Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Submissions from 2019
Abrupt shifts of productivity and sea ice regimes at the western Barents Sea slope from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Simon T. Belt, and Jochen Knies
Brachiopod Shell Thickness links Environment and Evolution, U Balthasar, J Jin, L Hints, and M Cusack
Using microlites to gain insights into ascent conditions of differing styles of volcanism at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Arran P. Murch and Paul D. Cole
Transient High Strain Rate During Localized Viscous Creep in the Dry Lower Continental Crust (Lofoten, Norway), LR Campbell and L Menegon
Elemental mobilities: atmospheres, matter and cycling amid the weather-world, Paul Simpson
Use of compound specific δ13C stable isotope analysis for intact triacylglcerides using high temperature gas chromatography up to 430°C., P Sutton, M Tuthorn, and J Newton
A novel biomarker-based proxy for the spring phytoplankton bloom in Arctic and sub-arctic settings – HBI T25, Simon T. Belt, L. Smik, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Jochen Knies, and Katrine Husum
Temporal evolution of IP25 and other highly branched isoprenoid lipids in sea ice and the underlying water column during an Arctic melting season, Rémi Amiraux, Lukas Smik, Denizcan Köseoğlu, Jean François Rontani, Virginie Galindo, Pierre Luc Grondin, Marcel Babin, and Simon T. Belt
A Spatial and Temporal Risk Assessment of the Impacts of El Niño on the Tropical Forest Carbon Cycle: Theoretical Framework, Scenarios, and Implications, Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert, Amy C. Bennett, Martin J.P. Sullivan, Jessica C.A. Baker, Yoni Gavish, Michelle O. Johnson, Yunxia Wang, Alexander Chambers-Ostler, Marta Lisli Giannichi, Luciene Gomes, Michelle Kalamandeen, Kanhu Charan Pattnayak, and Sophie Fauset
A new method for assessing river ecosystem services and its application to rivers in Scotland with and without nature conservation designations., David Gilvear, Victoria Keele, T angus, Philip Boon, and Andrew Large
A new method for assessing river ecosystem services and its application to rivers in Scotland with and without nature conservation designations., David Gilvear, Victoria Keele, Andrew Large, Angus Tree, and Philip Boon
Bacteriohopanepolyol analysis by gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry for anammox biomarker detection, R Schwartz-Narbonne, J Blewett, SK Lengger, and et al
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use, Lucas Stephens, D Fuller, Nicole Boivin, Torben Rick, Nicolas Gauthier, Andrea Kay, Ben Marwick, Chelsey Geralda Denise Armstrong, C. Michael Barton, Tim Denham, Kristina Douglass, Jonathan Driver, Lisa Janz, Patrick Roberts, J. Daniel Rogers, Heather Thakar, Mark Altaweel, Amber L. Johnson, Vattuone MM Sampietro, Mark Aldenderfer, Sonia Archila, Gilberto Artioli, Martin T. Bale, Timothy Beach, Ferran Borrell, Todd Braje, Philip I. Buckland, Cano NG Jiménez, José M. Capriles, Castillo A Diez, Ç Çilingiroğlu, Cleary M Negus, James Conolly, Peter R. Coutros, R. Alan Covey, Mauro Cremaschi, Alison Crowther, Lindsay Der, Lernia S di, John F. Doershuk, William E. Doolittle, Kevin J. Edwards, Jon M. Erlandson, Damian Evans, Andrew Fairbairn, Patrick Faulkner, Gary Feinman, Ricardo Fernandes, Scott M. Fitzpatrick, Ralph Fyfe, E Garcea, S Goldstein, RC Goodman, Guedes J Dalpoim, J Herrmann, P Hiscock, P Hommel, KA Horsburgh, C Hritz, JW Ives, A Junno, JG Kahn, B Kaufman, C Kearns, TR Kidder, F Lanoë, D Lawrence, G-A Lee, MJ Levin, HB Lindskoug, JA López-Sáez, S Macrae, R Marchant, JM Marston, S McClure, MD McCoy, AV Miller, M Morrison, Matuzeviciute G Motuzaite, J Müller, A Nayak, S Noerwidi, TM Peres, CE Peterson, and L Proctor
