Access datasets from the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Datasets from 2025
Many-objective optimisation of offshore wind farms (dataset), Pawel Manikowski, Matthew Craven, and David Walker
Datasets from 2024
EEFIT Landslide Inventory, Joshua N Jones and Sarah Boulton
EEFIT Liquefaction Inventory, Joshua N Jones and Sarah Boulton
EEFIT Surface Rupture Data, Sarah Boulton
Data for paper "Fine Sediment-Associated Contaminants in Gravel Bed Rivers: Evaluating Storage Times and Turnover Using Fallout Radionuclides (FRNs)", Enrique Munoz Arcos
L&R Physical Modelling Data: Regular Wave Interaction with Elastic Floating Structures (CCP-WSI Test Case 016 Dataset), Scott Brown, Nan Xie, Martyn Hann, and Deborah Greaves
Berwickshire and North Northumberland Shipwreck surveys, 2021 - 2022., Jennifer Hickman, Joe Richards, Adam Rees, and Emma Sheehan
Data from: Sheared turbulent flows and wake dynamics of an idled floating tidal turbine, Lilian Lieber and Alex Nimmo Smith
Tsunami Experiment Data Table, Storm Roberts
Dataset for "Nuanced impacts of the invasive aquatic plant Crassula helmsii on Northwest European freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages", Samuel J.L. Tasker, Andy Foggo, Kevin Scheers, der Loop J van, Salvatore Giordano, and David Bilton
CCP-WSI_TestCase_001, Edward Ransley
CCP-WSI_TestCase_002, Edward Ransley
CCP-WSI_TestCase_003, Edward Ransley
CCP-WSI_TestCase_004, Edward Ransley
CCP-WSI_TestCase_005, Edward Ransley
Phil Trans R Soc A dataset, Alison Raby
Yealm Mapper data for QGIS, Shaun Lewin, Gillian Glegg, Olivia Wilson, and Thomas Murphy
The silent majority: pico- and nanoplankton as ecosystem health indicators for marine policy, Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Rowena Stern, Angus Atkinson, Mike Best, Eileen Bresnan, Veronique Creach, Michelle Devlin, Matt Holland, Clare Ostle, Katrin Schmidt, Lawrence Sheppard, Glen Tarran, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, and Paul Tett
Datasets from 2023
Supplementary information on early-stage floating offshore wind platform designs, Emma Edwards, Anna Holcombe, Scott Brown, Edward Ransley, Martyn Hann, and Deborah Greaves
Semi-structured interview transcripts of fishing gear recyclers, Amanda Burton
Sediment sorting within a relatively wave-exposed and sandy subtidal seagrass (Zostera marina) meadow, Gerd Masselink
Role of atmospheric indices in describing shoreline variability along the Atlantic coast of Europe, Gerd Masselink, Tim Scott, Aikaterini Konstantinou, and Bruno Castelle
FW230330_Willcocksetal_SupplementaryData, Francesca Willcocks, Natasha R. Stephen, Jennifer T. Mitchell, and Stephen Grimes
Violent breaking-wave impacts. Part 4: A detailed analysis and comparison of field and 1:4 scale measurements on sloping and vertical walls including the influence of air and scale effects., Geoffrey Bullock and Henrik Bredmose
Data associated with 'Rowney et al. (2023). Historical anthropogenic disturbances explain long-term moorland vegetation dynamics. Ecology and Evolution', Francis Rowney, Ralph Fyfe, Leonard Baker, Henry French, Martha Hall, Havananda Ombashi, and Rhys Timms
Data associated with 'Rowney et al. (2022). Ecological consequences of historic moorland ‘improvement’. Biodiversity and Conservation', Francis Rowney, Ralph Fyfe, Philip Anderson, Robert Barnett, Will Blake, Tim Daley, Katie Head, Alison MacLeod, Ian Matthews, and David Smith
Datasets from 2022
Hydrodynamic response of a floating offshore wind turbine (1st FOWT Comparative Study Dataset), Edward Ransley, Scott Brown, Emma Edwards, Tom Tosdevin, Kieran Monk, A. Reynolds, Deborah Greaves, and Martyn Hann
