- Scott Brown: 0000-0002-6858-3316
- Martyn Hann: 0000-0003-3965-9331
- Deborah Greaves: 0000-0003-3906-9630
The study aims to provide novel experimental data to assist with the development of a coupled numerical methodology for simulating fully nonlinear hydroelastic interactions with highly-flexible floating structures. The data was collected as part of the EPSRC project EP/N008847/1: ‘A zonal CFD approach for fully nonlinear simulations of two vessels in launch and recovery operations’. Dataset Description: Physical modelling data for four floating flexible structures of varying dimensions subjected to regular waves. The data was collected in a wave flume at the COAST Laboratory. A full description of the physical modelling setup including the dimensions of Structures A-D can be found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103363. The dataset is published as a numerical benchmark (test case 016) through the CCP-WSI project (https://www.ccp-wsi.ac.uk/data_repository/test_cases/test_case_016).
DOI Link
Publication Date
CCP-WSI Test Case 016, Hydroelasticity, Numerical Benchmark
Recommended Citation
Brown, S., Xie, N., Hann, M., & Greaves, D. (2024) L&R Physical Modelling Data: Regular Wave Interaction with Elastic Floating Structures (CCP-WSI Test Case 016 Dataset) [data set]. University of Plymouth Research Repository. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24382/kre8-ct47