Browse research from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Submissions from 2020
Feedback between high-pressure genesis of abiotic methane and strain localization in subducted carbonate rocks, F Giuntoli, A Vitale Brovarone, and L Menegon
The rise (and rise) of vertical studentification: Exploring the drivers of studentification in Australia, Mark Holton and Clare M. Mouat
Small shelly fossils and carbon isotopes from the early Cambrian (Stage 3-4) Mural Formation of western Laurentia, Christian B. Skovsted, Uwe Balthasar, Jakob Vinther, and Erik A. Sperling
Economic Contributions of Mega-Dam Infrastructure as Perceived by Local and Displaced Communities: A Case Study of Merowe Dam, Sudan, Sanzidur Rahman, Al Noor Abdullah, Stephen Essex, and James Benhin
Three‐dimensional structure, ground rupture hazards, and static stress models for complex non‐planar thrust faults in the Ventura basin, southern California, A. Hughes, R. E. Bell, Z. K. Mildon, D. H. Rood, A. C. Whittaker, T. K. Rockwell, Y. Levy, D. E. DeVecchio, S. T. Marshall, and C. Nicholson
Atomic spectrometry update: review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough and Steve J. Hill
Children's exposure to hazardous brominated flame retardants in plastic toys, Stuart Harrad, Oluwatoyin T. Fatunsin, Temilola O. Oluseyi, Daniel Drage, Mohamed Abou Elwafa Abdallah, and Andrew Turner
Increasing picocyanobacteria success in shelf waters contributes to long-term food web degradation, Katrin Schmidt, Antony J. Birchill, Angus Atkinson, Robert J.W. Brewin, James R. Clark, Anna E. Hickman, David G. Johns, Maeve C. Lohan, Angela Milne, Silvia Pardo, Luca Polimene, Tim J. Smyth, Glen A. Tarran, Claire E. Widdicombe, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, and Simon J. Ussher
Implementing the Sendai framework in developing countries using remote sensing techniques for the evaluation of natural hazards, MRZ Whitworth, S Boulton, and J Jones
Ferries as travelling landscapes: tourism and watery mobilities, Eva McGrath, Nichola Harmer, and Richard Yarwood
Resolving sea ice dynamics in the north-western Ross Sea during the last 2.6 ka: From seasonal to millennial timescales, T. Tesi, S. T. Belt, K. Gariboldi, F. Muschitiello, L. Smik, F. Finocchiaro, F. Giglio, E. Colizza, G. Gazzurra, P. Giordano, C. Morigi, L. Capotondi, A. Nogarotto, D. Köseoğlu, Roberto A Di, A. Gallerani, and L. Langone
The Reintroduction of Beavers to Scotland: Rewilding, Biopolitics, and the Affordance of Non-human Autonomy, Kim J. Ward and Jonathan Prior
Accommodation, M David, M Amey, and M Holton
Hydrodeoxygenation of anisole over Pt/Al‐SBA‐15: metal‐acid synergy, Atal Shivhare, James A. Hunns, Lee J. Durndell, Christopher M.A. Parlett, Mark A. Isaacs, Adam F. Lee, and Karen Wilson
Rock strength and structural controls on fluvial erodibility: Implications for drainage divide mobility in a collisional mountain belt, Jesse R. Zondervan, Martin Stokes, Sarah J. Boulton, Matt W. Telfer, and Anne E. Mather
Ethanol Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production Over Hierarchical Macroporous Mesoporous SBA-15 Supported Nickel Nanoparticles, Christopher M.A. Parlett, Lee J. Durndell, Mark A. Isaacs, Xiaotong Liu, and Chunfei Wu
