Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Submissions from 2015


Learning the rules of the ‘student game’: Transforming the ‘student habitus’ through [im]mobility, Mark Holton


Controls on modern tributary-junction alluvial fan occurrence and morphology: High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Martin Stokes and Anne E. Mather


Exceptional river gorge formation from unexceptional floods, L. Anton, A. E. Mather, M. Stokes, A. Muñoz-Martin, and Vicente G De


Historical comparisons reveal multiple drivers of decadal change of an ecosystem engineer at the range edge, LB Firth, N Mieszkowska, LM Grant, LE Bush, and et al


Community resilience and land degradation in forest and shrubland socio-ecological systems: Evidence from Gorgoglione, Basilicata, Italy, Claire Kelly, Agostino Ferrara, Geoff A. Wilson, Francesco Ripullone, Angelo Nolè, Nichola Harmer, and Luca Salvati


Determining riverine sediment storage mechanisms of biologically reactive phosphorus in situ using DGT, Emily E. Burns, Sean Comber, William Blake, Rupert Goddard, and Laurence Couldrick

New insights into landslide processes around volcanic islands from Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) observations offshore Montserrat, S. F.L. Watt, M. Jutzeler, P. J. Talling, S. N. Carey, R. S.J. Sparks, M. Tucker, A. J. Stinton, J. K. Fisher, D Wall‐Palmer, V. Hühnerbach, and S. G. Moreton


Sustainable deathstyles? The geography of green burials in Britain, Richard Yarwood, James D. Sidaway, Claire Kelly, and Susie Stillwell


Dye tracing to determine flow properties of hydrocarbon-polluted Rabots glaciär, Kebnekaise, Sweden, CC Clason, C Coch, J Jarsjö, and et al


Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 1. Oceanic detachment fault inversion and the formation of supra-subduction zone ophiolites, Marco Maffione, Cedric Thieulot, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen, Antony Morris, Oliver Plümper, and Wim Spakman


Did the Kyrenia Range of northern Cyprus rotate with the Troodos-Hatay microplate during the tectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean?, Antony Morris, Alastair H.F. Robertson, Mark W. Anderson, and Emma Hodgson


Beyond a bottle of liquid: pesticide dependence in transitional rural China, Z Hu and S Rahman


Single-grain and multi-grain OSL dating of river terrace sediments in the Tabernas Basin, SE Spain, M. R. Geach, K. J. Thomsen, J. P. Buylaert, A. S. Murray, A. E. Mather, M. W. Telfer, and M. Stokes


Britons abroad or European citizens? The negotiation of (trans)national space and citizenship by British migrants in France, Fiona Ferbrache and Richard Yarwood


Lost and hound: The more-than-human networks of rural policing, Richard Yarwood


Modelling impacts of seasonal wastewater treatment plant effluent permits and biosolid substitution for phosphorus management in catchments and river systems, P. G. Whitehead, M. N. Futter, S. Comber, D. Butterfield, L. Pope, R. Willows, and C. Burgess


Rapid and slow: Varying magma ascent rates as a mechanism for Vulcanian explosions, Mike Cassidy, Paul D. Cole, Kelby E. Hicks, Nick R. Varley, Nial Peters, and Allan H. Lerner


Technical and scale efficiency of cassava production system in Delta State, Nigeria: an application of Two-Stage DEA approach, S Rahman and BO Awerije


The English Channel: Contamination status of its transitional and coastal waters, AD Tappin and GE Millward


The Relational Geographies of Policing and Security, Richard Yarwood and Till Paasche


Detergent less ultrasound-assisted extraction of trace elements from edible oils using lipase as an extractant, Derya Kara, Andrew Fisher, and Steve Hill


Swirl Flow Bioreactor coupled with Cu-alginate beads: A system for the eradication of Coliform and Escherichia coli from biological effluents, S Atkinson, SF Thomas, P Goddard, RM Bransgrove, and et al


The oppeliid, perisphinctid and aspidoceratid ammonite faunas of the 'Corallian' Beds (Upper Jurassic) in Cambridgeshire, England, KN Page, JK Wright, and SRA Kelly


Knowledge, agency and collective action as barriers to energy-saving behaviour, Debby Cotton, Wendy Miller, Jennie Winter, Ian Bailey, and Stephen Sterling


Holocene coastal notches in the Mediterranean region: Indicators of palaeoseismic clustering?, S. J. Boulton and I. S. Stewart


A paleoclimatic and paleoatmospheric record from peatlands accumulating during the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event, Western Interior Basin, Canada, Rhodri M. Jerrett, Gregory D. Price, Stephen T. Grimes, and Alex T. Dawson


