Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Submissions from 2014


Talking on the move: place‐based interviewing with undergraduate students., MJW Holton and M Riley


Territorial Tactics: The Socio-spatial Significance of Private Policing Strategies in Cape Town, Till F. Paasche, Richard Yarwood, and James D. Sidaway


The green economy: functional domains and theoretical directions of enquiry, Federico Caprotti and Ian Bailey


The impact of changing surface ocean conditions on the dissolution of aerosol iron, Simon J. Ussher, Matthew P. Fishwick, Peter N. Sedwick, Maeve C. Lohan, Paul J. Worsfold, Kristen N. Buck, and Thomas M. Church


The importance of sub-peat carbon storage as shown by data from Dartmoor, UK, R. M. Fyfe, R. Coombe, H. Davies, and L. Parry

Submissions from 2013


Impact of urea price change on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh, S Rahman, MMH Kazal, and ST Hossain


Diamondoid diacids ('O4' species) in oil sands process‐affected water, SK Lengger, AG Scarlett, CE West, and SJ Rowland


A cost-effectiveness analysis of water security and water quality: impacts of climate and land-use change on the River Thames system, P. G. Whitehead, J. Crossman, B. B. Balana, M. N. Futter, S. Comber, L. Jin, D. Skuras, AJ Wade, M. J. Bowes, and D. S. Read


SOWFIA Project - Work Package 4 Final Report, T Simas, AM O’Hagan, I Bailey, D Greaves, D Marina, J Sundberg, and Crom I Le


Fingerprinting polychlorinated biphenyls in environmental samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, David Megson, Robert Kalin, Paul J. Worsfold, Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay, PDG Jr, Maeve C. Lohan, Sean Comber, Thomas A. Brown, and Gwen O'Sullivan


Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests, Simon L. Lewis, Bonaventure Sonké, Terry Sunderland, Serge K. Begne, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, der Heijden GMF van, Oliver L. Phillips, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Timothy R. Baker, Lindsay Banin, Jean François Bastin, Hans Beeckman, Pascal Boeckx, Jan Bogaert, Cannière C De, Eric Chezeaux, Connie J. Clark, Murray Collins, Gloria Djagbletey, Marie Noël K. Djuikouo, Vincent Droissart, Jean Louis Doucet, Cornielle E.N. Ewango, Sophie Fauset, Ted R. Feldpausch, Ernest G. Foli, Jean François Gillet, Alan C. Hamilton, David J. Harris, Terese B. Hart, Haulleville T de, Annette Hladik, Koen Hufkens, Dries Huygens, Philippe Jeanmart, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Elizabeth Kearsley, Miguel E. Leal, Jon Lloyd, Jon C. Lovett, Jean Remy Makana, Yadvinder Malhi, Andrew R. Marshall, Lucas Ojo, Kelvin S.H. Peh, Georgia Pickavance, John R. Poulsen, Jan M. Reitsma, Douglas Sheil, Murielle Simo, Kathy Steppe, Hermann E. Taedoumg, Joey Talbot, James R.D. Taplin, David Taylor, Sean C. Thomas, Benjamin Toirambe, Hans Verbeeck, Jason Vleminckx, Lee J.T. White, Simon Willcock, Hannsjorg Woell, and Lise Zemagho


Juvenile King Scallop, Pecten maximus, Is Potentially Tolerant to Low Levels of Ocean Acidification When Food Is Unrestricted, MB Sanders, TP Bean, TH Hutchinson, and Quesne WJF Le


Development of a Chemical Source Apportionment Decision Support Framework for Catchment Management, SDW Comber, R Smith, P Daldorph, and et al


Development of a chemical source apportionment decision support framework for catchment management., Sean D.W. Comber, Russell Smith, Peter Daldorph, Michael J. Gardner, Carlos Constantino, and Brian Ellor


Benthic foraminifera show some resilience to ocean acidification in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico., L. R. Pettit, M. B. Hart, A. N. Medina-Sánchez, C. W. Smart, R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, J. M. Hall-Spencer, and R. M. Prol-Ledesma


Influence of sediment redox conditions on uranium mobilisation during saline intrusion, Jane Eagling, Paul J. Worsfold, William H. Blake, and Miranda J. Keith-Roach


Assessing the exposure risk and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment on individuals and ecosystems, KE Arnold, ABA Boxall, AR Brown, RJ Cuthbert, S Gaw, TH Hutchinson, S Jobling, JC Madden, CD Metcalfe, V Naidoo, RF Shore, JE Smits, MA Taggart, and HM Thompson


