Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Submissions from 2015


Bicyclic naphthenic acids in oil sands process water: identification by comprehensive multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry., Michael J. Wilde, Charles E. West, Alan G. Scarlett, David Jones, Richard A. Frank, L. Mark Hewitt, and Steven J. Rowland


Modelling the transfer of supraglacial meltwater to the bed of Leverett Glacier, Southwest Greenland, CC Clason, DWF Mair, PW Nienow, ID Bartholomew, and et al


Linkages between reach-scale physical habitat and invertebrate assemblages in upland streams, Victoria S. Milner, Nigel J. Willby, David J. Gilvear, and Charles Perfect


Whether crop diversification is energy efficient: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh, S Rahman and MMH Kazal


A Multidimensional statistical framework to explore seasonal profile, severity and land-use preferences of wildfires in a Mediterranean country, L Salvati, A Ferrara, G Mancino, CL Kelly, F Chianucci, and P Corona


'Christians, out here?' Encountering Street-Pastors in the post-secular spaces of the UK's night-time economy, Jennie Middleton and Richard Yarwood


Coupled techniques for arsenic speciation in food and drinking water: a review, Bashdar Sadee, M. E. Foulkes, and S. J. Hill


Developing Students’ Energy Literacy in Higher Education, D Cotton, W Miller, J Winter, I Bailey, and S Sterling


Evaluation of Analytical Instrumentation. Part XXVI: Instrumentation for Voltammetry, CB Braungardt


Foraminifera of the Fal Estuary (Cornwall), including taxa associated with maerl beds, MB Hart, K Cartwright, B Fisk, CW Smart, C Consolaro, and JM Hall-Spencer


Metals in boat paint fragments from slipways, repair facilities and abandoned vessels: An evaluation using field portable XRF, Sean Comber


Meteoric water circulation in a rolling-hinge detachment system (northern Snake Range core complex, Nevada), A Gébelin, C Teyssier, MT Heizler, and A Mulch


Productivity and efficiency impacts of urea deep placement technology in modern rice production: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh, S Rahman and BK Barmon


Review of consenting processes for ocean energy in selected European Union Member States, T Simas, AM O’Hagan, J O’Callaghan, S Hamawi, D Magagna, I Bailey, DM Greaves, J-B Saulnier, D Marina, J Bald, C Huertas, and J Sundberg


Urban regeneration: thirty years of change on Plymouth’s waterfront, SJ Essex and P Ford


What remains of the intersubjective?: On the presencing of self and other, Paul Simpson

Submissions from 2014


Determinants of Livelihood Choices: An Empirical Analysis from Rural Bangladesh, S Rahman and S Akter


Climate Change Response at the Farm Level: A Review of Farmers’ Awareness and Adaptation Strategies in Developing Countries, Nichola Harmer and Sanzidur Rahman


Determination of dissolved iron in seawater: A historical review, Paul J. Worsfold, Maeve C. Lohan, Simon J. Ussher, and Andrew R. Bowie


Parameterization of pharmaceutical emissions and removal rates for use in UK predictive exposure models: steroid estrogens as a case study., J. D. Heffley, S. D.W. Comber, B. W. Wheeler, and C. H. Redshaw


Marketing efficiency of cassava products in Delta State, Nigeria: A stochastic profit frontier approach, S Rahman and BO Awerije


Bacterio-plankton transformation of diazepam and 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone in river waters, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Alan D. Tappin, J. Paul Loughnane, and Alan J. McCarthy


Metal contamination of sediment by paint peeling from abandoned boats, with particular reference to lead., Aldous B. Rees, Andrew Turner, and Sean Comber

Platinum-based anticancer drugs in waste waters of a major UK hospital and predicted concentrations in recipient surface waters., Nitin Vyas, Andrew Turner, and Graham Sewell


Ecological succession of a Jurassic shallow-water ichthyosaur fall, S Danise, RJ Twitchett, and K Matts


Bacterio-plankton transformation of diazepam and 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone in river waters., Alan D. Tappin, J. Paul Loughnane, Alan J. McCarthy, and Mark F. Fitzsimons


Deformation and magnetic fabrics in ductile shear zones: A review, EC Ferré, A Gébelin, JL Till, C Sassier, and KC Burmeister


Occupational exposure to anti-cancer drugs: A review of effects of new technology., Nitin Vyas, Dennis Yiannakis, Andrew Turner, and Graham J. Sewell


Transient fluvial incision as an indicator of active faulting and Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Moroccan High Atlas, S. J. Boulton, M. Stokes, and A. E. Mather


Profitability and efficiency of cassava production at the farm-level in Delta State, Nigeria, BO Awerije and S Rahman