Competition influences tree growth, but not mortality, across environmental gradients in Amazonia and tropical Africa, Danaë M.A. Rozendaal, Oliver L. Phillips, Simon L. Lewis, K Affum‐Baffoe, Esteban Alvarez-Davila, Ana Andrade, Luiz E.O.C. Aragão, A Araujo‐Murakami, Timothy R. Baker, Olaf Bánki, Roel J.W. Brienen, José Luis C. Camargo, James A. Comiskey, Kamdem MN Djuikouo, Sophie Fauset, Ted R. Feldpausch, Timothy J. Killeen, WF Laurance, SGW Laurance, Thomas Lovejoy, Yadvinder Malhi, Beatriz S. Marimon, Andrew R. Marshall, David A. Neill, Vargas P Núñez, Nigel C.A. Pitman, Lourens Poorter, Jan Reitsma, Marcos Silveira, Bonaventure Sonké, Bonaventure Sonké, Terry Sunderland, Hermann Taedoumg, H Steege, John W. Terborgh, Ricardo K. Umetsu, GMF Heijden, Emilio Vilanova, Vincent Vos, Lee J.T. White, Simon Willcock, Lise Zemagho, and Mark C. Vanderwel
Feral Political Ecologies?: The Biopolitics, Temporalities and Spatialities of Rewilding, Kim J. Ward, Sophie Wynne-Jones, Cara Clancy, George Holmes, and K O’Mahony
Pyroxene low-temperature plasticity and fragmentation as a record of seismic stress evolution in the lower crust, L Campbell and L Menegon
Photosynthetic quantum efficiency in south‐eastern Amazonian trees may be already affected by climate change, Rakesh Tiwari, David Galbraith, Emanuel Gloor, WJA Cruz, Marimon B Schwantes, BH Marimon‐Junior, Simone M. Reis, IA Souza, Heinrich G. Krause, Martijn Slot, Klaus Winter, David Ashley, Raiane G. Béu, Camila S. Borges, Cunha M Da, Sophie Fauset, Laura D.S. Ferreira, Maélly Dállet A. Gonçalves, Thaynara T. Lopes, Eduardo Q. Marques, NG Mendonça, Pedro T. Noleto, Milene A. Oliveira, Saulo Pireda, Prestes NCC Santos, DM Santos, EB Santos, ELS Silva, LJ Souza, Angela P. Vitória, LJ Souza, Angela P. Vitória, Christine H. Foyer, and David Galbraith
Flow of partially molten crust controlling construction, growth and collapse of the Variscan orogenic belt: the geologic record of the French Massif Central, O Vanderhaeghe, O Laurent, V Gardien, J-F Moyen, and et al
EIMS Fragmentation and detection of autoxidation products of 2,6,10,14‐tetramethyl‐7‐(3‐methylpent‐4‐enyl)‐pentadec‐5‐ene in Arctic sediments, Jean François Rontani, Lukas Smik, and Simon T. Belt
The spatiotemporal spread of human migrations during the European Holocene, Fernando Racimo, Jessie Woodbridge, Ralph M. Fyfe, Martin Sikora, Karl Göran Sjögren, Kristian Kristiansen, and Linden M Vander
Antimony in paints and enamels of everyday items, Andrew Turner and Montserrat Filella
Metals and marine microplastics: Adsorption from the environment versus addition during manufacture, exemplified with lead, Andrew Turner, Luke Holmes, Richard C. Thompson, and Andrew S. Fisher
‘The shops were only made for people who could walk’: impairment, barriers and autonomy in the mobility of adults with Cerebral Palsy in urban England, James Bonehill, Benzon N von, and Jon Shaw
Fluid-mediated, brittle–ductile deformation at seismogenic depth – Part 2: Stress history and fluid pressure variations in a shear zone in a nuclear waste repository (Olkiluoto Island, Finland), Francesca Prando, Luca Menegon, Mark Anderson, Barbara Marchesini, Jussi Mattila, and Giulio Viola
The oceanic biogeochemistry of nickel and its isotopes: New data from the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean biogeochemical divide, Corey Archer, Derek Vance, Angela Milne, and Maeve C. Lohan
Artificial and natural radionuclides in cryoconite as tracers of supraglacial dynamics: Insights from the Morteratsch glacier (Swiss Alps), G Baccolo, M Nastasi, C Clason, B Di Mauro, and et al