Extreme levels of fallout radionuclides and other contaminants in glacial sediment (cryoconite) and implications for downstream aquatic ecosystems, Philip N. Owens, William H. Blake, and Geoffrey E. Millward
Rupture geometries in anisotropic amphibolite recorded by pseudotachylytes in the Gairloch Shear Zone, NW Scotland, LR Campbell, RJ Phillips, RC Walcott, and GE Lloyd
Understanding energy transitions: the changing versions of the modern infrastructure ideal and the ‘energy underclass’ in South Africa, 1860-2019, Stephen Essex and Jiska de Groot
Changing the Record: Narrative policy analysis and the politics of emissions trading in New Zealand, Ian Bailey and Inderberg TH Jackson
Opinion: To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity, Franziska Schrodt, Joseph J. Bailey, D Kissling, and Iain Stewart
A Fast and Accurate Workflow for Analytic 3D FIB-SEM Tomography, T Volkenandt, F Pérez-Willard, F Bauer, N Stephen, and et al
Catchment-scale cumulative impact of human activities on river channels in the late Anthropocene: implications, limitations, prospect, PW Downs and H Piegay
Realistic measurement uncertainties for marine macronutrient measurements conducted using gas segmented flow and Lab-on-Chip techniques, A. J. Birchill, G. Clinton-Bailey, R. Hanz, E. Mawji, T. Cariou, C. White, S. J. Ussher, P. J. Worsfold, E. P. Achterberg, and M. Mowlem
The Effects of Earthquakes and Fluids on the Metamorphism of the Lower Continental Crust, B Jamtveit, A Petley‐Ragan, S Incel, KG Dunkel, and et al
The removal of pharmaceuticals during wastewater treatment: Can it be predicted accurately?, Sean Comber, Mike Gardner, Pernilla Sörme, and Brian Ellor
Putting the silicon cycle in a bag: Field and mesocosm observations of silicon isotope fractionation in subtropical waters east of New Zealand, Scott W. Meyerink, Philip W. Boyd, William A. Maher, Angela Milne, Robert Strzepek, and Michael J. Ellwood
Reconstructing the Christian Malford ecosystem in the Oxford Clay Formation (Callovian, Jurassic) of Wiltshire: exceptional preservation, taphonomy, burial and compaction, Malcolm B. Hart, Kevin N. Page, Gregory D. Price, and Christopher W. Smart
Heavy Metals in the Glass and Enamels of Consumer Container Bottles, Andrew Turner
Adapt or die—Response of large herbivores to environmental changes in Europe during the Holocene, E Hofman‐Kamińska, Hervé Bocherens, Dorothée G. Drucker, Ralph M. Fyfe, Witold Gumiński, Daniel Makowiecki, Martina Pacher, Giedrė Piličiauskienė, Tomasz Samojlik, Jessie Woodbridge, and Rafał Kowalczyk
Jurassic shift from abiotic to biotic control on marine ecological success, Kilian Eichenseer, Uwe Balthasar, Christopher W. Smart, Julian Stander, Kristian A. Haaga, and Wolfgang Kiessling
Meteorites of the Nullarbor Plain; Recent Recovery and Classification Efforts, NR Stephen, HEA Brand, and A Tomkins
Uncertainty associated with the leaching of aerosol filters for the determination of metals in aerosol particulate matter using collision/reaction cell ICP-MS detection, Robert Clough, Maeve C. Lohan, Simon J. Ussher, Malcolm Nimmo, and Paul J. Worsfold
Atomic spectrometry update: review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough, Chris F. Harrington, Steve J. Hill, Yolanda Madrid, and Julian F. Tyson
Reconciling Storegga tsunami sedimentation patterns with modelled wave heights: A discussion from the Shetland Isles field laboratory, AG Dawson, S Dawson, Stein Bondevik, Pedro J.M. Costa, Jon Hill, and Iain Stewart
Coulomb pre-stress and fault bends are ignored yet vital factors for earthquake triggering and hazard, Z. K. Mildon, G. P. Roberts, Walker JP Faure, and S. Toda
Integrating climate change adaptation in the planning and regeneration of coastal urban areas: priorities barriers, and future prospects, Daniel Young and Stephen Essex