Tracing the impact of market reform on productivity growth of rice at the farm level in Bangladesh, MJ Alam, IA Begum, S Rahman, J Buysse, and GV Huylenbroeck


Identifying the provenance of Leach's storm petrels in the North Atlantic using polychlorinated biphenyl signatures derived from comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry., David Megson, Thomas A. Brown, Glenn W. Johnson, Gwen O'Sullivan, Anthony W.J. Bicknell, Stephen C. Votier, Maeve C. Lohan, Sean Comber, Robert Kalin, and Paul J. Worsfold


An early Cambrian agglutinated tubular lophophorate with brachiopod characters., Z-F Zhang, G. X. Li, L. E. Holmer, G. A. Brock, U. Balthasar, C. B. Skovsted, D. J. Fu, X-L Zhang, H. Z. Wang, A. Butler, Z-L Zhang, C. Q. Cao, J. Han, J. N. Liu, and D. G. Shu


Can two-dimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometric identification of bicyclic aromatic acids in petroleum fractions help to reveal further details of aromatic hydrocarbon biotransformation pathways?, Charles E. West, Jos Pureveen, Alan G. Scarlett, Sabine K. Lengger, Michael J. Wilde, Frans Korndorffer, Erik W. Tegelaar, and Steven J. Rowland


Distributed and dynamic modelling of hydrology, phosphorus and ecology in the Hampshire Avon and Blashford Lakes: Evaluating alternative strategies to meet WFD standards, P. G. Whitehead, L. Jin, J. Crossman, S. Comber, P. J. Johnes, P. Daldorph, N. Flynn, A. L. Collins, D. Butterfield, R. Mistry, R. Bardon, L. Pope, and R. Willows


A record of fossil shallow-water whale falls from Italy, S Danise and S Dominici


Energy productivity and efficiency of wheat farming in Bangladesh, S Rahman and MK Hasan


Seismic anisotropy of the Archean crust in the Minnesota River Valley, Superior Province, EC Ferré, A Gébelin, JA Conder, and et al


Exploring the potential and performance of maize production in Bangladesh, S Rahman and MS Rahman


Extra- and intra-cellular accumulation of platinum group elements by the marine microalga, Chlorella stigmatophora., Leyla Shams, Andrew Turner, Geoffrey E. Millward, and Murray T. Brown


Strain field analysis on Montserrat (W.I.) as tool for assessing permeable flow paths in the magmatic system of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Stefanie Hautmann, Fred Witham, Thomas Christopher, Paul Cole, Alan T. Linde, I. Selwyn Sacks, and R. Stephen J. Sparks


Traces of ancient mafic layers in the Tethys oceanic mantle, DS Sergeev, AH Dijkstra, T Meisel, G Brügmann, and SA Sergeev


Magnetic properties of variably serpentinized peridotites and their implication for the evolution of oceanic core complexes, M Maffione, A Morris, O Plumper, and Hinsbergen D van


Driving factors for occupant-controlled space heating in residential buildings, S Wei, R Jones, and P de Wilde


Modelling Late Weichselian evolution of the Eurasian ice sheets forced by surface meltwater-enhanced basal sliding, CC Clason, PJ Applegate, and P Holmlund


Lack of 13C-label incorporation suggests low turnover rates of thaumarchaeal intact polar tetraether lipids in sediments from the Iceland Shelf, SK Lengger, YA Lipsewers, H de Haas, JS Sinninghe Damsté, and S Schouten


Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust, KM Gillis, JE Snow, A Klaus, N Abe, AB Adriao, N Akizawa, G Ceuleneer, MJ Cheadle, K Faak, TJ Falloon, SA Friedman, M Godard, G Guerin, Y Harigane, AJ Horst, T Hoshide, B Ildefonse, MM Jean, BE John, J Koepke, S Machi, J Maeda, NE Marks, AM McCaig, R Meyer, A Morris, T Nozaka, M Python, A Saha, and RP Wintsch


A White Nile megalake during the last interglacial period, TT Barrows, MAJ Williams, SC Mills, GAT Duller, and et al


Impact of rural infrastructure on farm and non-farm enterprise choice and income in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Molluscs from a shallow-water whale-fall and their affinities with adjacent benthic communities on the Swedish west coast, S Danise, S Dominici, AG Glover, and TG Dahlgren


Atomic spectrometry updates. Review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough, Chris F. Harrington, Steve J. Hill, Yolanda Madrid, and Julian F. Tyson


Biogeochemical cycling of dissolved zinc along the GEOTRACES South Atlantic transect GA10 at 40 S, N. J. Wyatt, A. Milne, E. M.S. Woodward, A. P. Rees, T. J. Browning, H. A. Bouman, P. J. Worsfold, and M. C. Lohan


