Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Submissions from 2018
The distribution of lead concentrations and isotope compositions in the eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Luke Bridgestock, M Rehkaemper, de Flierdt T van, Maxence Paul, Angela Milne, Maeve C. Lohan, and Eric P. Achterberg
Concentrations and Migratabilities of Hazardous Elements in Second-Hand Children's Plastic toys., Andrew Turner
Sea ice dynamics across the Mid-Pleistocene transition in the Bering Sea, H. Detlef, S. T. Belt, S. M. Sosdian, L. Smik, C. H. Lear, I. R. Hall, P. Cabedo-Sanz, K. Husum, and S. Kender
Did sea-level change cause the switch from fissure-type to central-type volcanism at Mount Etna, Sicily?, Iain S. Stewart
Determinants of Pesticide Use in Food Crop Production in Southeastern Nigeria, S Rahman and C.D. Chima
An improved model for the ikaite-glendonite transformation: evidence from the Lower Cretaceous of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Madeleine Vickers, Matthew Watkinson, Gregory D. Price, and Rhodri Jerrett
Observational Study Unveils the Extensive Presence of Hazardous Elements in Beached Plastics from Lake Geneva, Montserrat Filella and Andrew Turner
Complementary biomarker-based methods for characterising Arctic sea ice conditions: A case study comparison between multivariate analysis and the PIP25index, Simon T. Belt, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Lukas Smik, Haoyi Yao, Giuliana Panieri, and Jochen Knies
Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and phylogeny of Oligocene Streptochilus, BS Wade, RK Olsson, PN Pearson, BT Huber, WA Berggren, CW Smart, and E Thomas
Vertical distribution and diurnal migration of atlantid heteropods, Deborah Wall-Palmer, Brett Metcalfe, Melanie J. Leng, Hilary J. Sloane, Gerald Ganssen, P. N. Vinayachandran, and Christopher W. Smart
High contributions of sea ice derived carbon in polar bear (Ursus maritimus) tissue., Thomas A. Brown, Melissa P. Galicia, Gregory W. Thiemann, Simon T. Belt, David J. Yurkowski, and Markus G. Dyck
Impact of surface ocean conditions and aerosol provenance on the dissolution of aerosol manganese, cobalt, nickel and lead in seawater, Simon J. Ussher, Matthew P. Fishwick, Peter N. Sedwick, Maeve C. Lohan, Paul J. Worsfold, Kristen N. Buck, and Thomas M. Church
Suspended solids moderate the degradation and sorption of waste water-derived pharmaceuticals in estuarine waters., Y Aminot, L Fuster, P Pardon, K Le Menach, and H Budzinski
Organic matter identifies the nano-mechanical properties of native soil aggregates, SA Gazze, I Hallin, G Quinn, E Dudley, GP Matthews, P Rees, Keulen G van, SH Doerr, and LW Francis
Agroecological, Land-Elevation and Socioeconomic Determinants of Raising Livestock in Bangladesh, S Rahman
Active pharmaceutical ingredients entering the aquatic environment from wastewater treatment works: A cause for concern?, Sean Comber, Mike Gardner, Pernilla Sörme, Dean Leverett, and Brian Ellor
A high-resolution belemnite geochemical analysis of Early Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian) environmental and climatic perturbations, Gregory D. Price, Nico M.M. Janssen, Mathieu Martinez, Miguel Company, Justin H. Vandevelde, and Stephen T. Grimes
A multi-technique experimental and modelling study of the porous structure of IG-110 and IG-430 nuclear graphite, Giuliano M. Laudone, Katie L. Jones, and G. Peter Matthews
An integrated approach to assess the impacts of zinc pyrithione at different levels of biological organization in marine mussels., Andrew Turner, Lorna J. Dallas, Tim P. Bean, Brett P. Lyons, and Awadhesh N. Jha
Application of field-portable-XRF for the determination of trace elements in deciduous leaves from a mine-impacted region, Andrew Turner, Chor Chi Chan, and Murray T. Brown
Archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids in environmental samples by high temperature-gas chromatography with flame ionisation and time-of-flight mass spectrometry detection, Sabine K. Lengger, Paul A. Sutton, Steven J. Rowland, Sarah J. Hurley, Ann Pearson, B. David A. Naafs, Xinyue Dang, Gordon N. Inglis, and Richard D. Pancost
Atomic Spectrometry Update: review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough, Chris F. Harrington, Steve J. Hill, Yolanda Madrid, and Julian F. Tyson
Biogeography and genetic diversity of the atlantid heteropods., Deborah Wall-Palmer, Alice K. Burridge, Erica Goetze, Frank R. Stokvis, Arie W. Janssen, Lisette Mekkes, María Moreno-Alcántara, Nina Bednaršek, Tom Schiøtte, Sørensen M Vinther, Christopher W. Smart, and Peijnenburg K T.C.A.
