Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Submissions from 2016


Design, disability and the planning challenge: the reality of living with severely disabled children, Stephen Essex and Jamie Staples


Towards a consistent Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian global boundary: current state of knowledge, A Wierzbowski, F Atrops, J Grabowski, M Hounslow, and et al


Determination of phosphorus in natural waters: A historical review., Paul Worsfold, Ian McKelvie, and Phil Monbet


“Choice may not necessarily be a good thing”: student attitudes to autonomy in interdisciplinary project-based learning in GEES disciplines, Nichola Harmer and Alison Stokes


The introduction of agriculture into Ireland: a review of the plant macro-remains evidence, M McClatchie, A Bogaard, S Colledge, and et al


Theoretical, contemporary observational and palaeo-perspectives on ice sheet hydrology: Processes and products, SL Greenwood, CC Clason, C Helanow, and M Margold


Profitability, input demand and output supply of mustard production in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Sustainable geoscience, I Stewart


Quantitative estimates of sinking sea ice particulate organic carbon based on the biomarker IP25, T. A. Brown, S. T. Belt, M. Gosselin, M. Levasseur, M. Poulin, and C. J. Mundy


The environmental impacts and health hazards of abandoned boats in estuaries, Andrew Turner and Aldous Rees


Lead in exterior paints from the urban and suburban environs of Plymouth, south west England, Andrew Turner and Kevin R. Solman


Shaping the role of 'fast' and 'slow' drivers of change in forest-shrubland socio-ecological systems, Agostino Ferrara, Claire Kelly, Geoff A. Wilson, Angelo Nolè, Giuseppe Mancino, Sofia Bajocco, and Luca Salvati


Understanding the Planning Challenges of Brownfield Development in Coastal Urban Areas of England, Stephen Essex, Craig Leger, and Christopher Balch


The Miocene – Pliocene boundary and the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the easternmost Mediterranean: insights from the Hatay Graben (Southern Turkey)., Sarah J. Boulton, Christopher W. Smart, Chiara Consolaro, and Avalon Snider


Co - Producing Mobilities : negotiating geographical knowledge in a conference session on the move, Simon Cook, Anna Davidson, Elaine Stratford, Jennie Middleton, Anna Plyushteva, Helen Fitt, Sophie Cranston, Paul Simpson, Hannah Delaney, Kate Evans, Amy Jones, Jonathan Kershaw, Nina Williams, David Bissell, Tara Duncan, Frans Sengers, Joanna Elvy, and Clancy Wilmott


Jointness in farmers' decision to apply pesticides in multiple crops and its determinants at the farm level in Bangladesh, S Rahman


The role of biophysical cohesion on subaqueous bed form size, Daniel R. Parsons, Robert J. Schindler, Julie A. Hope, Jonathan Malarkey, Jaco H. Baas, Jeffrey Peakall, Andrew J. Manning, Leiping Ye, Steve Simmons, David M. Paterson, Rebecca J. Aspden, Sarah J. Bass, Alan G. Davies, Ian D. Lichtman, and Peter D. Thorne


Climate policy strength compared: China, the US, the EU, India, Russia, and Japan, Hugh Compston and Ian Bailey


Lead and other toxic metals in playground paints from South West England, Andrew Turner, Emily R. Kearl, and Kevin R. Solman


An evaluation of extraction techniques for arsenic in staple diets (fish and rice) utilising both classical and enzymatic extraction methods, Steve J. Hill, Bashdar A. Sadee, and Mike E. Foulkes


Promoting the 3Rs to enhance the OECD fish toxicity testing framework., TH Hutchinson, JR Wheeler, A Gourmelon, and N Burden


Is the Troodos ophiolite (Cyprus) a complete, transform fault-bounded Neotethyan ridge segment?, A Morris and M Maffione


Absence of Gradients and Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping (AGNES) for the determination of [Zn2+] in estuarine waters, Sean Comber, Holly B.C. Pearson, Josep Galceran, Encarna Companys, Charlotte Braungardt, Paul Worsfold, and Jaume Puy


A review of the ecology, palaeontology and distribution of atlantid heteropods (Caenogastropoda: Pterotracheoidea: Atlantidae), Deborah Wall-Palmer, Christopher W. Smart, Richard Kirby, Malcolm B. Hart, Katja T.C.A. Peijnenburg, and Arie W. Janssen