Cadmium contamination of agricultural soils and crops resulting from sphalerite weathering., T. C. Robson, C. B. Braungardt, J. Rieuwerts, and P. Worsfold


Chapter 10 The effect of topography on ash-cloud surge generation and propagation, SE Ogburn, ES Calder, PD Cole, and AJ Stinton


Chapter 21 Controls on variations in cristobalite abundance in ash generated by the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat in the period 1997 to 2010, CJ Horwell, SE Hillman, PD Cole, SC Loughlin, EW Llewellin, DE Damby, and TE Christopher


Characterisation of the porous structure of Gilsocarbon graphite using pycnometry, cyclic porosimetry and void-network modeling, G. Peter Matthews, Giuliano M. Laudone, and Christopher M. Gribble


Community Resilience, Transitional Corridors and Macro-Scalar Lock-in Effects, GA Wilson


Community Resilience, Transitional Corridors and Macro‐Scalar Lock‐in Effects, GA Wilson


From services to civilian: The geographies of veterans' post-military lives, Agatha Herman and Richard Yarwood


Functional diversity of marine ecosystems after the Late Permian mass extinction event, WJ Foster and RJ Twitchett


Is Neolithic land use correlated with demography? An evaluation of pollen-derived land cover and radiocarbon-inferred demographic change from Central Europe, Jutta Lechterbeck, Kevan Edinborough, Tim Kerig, Ralph Fyfe, Neil Roberts, and Stephen Shennan




Looking forward through the past. Identification of fifty priority research questions in palaeoecology., A Seddon, A Mackay, A Baker, and et al


MAKING SENSE OF THE GREN ECONOMY, Federico Caprotti and Ian Bailey

Modelling particle residence times in agricultural river basins using a sediment budget model and fallout radionuclide tracers, Hugh G. Smith, William H. Blake, and Alex Taylor


Parameterization of pharmaceutical emissions and removal rates for use in UK predictive exposure models: steroid estrogens as a case study, JD Heffley, SDW Comber, BW Wheeler, and CH Redshaw


Public perceptions of the UK marine environment, RL Jefferson, I Bailey, DD Laffoley, JP Richards, and MJ Attrill


Talking on the move: place‐based interviewing with undergraduate students., MJW Holton and M Riley


Territorial Tactics: The Socio-spatial Significance of Private Policing Strategies in Cape Town, Till F. Paasche and Richard Yarwood


The green economy: functional domains and theoretical directions of enquiry, Ian Bailey and Federico Caprotti


The impact of changing surface ocean conditions on the dissolution of aerosol iron, Simon J. Ussher, Matthew P. Fishwick, Peter N. Sedwick, Maeve C. Lohan, Paul J. Worsfold, Kristen N. Buck, and Thomas M. Church


The importance of sub-peat carbon storage as shown by data from Dartmoor, UK, R. M. Fyfe, R. Coombe, H. Davies, and L. Parry

Submissions from 2013


Impact of urea price change on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh, S Rahman, MMH Kazal, and ST Hossain


Diamondoid diacids ('O4' species) in oil sands process‐affected water, SK Lengger, AG Scarlett, CE West, and SJ Rowland


A cost-effectiveness analysis of water security and water quality: impacts of climate and land-use change on the River Thames system, P. G. Whitehead, J. Crossman, B. B. Balana, M. N. Futter, S. Comber, L. Jin, D. Skuras, AJ Wade, M. J. Bowes, and D. S. Read


SOWFIA Project - Work Package 4 Final Report, T Simas, AM O’Hagan, I Bailey, D Greaves, D Marina, J Sundberg, and Crom I Le


Fingerprinting polychlorinated biphenyls in environmental samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, David Megson, Robert Kalin, Paul J. Worsfold, Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay, PDG Jr, Maeve C. Lohan, Sean Comber, Thomas A. Brown, and Gwen O'Sullivan


Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests, Simon L. Lewis, Bonaventure Sonké, Terry Sunderland, Serge K. Begne, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, der Heijden GMF van, Oliver L. Phillips, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Timothy R. Baker, Lindsay Banin, Jean François Bastin, Hans Beeckman, Pascal Boeckx, Jan Bogaert, Cannière C De, Eric Chezeaux, Connie J. Clark, Murray Collins, Gloria Djagbletey, Marie Noël K. Djuikouo, Vincent Droissart, Jean Louis Doucet, Cornielle E.N. Ewango, Sophie Fauset, Ted R. Feldpausch, Ernest G. Foli, Jean François Gillet, Alan C. Hamilton, David J. Harris, Terese B. Hart, Haulleville T de, Annette Hladik, Koen Hufkens, Dries Huygens, Philippe Jeanmart, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Elizabeth Kearsley, Miguel E. Leal, Jon Lloyd, Jon C. Lovett, Jean Remy Makana, Yadvinder Malhi, Andrew R. Marshall, Lucas Ojo, Kelvin S.H. Peh, Georgia Pickavance, John R. Poulsen, Jan M. Reitsma, Douglas Sheil, Murielle Simo, Kathy Steppe, Hermann E. Taedoumg, Joey Talbot, James R.D. Taplin, David Taylor, Sean C. Thomas, Benjamin Toirambe, Hans Verbeeck, Jason Vleminckx, Lee J.T. White, Simon Willcock, Hannsjorg Woell, and Lise Zemagho