Biotic and abiotic degradation of the sea ice diatom biomarker IP 25 and selected algal sterols in near-surface Arctic sediments, Jean François Rontani, Simon T. Belt, and Rémi Amiraux
Block and boulder accumulations on the southern coast of Crete (Greece): evidence for the 365 CE tsunami in the Eastern Mediterranean, Sarah J. Boulton and Michael R.Z. Whitworth
Building student resilience: a self-leadership approach, Paul Murray, Sheran Murray, Paul Warwick, and Anne Bentley
Catchment changes in response to tectonics and climate: using river terraces and DEM data in the southern High Atlas Mountains (Morocco), JR Zondervan, M Stokes, SJ Boulton, AE Mather, and MW Telfer
Chronology for mountainous river terraces: OSL/IRSL and rock dating techniques applied to carbonate-rich terraces in the Atlas Mountains, JR Zondervan, M Stokes, M Jain, J-P Buylaert, MW Telfer, and AS Murray
Community resilience in rural China: the case of Hu Village, Sichuan Province, G Wilson, Z Hu, and S Rahman
Detecting environmental change: how many samples are required?, M. J. Gardner and S. D.W. Comber
Did sea-level change cause the switch from fissure-type to central- type volcanism at Mount Etna, Sicily?, Iain S. Stewart
Differences in leaf thermoregulation and water use strategies between three co-occurring Atlantic forest tree species, Sophie Fauset, Helber C. Freitas, David R. Galbraith, Martin J.P. Sullivan, Marcos P.M. Aidar, Carlos A. Joly, Oliver L. Phillips, Simone A. Vieira, and Manuel U. Gloor
Disadvantage in English seaside resorts: A typology of deprived neighbourhoods, Sheela Agarwal, Steven Jakes, Stephen Essex, Stephen J. Page, and Martin Mowforth
Does carbon limitation reduce nitrogen retention in soil?, Mark F. Fitzsimons, H. Kate Schofield, and Alan D. Tappin
Employability Voices: a resource to promote and support employability to academics, Jane Collings, Sharon Gedye, Garren Baker, Mark Beresford, Annika Bautz, David Gilvear, Sarah Stevenson, and Jean Almond
From rural citizenship to the rural citizen: Farming, dementia and networks of care, Richard Yarwood and Claire Kelly
High levels of migratable lead and cadmium on decorated drinking glassware, Andrew Turner
Intravenous injection of unfunctionalized carbon-based nanomaterials confirms the minimal toxicity observed in aqueous and dietary exposures in juvenile rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), David Boyle, Paul A. Sutton, Richard D. Handy, and Theodore B. Henry
Microplastics in different tissues of fish and prawn from the Musa Estuary, Persian Gulf., Sajjad Abbasi, Naghmeh Soltani, Behnam Keshavarzi, Farid Moore, Andrew Turner, and Mina Hassanaghaei
Mixtures of tritiated water, zinc and dissolved organic carbon: Assessing interactive bioaccumulation and genotoxic effects in marine mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Awadhesh N. Jha, Holly B.C. Pearson, Lorna J. Dallas, Sean D.W. Comber, Charlotte B. Braungardt, and Paul J. Worsfold
Mobilisation kinetics of hazardous elements in marine plastics subject to an avian physiologically-based extraction test., Andrew Turner
Naphthenic acids in oil sands process waters: Identification by conversion of the acids or esters to hydrocarbons, Steven J. Rowland and Michael J. Wilde
Numerical analysis of the rheological behaviour of the Socompa debris avalanche, Chile, F Vagnon, M Pirulli, I Manzella, K Kelfoun, and AM Ferrero
On the edge of exceptional preservation: insights into the role of redox state in Burgess Shale-type taphonomic windows from the Mural Formation, Alberta, Canada, Erik A. Sperling, Uwe Balthasar, and Christian B. Skovsted
Palaeo river long profile reconstruction in a fold-and-thrust belt: river terraces as archives of Quaternary incision and aggradation in the Atlas Mountains, JR Zondervan, M Stokes, SJ Boulton, AE Mather, and MW Telfer
Pinpointing areas of increased soil erosion risk following land cover change in the Lake Manyara catchment, Tanzania, Maarten Wynants, Henok Solomon, Patrick Ndakidemi, and William H. Blake
Pliocene stratigraphic paleobiology in Tuscany and the fossil record of marine megafauna, S Dominici, S Danise, and M Benvenuti
