Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Submissions from 2017
River terraces and alluvial fans: The case for an integrated Quaternary fluvial archive, A. E. Mather, M. Stokes, and E. Whitfield
Sea-ice dynamics in an Arctic coastal polynya during the past 6500 years, J Knies, I Pathirana, P Cabedo-Sanz, A Banica, K Fabian, TL Rasmussen, M Forwick, and ST Belt
Seismic faults and sacred sanctuaries in Aegean antiquity, Iain S. Stewart
Self-attenuation corrections for Pb-210 in gamma-ray spectrometry using well and coaxial HPGe detectors, A. R. Iurian, G. E. Millward, O. Sima, A. Taylor, and W. Blake
Semi-quantitative reconstruction of early to late Holocene spring and summer sea ice conditions in the northern Barents Sea, Sarah M.P. Berben, Katrine Husum, Alba Navarro-Rodriguez, Simon T. Belt, and Steffen Aagaard-Sørensen
Social geology — integrating sustainability concepts into Earth sciences, Iain S. Stewart and Joel C. Gill
Sonic affects and the production of space: ‘Music by handle’ and the politics of street music in Victorian London, Paul Simpson
Tectonic and lithological controls on fluvial landscape development in Central-Eastern Portugal: Insights from long profile tributary stream analyses, Pedro P. Cunha, AA Martins, João Cabral, Martin Stokes, José Borges, Bento Caldeira, and AC Martins
The challenges and opportunities of addressing particle size effects in sediment source fingerprinting: A review, J. Patrick Laceby, Olivier Evrard, Hugh G. Smith, Will H. Blake, Jon M. Olley, Jean P.G. Minella, and Philip N. Owens
The effect of wastewater effluent derived ligands on copper and zinc complexation, C. Constantino, S. D.W. Comber, and M. D. Scrimshaw
Trace elements in fragments of fishing net and other filamentous plastic litter from two beaches in SW England, Andrew Turner
Tropical forest light regimes in a human-modified landscape, Sophie Fauset, Manuel U. Gloor, Marcos P.M. Aidar, Helber C. Freitas, Nikolaos M. Fyllas, Mauro A. Marabesi, Andre L.C. Rochelle, Alexander Shenkin, Simone A. Vieira, and Carlos A. Joly
Validation of the OECD reproduction test guideline with the New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum using trenbolone and prochloraz, C Geiß, K Ruppert, C Askem, C Barroso, D Faber, V Ducrot, H Holbech, TH Hutchinson, P Kajankari, KL Kinnberg, L Lagadic, P Matthiessen, S Morris, M Neiman, O-P Penttinen, P Sanchez-Marin, M Teigeler, L Weltje, and J Oehlmann
Submissions from 2016
The Importance of Geosites and Heritage Stones in Cities—a Review, P De Wever, F Baudin, D Pereira, and et al
Evaluating models of Coulomb stress transfer: Is variable fault geometry important?, Zoe K. Mildon, Shinji Toda, Walker JP Faure, and Gerald P. Roberts
Bromine soil/sediment enrichment in tidal salt marshes as a potential indicator of climate changes driven by solar activity: New insights from W coast Portuguese estuaries, J Moreno, F. Fatela, E. Leorri, F Moreno, M. C. Freitas, T. Valente, M. F. Araújo, J. J. Gómez-Navarro, L. Guise, and W. H. Blake
Tapping the archives: The sterol composition of marine sponge species, as determined non-invasively from museum preserved specimens, reveals biogeographical features, SK Lengger, J Fromont, and K Grice
Bioaccessibility of U, Th and Pb in solid wastes and soils from an abandoned uranium mine, Geoffrey Millward, Michael Foulkes, Samuel Henderson, and William Blake
Could this be a concrete solution to biodiversity loss?, LB Firth, A Evans, AM Knights, R Nash, and et al
Controls on the early Holocene collapse of the Bothnian Sea Ice Stream, CC Clason, SL Greenwood, N Selmes, JM Lea, and et al