Editorial: Geoscience in a time of pandemics, J Tennant, S Illingworth, I Stewart, and Elverfeldt K von
Development and testing scenarios for implementing land use and land cover changes during the Holocene in Earth system model experiments, SP Harrison, M-J Gaillard, BD Stocker, M Vander Linden, and et al
Baddeleyite Microstructures in Variably Shocked Martian Meteorites: An Opportunity to Link Shock Barometry and Robust Geochronology, LG Staddon, JR Darling, NR Stephen, J Dunlop, and KT Tait
Bulk and Thermal Properties of Planetary Analogue Simulants and Martian Meteorites, HEA Brand, NR Stephen, and DJP Martin
A unique bacteriohopanetetrol stereoisomer of marine anammox, R Schwartz-Narbonne, P Schaeffer, EC Hopmans, M Schenesse, and et al
Dissolved iron in the Bermuda region of the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean: Seasonal dynamics, mesoscale variability, and physicochemical speciation, P. N. Sedwick, A. R. Bowie, T. M. Church, J. T. Cullen, R. J. Johnson, M. C. Lohan, C. M. Marsay, D. J. McGillicuddy, B. M. Sohst, A. Tagliabue, and S. J. Ussher
Cryoconite: an efficient accumulator of radioactive fallout in glacial environments, G Baccolo, E Łokas, P Gaca, D Massabò, and et al
Geomorphic Response to Differential Uplift: River Long Profiles and Knickpoints From Guadalcanal and Makira (Solomon Islands), Sarah J. Boulton
Tributary-junction alluvial fan response to an ENSO rainfall event in the El Huasco watershed, northern Chile, Albert Cabré, Germán Aguilar, Anne E. Mather, Víctor Fredes, and Rodrigo Riquelme
Developing the OECD 106 fate testing protocol for active pharmaceuticals in soil, Sean D.W. Comber, Katherine E. Lees, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Jason Snape, and Alan Tappin
Dark CO2 fixation into phospholipid-derived fatty acids by the cold-water coral associated sponge Hymedesmia (Stylopus) coriacea (Tisler Reef, NE Skagerrak), FC van Duyl, SK Lengger, S Schouten, and et al
Amber from the Triassic to Paleogene of Australia and New Zealand as exceptional preservation of poorly known terrestrial ecosystems, Jeffrey D. Stilwell, Andrew Langendam, Chris Mays, Lachlan J.M. Sutherland, Antonio Arillo, Daniel J. Bickel, Silva WT De, Adele H. Pentland, Guido Roghi, Gregory D. Price, David J. Cantrill, Annie Quinney, and E Penalver
A novel tri-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkene from the marine diatom Navicula salinicola, Simin Gao, Lukas Smik, Maxim Kulikovskiy, Nataliya Shkurina, Evgeniy Gusev, Nikolai Pedentchouk, Thomas Mock, and Simon T. Belt
Arsenic concentrations, distributions and bioaccessibilities at a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Devon Great Consols, Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape), Andrew Turner, Charlotte Braungardt, Xiaqing Chen, Daniel Chester-Sterne, and James G.A. Quinn
Arsenic speciation and its DNA fractionation in the rice plant Oryza sativa, ME Foulkes, BA Sadee, and SJ Hill
Arsenic speciation and its DNA fractionation in the rice plant Oryza sativa, Steve J. Hill, Mike E. Foulkes, and Bashdar A. Sadee