Processes of distribution of pharmaceuticals in surface freshwaters: implications for risk assessment, Sean Comber, Simone Bagnis, Jason Snape, Mark F. Fitzsimons, and Alan Tappin
Quantified moorland vegetation and assessment of the role of burning over the past five millennia, Ralph M. Fyfe, Havananda Ombashi, Heather J. Davies, and Katie Head
Research-led curriculum innovation to enhance core employability attributes for Environmental Science graduates, Charlotte Braungardt, Alison Stokes, C Guy, and Paul Warwick
Sea ice, ice-rafting, and ocean climate across Denmark Strait during rapid deglaciation (similar to 16-12 cal ka BP) of the Iceland and East Greenland shelves, J. T. Andrews, P. Cabedo-Sanz, A. E. Jennings, S Olafsdottir, S. T. Belt, and A Geirsdottir
Soil sterilisation methods for use in OECD 106: How effective are they?, Sean Comber, Katherine Lees, Mark Fitzsimons, Jason Snape, and Alan Tappin
Source-specific biomarkers as proxies for Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, Simon T. Belt
Spaces of concern: Parliamentary discourse on Britain's overseas territories., Nichola Harmer
Sterol identification in floating Arctic sea ice algal aggregates and the Antarctic sea ice diatom Berkeleya adeliensis, Simon T. Belt, Thomas A. Brown, Lukas Smik, Philipp Assmy, and C. J. Mundy
The curious death - and life - of British transport policy, Iain Docherty, Jon Shaw, Greg Marsden, and Jillian Anable
The Economic Value of Climate Information in Adaptation Decisions: Learning in the Sea-level Rise and Coastal Infrastructure Context, David A. Dawson, Alistair Hunt, Jon Shaw, and W. Roland Gehrels
The Evolution of the Silver Hills Volcanic Center, and Revised 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Montserrat, Lesser Antilles, With Implications for Island Arc Volcanism, S. J. Hatter, M. R. Palmer, T. M. Gernon, R. N. Taylor, P. D. Cole, D. N. Barfod, and M. Coussens
The future trajectory of adverse outcome pathways: a commentary, F Sewell, N Gellatly, M Beaumont, N Burden, R Currie, Haan L de, TH Hutchinson, M Jacobs, C Mahony, I Malcomber, J Mehta, G Whale, and I Kimber
The resilience and vulnerability of remote mountain communities: The case of Vent, Austrian Alps, GA Wilson, M Schermer, and R Stotten
Toward sustainable environmental quality: Priority research questions for Europe, den Brink PJ Van, ABA Boxall, L Maltby, BW Brooks, MA Rudd, T Backhaus, D Spurgeon, V Verougstraete, C Ajao, GT Ankley, SE Apitz, K Arnold, T Brodin, M Cañedo-Argüelles, J Chapman, J Corrales, M-A Coutellec, TF Fernandes, J Fick, AT Ford, Papiol G Giménez, KJ Groh, TH Hutchinson, H Kruger, JVK Kukkonen, S Loutseti, S Marshall, D Muir, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, KB Paul, A Rico, I Rodea-Palomares, J Römbke, T Rydberg, H Segner, M Smit, Gestel CAM van, M Vighi, I Werner, EI Zimmer, and Wensem J van
Use of palmitoleic acid and its oxidation products for monitoring the degradation of ice algae in Arctic waters and bottom sediments, Jean François Rontani, Rémi Amiraux, Catherine Lalande, Marcel Babin, Hak Ryul Kim, and Simon T. Belt
Submissions from 2017
Factors Influencing Household Income in Poor Urban Slum Settlements in Bangladesh, S Rahman
Fossils, heritage and conservation: Managing demands on a precious resource, KN Page
Constraining the Deforestation History of Europe: Evaluation of Historical Land Use Scenarios with Pollen-Based Land Cover Reconstructions, Jed O. Kaplan, Kristen M. Krumhardt, Marie José Gaillard, Shinya Sugita, Anna Kari Trondman, Ralph Fyfe, Laurent Marquer, Florence Mazier, and Anne Birgitte Nielsen
Hierarchical creep cavity formation in an ultramylonite and implications for phase mixing, J Gilgannon, F Fusseis, L Menegon, K Regenauer-Lieb, and J Buckman
Active normal faults and coupled landscape response: bedrock variability in the southern Gulf of Corinth, central Greece, JR Zondervan, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, SE Watkins, and SAS Brooke
Quantifying the Erosional Response to Tectonic Forcing: Be10 Catchment Average Erosion Rates from the Taupo Rift, New Zealand., SJ Boulton and KP Norton