Assessing the effectiveness of sustainable land management policies for combating desertification: A data mining approach, A. Colantoni, L. Salvati, C. Kosmas, O. Kairis, C. Karavitis, S. Acikalin, A. Belgacem, A. Solé-Benet, M. Chaker, V. Fassouli, C. Gokceoglu, H. Gungor, R. Hessel, H. Khatteli, A. Kounalaki, A. Laouina, F. Ocakoglu, M. Ouessar, C. Ritsema, M. Sghaier, H. Sonmez, H. Taamallah, L. Tezcan, J. de Vente, C. Kelly, and M. Carlucci
Clockwise rotation of the entire Oman ophiolite occurred in a suprasubduction zone setting, Antony Morris, Matthew Meyer, Mark W. Anderson, and Christopher J. MacLeod
Evaluating the success of a marine protected area: A systematic review approach., L. D. Rodwell, J. Gallacher, N. Simmonds, H. Fellowes, N. Brown, N. Gill, W. Clark, and C. Biggs
Ice-flow and meltwater landform assemblages in the Gulf of Bothnia, SL Greenwood, CC Clason, and M Jakobsson
Integrating geodiversity and biodiversity conservation: Strategic and site-based approches, KN Page
Coastal ocean and shelf-sea biogeochemical cycling of trace elements and isotopes: lessons learned from GEOTRACES, Matthew A. Charette, Phoebe J. Lam, Maeve C. Lohan, Eun Young Kwon, Vanessa Hatje, Catherine Jeandel, Alan M. Shiller, Gregory A. Cutter, A Thomas, Philip W. Boyd, William B. Homoky, Angela Milne, H Thomas, Per S. Andersson, Don Porcelli, Takahiro Tanaka, Walter Geibert, Frank Dehairs, and Jordi Garcia-Orellana
High-resolution carbon cycle and seawater temperature evolution during the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian–Early Pliensbachian), Gregory D. Price, Sarah J. Baker, Justin VanDeVelde, and Marie Emilie Clémence
Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro), Bradley O. Christoffersen, Manuel Gloor, Sophie Fauset, Nikolaos M. Fyllas, David R. Galbraith, Timothy R. Baker, Bart Kruijt, Lucy Rowland, Rosie A. Fisher, Oliver J. Binks, Sanna Sevanto, Chonggang Xu, Steven Jansen, Brendan Choat, Maurizio Mencuccini, Nate G. McDowell, and Patrick Meir
Surface faulting during the August 24, 2016, Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0): preliminary results, Franz A. Livio, A. M. Michetti, E. Vittori, L. Gregory, L. Wedmore, L. Piccardi, E. Tondi, G. Roberts, ITALY EARTHQUAKE W.G. CENTRAL, A. M. Blumetti, L. Bonadeo, F. Brunamonte, V. Comerci, P. Dimanna, M. F. Ferrario, J. Faure Walker, C. Frigerio, F. Fumanti, L. Guerrieri, F. Iezzi, G. Leoni, K. McCaffrey, Z. Mildon, R. Phillips, E. Rhodes, R. J. Walters, and M. Wilkinson
Fluvial archives, a valuable record of vertical crustal deformation, A. Demoulin, A. Mather, and A. Whittaker
New data on the chronology of the Vale do Forno sedimentary sequence (Lower Tejo River terrace staircase) and its relevance as a fluvial archive of the Middle Pleistocene in western Iberia, Pedro P. Cunha, António A. Martins, Jan Pieter Buylaert, Andrew S. Murray, Luis Raposo, Paolo Mozzi, and Martin Stokes
Elemental concentrations and bioaccessibilities in beached plastic foam litter, with particular reference to lead in polyurethane, Andrew Turner and Kwan S. Lau
Sulphide mineral evolution and metal mobility during alteration of the oceanic crust: Insights from ODP Hole 1256D, C. G.C. Patten, I. K. Pitcairn, D. A.H. Teagle, and M. Harris
Rapid mantle-driven uplift along the Angolan margin in the late Quaternary, R. T. Walker, M. Telfer, RL Kahle, M. W. Dee, B Kahle, J. L. Schwenninger, R. A. Sloan, and A. B. Watts
A silicified Early Triassic marine assemblage from Svalbard, WJ Foster, S Danise, and RJ Twitchett
