Browse research from the School of Biological and Marine Sciences.
Submissions from 2013
The Use of HyPer to Examine Spatial and Temporal Changes in H2O2 in High Light-Exposed Plants, Philip M. Mullineaux, Marino Exposito-Rodriguez, Pierre Philippe Laissue, George R. Littlejohn, and Nicholas Smirnoff
Tidally induced lateral dispersion of the Storfjorden overflow plume, F. Wobus, G. I. Shapiro, J. M. Huthnance, M. A.M. Maqueda, and Y. Aksenov
Tolerance of sponge assemblages to temperature anomalies: resilience and proliferation of sponges following the 1997-8 El-Niño southern oscillation., Francisco Kelmo, James J. Bell, and Martin J. Attrill
Towards a Consensus View on Understanding Nanomaterials Hazards and Managing Exposure: Knowledge Gaps and Recommendations, G Hunt, I Lynch, F Cassee, RD Handy, TF Fernandes, M Berges, TAJ Kuhlbusch, M Dusinska, and M Riediker
Towards improved socio-economic assessments of ocean acidification's impacts, Nathalie Hilmi, Denis Allemand, Sam Dupont, Alain Safa, Gunnar Haraldsson, Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Chris Moore, Caroline Hattam, Stéphanie Reynaud, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Maoz Fine, Carol Turley, Ross Jeffree, James Orr, Philip L. Munday, and Sarah R. Cooley
Submissions from 2012
Effect of nitrogen on safflower physiology and productivity, SJ Mohamed, AJ Jellings, and MP Fuller
Germination of primed seed under NaCl stress in wheat., MP Fuller, JH Hamza, HZ Rihan, and Issawi M Al
Variation in Patterns of Metal Accumulation in Thallus Parts of Lessonia trabeculata (Laminariales; Phaeophyceae): Implications for Biomonitoring, CA Sáez, MG Lobos, EC Macaya, and et al
Catching the Right Wave: Evaluating Wave Energy Resources and Potential Compatibility with Existing Marine and Coastal Uses, C-K Kim, JE Toft, M Papenfus, G Verutes, and AD Guerry
An improved micro propagation system for successful transformation of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)., FG Al-Swedi, S Lane, and MP Fuller
UV-B affects photosynthesis, ROS production and motility of the freshwater flagellate, Euglena agilis Carter, S Kottuparambil, W Shin, MT Brown, and T Han
An environmental assessment of risk in achieving good environmental status to support regional prioritisation of management in Europe, P Breen, LA Robinson, SI Rogers, F Goodsir, and et al
Characterisation of friction and lubrication regimes in premium tubular connections, F Stewart, HR Le, JA Williams, and et al
Osmoregulators proline and glycine betaine counteract salinity stress in canola, MT Sakr, NM El-Sarkassy, and MP Fuller
Water bathing alters threat perception in starlings, BO Brilot and M Bateson
Long-Term Retrospective Analysis of Mackerel Spawning in the North Sea: A New Time Series and Modeling Approach to CPR Data, T Jansen, K Kristensen, M Payne, and et al
When is general wariness favored in avoiding multiple predator types?, BO Brilot, M Bateson, D Nettle, MJ Whittingham, and JC Read
Agrobacterium mediated transformation of anti-stress genes into cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.). 2. Transformation and confirmation of stress tolerance., EMR Metwali, MP Fuller, and AJ Jellings
Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Chitosan-Montmorillonite Nano-Composite, ZJ Shou, HR Le, SY Qu, RA Rothwell, and RE Mackay
Predicting ecosystem shifts requires new approaches that integrate the effects of climate change across entire systems., Bayden D. Russell, Christopher D.G. Harley, Thomas Wernberg, Nova Mieszkowska, Stephen Widdicombe, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Sean D. Connell
Investigation of the calcification response of foraminifera and pteropods to high CO2 environments in the Pleistocene, Paleogene and Cretaceous, M Hart, L Pettit, D Wall-Palmer, J Hall-Spencer, C Smart, A Medina-Sanchez, RM Prol-Ledesma, R Rodolfo-Metalpa, and P Collins
Interactions between multiple recruitment drivers: post-settlement mortality overrides flow-mediated recruitment, AM Knights, LB Firth, and K Walters
Report of the ICES/NAFO Joint Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC), JM Hall-Spencer
Scientific Case for Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change to Protect Young People and Nature, J Hansen, P Kharecha, M Sato, F Ackerman, and et al
Threats to ultraoligotrophic marine ecosystems, D Kletou and JM Hall-Spencer
Effect of pH and temperature on the morphology and phases of co-precipitated hydroxyapatite, H. R. Le, K. Y. Chen, and C. A. Wang
Numerical simulations of dense water cascading on a steep slope, Fred Wobus, Georgy I. Shapiro, Miguel A.M. Maqueda, and John M. Huthnance
Artificial Seed Production from Encapsulated Microshoots of Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var botrytis), HZ Rihan, MP Fuller, M Al-Issawi, and S Burchett
Assessing the congruence of thermal niche estimations derived from distribution and physiological data. A test using diving beetles., David Sánchez-Fernández, Pedro Aragón, David T. Bilton, and Jorge M. Lobo
Community-level response of coastal microbial biofilms to ocean acidification in a natural carbon dioxide vent ecosystem., Michael Cunliffe, Ian Lidbury, Vivienne Johnson, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Colin B. Munn
