Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Submissions from 2024


Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway, Naima El bani Altuna, Mohamed M. Ezat, Lukas Smik, Francesco Muschitiello, Simon T. Belt, Jochen Knies, and Tine L. Rasmussen


Radiological and elemental composition of cryoconite and glacier mice from Vatnajökull, Iceland, Emma Smith, Caroline Clason, Geoff Millward, Alex Taylor, and Ralph Fyfe


A long section of serpentinized depleted mantle peridotite, J Lissenberg, Andrew M. McCaig, Susan Q. Lang, Peter Blum, Natsue Abe, William J. Brazelton, Rémi Coltan, Jeremy R Deans, Kristin L Dickerson, Marguerite Godard, Barbara E. John, Frieder Klein, Rebecca Kuehn, Kuan-Yu Lin, Haiyang Liu, Ethan Lopes, Toshi Nozaka, Andrew Parsons, Vamdev Pathak, Mark Reagan, Jordyn Robare, Ivan Savov, Esther M. Schwarzenbach, Olivier J. Sissmann, Gordon Southam, Fengping Wang, C. Geoffrey Wheat, Lesley Anderson, and Sarah Treadwell


Buried ice-wedge pseudomorphs as indicators of Younger Dryas climate-related lake evolution, Dali Lake, Inner Mongolia, Xiangge Zhang, Martin Stokes, Xujiao Zhang, Haoyue Zhang, Zexin He, Yifan Wang, Lingyue Wang, Haoshu Rao, Long Deng, Jingmin Guo, Junlei Li, Mingzhong Tian, and Junxiang Zhao


Transient aseismic vertical deformation across the steeply-dipping Pisia-Skinos normal fault (Gulf of Corinth, Greece), Zoe Mildon, Manuel-Lukas Diercks, Gerald Roberts, Joanna Faure Walker, Athanassios Ganas, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Vassilis Sakas, Jenni Robertson, Claudia Sgambato, and Sam Mitchell


Complementary classifications of aeolian dunes based on morphology, dynamics, and fluid mechanics, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, David M. Rubin, Clément Narteau, Mathieu G.A. Lapôtre, Mackenzie Day, Philippe Claudin, Ian Livingstone, Matt W. Telfer, Jani Radebaugh, Cyril Gadal, Andrew Gunn, Patrick A. Hesp, Sabrina Carpy, Charles S. Bristow, Andreas C.W. Baas, Ryan C. Ewing, and Giles F.S. Wiggs


New geographies of crime? Cybercrime, southern criminology and diversifying research agendas, Tim Hall and Richard Yarwood




Changing Neighborhood Income Deprivation Over Time, Moving in Childhood, and Adult Risk of Depression, Clive E Sabel, Carsten Bøcker Pedersen, Sussie Antonsen, Roger T Webb, and Henriette Thisted Horsdal


Structural and geomorphological constraints on the activity of the Sparta Fault (Greece), Çal Çağatay, Sarah Boulton, and Zoe Mildon


How can geomorphology facilitate a better understanding of glacier and ice sheet behaviour?, Matt Westoby, Richard Jones, and Lauren Miller


Atmospheric geographies of (counter)terrorism, Sara Fregonese, Paul Simpson, Damien Masson, Simon Runkel, Carrie Benjamin, Sam Berlin, katha Ciax, and Angeliki Drongiti


GC Insights, Sally Rangecroft, Caroline Clason, Rosa Maria Dextre, Isabel Richter, Claire Kelly, Cecilia Turin, Claudia V. Grados-Bueno, Beatriz Fuentealba, Mirtha Camacho Hernandez, Sergio Morera Julca, John Martin, and John Adam Guy


