This paper presents an econometric analysis of the influence of soil fertility status on productivity and resource use in rice production utilizing survey data from 21 villages in three agro-ecological regions of Bangladesh. Detailed crop husbandry input-output data were collected from 380 paddy rice (Oryza sativa) farmers. Data collected included fertilizer, pesticide, labour, animal power services, irrigation, farm capital assets and rice yield. The soil fertility status in each region was determined by analysis of soil organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentration. Analysis was based on a profit function, where the selected soil fertility parameters were incorporated as yield controlling variables. Results revealed that soil fertility has a significant influence on both productivity and farmers’ resource allocation decisions. Output supply was significantly higher in fertile regions and input use was significantly lower. This observation indicates that in policy terms technological initiatives should be targeted at measures to identify areas of lower soil fertility so that inherent soil-based productivity restrictions can be minimized. In part this will be facilitated by the transfer of indigenous knowledge from farmers in higher productivity areas, thus increasing rice production and raising the competitiveness of Bangladeshi rice farmers.
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Agricultural Systems
Elsevier BV
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Rahman, S., & Parkinson, R. (2007) 'Soil fertility and productivity relationships in rice production system, Bangladesh', Agricultural Systems, 92(1-3), pp. 318-333. Elsevier BV: Available at: 10.1016/j.agsy/2006.04.001