and Richard Pemberton


Monomer selection for natural fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composite manufacture by monomer infusion under flexible tooling (MIFT), John Summerscales, Y Qin, Maozhou Meng, Richard Pemberton, and Jasper Graham-Jones


Spatial deterministic wave forecasting for nonlinear sea–states, R. Stuhlmeier, M. Galvagno, and D. Eeltink


Niche Applications and Flexible Devices for Wave Energy Conversion: A Review, Emiliano Renzi, Simone Michele, Siming Zheng, Siya Jin, and Deborah Greaves


Extending limits for wave power absorption by axisymmetric devices, S. Zheng, R. Porter, and D. Greaves


Maritime cybersecurity policy: the scope and impact of evolving technology on international shipping, Kimberly Tam and Kevin Jones


Wave diffraction from a truncated cylinder with a moonpool of arbitrary cross-section: a semi-analytical study, Yingyi Liu, Siming Zheng, Wei Gao, and Shanshan Cheng


Achieving simulation as REBIANA Village Case Study of Photovoltaics System-Based Residential Distribution Grid, S Adam, D Jenkins, A Suhail, Z Rajab, and A Moftah


Development of a Low-cost Data Glove using Flex Sensors for the Robot Hand Teleoperation, S Zhu, A Stuttaford-Fowler, A Fahmy, C Li, and J Sienz


A Pólya-Gamma Sampler for a Generalized Logistic Regression, Weixuan Zhu, L Dalla Valle, Fabrizio Leisen, and Luca Rossini


Anomaly Detection in Encrypted Internet Traffic Using Hybrid Deep Learning, Taimur Bakhshi and Bogdan Ghita


A Novel Online Incremental Learning Intrusion Prevention System, C Constantinides, S Shiaeles, B Ghita, and N Kolokotronis


Target unbiased meta-learning for graph classification, Wencang Zhao, M Li, Shuo Zhu, and C Li


Conceptual design report for the LUXE experiment, B. Heinemann, H. Abramowicz, U. Acosta, M. Altarelli, R. Aßmann, Z. Bai, T. Behnke, Y. Benhammou, T. Blackburn, S. Boogert, O. Borysov, M. Borysova, R. Brinkmann, M. Bruschi, F. Burkart, K. Büßer, N. Cavanagh, O. Davidi, W. Decking, U. Dosselli, N. Elkina, A. Fedotov, M. Firlej, T. Fiutowski, K. Fleck, M. Gostkin, C. Grojean, J. Hallford, H. Harsh, A. Hartin, T. Heinzl, L. Helary, M. Hoffmann, S Huang, X Huang, M. Idzik, A. Ilderton, R. Jacobs, B. Kämpfer, B. King, H. Lahno, A. Levanon, A Levy, I Levy, J. List, W. Lohmann, T. Ma, A. J. Macleod, V. Malka, F. Meloni, A. Mironov, M. Morandin, J. Moron, E. Negodin, G. Perez, I. Pomerantz, R. Pöschl, R. Prasad, F. Quéré, A. Ringwald, C. Rödel, S. Rykovanov, F. Salgado, A. Santra, G. Sarri, A. Sävert, A. Sbrizzi, S. Schmitt, U. Schramm, S. Schuwalow, D. Seipt, L. Shaimerdenova, M. Shchedrolosiev, M. Skakunov, Y. Soreq, M. Streeter, K. Swientek, N. Tal Hod, S. Tang, T. Teter, D. Thoden, A. I. Titov, O. Tolbanov, G. Torgrimsson, A. Tyazhev, M. Wing, M. Zanetti, A. Zarubin, K. Zeil, M. Zepf, and A. Zhemchukov


Malware Squid: A Novel IoT Malware Traffic Analysis Framework using Convolutional Neural Network and Binary Visualisation: Preprint, R Shire, S Shiaeles, K Bendiab, B Ghita, and N Kolokotronis