Trajectories of change in Mediterranean Holocene vegetation through classification of pollen data, Ralph M. Fyfe, Jessie Woodbridge, and C. Neil Roberts
Holocene fluctuations in human population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate, Andrew Bevan, Sue Colledge, Dorian Fuller, Ralph Fyfe, Stephen Shennan, and Chris Stevens
The challenge of urban design in securing post-event legacies of Olympic Parks, Stephen Essex and Renata Sanchez
Investigating Multiple Domains of Household Livelihood Security: Insights from Urban Slums in Bangladesh, S Akter and S Rahman
Bromine in plastic consumer products - Evidence for the widespread recycling of electronic waste., Andrew Turner and Montserrat Filella
Communicating Seismic Risk: the Geoethical Challenges of a People-Centred, Participatory Approach, IS Stewart, J Ickert, and R Lacassin
Earthquakes as Precursors of Ductile Shear Zones in the Dry and Strong Lower Crust, L Menegon, G Pennacchioni, N Malaspina, K Harris, and E Wood
Exploring the future potential of jute in Bangladesh, S Rahman, MMH Kazal, IA Begum, and MJ Alam
Mudstones and embedded concretions show differences in lithology-related, but not source-related biomarker distributions, SK Lengger, IM Melendez, RE Summons, and K Grice
Let’s Improv It: The Embodied Investigation of Social Collaboration, K Łucznik, A Jackson, A Sakuta, and E Siarava
The Displaced ‘Dispositif’, Guy Edmonds and Shaun Lewin
Changes to Arctic land ice, JE Box, M Sharp, G Aðalgeirsdóttir, M Ananicheva, and et al
Rapid fore-arc extension and detachment-mode spreading following subduction initiation, Antony Morris, Mark W. Anderson, Ahmed Omer, Marco Maffione, and Hinsbergen DJJ van
The hydrothermal alteration of carbonatite in the Fen Complex, Norway: mineralogy, geochemistry, and implications for rare earth element resource formation, C Marien, AH Dijkstra, and C wilkins
Contributions of citizen science to landscape democracy: potentials and challenges of current approaches, BJ Shaw, H Draux, MG Martín, J Martin, and C Bieling
A new occurrence of the Early Jurassic brachiopod Anarhynchia from the Canadian Cordillera confirms its membership in chemosynthesis-based ecosystems, J Palfy, Zsófia Kovács, Gregory D. Price, and Attila Vörös
Effect of soil saturation on denitrification in a grassland soil, LM Cardenas, R Bol, D Lewicka-Szczebak, AS Gregory, GP Matthews, WR Whalley, TH Misselbrook, D Scholefield, and R Well
Effect of soil saturation on denitrification in a grassland soil, GP Matthews, L Cardenas, R Bol, D Lewicka-Szczebak, A Gregory, W Whalley, T Misselbrook, D Scholefield, and R Well
Spacing the subject: Thinking subjectivity after non-representational theory, Paul Simpson
Crystallographic control and texture inheritance during mylonitization of coarse grained quartz veins, A Ceccato, G Pennacchioni, L Menegon, and M Bestmann
Relative sea-level variability during the late Middle Pleistocene: New evidence from eastern England, N. L.M. Barlow, A. J. Long, W. R. Gehrels, M. H. Saher, R. G. Scaife, H. J. Davies, K. E.H. Penkman, D. R. Bridgland, A. Sparkes, C. W. Smart, and S. Taylor
Dinocyst stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary at Stevns Klint, Denmark, Meriel E.J. FitzPatrick, David A. Forber, and Malcolm B. Hart
HAWAIIAN SKIRT controls size and floral organ number by modulating CUC1 and CUC2 expression, ZH González-Carranza, X Zhang, JL Peters, V Boltz, and et al
Evidence for the early onset of the Ipswichian thermal optimum: palaeoecology of Last Interglacial deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England, H Langford, S Boreham, RM Briant, GR Coope, and et al
The onset of fabric development in deep marine sediments, M Maffione and A Morris
Architecture and Urban Design: The Shaping of Rio 2016 Olympic Legacies, A Zimbalist, Renata Sanchez, and SJ Essex
Baffin Bay paleoenvironments in the LGM and HS1: Resolving the ice-shelf question, Anne E. Jennings, John T. Andrews, Cofaigh C Ó, Guillaume St-Onge, Simon Belt, Patricia Cabedo-Sanz, Christof Pearce, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, and Campbell D Calvin