Asynchronous carbon sink saturation in African and Amazonian tropical forests, Wannes Hubau, Simon L. Lewis, Oliver L. Phillips, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Hans Beeckman, Aida Cuní-Sanchez, Armandu K. Daniels, Corneille E.N. Ewango, Sophie Fauset, Jacques M. Mukinzi, Douglas Sheil, Bonaventure Sonké, Martin J.P. Sullivan, Terry C.H. Sunderland, Hermann Taedoumg, SC Thomas, Lee J.T. White, Katharine A. Abernethy, Stephen Adu-Bredu, Christian A. Amani, Timothy R. Baker, Lindsay F. Banin, Fidèle Baya, Serge K. Begne, Amy C. Bennett, Fabrice Benedet, Robert Bitariho, Yannick E. Bocko, Pascal Boeckx, Patrick Boundja, Roel J.W. Brienen, Terry Brncic, Eric Chezeaux, George B. Chuyong, Connie J. Clark, Murray Collins, James A. Comiskey, David A. Coomes, Greta C. Dargie, Haulleville T de, Marie Noel Djuikouo Kamdem, Jean Louis Doucet, Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert, Ted R. Feldpausch, Alusine Fofanah, Ernest G. Foli, Martin Gilpin, Emanuel Gloor, Christelle Gonmadje, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, Jefferson S. Hall, Alan C. Hamilton, David J. Harris, Terese B. Hart, Mireille B.N. Hockemba, Annette Hladik, Suspense A. Ifo, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Tommaso Jucker, Emmanuel Kasongo Yakusu, Elizabeth Kearsley, David Kenfack, Alexander Koch, Miguel E. Leal, Aurora Levesley, Jeremy A. Lindsell, Janvier Lisingo, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Jon C. Lovett, Jean Remy Makana, Yadvinder Malhi, Andrew R. Marshall, J Martin, EH Martin, Faustin M. Mbayu, Vincent P. Medjibe, Vianet Mihindou, Edward T.A. Mitchard, Sam Moore, Pantaleo K.T. Munishi, Natacha Nssi Bengone, Lucas Ojo, Fidèle Evouna Ondo, Kelvin S.H. Peh, Georgia C. Pickavance, AD Poulsen, and N/A Pou
Atomic spectrometry update: review of advances in elemental speciation, Robert Clough, Chris F. Harrington, Steve J. Hill, Yolanda Madrid, and Julian F. Tyson
Atomic spectrometry update: review of advances in the analysis of metals, chemicals and materials, Andy Fisher, Simon Carter, Robert Clough, Bridget Gibson, Ben Russell, and Julia Waack
Auto-rewilding in post-industrial cities: the case of inland cormorants in urban Britain, Cara Clancy and Kim Ward
Carbonate clumped isotope evidence for latitudinal seawater temperature gradients and the oxygen isotope composition of Early Cretaceous seas, Gregory D. Price, David Bajnai, and Jens Fiebig
Causes and consequences of liana infestation in southern Amazonia, Simone Matias Reis, Beatriz Schwantes Marimon, Paulo S. Morandi, Fernando Elias, A Esquivel‐Muelbert, Sophie Fauset, EA Oliveira, GMF Heijden, David Galbraith, Ted R. Feldpausch, and Oliver L. Phillips
Corrigendum to “Using GLUE to pull apart the provenance of atmospheric dust” [Aeolian Res. 37 (2019) 1–13], Hamid Gholami, Behrooz R Dahmardeh, Matt W. Telfer, John D. Jansen, and Aboalhasan Fathabadi
Coseismic and monsoon-triggered landslide impacts on remote trekking infrastructure, Langtang Valley, Nepal, J. N. Jones, M. Stokes, S. J. Boulton, G. L. Bennett, and M. R.Z. Whitworth
Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in eastern England: further palaynological and geochemical data from Melton Ross, M Hart, P Dodsworth, and J Eldrett
Dissolved organic phosphorus uptake by marine phytoplankton is enhanced by the presence of dissolved organic nitrogen, Mark F. Fitzsimons, Ian Probert, Fanny Gaillard, and Andrew P. Rees
Ecosystem services of temporary streams differ between wet and dry phases in regions with contrasting climates and economies, Rachel Stubbington, Mike Acreman, Vicenç Acuña, Philip J. Boon, Andrew J. Boulton, Judy England, David Gilvear, Tim Sykes, and Paul J. Wood