Stratigraphic and environmental control on marine benthic community change through the early Toarcian extinction event (Iberian Range, Spain), Silvia Danise, Marie Emilie Clémence, Gregory D. Price, Daniel P. Murphy, Juan J. Gómez, and Richard J. Twitchett
Everyday Mobile Belonging: Theorising Higher Education Student Mobilities, K Finn and M Holton
Fluid-mediated, brittle–ductile deformation at seismogenic depth – Part 1: Fluid record and deformation history of fault veins in a nuclear waste repository (Olkiluoto Island, Finland), B Marchesini, PS Garofalo, L Menegon, J Mattila, and G Viola
Drivers of increased soil erosion in East Africa’s agro-pastoral systems: changing interactions between the social, economic and natural domains, Maarten Wynants, Claire Kelly, Kelvin Mtei, Linus Munishi, Aloyce Patrick, Anna Rabinovich, Mona Nasseri, David Gilvear, Neil Roberts, Pascal Boeckx, Geoff Wilson, William H. Blake, and Patrick Ndakidemi
Exploring mechanisms for spring bloom evolution: contrasting 2008 and 2012 blooms in the southwest Pacific Ocean, Stephen M. Chiswell, Karl A. Safi, Sylvia G. Sander, Robert Strzepek, Michael J. Ellwood, Angela Milne, and Philip W. Boyd
Role of recent climate change on carbon sequestration in peatland systems., Paul H. Lunt, Ralph M. Fyfe, and Alan D. Tappin
A new method for quality control of geological cores by X-Ray computed tomography: Application in IODP expedition 370, Satoshi Tonai, Expedition 370 Scientists, Yusuke Kubo, Man Yin Tsang, Stephen Bowden, Kotaro Ide, Takehiro Hirose, Nana Kamiya, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Kiho Yang, Yasuhiro Yamada, Yuki Morono, Verena B. Heuer, Fumio Inagaki, and Hayley Manners
Southern high-latitude warmth during the Jurassic–Cretaceous: New evidence from clumped isotope thermometry, Madeleine L. Vickers, David Bajnai, Gregory D. Price, Jolien Linckens, and Jens Fiebig
Trace elements in laundry dryer lint: A proxy for household contamination and discharges to waste water., Andrew Turner
Volatile and semi-volatile components of jetsam ambergris, Steven J. Rowland, Michael J. Wilde, William J. Robson, and Paul A. Sutton
Identification, origin and characteristics of bio-bead microplastics from beaches in western Europe., Andrew Turner, Claire Wallerstein, and Rob Arnold
Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil, Rory Padfield, Sune Hansen, Zoe G. Davies, Albrecht Ehrensperger, Eleanor M. Slade, Stephanie Evers, Effie Papargyropoulou, Cécile Bessou, Norhayati Abdullah, Susan Page, Marc Ancrenaz, Paul Aplin, Shahirah Balqis Dzulkafli, Holly Barclay, Darshanaa Chellaiah, Sonal Choudhary, Samantha Conway, Sarah Cook, Alison Copeland, Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, Nicolas J. Deere, Simon Drew, David Gilvear, Ross Gray, Tobias Haller, Amelia S.C. Hood, Lee Kim Huat, Nhat Huynh, Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu, Lian Pin Koh, Sanath Kumaran Kolandai, Robin Ah Hee Lim, Kok Loong Yeong, Jennifer M. Lucey, Sarah H. Luke, Simon L. Mitchell, Marvin J. Montefrio, Katherine Mullin, Anand Nainar, K. Anne Isola Nekaris, Vincent Nijman, Matheus Nunes, Siti Nurhidayu, Patrick O'Reilly, Chong Leong Puan, Nadine Ruppert, Hengky Salim, Greetje Schouten, Anne Tallontire, Thomas E.L. Smith, Hsiao Hang Tao, Mun Hou Tham, Helena Varkkey, Jamie Wadey, Catherine M. Yule, Badrul Azhar, Alexander K. Sayok, Charles Vairappan, Jake E. Bicknell, and Matthew J. Struebig
From influence to impact: the multifunctional land-use in Mediterranean prehistory emerging from palynology of archaeological sites (8.0-2.8 ka BP), Anna Maria Mercuri, Assunta Florenzano, Francesc Burjachs, Marco Giardini, Katerina Kouli, Alessia Masi, Llorenç Picornell-Gelabert, Jordi Revelles, Gabriel Servera-Vives, Paola Torri, and Ralph Fyfe