Seaweed fails to prevent ocean acidification impact on foraminifera along a shallow-water CO2 gradient, Laura R. Pettit, Christopher W. Smart, Malcolm B. Hart, Marco Milazzo, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer


Can polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) signatures and enantiomer fractions be used for source identification and to age date occupational exposure?, David Megson, Jean Françios Focant, Donald G. Patterson, Matthew Robson, Maeve C. Lohan, Paul J. Worsfold, Sean Comber, Robert Kalin, Eric Reiner, and Gwen O'Sullivan


Jography: Exploring meanings, experiences and spatialities of recreational road-running, Simon Cook, Jon Shaw, and Paul Simpson


Channelling of hydrothermal fluids during the accretion and evolution of the upper oceanic crust: Sr isotope evidence from ODP Hole 1256D, Michelle Harris, Rosalind M. Coggon, Christopher E. Smith-Duque, Matthew J. Cooper, James A. Milton, and Damon A.H. Teagle


Community Resilience and Social Memory, GA Wilson


Determinants of modern technology adoption in multiple food crops in Nigeria: a multivariate probit approach, S Rahman and CD Chima


Eocene and Miocene extension, meteoric fluid infiltration, and core complex formation in the Great Basin (Raft River Mountains, Utah), K Methner, A Mulch, C Teyssier, ML Wells, and et al


Sticky stuff: Redefining bedform prediction in modern and ancient environments, Robert J. Schindler, Daniel R. Parsons, Leiping Ye, Julie A. Hope, Jaco H. Baas, Jeff Peakall, Andrew J. Manning, Rebecca J. Aspden, Jonathan Malarkey, Steve Simmons, David M. Paterson, Ian D. Lichtman, Alan G. Davies, Peter D. Thorne, and Sarah J. Bass


Selectivity control in Pt-catalyzed cinnamaldehyde hydrogenation, Lee J. Durndell, Christopher M.A. Parlett, Nicole S. Hondow, Mark A. Isaacs, Karen Wilson, and Adam F. Lee


Source apportionment of trace contaminants in urban sewer catchments, Sean Comber, Mike Gardner, Vera Jones, and Brian Ellor


Creep cavitation bands control porosity and fluid flow in lower crustal shear zones, L Menegon, F Fusseis, H Stunitz, and X Xiao


Determinants of crop diversity in the regions of Bangladesh (1990–2008), S Rahman and MMH Kazal


The role of gravitational instabilities in deposition of volcanic ash, I Manzella, C Bonadonna, JC Phillips, and H Monnard


The pervasive role of biological cohesion in bedform development., Jonathan Malarkey, Jaco H. Baas, Julie A. Hope, Rebecca J. Aspden, Daniel R. Parsons, Jeff Peakall, David M. Paterson, Robert J. Schindler, Leiping Ye, Ian D. Lichtman, Sarah J. Bass, Alan G. Davies, Andrew J. Manning, and Peter D. Thorne


Adapting relationships with place: Investigating the evolving place attachment and ‘sense of place’ of UK higher education students during a period of intense transition, Mark Holton


Bicyclic naphthenic acids in oil sands process water: identification by comprehensive multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry., Michael J. Wilde, Charles E. West, Alan G. Scarlett, David Jones, Richard A. Frank, L. Mark Hewitt, and Steven J. Rowland


Modelling the transfer of supraglacial meltwater to the bed of Leverett Glacier, Southwest Greenland, CC Clason, DWF Mair, PW Nienow, ID Bartholomew, and et al


Whether crop diversification is energy efficient: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh, S Rahman and MMH Kazal


A Multidimensional statistical framework to explore seasonal profile, severity and land-use preferences of wildfires in a Mediterranean country, L Salvati, A Ferrara, G Mancino, CL Kelly, F Chianucci, and P Corona


'Christians, out here?' Encountering Street-Pastors in the post-secular spaces of the UK's night-time economy, Jennie Middleton and Richard Yarwood


Coupled techniques for arsenic speciation in food and drinking water: a review, Bashdar Sadee, M. E. Foulkes, and S. J. Hill


Developing Students’ Energy Literacy in Higher Education, D Cotton, W Miller, J Winter, I Bailey, and S Sterling


Evaluation of Analytical Instrumentation. Part XXVI: Instrumentation for Voltammetry, CB Braungardt