Finding the VOICE: organic carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous Arctic Canada, Jennifer M. Galloway, Madeleine L. Vickers, Gregory D. Price, Terence Poulton, Stephen E. Grasby, Thomas Hadlari, Benoit Beauchamp, and Kyle Sulphur
Foraminifera of the Gault Clay Formation: An update, Malcolm B. Hart, Thomas Fogerty, and Christopher W. Smart
Geological, geophysical and plate kinematic constraints for models of the India-Asia collision and the post-Triassic central Tethys oceans, Andrew J. Parsons, Kasra Hosseini, Richard M. Palin, and Karin Sigloch
Isotopic evidence for partial geochemical decoupling between a Jurassic epicontinental sea and the open ocean, Silvia Danise, Gregory D. Price, Matthias Alberti, and Steven M. Holland
Key Opportunities to Replace, Reduce, and Refine Regulatory Fish Acute Toxicity Tests, N Burden, R Benstead, K Benyon, M Clook, C Green, J Handley, N Harper, SK Maynard, C Mead, A Pearson, K Ryder, D Sheahan, R Egmond, JR Wheeler, and TH Hutchinson
Kohl containing lead (and other toxic elements) is widely available in Europe, Montserrat Filella, Agathe Martignier, and Andrew Turner
Leisure craft sacrificial anodes as a source of zinc and cadmium to saline waters, Sean Comber, Aldous B. Rees, Anthony Gallagher, Laurance A. Wright, Jonathan Wood, Timothy Cathery, Bradley Harrison, and Chloe Down
Magnetic anisotropy reveals Acadian transpressional fabrics in an Appalachian ophiolite (Thetford Mines, Canada), Antony Morris, A Di Chiara, Mark W. Anderson, Luca Menegon, and Alain Tremblay
Mobilisation of antimony from microplastics added to coastal sediment, Andrew Turner and Elanor James
Particle-water interactions of bismuth under simulated estuarine conditions, Andrew Turner and Lydia J. Knight
Photo- and autoxidation of unsaturated algal lipids in the marine environment: An overview of processes, their potential tracers, and limitations, Jean François Rontani and Simon T. Belt
Protracted Shearing at Midcrustal Conditions During Large‐Scale Thrusting in the Scandinavian Caledonides, Francesco Giuntoli, Luca Menegon, Clare J. Warren, James Darling, and Mark W. Anderson
Quantifying the transient landscape response to active faulting using fluvial geomorphic analysis in the Qianhe Graben on the southwest margin of Ordos, China, Ling Han, Zhiheng Liu, Sarah J. Boulton, Tingting Wu, and Jianhua Guo
Regional Deformation and Offshore Crustal Local Faulting as Combined Processes to Explain Uplift Through Time Constrained by Investigating Differentially Uplifted Late Quaternary Paleoshorelines: The Foreland Hyblean Plateau, SE Sicily, M. Meschis, G. Scicchitano, G. P. Roberts, J. Robertson, G. Barreca, C. Monaco, C. Spampinato, D. Sahy, F. Antonioli, Z. K. Mildon, and G. Scardino
Scales of governance: Translating multiscalar transitional pathways in South Africa’s energy landscape, Federico Caprotti, Stephen Essex, Jon Phillips, Jiska de Groot, and Lucy Baker
Secular change and the onset of plate tectonics on Earth, Richard M. Palin, M. Santosh, Wentao Cao, Shan Shan Li, David Hernández-Uribe, and Andrew Parsons
Stability of Arsenic Species During Bioaccessibility Assessment Using the In Vitro UBM and HPLC-ICP-MS Detection, Şerife Tokalıoğlu, Robert Clough, Mike Foulkes, and Paul Worsfold