A new method for the rapid analysis of 1H-Pyrrole-2,5-diones (maleimides) in environmental samples by two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-ToF-MS), S Naeher, SK Lengger, and K Grice


Student geographies and homemaking: personal belonging(s) and identities, Mark Riley and Mark Holton


Simulating regimes of chemical disturbance and testing impacts in the ecosystem using a novel programmable dosing system, Mark Anthony Browne, Paul R. Brooks, Robert Clough, Andrew S. Fisher, Pinto M Mayer, and Tasman P. Crowe


Denitrification as a source of nitric oxide emissions from incubated soil cores from a UK grassland, N Loick, ER Dixon, D Abalos, A Vallejo, GP Matthews, KL McGeough, R Well, C Watson, RJ Laughlin, and LM Cardenas


Abandoned metal mines and their impact on receiving waters: A case study from Southwest England., SJ Beane, SD Comber, J Rieuwerts, and P Long


Active normal faulting during the 1997 seismic sequence in Colfiorito, Umbria: Did slip propagate to the surface?, Zoë K. Mildon, Gerald P. Roberts, Walker JP Faure, Luke N.J. Wedmore, and Ken J.W. McCaffrey


Advancing the 3Rs in regulatory ecotoxicology: A pragmatic cross-sector approach, N Burden, R Benstead, M Clook, I Doyle, P Edwards, SK Maynard, K Ryder, D Sheahan, G Whale, Egmond R van, JR Wheeler, and TH Hutchinson


Amazon forest response to repeated droughts, T. R. Feldpausch, O. L. Phillips, R. J.W. Brienen, E. Gloor, J. Lloyd, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, A. Monteagudo-Mendoza, Y. Malhi, A. Alarcón, Dávila E Álvarez, P. Alvarez-Loayza, A. Andrade, L. E.O.C. Aragao, L. Arroyo, C. GA Aymard, T. R. Baker, C. Baraloto, J. Barroso, D. Bonal, W. Castro, V. Chama, J. Chave, T. F. Domingues, S. Fauset, N. Groot, Coronado E Honorio, S Laurance, WF Laurance, S. L. Lewis, J. C. Licona, B. S. Marimon, B. H. Marimon-Junior, Bautista C Mendoza, D. A. Neill, E. A. Oliveira, E. A. Oliveira, Camacho NC Pallqui, G. Pardo-Molina, A. Prieto, C. A. Quesada, F. Ramírez, H. Ramírez-Angulo, M. Réjou-Méchain, A. Rudas, G. Saiz, R. P. Salomão, J. E. Silva-Espejo, M. Silveira, Steege H ter, J. Stropp, J. Terborgh, R. Thomas-Caesar, der Heijden GMF van, Martinez R Vásquez, E. Vilanova, and V. A. Vos


A 'mental models' approach to the communication of subsurface hydrology and hazards, Hazel Gibson, Iain S. Stewart, Sabine Pahl, and Alison Stokes


A "Mental Models" approach to the communication of subsurface hydrology and hazards, H Gibson, I Stewart, S Pahl, and A Stokes


An evaluation of the toxicity and bioaccumulation of bismuth in the coastal environment using three species of macroalga, Andrew Turner and James Kearns


Atomic Spectrometry Update: review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough, Chris F. Harrington, Steve J. Hill, Yolanda Madrid, and Julian F. Tyson


Citizenship, P Daniels, M Bradshaw, D Shaw, J Sidaway, T Hall, and RB Yarwood


Community resilience, land degradation and endogenous lock-in effects: evidence from the Alento region, Campania, Italy, Geoff Wilson, Giovanni Quaranta, Claire Kelly, Rosanna Salvia, and N Harmer


Derivation of water quality guidelines for priority pharmaceuticals, A Kumar, GE Batley, B Nidumolu, and TH Hutchinson


Developmental toxicity of metaldehyde in the embryos of Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) co-exposed to the synergist piperonyl butoxide, Thomas H. Hutchinson, Katrina C. Hallett, Andrew Atfield, and Sean Comber


Distributions of highly branched isoprenoid alkenes and other algal lipids in surface waters from East Antarctica: Further insights for biomarker-based paleo sea-ice reconstruction, Simon T. Belt, Lukas Smik, Jan L. Lieser, Leanne K. Armand, and Amy Leventer


Education for Sustainable Development: a movement towards pedagogies of civic compassion, P WARWICK


Evaluation of a closed-system cytotoxic transfer device in a pharmaceutical isolator., G. J. Sewell, N. Vyas, A. Turner, and J. M. Clark