A Novel Multimodal Biometric Authentication System using Machine Learning and Blockchain, R Brown, G Bendiab, S Shiaeles, and B Ghita


Detection of Insider Threats using Artificial Intelligence and Visualisation, V Koutsouvelis, S Shiaeles, B Ghita, and G Bendiab

Investigation of the hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating water column wave energy device using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics model, G Zhu, J Hughes, S Zheng, and D Greaves


The Development of a Cyber Safety Culture, Rory Hopcraft, Kimberly Tam, Kemedi Moara-Nkwe, and Kevin Jones


The Development of a Cyber Safety Culture, R Hopcraft, K Tam, K Moara_Nkwe, and K Jones


Emerging graphene-based sensors for the detection of food adulterants and toxicants – A review, VS Raghavan, B O'Driscoll, JM Bloor, B Li, P Katare, J Sethi, SS Gorthi, and D Jenkins


Round Robin Testing: Exploring Experimental Uncertainties through a Multifacility Comparison of a Hinged Raft Wave Energy Converter, Thomas Davey, Javier Sarmiento, Jérémy Ohana, Florent Thiebaut, Sylvain Haquin, Matthieu Weber, Sebastien Gueydon, Frances Judge, Eoin Lyden, Michael O’shea, Roman Gabl, Laura Beth Jordan, Martyn Hann, Daming Wang, Keri Collins, Daniel Conley, Deborah Greaves, David M. Ingram, and Jimmy Murphy


Study on Magnetic Control Systems of Micro-Robots, Wencang Zhao, Youjia Shao, Ashraf Fahmy, M Li, C Li, and Johann Sienz


The Relationship Between Student Engagement and Academic Performance in Online Education, Ievgeniia Kuzminykh, Bogdan Ghita, and Hannan Xiao


Comparison of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Technique with Nanomaterial-Based Sensor for the Analysis of Strain Measurements, A Deepak and DFL Jenkins


Using the Goldilocks Principle to model coral ecosystem engineering, S. J. Hennige, A. I. Larsson, C. Orejas, A. Gori, Clippele LH De, Y. C. Lee, G. Jimeno, K. Georgoulas, N. A. Kamenos, and J. M. Roberts


Classical Resummation and Breakdown of Strong-Field QED, T. Heinzl, A. Ilderton, and B. King


Reduction of order, resummation, and radiation reaction, Robin Ekman, Tom Heinzl, and Anton Ilderton


3D printing of custom sample holders as a responsive and cost-effective method of sample holder generation for electron microscopy., A Strachan, D Haspel, and N Stephen


Crowd Monitoring for Pandemic using Mask R-CNN, DB Chen, H Samani, CY Yang, and GE Jan


Robust EEG Based Biomarkers to Detect Alzheimer’s Disease, Ali H. Al-Nuaimi, Marina Blūma, Shaymaa S. Al-Juboori, Chima S. Eke, Emmanuel Jammeh, Lingfen Sun, and Emmanuel Ifeachor


Information Security Risk Assessment, I Kuzminykh, B Ghita, V Sokolov, and T Bakhshi


Singlet channel scattering in a Composite Higgs model on the lattice, V Drach, P Fritzsch, A Rago, and F Romero-López


Form-finding of Tensegrity Structures Utilizing a Nonlinear Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient Method, L Zhao, K Liu, C Li, L Jin, and Z Sun


Generalized Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformations for arbitrary -point fermion correlators, Naser Ahmadiniaz, James P. Edwards, José Nicasio, and Christian Schubert


Water wave scattering by impermeable and perforated plates, Siming Zheng, Hui Liang, Yanlin Shao, Kie Hian Chua, Yoo Sang Choo, and Deborah Greaves


Net Gains – confronting the challenge of the marine litter head-on, J Graham-Jones, J Summerscales, B Bryant, and A Burton


Normalized Difference Vegetative Index-related Assessment for Climate Change Impact on Indigenous Communities from High Resolution IKONOS Satellite Imagery in West Papua, C Lavers, T Mason, and J Mazower