Evidence for the validity of Protatlanta sculpta (Gastropoda: Pterotracheoidea), D Wall-Palmer, AK Burridge, KTCA Peijnenburg, A Janssen, E Goetze, R Kirby, MB Hart, and CW Smart
Hässeldala – a key site for Last Termination climate events in northern Europe, B Wohlfarth, F MUSCHITIELLO, S Greenwood, A Andersson, and et al
A study of arsenic speciation in soil, irrigation water and plant tissue: A case study of the broad bean plant, Vicia faba., Steve J. Hill, Bashdar A. Sadee, and Mike E. Foulkes
Closing crack earthquakes within the Krafla caldera, North Iceland, Zoë K. Mildon, David J. Pugh, Jon Tarasewicz, Robert S. White, and Bryndís Brandsdóttir
Exposure to tritiated water at an elevated temperature: Genotoxic and transcriptomic effects in marine mussels (M. galloprovincialis)., Awadhesh N. Jha, Lorna J. Dallas, Tim P. Bean, Andrew Turner, and Brett P. Lyons
Holocene sea-ice conditions and circulation at the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean, inferred from biomarker proxies, Leonid Polyak, Simon T. Belt, Patricia Cabedo-Sanz, Masanobu Yamamoto, and Yu Hyeon Park
Hydrothermal contributions to global biogeochemical cycles: Insights from the Macquarie Island ophiolite, Rosalind M. Coggon, Damon A.H. Teagle, Michelle Harris, Garry J. Davidson, Jeffrey C. Alt, and Timothy S. Brewer
MeMoVolc report on classification and dynamics of volcanic explosive eruptions, C Bonadonna and et al
Our evolving understanding of aeolian bedforms, based on observation of dunes on different worlds, Serina Diniega, Mikhail Kreslavsky, Jani Radebaugh, S Silverstro, Matt Telfer, and Daniela Tirsch
Ecohydraulics exemplifies the emerging “paradigm of the interdisciplines”, David J. Gilvear, John M. Nestler, Michael J. Stewardson, J. Angus Webb, and David L. Smith
Annual down-glacier drainage of lakes and water-filled crevasses at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, A Everett, T Murray, N Selmes, IC Rutt, and et al
Heavy metals, metalloids and other hazardous elements in marine plastic litter, Andrew Turner
Osmium isotope compositions of detrital Os-rich alloys from the Rhine River provide evidence for a global late Mesoproterozoic mantle depletion event, AH Dijkstra, CW Dale, T Oberthür, GM Nowell, and DG Pearson
Ocean-Scale Monitoring of Mesozooplankton on Atlantic Meridional Transect 21, PF Culverhouse, R Williams, C Gallienne, J Tilbury, and D Wall-Palmer
Analysis of the elemental composition of marine litter by field-portable-XRF, Andrew Turner and Kevin R. Solman
3-D models and structural analysis of rock avalanches: the study of the deformation process to better understand the propagation mechanism, C Longchamp, A Abellan, M Jaboyedoff, and I Manzella
Return of naturally sourced Pb to Atlantic surface waters, Luke Bridgestock, de Flierdt T van, M Rehkamper, Maxence Paul, Rob Middag, Angela Milne, Maeve C. Lohan, Alex R. Baker, Rosie Chance, Roulin Khondoker, Stanislav Strekopytov, Emma Humphreys-Williams, Eric P. Achterberg, Micha J.A. Rijkenberg, Loes J.A. Gerringa, and Baar HJW de
Unexpected removal of the most neutral cationic pharmaceutical in river waters, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Alan D. Tappin, Alan J. McCarthy, and J. Paul Loughnane
The impact of natural and anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), and pH on the toxicity of triclosan to the crustacean Gammarus pulex (L.)., Sean D.W. Comber, Christopher J. Rowett, and Thomas H. Hutchinson
Determination of rare earth elements in natural water samples – A review of sample separation, preconcentration and direct methodologies, Andrew Fisher and Derya Kara