Fingerprinting and tracing the sources of soils and sediments: Earth and ocean science, geoarchaeological, forensic, and human health applications, P. N. Owens, W. H. Blake, L. Gaspar, D. Gateuille, A. J. Koiter, D. A. Lobb, E. L. Petticrew, D. G. Reiffarth, H. G. Smith, and J. C. Woodward


Geography and post-phenomenology, James Ash and Paul Simpson


Impacts of climate change, agroecology and socio-economic factorson agricultural land use diversity in Bangladesh (1948–2008), S Rahman


Integrated terrestrial and marine planning in England’s coastal inter-tidal zone: assessing the operational effectiveness of the Coastal Concordat, Stephen Essex and Jonathan Turner


Living together in student accommodation: performances, boundaries and homemaking, Mark Holton


Measuring environmental sustainability in agriculture: A Composite Environmental Impact Index approach, NE Sabiha, R Salim, S Rahman, and MF Rola-Rubzen


Monitoring abiotic degradation in sinking versus suspended Arctic sea ice algae during a spring ice melt using specific lipid oxidation tracers, Jean François Rontani, Simon T. Belt, Thomas A. Brown, Rémi Amiraux, Michel Gosselin, Frédéric Vaultier, and Christopher J. Mundy


Novel tri- and tetra-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes from the marine diatom Pleurosigma intermedium, Simon T. Belt and Thomas A. Brown


On the stability of various highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) lipids in stored sediments and sediment extracts, Simon T. Belt, Sanz P Cabedo, and Lukas Smik


Optimizing the design of a reproduction toxicity test with the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis., S Charles, V Ducrot, D Azam, R Benstead, D Brettschneider, Schamphelaere K De, Goncalves S Filipe, JW Green, H Holbech, TH Hutchinson, D Faber, F Laranjeiro, P Matthiessen, L Norrgren, J Oehlmann, RZ Evelyn, A Seeland-Fremer, M Teigeler, JP Thome, Kaplon M Tobor, L Weltje, and L Lagadic


Pharmaceuticals in soils of lower income countries: Physico-chemical fate and risks from wastewater irrigation., Sean Comber, Katherine Lees, Mark Fitzsimons, Jason Snape, and Alan Tappin


Platform for Local Political Expression and Resolution (Barcelona 1992), V Bajc and S Essex


Policing the countryside in a devolving United Kindgom, J Donnermeyer, RB Yarwood, and A Wooff


Pre- and post-installation community perceptions of wind farm projects: the case of Roskrow Barton (Cornwall, UK), GA Wilson and SL Dyke


REVISITING NWA 3141, 8266, AND 8594: TWO EUCRITES AND A HOWARDITE?, JT Mitchell and NR Stephen


Sea-level rise impacts on transport infrastructure: The notorious case of the coastal railway line at Dawlish, England, David Dawson, Jon Shaw, and R Gehrels


Semi-quantitative estimates of paleo Arctic sea ice concentration based on source-specific highly branched isoprenoid alkenes: A further development of the PIP25 index, Simon T. Belt, Lukas Smik, and Patricia Cabedo-Sanz


Slip-partitioned surface ruptures for the Mw 7.0 16 April 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, Shinji Toda, Heitaro Kaneda, Shinsuke Okada, Daisuke Ishimura, and Zoë K. Mildon


Spectral and chromatographic characterisation of the onoceroid, ambrane: A potential novel biological marker, Steven J. Rowland and Paul A. Sutton


Stratigraphic and geochemical expression of Barremian–Aptian global climate change in Arctic Svalbard, Madeleine L. Vickers, ML, Gregory D. Price, Rhodri M. Jerrett, and Matthew Watkinson


The geographies of UK university halls of residence: examining students' embodiment of social capital, Mark Holton


The influence of physical cohesion on scour around a monopile, RJ Schindler, S Stripling, RJS Whitehouse, and JM Harris


Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of above‐ground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models, Timothy R. Baker, Michelle O. Johnson, David Galbraith, Manuel Gloor, Deurwaerder H De, Matthieu Guimberteau, Anja Rammig, Kirsten Thonicke, Hans Verbeeck, Randow C von, Abel Monteagudo, Oliver L. Phillips, Roel J.W. Brienen, Ted R. Feldpausch, Gonzalez G Lopez, Sophie Fauset, Carlos A. Quesada, Bradley Christoffersen, Philippe Ciais, Gilvan Sampaio, Bart Kruijt, Patrick Meir, Paul Moorcroft, Ke Zhang, E Alvarez‐Davila, de Oliveira A Alves, Ieda Amaral, Ana Andrade, Luiz E.O.C. Aragao, A Araujo‐Murakami, Luzmila Arroyo, Gerardo A. Aymard, Christopher Baraloto, Jocely Barroso, Damien Bonal, Rene Boot, Jose Camargo, Jerome Chave, Alvaro Cogollo, Valverde F Cornejo, da Costa AC Lola, Fiore A Di, Leandro Ferreira, Niro Higuchi, Euridice N. Honorio, Tim J. Killeen, SG Laurance, WF Laurance, Juan Licona, Thomas Lovejoy, Yadvinder Malhi, B Marimon, BH Marimon, Darley C.L. Matos, Casimiro Mendoza, David A. Neill, Guido Pardo, M Peña‐Claros, Nigel C.A. Pitman, Lourens Poorter, Adriana Prieto, H Ramirez‐Angulo, Anand Roopsind, Agustin Rudas, Rafael P. Salomao, Marcos Silveira, Juliana Stropp, Steege H ter, John Terborgh, Raquel Thomas, Marisol Toledo, A Torres‐Lezama, der Heijden GMF van, Rodolfo Vasquez, Vieira IC Guimarães, Emilio Vilanova, Vincent A. Vos, and Timothy R. Baker

Submissions from 2015


From warfare to welfare: veterans, military charities and the blurred spatiality of post-service welfare in the United Kingdom, Agatha Herman and Richard Yarwood


Agroecological, climatic, land elevation and socio-economic determinants of pesticide use at the farm level in Bangladesh, S Rahman


Exploring the potential to improve energy saving and energy efficiency using fertilizer deep placement strategy in modern rice production in Bangladesh, S Rahman and BK Barmon


Identification of paleo Arctic winter sea ice limits and the marginal ice zone: Optimised biomarker-based reconstructions of late Quaternary Arctic sea ice, Simon T. Belt, Patricia Cabedo-Sanz, Lukas Smik, Alba Navarro-Rodriguez, Sarah M.P. Berben, Jochen Knies, and Katrine Husum


The impact of tertiary wastewater treatment on copper and zinc complexation, C. Constantino, M. Gardner, S. D.W. Comber, M. D. Scrimshaw, and B. Ellor


Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling, Sophie Fauset, Michelle O. Johnson, Manuel Gloor, Timothy R. Baker, M. A Monteagudo, Roel J.W. Brienen, Ted R. Feldpausch, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Yadvinder Malhi, Steege H ter, Nigel C.A. Pitman, Christopher Baraloto, Julien Engel, Pascal Pétronelli, Ana Andrade, José Luís C. Camargo, SGW Laurance, WF Laurance, Jerôme Chave, Elodie Allie, Percy Núñez Vargas, John W. Terborgh, Kalle Ruokolainen, Marcos Silveira, C. GA Aymard, Luzmila Arroyo, Damien Bonal, Hirma Ramirez-Angulo, Alejandro Araujo-Murakami, David Neill, Bruno Hérault, Aurélie Dourdain, Armando Torres-Lezama, Beatriz S. Marimon, Rafael P. Salomão, James A. Comiskey, Maxime Réjou-Méchain, Marisol Toledo, Juan Carlos Licona, Alfredo Alarcón, Adriana Prieto, Agustín Rudas, der Meer PJ van, Timothy J. Killeen, Beatriz S. Marimon, Lourens Poorter, Rene G.A. Boot, Basil Stergios, Emilio Vilanova Torre, Flávia R.C. Costa, Carolina Levis, Juliana Schietti, Priscila Souza, Nikée Groot, Eric Arets, Victor Chama Moscoso, Wendeson Castro, Euridice N.Honorio Coronado, Marielos Peña-Claros, Clement Stahl, Jorcely Barroso, Joey Talbot, ICG Vieira, der Heijden G van, Raquel Thomas, Vincent A. Vos, Everton C. Almeida, Esteban Álvarez Davila, Luiz E.O.C. Aragão, Terry L. Erwin, Paulo S. Morandi, Oliveira EA de, Marco B.X. Valadão, Roderick J. Zagt, der Hout P van, Patricia Alvarez Loayza, John J. Pipoly, Ophelia Wang, Miguel Alexiades, Carlos E. Cerón, Isau Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, and Fiore A Di