New Techniques for Worldline Integration, James P. Edwards, C. Moctezuma Mata, Uwe Müller, and Christian Schubert


SCRAMBLE: Sweep Comparison Research Application for Multiple Back-Gated FieLd Effect measurements of graphene field effect transistors, B O’Driscoll


Worldline master formulas for the dressed electron propagator, part 2: On-shell amplitudes, N Ahmadiniaz, VMB Guzman, F Bastianelli, O Corradini, JP Edwards, and C Schubert


Academic Dishonesty and Research Productivity in a Changing Higher Education Environment. The Case of India’s Engineering Institutions, V Bakthavatchaalam, M Miles, MDL Machado-Taylor, and MJ Sa


Performance of a plate-wave energy converter integrated in a floating breakwater, Xiantao Zhang, Siming Zheng, Mike Meylan, Gregorio Iglesias, and Deborah Greaves


Enhanced Transparency: Improving Maritime Cyber Governance, R Hopcraft, K Tam, K Moara-Nkwe, and K Jones


Steady-state harmonic resonance of periodic interfacial waves with free-surface boundary conditions based on the homotopy analysis method, Zeng Liu, Jiyang Li, Shijun Liao, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


A Hierarchical Profiler of Intermediate Representation Code based on LLVM, Efstratios Tiganourias, Michail Mavropoulos, Georgios Keramidas, Vasilios Kelefouras, Christos P. Antonopoulos, and Nikolaos Voros


An Involutive GVW Algorithm and the Computation of Pommaret Bases, D Robertz, A Hashemi, T Izgin, and WM Seiler


Numerical simulation of parametric resonance in point absorbers using a simplified model, Adi Kurniawan, Thanh Toan Tran, Scott A. Brown, Claes Eskilsson, Jana Orszaghova, and Deborah Greaves


The potential mental health effects of remote control in an autonomous maritime world, Kimberly Tam, Rory Hopcraft, Tom Crichton, and Kevin Jones


Interfacial Binding Energy between Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates and Epoxy Resin: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Jun Ren, Jihua Zhu, Xianfeng Wang, Wei Xie, Long Yuan Li, and Feng Xing


Large thermoplastic matrix marine composites by liquid composite moulding processes, Raul Fangueiro, Y Qin, John Summerscales, Jasper Graham-Jones, Maozhou Meng, and Richard Pemberton


Plant Roots Steer Resilience to Perturbation of River Floodplains, Valentina Bau', Alistair G.L. Borthwick, and Paolo Perona


A Gradient Neural Network for online Solving the Time-varying Inverse Kinematics Problem of Four-wheel Mobile Robotic Arm, Yanpeng Zhou, K Liu, Chunxu Li, Gang Wang, Y Liu, and Zhongbo Sun


LS-SVM Combined with ZNN for Predicting the Continuous Motion Joint Angle of Lower Limb, Xin Zhang, Keping Liu, Chunxu Li, Jiang Yi, Xiaoqin Duan, and Zhongbo Sun


Theoretical Modelling of Liquid Crystal Electro-Optical Material Display Elements to Achieve Optimal Low Power Consumption Ship Stealth., C Lavers


Self-absorption of synchrotron radiation in a laser-irradiated plasma, T. G. Blackburn, A. J. Macleod, A. Ilderton, B. King, S. Tang, and M. Marklund


Reduction of order, resummation and radiation reaction, R Ekman, T Heinzl, and A Ilderton


The barriers of the assistive robotics market—what inhibits health innovation?, Gabriel Aguiar Noury, Andreas Walmsley, Ray B. Jones, and Swen E. Gaudl


Deterministic wave forecasting with the Zakharov equation, Raphael Stuhlmeier and Michael Stiassnie