Interlaboratory Comparison of Branched GDGT Temperature and pH Proxies Using Soils and Lipid Extracts, Cindy De Jonge, Francien Peterse, Klaas G.J. Nierop, Thomas M. Blattmann, Marcelo Alexandre, Salome Ansanay-Alex, Thomas Austin, Mathieu Babin, Edouard Bard, Thorsten Bauersachs, Jerome Blewett, Brenna Boehman, Isla S. Castañeda, Junhui Chen, Martina L.G. Conti, Sergio Contreras, Julia Cordes, Nina Davtian, Bart van Dongen, Bella Duncan, Felix J. Elling, Valier Galy, Shaopeng Gao, Jens Hefter, Kai Uwe Hinrichs, Mitchell R. Helling, Mariska Hoorweg, Ellen Hopmans, Juzhi Hou, Yongsong Huang, Arnaud Huguet, Guodong Jia, Cornelia Karger, Brendan J. Keely, Stephanie Kusch, Hui Li, Jie Liang, Julius S. Lipp, Weiguo Liu, Hongxuan Lu, Kai Mangelsdorf, Hayley Manners, Alfredo Martinez Garcia, Guillemette Menot, Gesine Mollenhauer, B. David A. Naafs, Sebastian Naeher, Lauren K. O'Connor, Ethan M. Pearce, and Ann Pearson


Experimental Observation of a New Attenuation Mechanism in hcp-Metals That May Operate in the Earth's Inner Core, Simon A. Hunt, Andrew M. Walker, Oliver T. Lord, Stephen Stackhouse, Lewis Schardong, Lora S. Armstrong, Andrew J. Parsons, Geoffrey E. Lloyd, John Wheeler, Danielle M. Fenech, Stefan Michalik, and Matthew L. Whitaker


Fulfilling the Promise of Breathomics, Paul Brinkman, Michael Wilde, Waqar Ahmed, Ran Wang, Marc van der Schee, Shahd Abuhelal, Chad Schaber, Danen Cunoosamy, Graham W Clarke, Anke H Maitland-van der Zee, Sven-Erik Dahlén, Salman Siddiqui, and Stephen J Fowler


Automated Method for the Sensitive Analysis of Volatile Amines in Seawater, Preston Chebai Akenga and Mark F. Fitzsimons


Preliminary assessment of the knowledge gaps to prevent soil erosion, Maria Helena Guimarães, Martinho Martins, Diana Vieira, Isabel Brito, Claire Kelly, Nuno Guiomar, Nikolaos Stathopoulos, Melpomeni Zoka, Teresa Nóvoa, Artemi Cerdà, Beatriz Faria, João Madeira, Lilia Fidalgo, Panos Panagos, Pandi Zdruli, Saskia Keesstra, Sergio Prats, Pierfrancesco Di Giuseppe, and Endre Dobos


Soil saturation limits early oak establishment in upland pastures for restoration of Atlantic oak woodlands, Thomas R. Murphy, Mick E. Hanley, Jon S. Ellis, and Paul H. Lunt


Using GIS for flood hazard assessment, Alan Smith


Carbon Stocks and Fluxes From a Boreal Conifer Swamp: Filling a Knowledge Gap for Understanding the Boreal C Cycle, SJ Davidson, Marissa Davies, E Wegener, S Claussen, M Schmidt, M Peacock, and M Strack


Controls on distributions of aluminium, manganese and cobalt in the South Atlantic Ocean along GEOTRACES transect GA10, Xue Gang Chen, Angela Milne, Jessica K. Klar, Martha Gledhill, Maeve C. Lohan, Yu Te Hsieh, Gideon M. Henderson, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, and Eric P. Achterberg


The Geodynamic Significance of Continental UHP Exhumation, Anna K. Bidgood, Andrew J. Parsons, Nick M.W. Roberts, Dave Waters, Simon Tapster, and Phillip Gopon


Modelling the building-related photovoltaic power production potential in the light of the EU's Solar Rooftop Initiative, Gergely Molnár, Luisa F. Cabeza, Souran Chatterjee, and Diana Ürge-Vorsatz


Lithological controls on the timing of strath terrace staircase formation in a collisional mountain belt, Jesse R. Zondervan, Martin Stokes, Sarah J. Boulton, Matt W. Telfer, Anne E. Mather, and Mhamed A. Belfoul


Impacts and prospective hazard analysis of rainfall-triggered lahars on St. Vincent 2021–2022, Jeremy Phillips, Jenni Barclay, Paul Cole, Monique Johnson, Victoria Miller, and Richard Robertson


Modelling pyroclastic density currents of the April 2021 La Soufrière St. Vincent eruption: from rapid invasion maps to field-constrained numerical simulations, Valentin Gueugneau, Sylvain Charbonnier, Victoria L. Miller, Paul Cole, Raphaël Grandin, and Edna W. Dualeh


