Browse research from the School of Society and Culture.


Submissions from 2025

'Under the Strategic Command of One Admiralissimo': British Visions of Leadership and International Co-operation at Sea, Michael Finch, Aimée Fox, David Morgan-Owen, and Louis Halewood


Bringing matter, to matter: ‘Wild ideas’ about ‘readiness’ in the transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage to the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum in England, Katherine Evans

The ITTECF and educational research: the next version of a flawed vision?, Jim Hordern and Clare Brooks

Submissions from 2024


Non(belonging) of ethnic minority communities in Britain: Researcher reflections, Suparna Bagchi


Beyond bindis, bhajis, bangles and bhangra: Promoting multiculturalism in primary schools in predominantly white British places, Suparna Bagchi


“It’s not because they’re Gypsy”: Practitioners perspectives of Gypsies, Travellers and Crime and Justice, Raegan Booth, Kirsty Koral, and Kitty Lymperopoulou


Future-oriented science learning and its effects on students’ emotions, futures literacy and agency in the Anthropocene, Sibel Erduran and Jessica Chan


Writing to learn: creative LD perspectives for Learning Developers and students, Sandra Abegglen, Carina Buckley, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, and Alicja Syska


Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities: Fisheries regulator or environmental backstop? The complexities of section 153 Marine & Coastal Access Act 2009, Emma Bean, Jason Lowther, and Mike Williams

waves of flickering murmurs in everyday life: playing between ages, Joanna Haynes, Jan Georgeson, Karen Wickett, Mandy Andrews, Dani Landau, Kathrin Paal, Emma Bush, Magda Costa Carvalho, Viktor Johansson, Tiago Almeida, Lois Peach, Giovanna Caetano-Silva, Rose-Anne Reynolds, Bakhtawar Khosa, Patricia Hannam, Arthur C Wolf, Claudia Blandon, Georgios Petropoulos, and Hanna Oester-Barkey


Tracking implementation of shark-related measures and actions in the Mediterranean Region in the context of international law, Lydia Koehler and Jason Lowther


Ethnic inequalities in sentencing: Evidence from the crown court in England and Wales, Kitty Lymperopoulou


‘Release them into the wild, but how far can they go?’ Improving social and emotional mental health through teaching bushcraft skills to children with special educational needs and disability: a preliminary case series evaluation study, James Tonks, Ian Frampton, Ben Edwards, Kai Tonks, and Harriet Dismore


Hybrid researching race-related issues during COVID-19: Methodological conundrums, Suparna Bagchi


Grounded in liquidity: writing and identity in third space, Alicja Syska, Carina Buckley, and L Heggie


Post-neoliberalism? The strange case of the new English Freeports, Patrick Holden and Nichola Harmer


Scotland in the Forefront of Property Law Reforms in the UK: Potential Implications for the Scottish People, Goodtime Okara


"I am here" - the collective experience, impacts and sense-making from a shared Summer School experience, Joana Pereira de Magalhães Cruz, Shelbi A. Taylor, Julia Römer, Deepti R. Bhat, Álmos Szőcs, Kathrin Paal, and Betina Lopes


An Expert System on Flimsy Foundations: Teaching Expertise and the Early Career Framework, Jim Hordern, Katherine Evans, Pete Kelly, and Nick Pratt


The Harms of Imprisonment and Envisioning a Desistance-Supporting ‘Good Society’, Patricia Gray and Julie Parsons


INTERPOL and the rule of law, Giulio Calcara


On the intellectual horizons of social realism: a response to Barton, Jim Hordern


Conservation and management of chondrichthyans in the Mediterranean Sea: gaps, overlaps, inconsistencies, and the way forward, Ioannis Giovos, Jennifer M. Pytka, Jason Lowther, Lydia Koehler, Monica Barone, Camille Loth, Dimitirios K. Moutoploulos, Simone Niedermuller, and Carlotta Mazzoldi


Habit and the potential for actor training with immersive and virtual production technology, John Matthews


Signed, Sealed, but Not Delivered: the Credibility of Nigeria’s Climate Change Act 2021 in Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change in Nigeria, Goodtime Okara and Ruth Innocent

The Case(s) of Environmental and Sustainability Education in the United Kingdom, Marco Rieckmann, Rosalba Thomas Muñoz, Alun Morgan, and Paul Warwick


‘Each child must be assigned a key person’: context and interpretation of a statutory requirement in English Early Childhood Education and Care settings, Ulrike Hohmann


Collaboration, relationships and fleeting opportunities: growing the future early childhood music education workforce, Karen Wickett and Jane Parker


Higher Education and ableism: experiences of disabled students’ in England during the Covid-19 pandemic – stepping into inclusion, Suanne Gibson, Jen Shute, Zeta Williams-Brown, and Mette Westander


International Summer Schools as a Platform of Inclusive Education for Doctoral Students, Suparna Bagchi


Listening to young children with disabilities: Experiences of quality in mainstream primary education, Katherine Gulliver


Security at sea, cyber space, and the governance of the global commons, Louis Halewood and Rory Hopcraft


