Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Submissions from 2004


Late Hercynian leucogranites modelling as deduced from new gravity data : the example of the Millevaches massif (Massif Central, France), A Gebelin, G Martelet, M Brunel, M Faure, and P Rossi


Management of marine wildlife disturbance, G. A. Glegg, C. Kelly, and C. D. Speedie

Submissions from 2003


A stochastic frontier approach to total factor productivity measurement in Bangladesh crop agriculture, 1961–1992, T Coelli, S Rahman, and C Thirtle


Environmental impacts of modern agricultural technology diffusion in Bangladesh: an analysis of farmers' perceptions and their determinants, S Rahman


Farm-level pesticide use in Bangladesh: determinants and awareness, S Rahman


High-resolution laboratory lysimeter for automated sampling of tracers through a 0.5m soil block, A Johnson, TJ Mathews, GP Matthews, D Patel, PJ Vorsfold, and KN Andrew


Profit efficiency among Bangladeshi rice farmers, S Rahman

Submissions from 2002


Integrated luminometer for the determination of trace metals in seawater using fluorescence, phosphorescence and chemiluminescence detection, PJ Worsfold, EP Achterberg, AR Bowie, V Cannizzaro, S Charles, JM Costa, F Dubois, R Pereiro, Vicente B San, A Sanz-Medel, R Vandeloise, Donckt E Vander, P Wollast, and S Yunus


Performance of fisheries sector planning in Bangladesh, S Rahman and KK Ahmed

Submissions from 2000


Women's employment in Bangladesh agriculture: composition, determinants and scope, S Rahman


A holistic approach to the evaluation of socio-economic and environmental impacts of technological change in agriculture: an application in Bangladesh, S Rahman and JK Routray


Pesticide demand among hybrid vegetable and cereal seed producers in Bangladesh: a simultaneous equation analysis, S Rahman and MZ Hossain


Ecological risk assessment of endocrine disruptors., TH Hutchinson, R Brown, KE Brugger, PM Campbell, M Holt, R Länge, P McCahon, LJ Tattersfield, and Egmond R van


Performance characteristics of a low-cost, field-deployable miniature CCD spectrometer, S Coles, M Nimmo, and PJ Worsfold


Performance characteristics of a low-cost, field-deployable miniature CCD spectrometer., S. Coles, M. Nimmo, and P. J. Worsfold

Submissions from 1999


A submersible battery-powered flow injection (FI) sensor for the determination of nitrate in estuarine and coastal waters, ARJ David, T McCormack, and PJ Worsfold


A submersible battery-powered flow injection (FI) sensor for the determination of nitrate in estuarine and coastal waters., Anthony R.J. David, Trevor McCormack, and Paul J. Worsfold


Optimization of an automated FI-FT-IR procedure for the determination of o-xylene, toluene and ethyl benzene in n-hexane, I. Wells


Optimization of an automated FI-FT-IR procedure for the determination of o-xylene, toluene and ethyl benzene in n-hexane., I Wells and PJ Worsfold

Submissions from 1998


Energy demand perspectives in Bangladesh, (1992/93 – 2019/20), S Rahman


Technological change and women’s participation in crop production in Bangladesh, S Rahman and JK Routray

Submissions from 1996


Rurality, locality and industrial change: A micro-scale investigation of manufacturing growth in the district of Leominster, Richard Yarwood

Submissions from 1995


Joint determination of demand for inputs and choice of rice varieties in northern Thailand, S Rahman and S Sriboonchitta

Submissions from 1993


A portable battery-powered flow injection monitor for the in situ analysis of nitrate in natural waters, NJ Blundell, A Hopkins, PJ Worsfold, and H Casey


A portable battery-powered flow injection monitor for the in situ analysis of nitrate in natural waters., N. J. Blundell, A. Hopkins, P. J. Worsfold, and H. Casey

Submissions from 1991


Automated cold vapour flow-injection analysis of mercury at high concentrations, WT Corns, LC Ebdon, SJ Hill, and PB Stockwell


Automated cold vapour flow-injection analysis of mercury at high concentrations., W. T. Corns, L. C. Ebdon, S. J. Hill, and P. B. Stockwell


On-line analyte preconcentration with atomic spectrometric detection, L Ebdon, AS Fisher, SJ Hill, and PJ Worsfold


On-line analyte preconcentration with atomic spectrometric detection., L. Ebdon, A. S. Fisher, S. J. Hill, and P. J. Worsfold

Submissions from 1987


A simple and versatile interface to feed analogue data from the output of analytical instruments to a BBC microcomputer, L Ebdon, JIG Alonso, SJ Hill, and A Hopkins


A simple and versatile interface to feed analogue data from the output of analytical instruments to a BBC microcomputer., L. Ebdon, JI Alonso, S. J. Hill, and A. Hopkins