Petrology of the explosive deposits from the April 2021 eruption of La Soufrière volcano, St Vincent: a time-series analysis of microlites, Holli M. Frey, Matthew R. Manon, Jenni Barclay, Bridie V. Davies, Sydney A. Walters, Paul D. Cole, Thomas E. Christopher, and Erouscilla P. Joseph


Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera, Jonas Preine, Jens Karstens, Christian Hübscher, Tim Druitt, Steffen Kutterolf, Paraskevi Nomikou, Michael Manga, Ralf Gertisser, Katharina Pank, Sarah Beethe, Carole Berthod, Gareth Crutchley, Iona McIntosh, Thomas Ronge, Masako Tominaga, Acacia Clark, Susan DeBari, Raymond Johnston, Zenon Mateo, Ally Peccia, Christopher Jones, Günther Kletetschka, Abigail Metcalfe, Alexis Bernard, Hehe Chen, Shun Chiyonobu, Tatiana Fernandez-Perez, Kumar Batuk Joshi, Olga Koukousioura, Molly McCanta, Antony Morris, Paraskevi Polymenakou, Adam Woodhouse, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Kuo Lung Wang, Hao Yang Lee, Xiaohui Li, and Dimitrios Papanikolaou


Atmospheric radioisotopes in cryoconite from the Flade Isblink ice cap, NE Greenland, Dylan Beard, Giovanni Baccolo, Caroline Clason, Geoffrey Millward, Edyta Łokas, Sally Rangecroft, Dariusz Sala, Przemyslaw Wachniew, and William Blake


Worldwide Accumulation of Atmospheric Mercury in Glacier Cryoconite, Agnieszka Pasieka, Kamil Brudecki, Przemysław Niedzielski, Alexandra Proch, Nozomu Takeuchi, Roberto Ambrosini, Philip N. Owens, K Zawierucha, Giovanni Baccolo, Caroline Clason, Dylan Beard, Jacob Clement Yde, and Edyta Łokas


Basin scale sources of siltation in a contaminated hydropower reservoir, Claudio Bravo-Linares, Luis Ovando-Fuentealba, Enrique Muñoz-Arcos, Jessica L. Kitch, Geoffrey E. Millward, Ricardo López-Gajardo, Marcela Cañoles-Zambrano, Alfredo Del Valle, Claire Kelly, and William H. Blake


International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Preliminary Report: Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif, Andrew M. McCaig, S.Q. Lang, Peter Blum, and Andrew Parsons


Leveraging Spatial Metadata in Machine Learning for Improved Objective Quantification of Geological Drill Core, Lewis J.C. Grant, Miquel Massot-Campos, Rosalind M. Coggon, Blair Thornton, Francesca C. Rotondo, Michelle Harris, Aled D. Evans, and Damon A.H. Teagle


If speed is of the essence, Steven J Rowland, Michael J Wilde, Paul A Sutton, Sabena J Blackbird, and George A Wolff


Contamination of Thames Estuary sediments by retroreflective glass microbeads, road marking paint fragments and anthropogenic microfibres, Zaria West-Clarke and Andrew Turner


Complex erosional response to uplift and rock strength contrasts in transient river systems crossing an active normal fault revealed by 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclide analyses, Sarah J. Boulton, Ángel Rodés, Derek Fabel, M. Cihat Alçiçek, and Alexander C. Whittaker


Cigarette filter fibres as a source and sink of trace metals in coastal waters, Andrew Turner and Abigail Louise Cundell


Optimisation of classification methods to differentiate morphologically-similar pollen grains from FT-IR spectra, Laura Scoble, Simon J. Ussher, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Lauren Ansell, Matthew Craven, and Ralph M. Fyfe


Bordered Youth, Mark Holton, Suzanne Beech, Sara McDowell, and Amy Reid


Microplastic transport and deposition in a beach-dune system (Saunton Sands-Braunton Burrows, southwest England), Rachael J. Anderson and Andrew Turner


Locked out? Navigating the geographies of precarity on Britain's waterways, Agatha Herman and Richard Yarwood


Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow marine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini, T Druitt, S Kutterolf, T Ronge, C Hübscher, P Nomikou, J Preine, R Gertisser, J Karstens, J Keller, O Koukousioura, M Manga, A Metcalfe, M McCanta, I McIntosh, K Pank, A Woodhouse, S Beethe, C Berthod, S Chiyonobu, H Chen, A Clark, S DeBari, R Johnston, A Peccia, Y Yamamoto, A Bernard, Perez T Fernandez, C Jones, KB Joshi, G Kletetschka, X Li, A Morris, P Polymenakou, M Tominaga, and D Papanikolaou


Hunter-gatherer impacts on interglacial vegetation: a modelling approach, Anastasia Nikulina, Katharine MacDonald, Anhelina Zapolska, Maria Antonia Serge, Didier M. Roche, Florence Mazier, Marco Davoli, Jens Christian Svenning, Wees D van, Elena A. Pearce, Ralph Fyfe, Wil Roebroeks, and Fulco Scherjon


Essential omega‐3 fatty acids are depleted in sea ice and pelagic algae of the Central Arctic Ocean, Katrin Schmidt, Martin Graeve, Clara J.M. Hoppe, S Torres‐Valdes, Nahid Welteke, Laura M. Whitmore, Philipp Anhaus, Angus Atkinson, Simon T. Belt, Tina Brenneis, Robert G. Campbell, Giulia Castellani, Louise A. Copeman, Hauke Flores, Allison A. Fong, Nicole Hildebrandt, Doreen Kohlbach, Jens M. Nielsen, Christopher C. Parrish, C Rad‐Menéndez, Sebastian D. Rokitta, Sandra Tippenhauer, and Yanpei Zhuang


Production and preservation of organic carbon in sub-seafloor tephra layers, Jack Longman, Hayley R. Manners, Thomas M. Gernon, James McManus, Martin R. Palmer, Steven J. Rowland, and Paul A. Sutton


Suitability of 210Pbex, 137Cs and 239+240Pu as soil erosion tracers in western Kenya, Sophia M. Dowell, Olivier S. Humphrey, Charles J.B. Gowing, Thomas S. Barlow, Simon R. Chenery, Job Isaboke, William H. Blake, Odipo Osano, and Michael J. Watts

Submissions from 2023


The three-peat challenge: business as usual, responsible agriculture, and conservation and restoration as management trajectories in global peatlands, Nicholas T. Girkin, Paul J. Burgess, Lydia Cole, Hannah V. Cooper, Coronado E Honorio, Scott J. Davidson, Jacqueline Hannam, Jim Harris, Ian Holman, Christopher S. McCloskey, Michelle M. McKeown, Alice M. Milner, Susan Page, Jo Smith, and Dylan Young


Citizens Apart? Representing post-Brexit youth politics in the UK media, M Holton, J Lee, S Beech, and S McDowell


Crossing riverborderscapes and a view from in-between: Passenger ferries in South West England, Eva McGrath, Richard Yarwood, and Nichola Harmer


Chemical characteristics of artificial plastic plants and the presence of hazardous elements from the recycling of electrical and electronic waste, Andrew Turner and Montserrat Filella


Triassic and Jurassic possible planktonic foraminifera and the assemblages recovered from the Ogrodzieniec Glauconitic Marls Formation (uppermost Callovian and lowermost Oxfordian, Jurassic) of the Polish Basin, Malcolm B. Hart, Holger Gebhardt, Eiichi Setoyama, Christopher W. Smart, and Jarosław Tyszka


An evidence base of ecosystems services provided by diadromous fish in the European Atlantic Area, Matthew Ashley, Arantza Murillas, Angela Muench, Cristina Marta-Pedroso, Lynda Rodwell, Sian Rees, Emma Rendle, Tea Bašić, Gordon H. Copp, Estibaliz Díaz, David J. Nachón, Patrick Lambert, and Geraldine Lassalle


Assessing the association between overcrowding and human physiological stress response in different urban contexts, Zhaoxi Zhang, Kristýna Měchurová, Bernd Resch, Prince Amegbor, and Clive E. Sabel


Assessing the effects of single and binary exposures of copper and lead on Mytilus galloprovincialis: Physiological and genotoxic approaches, Charlotte Crowther, Andrew Turner, Michael N. Moore, and Awadhesh N. Jha


Suspended and deposited microplastics in the coastal atmosphere of southwest England, Giannis Kyriakoudes and Andrew Turner