The biostratigraphy of the offshore Niger delta during the Late Quaternary: Complexities and progress of dating techniques, Onema Adojoh, Fabienne Marret-Davies, Robert Duller, Peter Osterloff, Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, Malcolm Hart, and Christopher Smart
The effect of irradiation and radiolytic oxidation on the porous space of Gilsocarbon nuclear graphite measured with mercury porosimetry and helium pycnometry, Giuliano M. Laudone, Katie L. Jones, and G. Peter Matthews
The global abundance of tree palms, Robert Muscarella, Thaise Emilio, Oliver L. Phillips, Simon L. Lewis, Ferry Slik, WJ Baker, Thomas L.P. Couvreur, Wolf L. Eiserhardt, Jens Christian Svenning, K Affum‐Baffoe, Shin Ichiro Aiba, EC Almeida, SS Almeida, EA Oliveira, E Álvarez‐Dávila, Luciana F. Alves, CM Alvez‐Valles, Fabrício Alvim Carvalho, Fernando Alzate Guarin, Ana Andrade, Luis E.O.C. Aragão, Alejandro Araujo Murakami, Luzmila Arroyo, Peter S. Ashton, Gerardo A.Aymard Corredor, TR Baker, Jose L.C. Camargo, Jos Barlow, Jean François Bastin, Natacha Nssi Bengone, Erika Berenguer, Nicholas Berry, Lilian Blanc, K Böhning‐Gaese, Damien Bonal, Frans Bongers, Matt Bradford, Fabian Brambach, Francis Q. Brearley, Steven W. Brewer, Jose L.C. Camargo, David G. Campbell, Carolina V. Castilho, Wendeson Castro, Damien Catchpole, Martínez CE Cerón, Shengbin Chen, Phourin Chhang, Percival Cho, Wanlop Chutipong, Connie Clark, Murray Collins, James A. Comiskey, Massiel Nataly Corrales Medina, Flávia R.C. Costa, Heike Culmsee, H David‐Higuita, Priya Davidar, J Aguila‐Pasquel, Géraldine Derroire, Fiore A Di, Do T Van, Jean Louis Doucet, Aurélie Dourdain, Donald R. Drake, Andreas Ensslin, Terry Erwin, Corneille E.N. Ewango, Robert M. Ewers, Sophie Fauset, Ted R. Feldpausch, J Ferreira, LV Ferreira, Markus Fischer, Janet Franklin, Gabriella M. Fredriksson, Thomas W. Gillespie, Martin Gilpin, Christelle Gonmadje, Arachchige Upali Nimal Gunatilleke, Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Jefferson S. Hall, Keith C. Hamer, and David J. Harris
The influence of additives on the fate of plastics in the marine environment, exemplified with barium sulphate, Montserrat Filella and Andrew Turner
Unravelling Middle to Late Jurassic palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic signals in the Hebrides Basin using belemnite clumped isotope thermometry, Madeleine L. Vickers, Alvaro Fernandez, Stephen P. Hesselbo, Gregory D. Price, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Stefanie Lode, Clemens V. Ullmann, Nicolas Thibault, Iben Winther Hougaard, and Christoph Korte
Using spatial patterns of fluvial incision to constrain continental-scale uplift in the Andes, L. A. Evenstar, A. E. Mather, and A. J. Hartley
Weathering and persistence of plastic in the marine environment: Lessons from LEGO, Andrew Turner, Rob Arnold, and Tracey Williams
Submissions from 2019
Peatland Catchments and Natural Flood Management. Review commissioned by the IUCN UK Peatland Programme’s Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands., T Allott and Paul Lunt
Mapping Careful Epidemiology: Spatialities, Materialities and Subjectivities in the Management of Animal Disease., Gareth Enticott and Kim Ward
A safer future with clues from earthquakes past, L Menegon and I Stewart
Dark carbon fixation in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone contributes to sedimentary organic carbon (SOM), SK Lengger, D Rush, JP Mayser, J Blewett, and et al