Foraminifera of the Fal Estuary (Cornwall), including taxa associated with maerl beds, MB Hart, K Cartwright, B Fisk, CW Smart, C Consolaro, and JM Hall-Spencer


Metals in boat paint fragments from slipways, repair facilities and abandoned vessels: An evaluation using field portable XRF, Sean Comber


Meteoric water circulation in a rolling-hinge detachment system (northern Snake Range core complex, Nevada), A Gébelin, C Teyssier, MT Heizler, and A Mulch


Productivity and efficiency impacts of urea deep placement technology in modern rice production: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh, S Rahman and BK Barmon


Review of consenting processes for ocean energy in selected European Union Member States, T Simas, AM O’Hagan, J O’Callaghan, S Hamawi, D Magagna, I Bailey, DM Greaves, J-B Saulnier, D Marina, J Bald, C Huertas, and J Sundberg


Urban regeneration: thirty years of change on Plymouth’s waterfront, SJ Essex and P Ford


What remains of the intersubjective?: On the presencing of self and other, Paul Simpson

Submissions from 2014


Determinants of Livelihood Choices: An Empirical Analysis from Rural Bangladesh, S Rahman and S Akter


Climate Change Response at the Farm Level: A Review of Farmers’ Awareness and Adaptation Strategies in Developing Countries, Nichola Harmer and Sanzidur Rahman


Determination of dissolved iron in seawater: A historical review, Paul J. Worsfold, Maeve C. Lohan, Simon J. Ussher, and Andrew R. Bowie


Parameterization of pharmaceutical emissions and removal rates for use in UK predictive exposure models: steroid estrogens as a case study., J. D. Heffley, S. D.W. Comber, B. W. Wheeler, and C. H. Redshaw


Marketing efficiency of cassava products in Delta State, Nigeria: A stochastic profit frontier approach, S Rahman and BO Awerije


Bacterio-plankton transformation of diazepam and 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone in river waters, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Alan D. Tappin, J. Paul Loughnane, and Alan J. McCarthy


Metal contamination of sediment by paint peeling from abandoned boats, with particular reference to lead., Aldous B. Rees, Andrew Turner, and Sean Comber

Platinum-based anticancer drugs in waste waters of a major UK hospital and predicted concentrations in recipient surface waters., Nitin Vyas, Andrew Turner, and Graham Sewell


Ecological succession of a Jurassic shallow-water ichthyosaur fall, S Danise, RJ Twitchett, and K Matts


Bacterio-plankton transformation of diazepam and 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone in river waters., Alan D. Tappin, J. Paul Loughnane, Alan J. McCarthy, and Mark F. Fitzsimons


Deformation and magnetic fabrics in ductile shear zones: A review, EC Ferré, A Gébelin, JL Till, C Sassier, and KC Burmeister


Occupational exposure to anti-cancer drugs: A review of effects of new technology., Nitin Vyas, Dennis Yiannakis, Andrew Turner, and Graham J. Sewell


Transient fluvial incision as an indicator of active faulting and Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Moroccan High Atlas, S. J. Boulton, M. Stokes, and A. E. Mather


Profitability and efficiency of cassava production at the farm-level in Delta State, Nigeria, BO Awerije and S Rahman


Tracing the impact of market reform on productivity growth of rice at the farm level in Bangladesh, MJ Alam, IA Begum, S Rahman, J Buysse, and GV Huylenbroeck


Identifying the provenance of Leach's storm petrels in the North Atlantic using polychlorinated biphenyl signatures derived from comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry., David Megson, Thomas A. Brown, Glenn W. Johnson, Gwen O'Sullivan, Anthony W.J. Bicknell, Stephen C. Votier, Maeve C. Lohan, Sean Comber, Robert Kalin, and Paul J. Worsfold


An early Cambrian agglutinated tubular lophophorate with brachiopod characters., Z-F Zhang, G. X. Li, L. E. Holmer, G. A. Brock, U. Balthasar, C. B. Skovsted, D. J. Fu, X-L Zhang, H. Z. Wang, A. Butler, Z-L Zhang, C. Q. Cao, J. Han, J. N. Liu, and D. G. Shu


Can two-dimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometric identification of bicyclic aromatic acids in petroleum fractions help to reveal further details of aromatic hydrocarbon biotransformation pathways?, Charles E. West, Jos Pureveen, Alan G. Scarlett, Sabine K. Lengger, Michael J. Wilde, Frans Korndorffer, Erik W. Tegelaar, and Steven J. Rowland