Response of CO2 and CH4 emissions from Arctic tundra soils to a multifactorial manipulation of water table, temperature and thaw depth, K Best, D Zona, E Briant, C-T Lai, DA Lipson, KR McEwing, SJ Davidson, and WC Oechel


Towards the global plastic treaty: a clue to the complexity of plastics in practice, Montserrat Filella and Andrew Turner


Substantial light woodland and open vegetation characterised the temperate forest biome before Homo sapiens, Elena A. Pearce, Florence Mazier, Signe Normand, Ralph Fyfe, Valérie Andrieu, Corrie Bakels, Zofia Balwierz, K Binka, Steve Boreham, Olga K. Borisova, Anna Brostrom, Beaulieu J-L de, Cunhai Gao, P Gonzalez-Samperiz, Wojciech Granoszewski, Anna Hrynowiecka, P Kolaczek, P Kunes, Donatella Magri, Małgorzata Malkiewicz, T Highall, Alice M. Milner, P Moller, Małgorzata Nita, Bożena Noryśkiewicz, Irena Agnieszka Pidek, Maurice Reille, Ann Marie Robertsson, J. Sakari Salonen, Patrick Schläfli, Jeroen Schokker, Paolo Scussolini, Vaida Šeirienė, Jaqueline Strahl, Brigitte Urban, Hanna Winter, and Jens Christian Svenning


Evaluating the Relative Pollen Productivity Estimates using the REVEALS model: a case study from the cultural landscape in Shandong, China, Furong Li, Marie José Gaillard, Siqi Xie, Qiaoyu Cui, Ralph Fyfe, Laurent Marquer, and Shinya Sugita


Constraining Historical Earthquake Sequences With Coulomb Stress Models: An Example From Western Türkiye, M. L. Diercks, Z. K. Mildon, S. J. Boulton, E. Hussain, C. Alçiçek, C. Yıldırım, and T. Aykut


Influence of Fault System Geometry and Slip Rates on the Relative Role of Coseismic and Interseismic Stresses on Earthquake Triggering and Recurrence Variability, Claudia Sgambato, Walker JP Faure, Gerald P. Roberts, Zoë K. Mildon, and Marco Meschis


Insights from the first Brazilian Symposium on Human Biometeorology, E Krüger, ACDS Gomes, PS Lucio, JPA Gobo, AS Nedel, FLT Gonçalves, M Piacenti-Silva, CD Napoli, and CKC Lam


A climate perturbation at the Middle –Late Jurassic Transition? Evaluating the isotopic evidence from south-central England, Gregory D. Price, Bernát Heszler, Charlton L-M Tansley, and Jade Cox


Coastal permafrost was massively eroded during the Bølling-Allerød warm period, Alessio Nogarotto, Riko Noormets, Teena Chauhan, Gesine Mollenhauer, Jens Hefter, Hendrik Grotheer, Simon T. Belt, Florence Colleoni, Francesco Muschitiello, Lucilla Capotondi, Claudio Pellegrini, and Tommaso Tesi


Microplastics in surface coastal waters around Plymouth, UK, and the contribution of boating and shipping activities, Chloé Higgins and Andrew Turner


Sea-ice decline could keep zooplankton deeper for longer, Hauke Flores, Gaëlle Veyssière, Giulia Castellani, Jeremy Wilkinson, Mario Hoppmann, Michael Karcher, Lovro Valcic, Astrid Cornils, Maxime Geoffroy, Marcel Nicolaus, Barbara Niehoff, Pierre Priou, Katrin Schmidt, and Julienne Stroeve


Smart water metering as a non-invasive tool to infer dwelling type and occupancy – Implications for the collection of neighbourhood-level housing and tourism statistics, A. Newing, O. Hibbert, J. Van-Alwon, S. Ellaway, and A. Smith


The ‘capability’ of South African energy governance to deliver urban sustainable transitions, Stephen Essex, Federico Caprotti, Groot J De, Jon Phillips, Lucy Baker, W Peta, and Yachika Reddy


The anchoring effect of climate change acts: a policy streams analysis of Ireland’s climate act reform, Ian Bailey, Robert Nutkins, and Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg


Lead and mercury in historical books and their contribution to dust contamination, Andrew Turner


