
This dataset is in support of the article "Wave, Tide and Topographical Controls on Headland Sand Bypassing" by King et al. (2021). This dataset contains: All model input files for calibration, validation, and testing scenarios. A .xlsx file with headland morphometric parameters. A .csv file with all headland names and associated numbers as used in the manuscript. A .xlsx file with wave data from the WaveHub buoy used to characterise the wave climate. A NetCDF file with processed DTM's showing the derivation of sediment coverage along the North Coast of Cornwall, UK. A NetCDF file with modelled headland bypassing rates for all headlands and scenarios. A NetCDF file with parameterised headland bypassing rates for all iterations of the parameterization. A NetCDF file with environmental and topographical parameters associated with each headland and modelled scenario as used in the headland bypassing parameterisations.



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Headland bypassing, sediment transport, sediment budget, Delft3D, wave-current interactions, embayed beaches, wave-tide interactions, sediment availability

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