Holocene hydro-climatic variability in the Mediterranean: A synthetic multi-proxy reconstruction, Martin Finné, Jessie Woodbridge, Inga Labuhn, and C. Neil Roberts
Holocene land cover and population dynamics in southern France, Stephen Shennan, Jean François Berger, J Woodbridge-Fisher, Alessio Palmisano, Florence Mazier, Laure Nuninger, Sebastien Guillon, Elise Doyen, Carole Begeot, Valérie Andrieu-Ponel, Julien Azuara, Andrew Bevan, Ralph Fyfe, and C. Neil Roberts
Human demography changes in Morocco and environmental imprint during the Holocene, Rachid Cheddadi, Alessio Palmisano, José Antonio López-Sáez, Madja Nourelbait, Christoph Zielhofer, Jalal Tabel, Ali Rhoujjati, Carla Khater, Jessie Woodbridge, Giulio Lucarini, Cyprian Broodbank, William J. Fletcher, and C. Neil Roberts
Humans take control of fire-driven diversity changes in Mediterranean Iberia’s vegetation during the mid–late Holocene, Simon E. Connor, Boris Vannière, Daniele Colombaroli, R. Scott Anderson, José S. Carrión, Ana Ejarque, Romera G Gil, Penélope González-Sampériz, Dana Hoefer, César Morales-Molino, Jordi Revelles, Heike Schneider, der Knaap WO van, Leeuwen JFN van, and Jessie Woodbridge
Tyrrhenian central Italy: Holocene population and landscape ecology, Simon Stoddart, J Woodbridge-Fisher, Alessio Palmisano, Anna Maria Mercuri, Scott Andrew Mensing, Daniele Colombaroli, Laura Sadori, Donatella Magri, Rita F di, Marco Giardini, Lippi M Mariotti, Carlo Montanari, Cristina Bellini, Assunta Florenzano, Paola Torri, Andrew Bevan, Stephen Shennan, Ralph Fyfe, and C. Neil Roberts
Individual-Based Modeling of Amazon Forests Suggests That Climate Controls Productivity While Traits Control Demography, Sophie Fauset, Manuel Gloor, Nikolaos M. Fyllas, Oliver L. Phillips, Gregory P. Asner, Timothy R. Baker, Bentley L Patrick, Roel J.W. Brienen, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Aguila-Pasquel J del, Christopher E. Doughty, Ted R. Feldpausch, David R. Galbraith, Rosa C. Goodman, Cécile A.J. Girardin, Coronado EN Honorio, Abel Monteagudo, Norma Salinas, Alexander Shenkin, Javier E. Silva-Espejo, der Heijden G van, Rodolfo Vasquez, Esteban Alvarez-Davila, Luzmila Arroyo, Jorcely G. Barroso, Foster Brown, Wendeson Castro, Valverde F Cornejo, Cardozo N Davila, Fiore A Di, Terry Erwin, Isau Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Vargas P Núñez, David Neill, Camacho N Pallqui, Alexander Parada Gutierrez, Julie Peacock, Nigel Pitman, Adriana Prieto, Zorayda Restrepo, Agustín Rudas, Carlos A. Quesada, Marcos Silveira, Juliana Stropp, John Terborgh, Simone A. Vieira, and Yadvinder Malhi
Cascade aerobic selective oxidation over contiguous dual catalyst beds in continuous flow, Adam F. Lee, Lee J. Durndell, Mark A. Isaacs, Chao'En Li, Christopher M.A. Parlett, and Karen Wilson
The duration and magnitude of Cretaceous cool events: Evidence from the northern high latitudes, Madeleine L. Vickers, Gregory D. Price, Rhodri M. Jerrett, Paul Sutton, Matthew P. Watkinson, and Meriel FitzPatrick
Unravelling mass transport in hierarchically porous catalysts, Carmine D'Agostino, Mark A. Isaacs, Neil Robinson, Brunella Barbero, Lee J. Durndell, Jinesh C. Manayil, Christopher M.A. Parlett, Karen Wilson, and Adam F. Lee
Structure‐reactivity relations in Ru catalysed furfural hydrogenation, Karen Wilson, Lee J. Durndell, Guchu Zou, Wenfeng Shangguan, and Adam F. Lee
Aliphatic amines at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory: abundance, origins and sea-air fluxes, Mark F. Fitzsimons and Charlotte H.L. Cree
Meteoric fluid‐rock interaction in Variscan shear zones, Camille Dusséaux, Aude Gébelin, Philippe Boulvais, Véronique Gardien, Stephen Grimes, and Andreas Mulch