Thinning and surface mass balance patterns of two neighbouring debris-covered glaciers in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Chuanxi Zhao, Wei Yang, Evan Miles, Matthew Westoby, Marin Kneib, Yongjie Wang, Zhen He, and Francesca Pellicciotti


Tropical forests are approaching critical temperature thresholds, Christopher E. Doughty, Jenna M. Keany, Benjamin C. Wiebe, Camilo Rey-Sanchez, Kelsey R. Carter, Kali B. Middleby, Alexander W. Cheesman, Michael L. Goulden, Rocha HR da, Scott D. Miller, Yadvinder Malhi, Sophie Fauset, Emanuel Gloor, Martijn Slot, Menor I Oliveras, Kristine Y. Crous, Gregory R. Goldsmith, and Joshua B. Fisher


A Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation for the Evaluation of Pore Size Distribution of Nuclear-Grade Graphite from Kr Adsorption Isotherms, Giuliano M. Laudone and Katie L. Jones


Accumulation of polystyrene nanoplastics and triclosan by a model tooth-carp fish, Aphaniops hormuzensis (Teleostei: Aphaniidae), Maryam Saemi-Komsari, Reza Pashaei, Sajjad Abbasi, Hamid Reza Esmaeili, Reda Dzingelevičienė, Hadavand B Shirkavand, Kalako M Pasalari, Malgorzata Szultka-Mlynska, Renata Gadzała-Kopciuch, Boguslaw Buszewski, and Andrew Turner


Chemical speciation of sediment phosphorus in a Ramsar wetland, Ry Crocker, William H. Blake, Thomas H. Hutchinson, and Sean Comber


Restoration management of phosphorus pollution on lowland fen peatlands: A data evidence review from the Somerset Levels and Moors, Sean Comber, Paul Lunt, Mark Taylor, Natasha Underwood, Ry Crocker, and Rob Schindler


Restoration management of phosphorus pollution on lowland fen peatlands: A data evidence review from the Somerset Levels and Moors., Paul Lunt


(Im)mobilising Youth Citizenship / Youth Citizenship (im)mobilities, Mark Holton, Suzanne Beech, and Sara McDowell


Optimisation of plutonium separations using TEVA cartridges and ICP-MS/MS analysis for applicability to large-scale studies in tropical soils, Sophia M. Dowell, Thomas S. Barlow, Simon R. Chenery, Olivier S. Humphrey, Job Isaboke, William H. Blake, Odipo Osano, and Michael J. Watts


Characterisation of volatile organic compounds in hospital indoor air and exposure health risk determination, Thiphanie P. Riveron, Michael J. Wilde, Wadah Ibrahim, Liesl Carr, Paul S. Monks, Neil J. Greening, Erol A. Gaillard, Chris E. Brightling, Salman Siddiqui, Anna L. Hansell, and Rebecca L. Cordell


More than agriculture: analysing time-cumulative human impact on European land-cover of second half of the Holocene, Anhelina Zapolska, Maria Antonia Serge, Florence Mazier, Aurélien Quiquet, Hans Renssen, Mathieu Vrac, Ralph Fyfe, and Didier M. Roche


Revolution and Continuity? Reassessing Nineteenth-Century Moorland Reclamation Through Palaeoecological and Archival Research, Leonard Baker, Francis M. Rowney, Henry French, and Ralph M. Fyfe


Holocene variations in the Asian Summer and Winter Monsoons reconstructed from extensive lacustrine sediments in the Mu Us Desert, northern China, Xiaohao Wen, Matt W. Telfer, Baosheng Li, W Wang, Tim Daley, C Wang, Mengyuan Tian, and Mingkun Qiu


Legacy radionuclides in cryoconite and proglacial sediment on Orwell Glacier, Signy Island, Antarctica, Philip N. Owens, Tim A. Stott, Will H. Blake, and Geoffrey E. Millward


Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Dissolved Methane Across a Large Lake, Mike Peacock, Scott J. Davidson, Dolly N. Kothawala, Joel Segersten, and Martyn N. Futter


The development of arable cultivation in the south-east of England and its relationship with vegetation cover: A honeymoon period for biodiversity?, Vareilles A. de, Jessie Woodbridge, Ruth Pelling, Ralph Fyfe, D Smith, Gill Campbell, W Smith, Wendy Carruthers, Stacey Adams, Hegarat K le, and Lucy Allot


