
Rory Padfield, Oxford Brookes University
Sune Hansen, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Zoe G. Davies, University of Kent
Albrecht Ehrensperger, University of Bern
Eleanor M. Slade, Lancaster University
Stephanie Evers, Liverpool John Moores University
Effie Papargyropoulou, Oxford Brookes University
Cécile Bessou, Université de Montpellier
Norhayati Abdullah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Susan Page, University of Leicester
Marc Ancrenaz, Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme
Paul Aplin, Edge Hill University
Shahirah Balqis Dzulkafli, Malaysian Palm Oil Board
Holly Barclay, Monash University Malaysia
Darshanaa Chellaiah, Monash University Malaysia
Sonal Choudhary, University of Sheffield
Samantha Conway, University of Leeds
Sarah Cook, University of Warwick
Alison Copeland, Newcastle University
Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Nicolas J. Deere, University of Kent
Simon Drew, Newcastle University
David Gilvear, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ross Gray, Imperial College London
Tobias Haller, University of Bern
Amelia S.C. Hood, University of Cambridge
Lee Kim Huat, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Nhat Huynh, Tropical Catchment Research Initiative (TROCARI)
Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Lian Pin Koh, Conservation International
Sanath Kumaran Kolandai
Robin Ah Hee Lim
Kok Loong Yeong
Jennifer M. Lucey
Sarah H. Luke
Simon L. Mitchell
Marvin J. Montefrio
Katherine Mullin
Anand Nainar
K. Anne Isola Nekaris
Vincent Nijman
Matheus Nunes
Siti Nurhidayu
Patrick O'Reilly
Chong Leong Puan
Nadine Ruppert
Hengky Salim
Greetje Schouten
Anne Tallontire
Thomas E.L. Smith
Hsiao Hang Tao
Mun Hou Tham
Helena Varkkey
Jamie Wadey
Catherine M. Yule
Badrul Azhar
Alexander K. Sayok
Charles Vairappan
Jake E. Bicknell
Matthew J. Struebig



The rise of palm oil as the world's most consumed vegetable oil has coincided with exponential growth in palm oil research activity. Bibliometric analysis of research outputs reveals a distinct imbalance in the type of research being undertaken, notably a disproportionate focus on biofuel and engineering topics. Recognizing the expansion of oil palm agriculture across the tropics and the increasing awareness of environmental, social, and economic impacts, we seek to reorientate the existing research agenda toward one that addresses the most fundamental and urgent questions defined by the palm oil stakeholder community. Following consultation with 659 stakeholders from 38 countries, including palm oil growers, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and researchers, the highest priority research questions were identified within 13 themes. The resulting 279 questions, including 26 ranked as top priority, reveal a diversity of environmental and social research challenges facing the industry, ranging from the ecological and ecosystem impacts of production, to the livelihoods of plantation workers and smallholder communities. Analysis of the knowledge type produced from these questions underscores a clear need for fundamental science programmes, and studies that involve the consultation of non-academic stakeholders to develop “transformative” solutions to the oil palm sector. Stakeholders were most aligned in their choice of priority questions across the themes of policy and certification related themes, and differed the most in environmental feedback, technology and smallholder related themes. Our recommendations include improved regional academic leadership and coordination, greater engagement with private and public stakeholders in Africa, and Central and South America, and enhanced collaborative efforts with researchers in the major consuming countries of India and China.



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Frontiers in Forests and Global Change





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