In-situ trace metal (Cd, Pb, Cu) speciation along the Po River plume (Northern Adriatic Sea) using submersible systems, S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, M-L Tercier-Waeber, and et al
Palaeoenvironmental and tectonic significance of Miocene lacustrine and palustrine carbonates (Aït Kandoula Formation) in the Ouarzazate Foreland Basin, Morocco, Sarah J. Boulton, Justin H. VanDeVelde, and Stephen T. Grimes
Using GLUE to pull apart the provenance of atmospheric dust, Hamid Gholami, Reza Dahmardeh Behrooz, Matt W. Telfer, John D. Jansen, and Aboalhasan Fathabadi
Women’s gainful employment in ‘gher’ farming system (prawn–carp–rice integrated culture) in Bangladesh: trends and determinants, S Rahman and BK Barmon
Morphometric characteristics of alluvial fans in Southern Turkey: implications for fault activity in the Anatolia, Arabia, Africa Triple Junction Region., A Karatas and S Boulton
Walking with technology: understanding mobility-technology assemblages, Mark Holton
Abiotic degradation of highly branched isoprenoid alkenes and other lipids in the water column off East Antarctica, Jean François Rontani, Lukas Smik, Simon T. Belt, Frédéric Vaultier, Linda Armbrecht, Amy Leventer, and Leanne K. Armand
Cadmium pigments in consumer products and their health risks, Andrew Turner
Evaluation of combined sewer overflow impacts on short-term pharmaceutical and illicit drug occurrence in a heavily urbanised tidal river catchment (London, UK), Leon P. Barron, Kelly Munro, Claudia P.B. Martins, Matthew Loewenthal, Sean Comber, David A. Cowan, and Luisa Pereira
Meteorites on the Nullarbor Plain, Insights from Synchrotron Powder Diffraction, HEA Brand, AD Langendam, AJ Whitworth, SL Alkemade, and et al
On the geographies of hair: exploring the entangled margins of the bordered body, Mark Holton
Improved isotopic model based on 15N tracing and Rayleigh‐type isotope fractionation for simulating differential sources of N2O emissions in a clay grassland soil, A Castellano‐Hinojosa, N Loick, E Dixon, GP Matthews, and et al
Improved isotopic model based on 15N tracing and Rayleigh‐type isotope fractionation for simulating differential sources of N2O emissions in a clay grassland soil, A Castellano‐Hinojosa, N Loick, E Dixon, GP Matthews, D Lewicka‐Szczebak, R Well, R Bol, A Charteris, and L Cardenas
Achieving Inclusive Field-based Education: Results and Recommendations from an Accessible Geoscience Field Trip, AD Feig, CL Atchison, A Stokes, and B Gilley
Marine parks for coastal cities: A concept for enhanced community well-being, prosperity and sustainable city living, S. J. Pittman, L. D. Rodwell, R. J. Shellock, M. Williams, M. J. Attrill, J. Bedford, K. Curry, S. Fletcher, S. C. Gall, J. Lowther, A. McQuatters-Gollop, K. L. Moseley, and S. E. Rees
The paleolimnologist's guide to compound-specific stable isotope analysis – An introduction to principles and applications of CSIA for Quaternary lake sediments, J Holtvoeth, JH Whiteside, S Engels, FS Freitas, and et al
Hazardous Plastics in Swiss Lakes?, Montserrat Filella and Andrew Turner
Nasty, Brutish and Short? The life cycle of an Iron Age round house at Black Loch of Myrton, SW Scotland., A Crone, G Cavers, E Allison, K Davies, and et al
Seasonal variation of contaminant concentrations in wastewater treatment works effluents and river waters., S. D.W. Comber, M. J. Gardner, and B. Ellor
Autoxidation of the sea ice biomarker proxy IPSO 25 in the near-surface oxic layers of Arctic and Antarctic sediments, Jean François Rontani, Lukas Smik, and Simon T. Belt
The changing face of the Mediterranean: land cover, demography, and environmental change, Andrew Bevan, Alessio Palmisano, J Woodbridge-Fisher, Ralph Fyfe, C. Neil Roberts, and Stephen Shennan