Did the Bronze Age deforestation of Europe affect its climate? A regional climate model study using pollen-based land cover reconstructions, Gustav Strandberg, Jie Chen, Ralph Fyfe, Erik Kjellström, Johan Lindström, Anneli Poska, Qiong Zhang, and Marie José Gaillard


Rapid fluvial remobilization of sediments deposited by the 2021 Chamoli disaster, Indian Himalaya, Matthew J. Westoby, Stuart A. Dunning, Jonathan L. Carrivick, Thomas J. Coulthard, Kalachand Sain, Amit Kumar, Etienne Berthier, Umesh K. Haritashya, David E. Shean, Mohd Farooq Azam, Kavita Upadhyay, Michele Koppes, Harley R. McCourt, and Dan H. Shugar


Green growth and competitiveness in EU climate policy: paradigm shift or 'plus de la même chose'?, O Fitch-Roy and I Bailey


Iron isotope signals: Use and limitations in natural marine sediments, Susann Henkel, Male Köster, Bo Liu, Michael Staubwasser, Anette Meixner, Simone Kasemann, Hayley Manners, Verena Heuer, Yuki Morono, Fumio Inagaki, and Sabine Kasten


Constraining the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Last Interglacial sea-level, Robert L. Barnett, Jacqueline Austermann, Blake Dyer, Matt W. Telfer, Natasha L.M. Barlow, Sarah J. Boulton, Andrew S. Carr, and Roger C. Creel


Phytoplankton responses to dust addition in the FeMn co-limited eastern Pacific sub-Antarctic differ by source region, Neil J. Wyatt, Antony Birchill, Simon Ussher, Angela Milne, Heather A. Bouman, Elizabeth Shoenfelt Troein, Katsiaryna Pabortsava, Alan Wright, Oliver Flanagan, Thomas S. Bibby, Adrian Martin, and CM Moore


Occurrence and characteristics of fibreglass-reinforced plastics and microplastics on a beach impacted by abandoned fishing boats: A case study from Chellanam, India, N. Manju Lekshmi, Sreejith S. Kumar, P. Muhamed Ashraf, S. P. Nehala, Leela Edwin, and Andrew Turner


Peat fires and the unknown risk of legacy metal and metalloid pollution, Colin P.R. McCarter, Gareth D. Clay, Sophie L. Wilkinson, Susan Page, Emma L. Shuttleworth, Scott J. Davidson, Muh Taufik, Gabriel Sigmund, and James M. Waddington


Uniquely low stable iron isotopic signatures in deep marine sediments caused by Rayleigh distillation, Male Köster, Michael Staubwasser, Anette Meixner, Simone A. Kasemann, Hayley R. Manners, Yuki Morono, Fumio Inagaki, Verena B. Heuer, Sabine Kasten, and Susann Henkel


Estimation of eruption source parameters for the 2021 La Soufrière eruption (St. Vincent): implications for quantification of eruption magnitude on volcanic islands, Robert Constantinescu, J. T. White, C. Connor, P. Cole, K. Fontijn, J. Barclay, and R. Robertson


Global variability and controls on the accumulation of fallout radionuclides in cryoconite, Caroline C. Clason, Giovanni Baccolo, Edyta Łokas, Philip N. Owens, Przemyslaw Wachniew, Geoff E. Millward, Alex Taylor, Will H. Blake, Dylan B. Beard, Ewa Poniecka, Nick Selmes, Elizabeth A. Bagshaw, Joseph Cook, Ralph Fyfe, Melanie Hay, Deborah Land, Nozomu Takeuchi, Massimiliano Nastasi, Monica Sisti, Francesca Pittino, Andrea Franzetti, Roberto Ambrosini, and Mauro B Di


Impacts of polyethylene microplastics on the microalga, Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), Sajjad Abbasi, Sahar Amiranipour, Javad Karimi, Sasan Mohsenzadeh, and Andrew Turner


Terrestrial carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Eocene–Oligocene transition, Petrockstowe and Bovey basins, Devon, UK, Mohammed S. Chaanda, Stephen T. Grimes, Rhodri M. Jerrett, Mark Anderson, Melanie J. Leng, Meriel E. Fitzpatrick, and Gregory D. Price