Late Pleistocene glacial stratigraphy of the Kumara-Moana region, West Coast of South Island, New Zealand, TT Barrows, P Almond, R Rose, and et al


Recognizing detachment-mode seafloor spreading in the deep geological past., Marco Maffione, Antony Morris, and Mark W. Anderson


SOWFIA Project - Work Package 4 Interim Report, T Simas, D Magagna, I Bailey, D Conley, D Greaves, J O’Callaghan, D Marina, J-B Saulnier, J Sundberg, and C Embling


The Miocene elevation of Mount Everest, A Gébelin, A Mulch, C Teyssier, and et al


Six Decades of Total Factor Productivity Change and Sources of Growth in Bangladesh Agriculture (1948–2008), S Rahman and R Salim


Elucidating the structural properties that influence the persistence of PCBs in humans using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) dataset., David Megson, Gwen O'Sullivan, Sean Comber, Paul J. Worsfold, Maeve C. Lohan, Melanie R. Edwards, Walter J. Shields, Courtney D. Sandau, and Donald G. Patterson


SOWFIA Project - Work Package 2 Final Report, J O’Callaghan, AM O’Hagan, B Holmes, Arjona E Muñoz, Olivares C Huertas, D Magagna, I Bailey, D Greaves, C Embling, M Witt, B Godley, T Simas, Enciso Y Torre, and D Marina


Isotopic evidence for long term warmth in the Mesozoic., Gregory D. Price, Richard J. Twitchett, James R. Wheeley, and Giuseppe Buono


The impact of global warming and anoxia on marine benthic community dynamics: an example from the Toarcian (Early Jurassic)., S Danise, RJ Twitchett, CT Little, and ME Clémence


Pesticide consumption and productivity and the potential of IPM in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Accumulation of Aqueous and Nanoparticulate Silver by the Marine Gastropod Littorina littorea, Andrew Turner, Haiying Li, and Murray T. Brown


Domestic source of phosphorus to sewage treatment works, Sean Comber, Michael Gardner, Karyn Georges, David Blackwood, and Daniel Gilmour


Energy productivity and efficiency of maize accounting for the choice of growing season and environmental factors: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh, S Rahman and MS Rahman


Metal accumulation kinetics by the estuarine macroalga, Fucus ceranoides, Andrew Turner, Ranjit Varma, Murray T. Brown, and Geoff E. Millward


Molecular Approaches for Studying Root Herbivores, CM Benefer and RP Blackshaw


Placing Livestock in Landscape Studies: Pastures New or Out to Graze?, Richard Yarwood and Jessica Sellick


Predicting Malaysian palm oil price using Extreme Value Theory, K Chuangchid, S Sriboonchitta, S Rahman, and A Wiboonpongse


Relative sensitivity of two marine bivalves for detection of genotoxic and cytotoxic effects: a field assessment in the Tamar Estuary, South West England., Awadhesh N. Jha, Lorna J. Dallas, Victoria V. Cheung, and Andrew S. Fisher

Submissions from 2012


Climate change and marine life, AJ Richardson, CJ Brown, K Brander, JF Bruno, and et al


Geographic mosaics of species’ association: a definition and an example driven by plant-insect phenological synchrony., MC Singer and CS McBride


Re-examining green revolution diffusion and factor/input markets in Bangladesh after market liberalization, S Rahman, IA Begum, and MJ Alam


Coupled basin-detachment systems as paleoaltimetry archives of the western North American Cordillera, A Gébelin, A Mulch, C Teyssier, C Page Chamberlain, and M Heizler


Energy productivity and efficiency of the ‘gher’ (prawn-fish-rice) farming system in Bangladesh, S Rahman and BK Barmon


Modelling of bacterial growth with shifts in temperature using automated methods with Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa as examples, M Salih, I Mytilinaios, HK Schofield, and RJW Lambert


Growth curve prediction from optical density data, I Mytilinaios, M Salih, HK Schofield, and RJW Lambert


Evidence of microbial activity from a shallow water whale fall (Voghera, northern Italy), S Danise, B Cavalazzi, S Dominici, and et al


Joint determination of the choice of growing season and economic efficiency of maize in Bangladesh, S Rahman, MS Rahman, and MH Rahman


Modelling the delivery of supraglacial meltwater to the ice/bed interface: application to southwest Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada, C CLASON, DWF MAIR, DO BURGESS, and PW NIENOW


Determinants of Household Livelihood Security in poor urban settlements in Bangladesh, S Rahman and S Akter