Geography of crime, B Wharf and RB Yarwood


Economic drivers of contemporary smallholder agriculture in a transitional economy: A case study of Hu Village from southwest China, Z Hu and S Rahman


‘I Already Know the City, I Don’t Have to Explore it’: Adjustments to ‘Sense of Place’ for ‘Local’ UK University Students, Mark Holton


Characterisation, quantity and sorptive properties of microplastics extracted from cosmetics, Imogen E. Napper, Adil Bakir, Steven J. Rowland, and Richard C. Thompson


Regional variation in the continuity of land-use patterns through the first millennium A.D. in lowland Britain, S Rippon and RM Fyfe


Integrated use of LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry reveals onset of ice streaming in the northern Bothnian Sea, SL Greenwood, CC Clason, H Mikko, and et al


Determination of the forms and stability of phosphorus in wastewater effluent from a variety of treatment processes, Sean Comber, Mike Gardner, Jana Darmovzalova, and Brian Ellor


Determination and evaluation of element bioaccessibility in some nuts and seeds by in-vitro gastro-intestinal method, Derya Kara, Burcu Kafaoglu, Andrew Fisher, and Steve Hill


Combined uncertainty estimation for the determination of the dissolved iron amount content in seawater using flow injection with chemiluminescence detection, Geerke H. Floor, Robert Clough, Maeve C. Lohan, Simon J. Ussher, Paul J. Worsfold, and CR Quetel


Characterization of Leucetta prolifera, a calcarean cyanosponge from south-western Australia, and its symbionts, J Fromont, MJ Huggett, SK Lengger, K Grice, and CHL Schönberg


The molybdenum blue reaction for the determination of orthophosphate revisited: Opening the black box, Spas D. Kolev, Edward A. Nagul, Ian D. McKelvie, and Paul Worsfold


Geoheritage, a National Inventory in France, P de Wever, KN Page, I Alterio, G Egoroff, and et al


Miniaturisation and the representation of military geographies in recreational wargaming, Richard Yarwood


Structural Identification of Petroleum Acids by Conversion to Hydrocarbons and Multidimensional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Steven J. Rowland and Michael J. Wilde


Learning the rules of the ‘student game’: Transforming the ‘student habitus’ through [im]mobility, Mark Holton


Controls on modern tributary-junction alluvial fan occurrence and morphology: High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Martin Stokes and Anne E. Mather


Exceptional river gorge formation from unexceptional floods, L. Anton, A. E. Mather, M. Stokes, A. Muñoz-Martin, and Vicente G De


Historical comparisons reveal multiple drivers of decadal change of an ecosystem engineer at the range edge, LB Firth, N Mieszkowska, LM Grant, LE Bush, and et al


Book Review: Encountering Affect: Capacities, Apparatuses, Conditions, Paul Simpson


Sustainable deathstyles? The geography of green burials in Britain, Richard Yarwood, James D. Sidaway, Claire Kelly, and Susie Stillwell


Dye tracing to determine flow properties of hydrocarbon-polluted Rabots glaciär, Kebnekaise, Sweden, CC Clason, C Coch, J Jarsjö, and et al


Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 1. Oceanic detachment fault inversion and the formation of supra-subduction zone ophiolites, Marco Maffione, Cedric Thieulot, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen, Antony Morris, Oliver Plümper, and Wim Spakman


Did the Kyrenia Range of northern Cyprus rotate with the Troodos-Hatay microplate during the tectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean?, Antony Morris, Alastair H.F. Robertson, Mark W. Anderson, and Emma Hodgson


Beyond a bottle of liquid: pesticide dependence in transitional rural China, Z Hu and S Rahman


Single-grain and multi-grain OSL dating of river terrace sediments in the Tabernas Basin, SE Spain, M. R. Geach, K. J. Thomsen, J. P. Buylaert, A. S. Murray, A. E. Mather, M. W. Telfer, and M. Stokes


Modelling impacts of seasonal wastewater treatment plant effluent permits and biosolid substitution for phosphorus management in catchments and river systems, P. G. Whitehead, M. N. Futter, S. Comber, D. Butterfield, L. Pope, R. Willows, and C. Burgess


Technical and scale efficiency of cassava production system in Delta State, Nigeria: an application of Two-Stage DEA approach, S Rahman and BO Awerije


The English Channel: Contamination status of its transitional and coastal waters, AD Tappin and GE Millward