What's the future of Interpol?, Giulio Calcara


Covid stories: A narrative exploration of experiences of the pandemic among members of an academic research group, Becky Stancer, Jan Georgeson, Suparna Bagchi, Craig Myhill, Katherine Gulliver, Tara Vassallo, Mandy Andrews, GULSAH SELIN TUMKAYA, Vivien Southall, and Ramazan Merk


Sea-ing Differently, Kayla Parker, Marie Lavelle, Karen Wickett, and Stuart Moore


‘In This Prison We Have Our Main Meal at 11:30 AM’. The Significance of ‘Time’ For Food Among People Serving Custodial Sentences in England and Wales, Julie M. Parsons

Basil Bernstein: Code Theory and Beyond: By Brian Barrett. Pp xix, 122. Cham: Springer. 2024. £39.99 (pbk). £31.99 (ebk). ISBN 978-3-031-50743-4 (pbk), ISBN 978-3-031-50745-8 (ebk)., Jim Hordern


The Battle for the Soul of the Nation: Nationalist Polarization in the 2020 American Presidential Election and the Threat to Democracy, Eric Taylor Woods, Alexandre Fortier-Chouinard, Marcus Closen, Catherine Ouellet, and Robert Schertzer


Community policing and recovery: a case study following a mass shooting in the UK, Dan Gilling, Caroline Watson, Katie McBride, and Zoe James


”When we speak faculty listen:” exploring potential spaces for students to support lecturer academic development, Rebecca Turner, Lucy Spowart, Harriet C. Dismore, E. A. Beckmann, Rachael A.J. Carkett, and Tashmin Khamis


A relational approach to knowledge exchange in higher education, Harriet Dismore, Verity Campbell-Barr, Rachel Manning, and Paul Warwick


Teacher professionalism, expertise and the jurisdictional struggle, Jim Hordern

A Sense of Danger: Gender-Based Violence and the Quest for a Sensory Criminology, Amanda Holt and Sian Lewis


Book Review: The North Sea System for Petroleum Production, State Intervention on the British and Norwegian Continental Shelves by Brent F Nelsen and Tina Soliman Hunter, Goodtime Okara

Climate change and sustainability literacy: A mixed-methods study of attitudes to climate education in secondary schools, Alison Anderson


Creatures Who Advocate: An Ecocritical Reading of Jubilate Agno, Min Wild

Croning academics: menopause matters in higher education, Marie Lavelle, Joanna Haynes, and Emma Macleod-Johnstone


Safer Keyham Community Survey: Phase Two Final Report 2024, Caroline Watson, Rebekah Southern, Zoe James, and Katie McBride


Scotland in the Forefront of Property Law Reforms in the UK: Potential Implications for the Scottish People, Goodtime Okara

We Are Displaced, But We Are More Than That: Using Anarchist Principles to Materialize Capitalism’s Cracks at Sites of Contemporary Forced Displacement in Europe, Rachael Kiddey

Submissions from 2023


Evaluating the foundation year – 'Foundation sets you up as a student more than anything!', Louise Webber


Missing the point- the disappointed hope of self- publishing authors, Simone Schroff


Weapon of choice: a neoliberal institutional perspective on Italy’s decision to procure a sixth generation fighter aircraft, Lorenzo Cladi

How to Be a Learning Developer in Higher Education (Introduction), Alicja Syska and Carina Buckley


Archaeology in 2022: Counter‐myths for hopeful futures, James L. Flexner, M Berihuete‐Azorín, Chelsea Blackmore, Lewis Borck, Catherine J. Frieman, Corey A. Herrmann, and Rachael Kiddey


Towards a post-imperial and Global IR?: Revisiting Khatami’s Dialogue among Civilisations, Edward Wastnidge and Shabnam Holliday


Food Systems Under Pressure, Julie M. Parsons and A Draper


Traces of an Imperial Japanese Imaginary: Positioning the Japanese & Okinawan Settlements of Southern Alberta, Canada, 1910s-1930s, D Aoki


Actor training underwater in the future, John Matthews


Poetry and COVID-19: the benefit of poetry and the website to mental health and wellbeing, Anthony Caleshu, Rory Waterman, and Sam Kemp

Confirming the Ultra Low Emission Zone: another step towards cleaner air for London, J Lowther and J Sellick


Content moderation through removal of service: Content delivery networks and extremist websites, Seán Looney


Trust, Transgression and Surrender: Exploring Teacher and SEND Student Perceptions of Engagement with Creative Arts Project-Based Learning (CAPBL) Pedagogies, James Tarling


Strongholds of Liberalism? The Reaction of Regional Integration Institutions to the Pandemic Trade Crisis, Patrick Holden


Surveying communities after major incidents: A toolkit for practitioners, Caroline Watson, Katie McBride, Zoe James, and Rebekah Southern

On The Making of White American Identity: Ron Eyerman and Eric Taylor Woods in Conversation, Eric Taylor Woods and Ron Eyerman


