- David Gilvear: 0000-0003-3859-8290
- Will Blake: 0000-0001-9447-1361
Soil resources in Tanzania are rapidly being depleted by increased rates of soil erosion and downstream sediment transport, threatening ecosystem health, water- and livelihood security in the region. However, a lack of understanding into the dynamics of soil erosion and sediment transport is undermining the mitigation of this type of soil degradation. By integrating geochemical and biochemical fingerprints in sediment source tracing techniques, this study demonstrated links between land use, soil erosion and downstream sediment transport in Tanzania. Such evidence can guide stakeholders and policy makers in targeted management interventions to safeguard future soil health and water quality. Data Description: The raw data, model inputs and -build, and model outputs for the paper 'Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania: Part I - sediment source tracing in three neighbouring river catchments.' The sediment core geochemical and CSSI data for the paper 'Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania: Part II -, sedimentological evidence of phased land degradation.' Citation: Wynants, M. (2021). Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania . PEARL Research Repository https://doi.org/10.24382/9xmf-7e88
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(sub) surface erosion, Bayesian mixing models, climate change, Compound specific stable isotopes, East Africa, Geochemical fingerprinting, land degradation, land use, river catchment, Sediment tracing
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Wynants, M., Aloyce, P., Munishi, L., Mtei, K., Bodé, S., Taylor, A., Millward, G., Roberts, N., Gilvear, D., Ndakidemi, P., Boeckx, P., & Blake, W. (2021) Dataset for paper pair 'Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania' [data set]. University of Plymouth Research Repository. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24382/9xmf-7e88