- Adam Rees: 0000-0002-0179-3079
- Emma Sheehan: 0000-0002-1066-8237
'Shipwrecks act as de facto marine protected areas in areas of heavy fishing pressure' Species count and abundance data collected from 5 shipwrecks, surrounding 50m radius and nearby control sites off of the Berwickshire and North Northumberland coast, from 2021 - 2022. Species data have been fourth root transformed for analysis purposes. Citation: Hickman, J. et al. (2023). Berwickshire and North Northumberland Shipwreck surveys, 2021 - 2022. PEARL Research Repository https://doi.org/10.24382/n8zv-hy23
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Hickman, J., Richards, J., Rees, A., & Sheehan, E. (2024) Berwickshire and North Northumberland Shipwreck surveys, 2021 - 2022. [data set]. University of Plymouth Research Repository. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24382/n8zv-hy23