Re-evaluation of the ethylene-dependent and -independent pathways in the regulation of floral and organ abscission, S Meir, S Philosoph-Hadas, J Riov, and et al
What do variable magnetic fabrics in gabbros of the Oman ophiolite reveal about lower oceanic crustal magmatism at fast spreading ridges?, Antony Morris, Matthew Meyer, Mark W. Anderson, and Christopher J. MacLeod
The eastern extent of seasonal iron limitation in the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean, A. J. Birchill, N. T. Hartner, K. Kunde, B. Siemering, C. Daniels, D Gonzalez-Santana, A. Milne, S. J. Ussher, P. J. Worsfold, K. Leopold, S. C. Painter, and M. C. Lohan
“You don't want to peer over people's shoulders, it feels too rude!”: the moral geographies of using participants’ personal smartphones in research, Mark Holton and Nichola Harmer
Early Ipswichian (last interglacial) sea level rise in the Channel region: Stone Point Site of Special Scientific Interest, Hampshire, England., R Briant, M Bates, S Boreham, N Cameron, and et al
Explosive activity of the last 1000 years at La Soufrière, St Vincent, Lesser Antilles, P. D. Cole, R. E.A. Robertson, L. Fedele, and C. Scarpati
Global bioevents and the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in Texas and Alabama: Stratigraphy, correlation and ocean acidification, Malcolm B. Hart, Andrew D. Leighton, Matthew Hampton, and Christopher W. Smart
Mapping upland peat depth using airborne radiometric and lidar survey data, N. Gatis, D. J. Luscombe, D. Carless, L. E. Parry, R. M. Fyfe, T. R. Harrod, R. E. Brazier, and K. Anderson
Mineralogical constraints on the thermal history of martian regolith breccia Northwest Africa 8114, JL MacArthur, JC Bridges, LJ Hicks, R Burgess, and et al
Prehistoric palaeodemographics and regional land cover change in eastern Iberia, Ralph M. Fyfe, J Woodbridge-Fisher, Alessio Palmisano, Andrew Bevan, Stephen Shennan, Francesc Burjachs, Herrero B Leggaro, Puchol O Garcia, JS Carrion, Jordi Revelles, and C. Neil Roberts
Estimating Uncertainties in Oceanographic Trace Element Measurements, Paul J. Worsfold, Eric P. Achterberg, Antony J. Birchill, Robert Clough, Ivo Leito, Maeve C. Lohan, Angela Milne, and Simon J. Ussher
Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution contracts southward during rapid regional warming, Angus Atkinson, Simeon L. Hill, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Volker Siegel, Christian S. Reiss, Valerie J. Loeb, Deborah K. Steinberg, Katrin Schmidt, Geraint A. Tarling, Laura Gerrish, and Sévrine F. Sailley
Framing resilience for river geomorphology: reinventing the wheel?, Dave J. Gilvear
What do IP25 and related biomarkers really reveal about sea ice change?, Simon T. Belt
Glastonbury Lake Village revisited: a multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental investigation of an Iron Age wetland settlement, TCB Hill, GE Hill, R. Brunning, R. Y. Banerjea, R. M. Fyfe, A. G. Hogg, J. Jones, M. Perez, and D. N. Smith
Delayed sedimentary response to abrupt climate change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, northern Spain, Robert A. Duller, John J. Armitage, Hayley R. Manners, Stephen Grimes, and Jones T Dunkley
Postphenomenology and Method: Styles for Thinking the (Non)Human, James Ash and Paul Simpson
10,000 years of climate control over carbon accumulation in an Iberian bog (southwestern Europe), Xabier Pontevedra-Pombal, Daniel Castro, Martín Souto, Isabel Fraga, William H. Blake, Maarten Blaauw, José A. López-Sáez, Sebastián Pérez-Díaz, Marcos Valcárcel, and Eduardo García-Rodeja
Antifouling paint particles in intertidal estuarine sediments from southwest England and their ingestion by the harbour ragworm, Hediste diversicolor, Andrew Turner, Christina Muller-Karanassos, William Arundel, Tom Vance, Penelope K. Lindeque, and Matthew Cole