- Z. Mildon: 0000-0001-6192-765X
We present some preliminary results on the mapping of coseismically-induced ground ruptures following the Aug. 24, 2016, Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0). The seismogenic source, as highlighted by InSAR and seismological data, ruptured across two adjacent structures: the Vettore and Laga faults. We collected field data on ground breaks along the whole deformed area and two different scenarios of on-fault coseismic displacement arise from these observations. To the north, along the Vettore fault, surface faulting can be mapped quite continuously along a well-defined fault strand while such features are almost absent to the south, along the Laga fault, where flysch-like marly units are present. A major lithological control, affects the surface expression of faulting, resulting in a complex deformation pattern.
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Annals of Geophysics
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Livio, F., Michetti, A., Vittori, E., Gregory, L., Wedmore, L., Piccardi, L., Tondi, E., Roberts, G., CENTRAL, I., Blumetti, A., Bonadeo, L., Brunamonte, F., Comerci, V., Dimanna, P., Ferrario, M., Walker, J., Frigerio, C., Fumanti, F., Guerrieri, L., Iezzi, F., Leoni, G., McCaffrey, K., Mildon, Z., Phillips, R., Rhodes, E., Walters, R., & Wilkinson, M. (2016) 'Surface faulting during the August 24, 2016, Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0): preliminary results', Annals of Geophysics, 59. Available at: 10.4401/ag-7197