Coupling of marine and continental oxygen isotope records during the Eocene-Oligocene transition, Nathan D. Sheldon, Stephen T. Grimes, Jerry J. Hooker, Margaret E. Collinson, Melanie J. Bugler, Michael T. Hren, Gregory D. Price, and Paul A. Sutton
Eco-engineered rock pools: a concrete solution to biodiversity loss and urban sprawl in the marine environment, LB Firth, KA Browne, AM Knights, SJ Hawkins, and R Nash
Resilience of small-scale societies’ livelihoods: a framework for studying the transition from food gathering to food production, C Lancelotti, D Zurro, NJ Whitehouse, M Madella, and et al
Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy: Assigning Time in the Campanian, Pliensbachian, Toarcian, and Valanginian, JM McArthur, T Steuber, KN Page, and NH Landman
Extracting palaeoflood data from coarse-grained Pleistocene river terrace archives: an example from SE Spain, Anne Mather and Martin Stokes
Late-glacial and Holocene European pollen data, Simon Brewer, Thomas Giesecke, Basil A.S. Davis, Walter Finsinger, Steffen Wolters, Heather Binney, Beaulieu J-L de, Ralph Fyfe, Graciela Gil-Romera, Norbert Kühl, Petr Kuneš, Michelle Leydet, and Richard H. Bradshaw
Source identification and distribution reveals the potential of the geochemical Antarctic sea ice proxy IPSO25, S. T. Belt, L. Smik, T. A. Brown, J. H. Kim, S. J. Rowland, C. S. Allen, J. K. Gal, K. H. Shin, J. I. Lee, and K. W.R. Taylor
Robots with a sense of touch., C Bartolozzi, L Natale, F Nori, and G Metta
The effect of a glaciation on East Central Sweden: case studies on present glaciers and analyses of landform data, P Holmlund, CC Clason, and K Blomdahl
Conflicts in some of the World Harbours: What needs to happen next?, S Pearson, W Windupranata, SW Pranowo, A Putri, and et al
Measurement uncertainty associated with shipboard sample collection and filtration for the determination of the concentration of iron in seawater, Paul J. Worsfold, Robert Clough, Geerke H. Floor, Christophe R. Quétel, Angela Milne, and Maeve C. Lohan
Energy saving on campus: a comparison of students' attitudes and reported behaviours in the UK and Portugal, DRE Cotton, C Shiel, and A do Paço
Response to Gottesfeld and Jacobs 2016, Andrew Turner, Emily R. Kearl, and Kevin R. Solman
Variability in drift ice export from the Arctic Ocean to the North Icelandic Shelf over the last 8000 years: A multi-proxy evaluation, Simon T. Belt, Patricia Cabedo-Sanz, Anne E. Jennings, John T. Andrews, and Áslaug Geirsdóttir
Revisiting NWA 3141, 8266 and 8594; Two Eucrites and a Howardite?, JT Mitchell and NR Stephen
Using video games for volcanic hazard education and communication: an assessment of the method and preliminary results, Lara Mani, Paul D. Cole, and Iain Stewart
Characterization of the in situ magnetic architecture of oceanic crust (Hess Deep) using near-source vector magnetic data, M Tominaga, MA Tivey, CJ MacLeod, A Morris, CJ Lissenberg, DJ Shillington, and V Ferrini
Restoration of the external Scandinavian Caledonides, A. Hugh N. Rice and Mark W. Anderson
The Winter Olympics: driving urban change, 1924-2022, JR Gold, MM Gold, SJ Essex, and Jiska De Groot
Atlanta ariejansseni, a new species of shelled heteropod from the Southern Subtropical Convergence Zone (Gastropoda, Pterotracheoidea), D Wall-Palmer, AK Burridge, and KTCA Peijnenburg
Seasonal sea ice variability in eastern Fram Strait over the last 2000 years, P Cabedo-Sanz and ST Belt
