- Gerd Masselink: 0000-0001-6079-7611
- Mark Wiggins: 0000-0003-2232-7680
- Tim Scott: 0000-0002-3357-7485
- Daniel Conley: 0000-0001-6822-5386
This submission contains data associated with the article "High‐efficiency gravel longshore sediment transport and headland bypassing over an extreme wave event", published in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms on 29 June 2019. Field observations were collected by the Coastal Processes Research Group (CPRG), Plymouth University as part of the BLUE-coast project (funded by NERC grant NE/M004996/1). Data include observations of hydrodynamics and morphologic change obtained at Start Bay, Devon, UK from February to March 2018. This period included an extreme storm sequence, from 22/2/2018 to 3/3/2018, including the named storm Emma. Outputs from a numerical wave transformation model (SWAN, Delft3D-WAVE) for the storm period are also included. Dataset Description: A detailed metadata document is included with the submission (ST18_README.docx). This includes information on all included files and datasets. Citation: McCarroll, R. J. et al. (2019). Storm Emma, Start Bay 2018 (BLUE-coast project). PEARL Research Repository https://doi.org/10.24382/c3ee-6p96
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McCarroll, J., Masselink, G., Wiggins, M., Scott, T., Billson, O., Conley, D., Valiente, N., Ganderton, P., Barrett, A., & Poate, T. (2019) Storm Emma, Start Bay 2018 (BLUE-coast project) [data set]. University of Plymouth Research Repository. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24382/c3ee-6p96