- Ralph Fyfe: 0000-0002-5676-008X
https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/research/centre-for-research-in-environment-and-society-ceres/reclaiming-exmoor Dataset Description: Data associated with 'Rowney et al. (2023). Historical anthropogenic disturbances explain long-term moorland vegetation dynamics. Ecology and Evolution' Citation: Rowney, F. et al. (2023). Data associated with 'Rowney et al. (2023). Historical anthropogenic disturbances explain long-term moorland vegetation dynamics. Ecology and Evolution'. PEARL Research Repository https://doi.org/10.24382/0ps2-6t74
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Rowney, F., Fyfe, R., Baker, L., French, H., Hall, M., Ombashi, H., & Timms, R. (2023) Data associated with 'Rowney et al. (2023). Historical anthropogenic disturbances explain long-term moorland vegetation dynamics. Ecology and Evolution' [data set]. University of Plymouth Research Repository. Available at: 10.24382/0ps2-6t74" >https://doi.org/10.24382/0ps2-6t74