Good protection measures for geological heritage should begin with an inventory of geosites. In France, for example, a law enacted in 2002 grants formal recognition to the notion of geological heritage. An inventory and evaluation were then established on a region-by-region basis. By April 2007, the French Ministry of Environment launched the inventory programme for the nation’s geological heritage and the data are now being collected at a regional scale. The data are being gathered and homogenised, and then transferred to the French National Museum of Natural History for examination. The ratified site data are stored and available for public use on a website (http://inpn.mnhn.fr) in a similar structure to natural data that are also processed and stored (flora, fauna, ecosystems, habitats). Today, protecting global heritage is understood as a dynamic process. Instead of placing objects beneath a display case, the conservation approach is now a more modern, active effort, which facilitates access for knowledge and research.
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Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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de Wever, P., Page, K., Alterio, I., Egoroff, G., & et al. (2015) 'Geoheritage, a National Inventory in France', Geoheritage, . Springer Science and Business Media LLC: Available at: 10.1007/s12371-015-0151-2