Juvenile King Scallop, Pecten maximus, Is Potentially Tolerant to Low Levels of Ocean Acidification When Food Is Unrestricted, MB Sanders, TP Bean, TH Hutchinson, and Quesne WJF Le


Development of a Chemical Source Apportionment Decision Support Framework for Catchment Management, SDW Comber, R Smith, P Daldorph, and et al


Development of a chemical source apportionment decision support framework for catchment management., Sean D.W. Comber, Russell Smith, Peter Daldorph, Michael J. Gardner, Carlos Constantino, and Brian Ellor


Benthic foraminifera show some resilience to ocean acidification in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico., L. R. Pettit, M. B. Hart, A. N. Medina-Sánchez, C. W. Smart, R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, J. M. Hall-Spencer, and R. M. Prol-Ledesma


Influence of sediment redox conditions on uranium mobilisation during saline intrusion, Jane Eagling, Paul J. Worsfold, William H. Blake, and Miranda J. Keith-Roach


Assessing the exposure risk and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment on individuals and ecosystems, KE Arnold, ABA Boxall, AR Brown, RJ Cuthbert, S Gaw, TH Hutchinson, S Jobling, JC Madden, CD Metcalfe, V Naidoo, RF Shore, JE Smits, MA Taggart, and HM Thompson


Late Pleistocene glacial stratigraphy of the Kumara-Moana region, West Coast of South Island, New Zealand, TT Barrows, P Almond, R Rose, and et al


Recognizing detachment-mode seafloor spreading in the deep geological past., Marco Maffione, Antony Morris, and Mark W. Anderson


SOWFIA Project - Work Package 4 Interim Report, T Simas, D Magagna, I Bailey, D Conley, D Greaves, J O’Callaghan, D Marina, J-B Saulnier, J Sundberg, and C Embling


The Miocene elevation of Mount Everest, A Gébelin, A Mulch, C Teyssier, and et al


Six Decades of Total Factor Productivity Change and Sources of Growth in Bangladesh Agriculture (1948–2008), S Rahman and R Salim


Elucidating the structural properties that influence the persistence of PCBs in humans using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) dataset., David Megson, Gwen O'Sullivan, Sean Comber, Paul J. Worsfold, Maeve C. Lohan, Melanie R. Edwards, Walter J. Shields, Courtney D. Sandau, and Donald G. Patterson


SOWFIA Project - Work Package 2 Final Report, J O’Callaghan, AM O’Hagan, B Holmes, Arjona E Muñoz, Olivares C Huertas, D Magagna, I Bailey, D Greaves, C Embling, M Witt, B Godley, T Simas, Enciso Y Torre, and D Marina


Domestic source of phosphorus to sewage treatment works, Sean Comber, Michael Gardner, Karyn Georges, David Blackwood, and Daniel Gilmour


Relative sensitivity of two marine bivalves for detection of genotoxic and cytotoxic effects: a field assessment in the Tamar Estuary, South West England., Lorna J. Dallas, Victoria V. Cheung, Andrew S. Fisher, and Awadhesh N. Jha


Isotopic evidence for long term warmth in the Mesozoic., Gregory D. Price, Richard J. Twitchett, James R. Wheeley, and Giuseppe Buono


The impact of global warming and anoxia on marine benthic community dynamics: an example from the Toarcian (Early Jurassic)., S Danise, RJ Twitchett, CT Little, and ME Clémence


Pesticide consumption and productivity and the potential of IPM in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Accumulation of Aqueous and Nanoparticulate Silver by the Marine Gastropod Littorina littorea, Haiying Li, Andrew Turner, and Murray T. Brown


Energy productivity and efficiency of maize accounting for the choice of growing season and environmental factors: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh, S Rahman and MS Rahman


Metal accumulation kinetics by the estuarine macroalga, Fucus ceranoides, Ranjit Varma, Andrew Turner, Murray T. Brown, and Geoff E. Millward


Molecular Approaches for Studying Root Herbivores, CM Benefer and RP Blackshaw