Marine pollution from pyroplastics, Andrew Turner, Claire Wallerstein, Rob Arnold, and D. Webb
Reconciling the stratigraphy and depositional history of the Lycian orogen-top basins, SW Anatolia, Johannes M. Bouchal, MC Alçiçek, Serdar Mayda, Veen JH ten, Sarah J. Boulton, Thomas A. Neubauer, H Alçiçek, Alexey S. Tesakov, Gerçek Saraç, H. Yavuz Hakyemez, Fikret Göktaş, Alison M. Murray, Vadim V. Titov, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Yeşim Büyükmeriç, Frank P. Wesselingh, F. Arzu Demirel, T. Tanju Kaya, Kazım Halaçlar, Melike Bilgin, and den Hoek Ostende LW van
Recycled electronic plastic and marine litter, Andrew Turner and Emma J. Shaw
Assessing the performance of a physically based hydrological model using a proxy‐catchment approach in an agricultural environment, V Escobar‐Ruiz, Hugh G. Smith, William H. Blake, and Neil Macdonald
Occurrence and fate of antimony in plastics, Montserrat Filella, Pierre Hennebert, Gudny Okkenhaug, and Andrew Turner
A Longitudinal Approach to Examining the Socio-Economic Resilience of the Alento District (Italy) to Land Degradation—1950 to Present, Giovanni Quaranta, Rosanna Salvia, Claire L. Kelly, and Geoff A. Wilson
Reconstructing spring sea ice concentration in the Chukchi Sea over recent centuries: insights into the application of the PIP25 index, J-H Kim, Jong Ku Gal, Sang Yoon Jun, Lukas Smik, D Kim, Simon T. Belt, Kwangkyu Park, Kyung Hoon Shin, and Seung Il Nam
Deviation between projected and observed precipitation trends greater with altitude, T. R. Murphy, M. E. Hanley, J. S. Ellis, and P. H. Lunt
Biochar incorporation increased nitrogen and carbon retention in a waste-derived soil, H. Kate Schofield, T. R. Pettitt, Alan D. Tappin, Gavyn K. Rollinson, and Mark F. Fitzsimons
Making geoscience fieldwork inclusive and accessible for students with disabilities, Alison Stokes, Anthony D. Feig, Christopher L. Atchison, and Brett Gilley
National climate-mitigation policy: the spatial framing of (in)justice claims, Ian Bailey and PG Harris
Transport and Redistribution of Radiocesium in Fukushima Fallout through Rivers, Yuichi Onda, Keisuke Taniguchi, Hugh G. Smith, William Blake, Kazuya Yoshimura, Yosuke Yamashiki, Takayuki Kuramoto, and Kimiaki Saito
Characterization of the Nairobi River catchment impact zone and occurrence of pharmaceuticals: implications for an impact zone inclusive environmental risk assessment, Sean Comber, Simone Bagnis, Alistair Boxall, Antony Gachanja, Mark Fitzsimons, Martin Murigi, Jason Snape, Alan Tappin, and John Wilkinson
A Shallow Earthquake Swarm Close to Hydrocarbon Activities: Discriminating between Natural and Induced Causes for the 2018–2019 Surrey, United Kingdom, Earthquake Sequence, Stephen P. Hicks, James Verdon, Brian Baptie, Richard Luckett, Zoë K. Mildon, and Thomas Gernon
The interplay between regeneration and scavenging fluxes drives ocean iron cycling, Alessandro Tagliabue, Andrew R. Bowie, Timothy DeVries, Michael J. Ellwood, William M. Landing, Angela Milne, Daniel C. Ohnemus, Benjamin S. Twining, and Philip W. Boyd
“We will change whether we want it or not”: Soil erosion in Maasai land as a social dilemma and a challenge to community resilience, Anna Rabinovich, Claire Kelly, Geoff Wilson, Mona Nasseri, Issakwisa Ngondya, Aloyce Patrick, William H. Blake, Kelvin Mtei, Linus Munishi, and Patrick Ndakidemi