Data from: A Marine Natural Capital Asset and Risk Register – Towards securing the benefits from marine systems and linked ecosystem services, Sian Rees, Matthew Ashley, and Tom Mullier
Datasets from 2021
Dataset for Parsons et al 2022: U-Pb zircon geochronology from the Northern Cordillera, central Yukon, with implications for its tectonic assembly. Tectonics, Andrew Parsons, William McClelland, Alexandre Zagorevski, Jim Ryan, Mark Coleman, Nathan Cleven, and Cees van Staal
Wind turbines dataset, Pawel Manikowski, David Walker, and Matthew Craven
Predicting Dominance of Sand Transport by Waves, Tides, and Their Interactions on Sandy Continental Shelves: Dataset, Erin Victoria King, Daniel Conley, Gerd Masselink, and Nicoletta Leonardi
Wave, Tide and Topographical Controls on Headland Sand Bypassing: Dataset, Erin Victoria King, Daniel Conley, Gerd Masselink, Nicoletta Leonardi, Jak McCarroll, Nieves Valiente, and Tim Scott
Wave, Tide and Topographical Controls on Headland Sand Bypassing: Model Files, Erin Victoria King, Daniel Conley, Gerd Masselink, Nicoletta Leonardi, Jak McCarroll, Tim Scott, and Nieves Valiente
Dataset for paper pair 'Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania', Maarten Wynants, Patrick Aloyce, Linus Munishi, Kelvin Mtei, Samuel Bodé, Alex Taylor, Geoffrey Millward, Neil Roberts, David Gilvear, Patrick Ndakidemi, Pascal Boeckx, and Will Blake
Sifted QP Solutions for Minimum Proportions Dataset, Matthew Craven and David Graham
Dataset for ES/P004792/1 - Conserving Cultural Heritage: The Resilience of Forcibly Displaced Syrian Artisans in Jordan, Haya Al-Dajani, Marta Hawkins, Geoff Wilson, and Hoayda Darkal
Datasets from 2020
XBeach-G model simulation of 2.5-m sea-level rise on sand and gravel coral reef island (Masselink et al., JGR(ES), 2021), Gerd Masselink
Research data supporting "What drives biodiversity patterns? Using long-term multi-disciplinary data to discern centennial-scale change" [dataset], Ralph Fyfe and Jessie Woodbridge
Instances for Group-Theoretic Cryptology, Matthew Craven and John Woodward
The West Europe Pressure Anomaly: 1943-2018, Tim Scott, Gerd Masselink, Bruno Castelle, and Guillaume Dodet
Datasets from 2019
The Impact of Waves and Tides on Residual Sand Transport on a Sediment-Poor, Energetic, and Macrotidal Continental Shelf: Dataset, Erin Victoria King, Daniel Conley, Gerd Masselink, Nicoletta Leonardi, Jak McCarroll, and Tim Scott
Sifted QP solutions for portfolio optimisation problems dataset, David Graham and Matthew Craven
Storm Emma, Start Bay 2018 (BLUE-coast project), Jak McCarroll, Gerd Masselink, Mark Wiggins, Tim Scott, Oliver Billson, Daniel Conley, Nieves Valiente, Peter Ganderton, Aaron Barrett, and Tim Poate
Datasets from 2018
Wave transformation across coral reef platforms (2016 experiment) , Gerd Masselink
180427_dataset_ECM, Carlos Perez-Collazo, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez
180315_dataset_OMAE2018, Carlos Perez-Collazo, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez
180309_dataset_MDPI_Energies, Carlos Perez-Collazo, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez
Datasets from 2017
A Dataset for Three-Dimensional Distribution of 39 Elements Including Plant Nutrients and Other Metals and Metalloids in the Soils of a Forested Headwater Catchment, B. Wu, I. Wiekenkamp, Y. Sun, Andrew Fisher, Rob Clough, N. Gottselig, H. Bogena, T. Pütz, N. Brüggemann, H. Vereecken, and R. Bol
170426_dataset_EWTEC, Carlos Perez-Collazo, J. Skanberg-Tippen, Deborah Greaves, and Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez
Waves Across Shore Platforms (WASP) project dataset, Timothy Poate and Gerd Masselink
Research data supporting Open Access paper: "Physical modelling of wave scattering around fixed FPSO-shaped bodies", T. Mai, Deborah Greaves, Alison Raby, and P. H. Taylor