Book Review: Research Handbook on Ocean Governance Law by Simone Borg, Felicity G Attard and Patricia Mallia Vella de Fremeaux. Environmental Law Review, 25(2), 193-195, J Lowther

‘Quale autonomia strategica? Le ambizioni europee, la reazione americana e il futuro della partnership transatlantica’, in G. Natalizia and L. Termine, eds., La NATO verso il 2030: continuità e discontinuità nelle relazioni transatlantiche dopo il nuovo Concetto Strategico, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 131-143, L Cladi and A Locatelli


Of Ice Cream, Potatoes, and Kimono-Clad Japanese Women: Forgetting and Remembering the Japanese Racialization of Lethbridge’s Sensuous Geographies, C Hodes, G Bonaficio, D Aoki, and C Adams


Criminalising Neonaticide: Reflections on Law and Practice in England and Wales, K Brennan and E Milne


“We were amused by an itinerant singing-man”: Print, Writing, and Orality in Mungo Park’s Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, A Sood


"We were amused by an itinerant singing-man": Print, Writing, andOrality in Mungo Park's Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, Arun Sood


Animals Other than Human Animals and Their Claim to Equal Consideration in Coronavirus and Criminological Study: Examining Harm to Domesticated Dogs during COVID-19 in the UK, Rebekah Kim Gregory

Review of Nina Grӕger, Bertel Heurlin, Ole Waever and Anders Wivel, eds., Polarity in International Relations: past, present, future, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, ISBN 978-3-031-05504-1, L Cladi


A space for partnership and empowerment: how the Writing Café negotiates inclusion in Higher Education, Cara Baer and Nina Kearney


Introduction, Elizabeth J. Done and Helen Knowler


“From This Invisible Archipelago”: The Oceanic Ecopoetics of Craig Santos Perez, Mandy Bloomfield


Quality Early Childhood Education and Care in a Time of COVID-19, Sasha Tregenza and Verity Campbell-Barr


Coping flexibly: role reorientation and the UK’s military cooperation with European allies after Brexit, Lorenzo Cladi


Beyond hegemony, world order as domination: Iran’s Green Movement and the nuclear sanctions regimes, Shabnam J. Holliday


Renewing Historical Criminology: Scope, Significance, and Future Directions, Iain Channing, David Churchill, and Henry Yeomans


Assessing the Impact of Racist Incidents on the community in Plymouth., Chris Pac-Soo and Emma Taylor


Book Review: Research Handbook on Ocean Governance Law by Simone Borg, Felicity G Attard and Patricia Mallia Vella de Fremeaux, J Lowther


Book Reviews, L Cladi


Evaluating the implementation of a ‘Child First’ approach within Plymouth’s Youth Justice multi-agency diversion scheme., Emma Taylor, Patricia Gray, Katie McBride, and Zoe James


Failures in regulating discharges of untreated sewage into rivers • R (Wild Justice) v Water Services Regulation Authority [2023] EWCA Civ 28, N Zubowicz, J Lowther, and J Sellick

“I certainly didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition!”: Politics of transculturation in a Spanish enclave in North Africa, Stephan Palmié and Brian Campbell


Insights Into a High-Quality Early Years Curriculum, Verity Campbell Barr, Katherine Evans, Jan Georgeson, and Sasha Tregenza

Learning Developers as Writers: The Four Tendencies Framework to Get Writing, Alicja Syska and Carina Buckley


Not hearing, not engaging, and not happening: Elusive Inclusive Higher Education, it is time to reconsider sector practices in partnership with disabled student expertise, Suanne Gibson, Zeta Williams-Brown, Jen Shute, and Mette Westander


Not hearing, not engaging, not happening: Elusive Inclusive HE, it is time to reconsider sector practices in partnership with disabled student expertise, Suanne Gibson, Zeta Williams-Brown, Jen Shute, and Mette Westander


River water quality in agricultural areas • R (Sahota) v Herefordshire Council and another [2022] EWCA Civ 1640, B Coupland, J Sellick, and J Lowther


The ‘People’s War on Terror’ in Xinjiang: A model for China?, Hannah Theaker


The rural enterprise crime complex: ‘undefendable rural space’ and the threat from the fortress farm, Orlando Goodall

Trans/feminist collaborative autoethnographic storying of gender-based violence, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lesley Murray, Jessica Moriarty, Amanda Holt, Sian Lewis, and Mel Parks

Submissions from 2022


Advocacy leadership and the de-professionalising of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator role, Elizabeth J. Done, Helen Knowler, Hazel Richards, and Stephanie Brewster


An International Review – Carrying the Torch of Anthony D. Smith’s Goal to Map the Field of Nationalism Studies, ET Woods and R Schertzer


‘Gentle humour’ to ‘savage satire’: Austen obituaries on her death, its centenary and bicentenary, A Bautz


Researching ‘off rolling’ as a sensitive topic: ‘Hard’ evidence and experiential accounts, Elizabeth J. Done


The role pressures for Special Educational Needs Coordinators as managers, leaders and advocates in the Covid-19 pandemic: implications for inclusive education, E Done