Magar, V., Gross, M., Probert, G., Reeve, D., & Cai, Y. (2012). STATISTICAL PREDICTION OF COASTAL AND ESTUARINE EVOLUTION. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), sediment.124. doi:, V Magar, MS Gross, G Probert, DE Reeve, and Y Cai


Measuring the performance of partnerships: Why, what, how, when?, C Kelly


Modeling volatility and interdependencies of Thai rubber spot price return with climatic factors, exchange rate and crude oil markets, WC Sang, S Sriboonchitta, S Rahman, WT Huang, and A Wiboonpongse


Podcast Pre-Labs for Enhanced Learning, Roy Lowry


Reflective practice for marine planning: A case study of marine nature-based tourism partnerships, Claire Kelly, Stephen Essex, and Gillian Glegg


Tectonic and climatic controls on knickpoint retreat rates and landscape response times, Alexander C. Whittaker and Sarah J. Boulton

Submissions from 2011


Environmental constraints and profitability relationships in agriculture: a case study of wheat farming in Bangladesh, S Rahman and MK Hasan


IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands, CG Bain, A Bonn, R Stoneman, S Chapman, A Coupar, M Evans, B Gearey, M Howat, H Joosten, C Keenleyside, J Labadz, R Lindsay, N Littlewood, Paul Lunt, CJ Miller, A Moxey, H Orr, M Reed, P Smith, V Swales, DBA Thompson, PS Thompson, R Van de Noort, JD Wilson, F Worrall, R., N/A Wilson, J.D. & Worrall, and F.


Diversification economies and efficiencies in a ‘blue-green revolution’ combination: a case study of prawn-carp-rice farming in the ‘gher’ system in Bangladesh, S Rahman, BK Barmon, and N Ahmed


Resource use efficiency under self‐selectivity: the case of Bangladeshi rice producers, S Rahman


An evaluation of the toxicity and bioaccumulation of cisplatin in the marine environment using the macroalga, Ulva lactuca., Andrew Turner, Cecilia Easton, and Graham Sewell

Submissions from 2010


Six decades of agricultural land use change in Bangladesh: Effects on crop diversity, productivity, food availability and the environment, 1948-2006, S Rahman


Determinants of agricultural land rental market transactions in Bangladesh, S Rahman




Women’s Labour Contribution to Productivity and Efficiency in Agriculture: Empirical Evidence From Bangladesh, S Rahman


Speciation and reactivity of Cisplatin in river water and seawater., Andrew Turner, Lisa Curtis, Nitin Vyas, and Graham Sewell


An exclusive countryside? Crime concern, social exclusion and community policing in two English villages, Richard Yarwood


Development of a student resource for problem-based learning in Ecological Economics informed by student experience and reflection, Lynda Rodwell


Enhancing the learning experience in undergraduate geoscience fieldwork through the use of hand-held technologies, Meriel FitzPatrick and Jason Truscott


Modern seawater acidification: the response of foraminifera to high-CO2 conditions in the Mediterranean Sea, B. B. Dias, M. B. Hart, C. W. Smart, and J. M. Hall-Spencer


Peatland Restoration. Report to IUCN UK Peatland Programme., Paul Lunt, T Allott, P Anderson, M Buckler, A Coupar, P Jones, J Labadz, and P Worrall


Pyrosequencing of Mytilus galloprovincialis cDNAs: Tissue-Specific Expression Patterns, JA Craft, JA Gilbert, B Temperton, KE Dempsey, K Ashelford, B Tiwari, TH Hutchinson, and JK Chipman


Risk, rescue and emergency services: The changing spatialities of Mountain Rescue Teams in England and Wales, Richard Yarwood

Submissions from 2009


Microdeterminants of Poverty among the Farming Population in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Whether crop diversification is a desired strategy for agricultural growth in Bangladesh?, S Rahman


Production Efficiency of Jasmine Rice Producers in Northern and North‐eastern Thailand, S Rahman, A Wiboonpongse, S Sriboonchitta, and Y Chaovanapoonphol


Profits, supply and HYV adoption in Bangladesh, S Rahman and B Shankar


Benthic foraminifera assemblages in the Central Barents Sea: an evaluation of combining live and total fauna studies in tracking environmental change, MH Saher, DK Kristensen, M Hald, S Korsun, and LL Jørgensen


'Country life'? Rurality, folk music and 'Show of Hands', Richard Yarwood and Clive Charlton


Farm productivity and efficiency in rural Bangladesh: the role of education revisited, MN Asadullah and S Rahman


Impact of land fragmentation and resource ownership on productivity and efficiency: The case of rice producers in Bangladesh, S Rahman and M Rahman