Anomalous wave statistics following sudden depth transitions: application of an alternative Boussinesq-type formulation, Thomas A.A. Adcock, Paul A.J. Bonar, Colm J. Fitzgerald, Zhiliang Lin, den Bremer TS van, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Perspectives on Auditing and Regulatory Compliance in Blockchain Transactions, Taimur Bakhshi and Bogdan Ghita


A Label-Free DNA-Immunosensor Based on Aminated rGO Electrode for the Quantification of DNA Methylation, Mina Safarzadeh, Ahmed Suhail, Jagriti Sethi, Anas Sattar, David Jenkins, and Genhua Pan


The SARAS Endoscopic Surgeon Action Detection (ESAD) dataset: Challenges and methods, Vivek Singh Bawa, Gurkirt Singh, Francis KapingA, Inna Skarga-Bandurova, Elettra Oleari, Alice Leporini, Carmela Landolfo, Pengfei Zhao, Xi Xiang, Gongning Luo, Kuanquan Wang, Liangzhi Li, Bowen Wang, Shang Zhao, Li Li, Armando Stabile, Francesco Setti, Riccardo Muradore, and Fabio Cuzzolin


Social Media Integration of Flood Data: A Vine Copula-Based Approach, L Ansell and L Dalla Valle


Design in Engineering: An Evaluation of Civilian and Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platforms, Considering Smart Sensing with Ethical Design to Embody Mitigation Against Asymmetric Hostile Actor Exploitation, C Lavers






The effect of particle size on flow in a continuous oscillatory baffled reactor using CFD, Xiong Wei Ni, Guillermo Jimeno, and Yeaw Chu Lee


Analytical solution for flange/web distortional buckling of cold-formed steel beams with circular web perforations, Wei bin Yuan, Nan ting Yu, Boksun Kim, Xu hao Huang, Rui Ye, Long Wu, and Jia jie Le


Investigation of the influence of tank geometry on a vessel's stability under free surface effect when in coastal waters, Ross Fuge, Dr Jahir Rizvi, and Jahir Rizvi


Glueballs and strings in Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories, Ed Bennett, Jack Holligan, Deog Ki Hong, Jong Wan Lee, C. J.David Lin, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, and Davide Vadacchino


Environmental Impacts of Conventional versus Organic Eggplant Cultivation Systems: Influence of Electricity Mix, Yield, Over-Fertilization, and Transportation, Efthalia Chatzisymeon, Spyros Foteinis, Maria Hatzisymeon, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Ocean Energy Systems Wave Energy Modeling Task 10.4: Numerical Modeling of a Fixed Oscillating Water Column, Harry B. Bingham, Yi Hsiang Yu, Kim Nielsen, Thanh Toan Tran, Kyong Hwan Kim, Sewan Park, Keyyong Hong, Hafiz Ahsan Said, Thomas Kelly, John V. Ringwood, Robert W. Read, Edward Ransley, Scott Brown, and Deborah Greaves


A mechanism for the increased wave-induced drift of floating marine litter, R. Calvert, M. L. McAllister, C. Whittaker, A. Raby, A. G.L. Borthwick, and T. S. Van Den Bremer


High-fidelity numerical simulation of solitary wave propagation, Zhiliang Lin, Yichen Huang, Jing Li, Bin Xie, and Alistair G.L. Borthwick


Experimental Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Non-Contact Tonometer Airflows, Daniela Oehring, David Jenkins, PJ Buckhurst, and H Buckhurst


Physical Modelling of the Effect on the Wave Field of the WaveCat Wave Energy Converter, James Allen, Gregorio Iglesias, Deborah Greaves, and Jon Miles


Context Aware Intelligent Mixing Systems, MN Lefford, G Bromham, G Fazekas, and D Moffat


Piezoresistive modelling of CNTs reinforced composites under mechanical loadings, Long Yuan Li, Sung Hwan Jang, and Yuan Fang


Editorial: Enhancement of Ductility of FRP-Concrete Structures, Yingwu Zhou, Zhenyu Huang, Long Yuan Li, and Baolin Wan