Distributed and dynamic modelling of hydrology, phosphorus and ecology in the Hampshire Avon and Blashford Lakes: Evaluating alternative strategies to meet WFD standards, P. G. Whitehead, L. Jin, J. Crossman, S. Comber, P. J. Johnes, P. Daldorph, N. Flynn, A. L. Collins, D. Butterfield, R. Mistry, R. Bardon, L. Pope, and R. Willows


A record of fossil shallow-water whale falls from Italy, S Danise and S Dominici


Energy productivity and efficiency of wheat farming in Bangladesh, S Rahman and MK Hasan


Seismic anisotropy of the Archean crust in the Minnesota River Valley, Superior Province, EC Ferré, A Gébelin, JA Conder, and et al


Exploring the potential and performance of maize production in Bangladesh, S Rahman and MS Rahman


Extra- and intra-cellular accumulation of platinum group elements by the marine microalga, Chlorella stigmatophora., Leyla Shams, Andrew Turner, Geoffrey E. Millward, and Murray T. Brown


Strain field analysis on Montserrat (W.I.) as tool for assessing permeable flow paths in the magmatic system of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Stefanie Hautmann, Fred Witham, Thomas Christopher, Paul Cole, Alan T. Linde, I. Selwyn Sacks, and R. Stephen J. Sparks


Traces of ancient mafic layers in the Tethys oceanic mantle, DS Sergeev, AH Dijkstra, T Meisel, G Brügmann, and SA Sergeev


Magnetic properties of variably serpentinized peridotites and their implication for the evolution of oceanic core complexes, M Maffione, A Morris, O Plumper, and Hinsbergen D van


Driving factors for occupant-controlled space heating in residential buildings, S Wei, R Jones, and P de Wilde


Modelling Late Weichselian evolution of the Eurasian ice sheets forced by surface meltwater-enhanced basal sliding, CC Clason, PJ Applegate, and P Holmlund


Lack of 13C-label incorporation suggests low turnover rates of thaumarchaeal intact polar tetraether lipids in sediments from the Iceland Shelf, SK Lengger, YA Lipsewers, H de Haas, JS Sinninghe Damsté, and S Schouten


Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust, KM Gillis, JE Snow, A Klaus, N Abe, AB Adriao, N Akizawa, G Ceuleneer, MJ Cheadle, K Faak, TJ Falloon, SA Friedman, M Godard, G Guerin, Y Harigane, AJ Horst, T Hoshide, B Ildefonse, MM Jean, BE John, J Koepke, S Machi, J Maeda, NE Marks, AM McCaig, R Meyer, A Morris, T Nozaka, M Python, A Saha, and RP Wintsch


A White Nile megalake during the last interglacial period, TT Barrows, MAJ Williams, SC Mills, GAT Duller, and et al


Impact of rural infrastructure on farm and non-farm enterprise choice and income in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Molluscs from a shallow-water whale-fall and their affinities with adjacent benthic communities on the Swedish west coast, S Danise, S Dominici, AG Glover, and TG Dahlgren


Atomic spectrometry updates. Review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough, Chris F. Harrington, Steve J. Hill, Yolanda Madrid, and Julian F. Tyson


Biogeochemical cycling of dissolved zinc along the GEOTRACES South Atlantic transect GA10 at 40 S, N. J. Wyatt, A. Milne, E. M.S. Woodward, A. P. Rees, T. J. Browning, H. A. Bouman, P. J. Worsfold, and M. C. Lohan


Cadmium contamination of agricultural soils and crops resulting from sphalerite weathering., T. C. Robson, C. B. Braungardt, J. Rieuwerts, and P. Worsfold


Chapter 10 The effect of topography on ash-cloud surge generation and propagation, SE Ogburn, ES Calder, PD Cole, and AJ Stinton


Chapter 21 Controls on variations in cristobalite abundance in ash generated by the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat in the period 1997 to 2010, CJ Horwell, SE Hillman, PD Cole, SC Loughlin, EW Llewellin, DE Damby, and TE Christopher


Characterisation of the porous structure of Gilsocarbon graphite using pycnometry, cyclic porosimetry and void-network modeling, G. Peter Matthews, Giuliano M. Laudone, and Christopher M. Gribble


Community Resilience, Transitional Corridors and Macro-Scalar Lock-in Effects, GA Wilson


Community Resilience, Transitional Corridors and Macro‐Scalar Lock‐in Effects, GA Wilson


From services to civilian: The geographies of veterans' post-military lives, Agatha Herman and Richard Yarwood


Functional diversity of marine ecosystems after the Late Permian mass extinction event, WJ Foster and RJ Twitchett