Impacts of Climate Change on Indirect Human Exposure to Pathogens and Chemicals from Agriculture, ABA Boxall, A Hardy, S Beulke, T Boucard, L Burgin, PD Falloon, PM Haygarth, T Hutchinson, RS Kovats, G Leonardi, LS Levy, G Nichols, SA Parsons, L Potts, D Stone, E Topp, DB Turley, K Walsh, EMH Wellington, and RJ Williams


Learning from experience in urban programming: the case of SHAHAR project in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Quantifying the slip rates, spatial distribution and evolution of active normal faults from geomorphic analysis: Field examples from an oblique-extensional graben, southern Turkey, Sarah J. Boulton and Alexander C. Whittaker


Record of Cenozoic sedimentation from the Amanos Mountains, Southern Turkey: Implications for the inception and evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision, Sarah J. Boulton


The economic determinants of crop diversity on farms in rural Bangladesh, S Rahman

Submissions from 2008


Impact of environmental production conditions on productivity and efficiency: A case study of wheat farmers in Bangladesh, S Rahman and MK Hasan


2DV modelling of sediment transport processes over full-scale ripples in regular asymmetric oscillatory flow, der van, JJ Werf, V Magar, and et al


Meeting Report: Risk Assessment of Tamiflu Use Under Pandemic Conditions, AC Singer, BM Howard, AC Johnson, CJ Knowles, S Jackman, C Accinelli, AB Caracciolo, I Bernard, S Bird, T Boucard, A Boxall, JV Brian, E Cartmell, C Chubb, J Churchley, S Costigan, M Crane, MJ Dempsey, B Dorrington, B Ellor, J Fick, J Holmes, T Hutchinson, F Karcher, SL Kelleher, P Marsden, G Noone, MA Nunn, J Oxford, T Rachwal, N Roberts, M Roberts, ML Saccà, M Sanders, JO Straub, A Terry, D Thomas, S Toovey, R Townsend, N Voulvoulis, and C Watts


Systems biology meets stress ecology:: linking molecular and organismal stress responses in Daphnia magna, L-H Heckmann, RM Sibly, R Connon, HL Hooper, TH Hutchinson, SJ Maund, CJ Hill, A Bouetard, and A Callaghan

Submissions from 2007


Transpressional tectonics and Carboniferous magmatism in the Limousin, Massif Central, France: Structural and40Ar/39Ar investigations, A Gébelin, M Brunel, P Monié, M Faure, and N Arnaud


Getting just deserts? Policing, governance and rurality in Western Australia, Richard Yarwood


Planktic foraminifera from the proposed GSSP for the Oxfordian Stage: Redcliff Point, near Weymouth, M.B. Hart, T. Aze, W. Hudson, and C.W. Smart


Soil fertility and productivity relationships in rice production system, Bangladesh, S Rahman and RJ Parkinson


The geographies of policing, R Yarwood

Submissions from 2006


Expression of target and reference genes in Daphnia magna exposed to ibuprofen., L-H Heckmann, R Connon, TH Hutchinson, SJ Maund, RM Sibly, and A Callaghan


Managing fisheries resources in Kaptai reservoir, Bangladesh, KKU Ahmed, S Rahman, and SU Ahammed


Screening and Testing for Endocrine Disruption in Fish—Biomarkers As “Signposts,” Not “Traffic Lights,” in Risk Assessment, TH Hutchinson, GT Ankley, H Segner, and CR Tyler


Structure of late Variscan Millevaches leucogranite massif in the French Massif Central: AMS and gravity modelling results, A Gébelin, G Martelet, Y Chen, M Brunel, and M Faure

Submissions from 2005


Simultaneous determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen on a coupled high-temperature combustion total organic carbon-nitrogen chemiluminescence detection (HTC TOC-NCD) system, X Pan, R Sanders, AD Tappin, PJ Worsfold, and EP Achterberg


Design of an automated flow injection-chemiluminescence instrument incorporating a miniature photomultiplier tube for monitoring picomolar concentrations of iron in seawater, AR Bowie, EP Achterberg, S Ussher, and PJ Worsfold


Effects of Ammonium Perchlorate on Thyroid Function in Developing Fathead Minnows, Pimephales promelas, HM Crane, DB Pickford, TH Hutchinson, and JA Brown


Environmental impacts of technological change in Bangladesh agriculture: farmers' perceptions, determinants, and effects on resource allocation decisions, S Rahman


Geography, citizenship and volunteering: some uses of the higher education active community fund in geography, Richard Yarwood