Approximate Bayesian Conditional Copulas, C Grazian, L Dalla Valle, and B Liseo


A Deep Learning Approach to Intelligent Drum Mixing with the Wave-U-Net, M Martinez Ramirez, D Stoller, and D Moffat


Effects of nearshore wave reflections on the behaviour of an axe bow trimaran hull, Md Jahir Rizvi and Christopher Lewis McGibbon


Interference effects in nonlinear Compton scattering due to pulse envelope, B. King


Exact solutions in radiation reaction and the radiation-free direction, R Ekman, T Heinzl, and A Ilderton


Simplest description of charge propagation in a strong background, Martin Lavelle and David McMullan


Tidal Stream vs. Wind Energy: The Value of Cyclic Power When Combined with Short-Term Storage in Hybrid Systems, Daniel Coles, Athanasios Angeloudis, Zoe Goss, and Jon Miles


Properties of a New Insulation Material Glass Bubble in Geopolymer Concrete, Marcin Nabiałek, Noor Fifinatasha Shahedan, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Norsuria Mahmed, Andri Kusbiantoro, Sam Tammas-Williams, Long Yuan Li, Ikmal Hakem Aziz, Petrică Vizureanu, Jerzy J. Wysłocki, and Katarzyna Błoch


Mobile apps for self-management in pregnancy: a systematic review, Gloria Ejehiohen Iyawa, Aliyu Rabiu Dansharif, and Asiya Khan


Conceptual Design Report for the LUXE Experiment, H Abramowicz, UH Acosta, M Altarelli, R Assmann, Z Bai, T Behnke, Y Benhammou, T Blackburn, S Boogert, O Borysov, M Borysova, R Brinkmann, M Bruschi, F Burkart, K Büßer, N Cavanagh, O Davidi, W Decking, U Dosselli, N Elkina, A Fedotov, M Firlej, T Fiutowski, K Fleck, M Gostkin, C Grojean, JA Hallford, H Harsh, A Hartin, B Heinemann, T Heinzl, L Helary, M Hoffmann, S Huang, X Huang, M Idzik, A Ilderton, RM Jacobs, B Kaempfer, B King, H Lakhno, A Levanon, A Levy, I Levy, J List, W Lohmann, T Ma, AJ Macleod, V Malka, F Meloni, A Mironov, M Morandin, J Moron, E Negodin, G Perez, I Pomerantz, R Poeschl, R Prasad, F Quere, A Ringwald, C Roedel, S Rykovanov, F Salgado, A Santra, G Sarri, A Saevert, A Sbrizzi, S Schmitt, U Schramm, S Schuwalow, D Seipt, L Shaimerdenova, M Shchedrolosiev, M Skakunov, Y Soreq, M Streeter, K Swientek, NT Hod, S Tang, T Teter, D Thoden, A Titov, O Tolbanov, G Torgrimsson, A Tyazhev, M Wing, M Zanetti, A Zarubin, K Zeil, M Zepf, and A Zhemchukov


Assessing the validity of regular wave theory in a short physical wave flume using particle image velocimetry, Christian Windt, Alix Untrau, Josh Davidson, Edward J. Ransley, Deborah M. Greaves, and John V. Ringwood


Rocking of offshore lighthouses under extreme wave impacts: Limit analysis, analytic formulations and distinct element method, Dina D'Ayala, Athanasios Pappas, Darshana T. Dassanayake, Alessandro Antonini, and Alison Raby


A Conceptual Cyber-Risk Assessment of Port Infastructure, Kimberly Tam, Kemedi Moara-Nkwe, and Kevin Jones


A Conceptual Cyber-Risk Assessment of Port Infastructure, K Tam, K Moara-Nkwe, and K Jones


Classical resummation and breakdown of strong-field QED, T Heinzl, A Ilderton, and B King


Manufacturing and development of a bolted GFRP flange joint for oil and gas applications, Muhsin Aljuboury, Md Jahir Rizvi, Stephen Grove, and Richard Cullen