Farm characteristics and farmer perceptions associated with bovine tuberculosis incidents in areas of emerging endemic spread, J. M. Broughan, D. Maye, P. Carmody, L. A. Brunton, A. Ashton, W. Wint, N. Alexander, R. Naylor, K. Ward, A. V. Goodchild, S. Hinchliffe, R. D. Eglin, P. Upton, R. Nicholson, and G. Enticott
Geomorphic and geological constraints on the active normal faulting of the Gediz (Alaşehir) Graben, Western Turkey., S. J. Boulton, E. Kent, I. S. Stewart, A. C. Whittaker, and MC Alcicek
Medium Moderates the Message. How Users Adjust Their Communication Trajectories to Different Media in Collaborative Task Solving, K Lisiecka, A Rychwalska, K Samson, K Łucznik, and et al
Measurements of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope variability in Sphagnum moss along a micro-topographical gradient in a southern Patagonian peatland, N. J. Loader, F. A. Street-Perrott, D. Mauquoy, T. P. Roland, Bellen S van, T. J. Daley, D. Davies, P. D.M. Hughes, V. O. Pancotto, G. H.F. Young, M. J. Amesbury, D. J. Charman, G. Mallon, and Z. C. Yu
The 8.2-ka BP event in north-eastern North America: first combined oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data from peat in Newfoundland, T. J. Daley, K. E. Barber, P. D.M. Hughes, N. J. Loader, M. Leuenberger, and F. A. Street-Perrott
The relationship between eruptive activity, flank collapse, and sea level at volcanic islands: A long-term (>1 Ma) record offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles, M Coussens, D Wall-Palmer, PJ Talling, and et al
From ether to acid: a plausible degradation pathway of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, X-L Liu, D Birgel, FJ Elling, PA Sutton, and et al
From ether to acid: a plausible degradation pathway of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, Xiao Lei Liu, Daniel Birgel, Felix J. Elling, Paul A. Sutton, Julius S. Lipp, Rong Zhu, Chuanlun Zhang, M Konneke, Jörn Peckmann, Steven J. Rowland, Roger E. Summons, and Kai Uwe Hinrichs
The Changing Face of Neolithic and Bronze Age Ireland: A Big Data Approach to the Settlement and Burial Records, TR McLaughlin, NJ Whitehouse, RJ Schulting, and et al
Potholes and pitfalls: The impact of rural transport on female entrepreneurs in Nigeria, Rebecca Johnson, Andrew Seedhouse, and Robert Newbery
High-mobility of unconstrained rock avalanches: Numerical simulations of a laboratory experiment and an Argentinian event, I Manzella, I Penna, K Kelfoun, and M Jaboyedoff
When did the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains get high? Constraints on neo- and active tectonics from fluvial geomorphology and palaeoaltimetry, SJ Boulton, M Stokes, J Vandevelde, and AE Mather
Bathymodioline mussel dominated Miocene whale fall from Italy, S Danise, L Bertolaso, and S Dominici
Carbon cycle history through the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary: A new global δ13C stack, Gregory D. Price, I Főzy, and József Pálfy
Competitiveness, Profitability, Input Demand and Output Supply of Maize Production in Bangladesh, S Rahman, M Kazal, I Begum, and M Alam
Earthquake risk communication as dialogue – insights from a workshop in Istanbul's urban renewal neighbourhoods, Johanna Ickert and Iain S. Stewart
New Zealand and climate change: what are the stakes and what can New Zealand do?, IG Bailey and Inderberg TH Jackson
Orthophosphate-P in the nutrient impacted River Taw and its catchment (SW England) between 1990 and 2013., Alan D. Tappin, Sean Comber, and Paul J. Worsfold
Diploptene δ13C values from contemporary thermokarst lake sediments show complex spatial variation, KL Davies, RD Pancost, ME Edwards, and et al