Effects of ocean acidification on Mediterranean coastal habitats, N Stambler, JM Hall-Spencer, and R Rodolfo-Metalpa
Fabrication and mechanical properties of chitosan composite membrane containing hydroxyapatite particles, HR Le, S Qu, RE Mackay, and R Rothwell
Global habitat suitability of cold-water octocorals, Chris Yesson, Michelle L. Taylor, Derek P. Tittensor, Andrew J. Davies, John Guinotte, Amy Baco, Julie Black, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Alex D. Rogers
Influence of climate change and trophic coupling across four trophic levels in the Celtic Sea., Valentina Lauria, Martin J. Attrill, John K. Pinnegar, Andrew Brown, Martin Edwards, and Stephen C. Votier
Marine bivalve shell geochemistry and ultrastructure from modern low pH environments: environmental effect versus experimental bias, S. Hahn, R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, E. Griesshaber, W. W. Schmahl, D. Buhl, J. M. Hall-Spencer, C. Baggini, K. T. Fehr, and A. Immenhauser
Metamorphosis and animal personality: a neglected opportunity, Alexander D.M. Wilson and Jens Krause
MOLECULAR DIVERSITY OF MAERL-FORMING CORALLINES (CORALLINALES, RHODOPHYTA), JJ Hernandez-Kantun, F Rindi, R Riosmena-Rodriguez, CA Maggs, JM Hall-Spencer, and V Pena
Ocean acidification and the loss of phenolic substances in marine plants., Thomas Arnold, Christopher Mealey, Hannah Leahey, A. Whitman Miller, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Marco Milazzo, and Kelly Maers
Personality and metamorphosis: is behavioral variation consistent across ontogenetic niche shifts?, Alexander D.M. Wilson and Jens Krause
Practical considerations for conducting ecotoxicity test methods with manufactured nanomaterials: what have we learnt so far?, Richard D. Handy, den Brink N van, Mark Chappell, Martin Mühling, Renata Behra, Maria Dušinská, Peter Simpson, Jukka Ahtiainen, Awadhesh N. Jha, Jennifer Seiter, Anthony Bednar, Alan Kennedy, Teresa F. Fernandes, and Michael Riediker
Sea anemones may thrive in a high CO2 world, David J. Suggett, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Toby G. Boatman, Ross Payton, DT Pettay, Vivienne R. Johnson, Mark E. Warner, and Tracy Lawson
210Pb-226Ra chronology reveals rapid growth rate of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa on world's largest cold-water coral reef, P. Sabatier, J. L. Reyss, J. M. Hall-Spencer, C. Colin, N. Frank, N Tisnerat-Laborde, L. Bordier, and E. Douville
Temperate and tropical brown macroalgae thrive, despite decalcification, along natural CO2 gradients, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Vivienne R. Johnson, Bayden D. Russell, Katharina E. Fabricius, and Colin Brownlee
The effect of geographical scale of sampling on DNA barcoding., Johannes Bergsten, David T. Bilton, Tomochika Fujisawa, Miranda Elliott, Michael T. Monaghan, Michael Balke, Lars Hendrich, Joja Geijer, Jan Herrmann, Garth N. Foster, Ignacio Ribera, Anders N. Nilsson, Timothy G. Barraclough, and Alfried P. Vogler
The Production of Cauliflower Microshoots using Curd Meristematic Tissues and Hypocotyl–derived Callus., HZ Rihan, M Al-Shamari, and MP Fuller
There is no evidence for a temporal link between pathogen arrival and frog extinctions in north-eastern Australia., Ben L. Phillips, Robert Puschendorf, Jeremy VanDerWal, and Ross A. Alford
Use of digital holographic cameras to examine the measurement and understanding of sediment suspension in the nearshore, Daniel C. Conley, Daniel Buscombe, and W. Alex M. Nimmo-Smith
Submissions from 2011
Evidence of Northeastern Atlantic Ocean Acidification Recorded by Boron Isotopes on Deep-sea Coral Madrepora oculata, C Gonzales-Roubaud, E Douville, L Bordier, P Louvat, J Gaillardet, JM Hall-Spencer, and A Juillett-Leclerc
3D surface topography and reflectivity of anisotropic etched silicon micromirrors for BioMEMS, RE Mackay, N Lionis, and HR Le
Anxiety: An Evolutionary Approach, M Bateson, B Brilot, and D Nettle
Toxic marine microalgae and shellfish poisoning in the British isles: history, review of epidemiology, and future implications, SL Hinder, GC Hays, CJ Brooks, AP Davies, and et al
Identification and expression analysis of CBF/DREB1 and COR15 genes in mutants of Brassica oleracea var. botrytis with enhanced proline production and frost resistance, F Hadi, M Gilpin, and MP Fuller
Evaluation of prebiotic and probiotic effects on the intestinal gut microbiota and histology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), Einar Ringø, Mads Kristiansen, Daniel L. Merrifield, Jose L.Gonzalez Vecino, and Reidar Myklebust
Marine bivalve geochemistry and shell ultrastructure from modern low pH environments, S Hahn, R Rodolfo-Metalpa, E Griesshaber, WW Schmahl, D Buhl, JM Hall-Spencer, C Baggini, KT Fehr, and A Immenhauser
Seasonal and inter-annual temperature variability in the bottom waters over the western Black Sea shelf, G. I. Shapiro, F. Wobus, and D. L. Aleynik
Effects of ocean acidification on marine biodiversity and ecosystem function, JP Gattuso, L Hannsen, JP Barry, JM Hall-Spencer, and S Widdicombe
Assessment of pH variability at a coastal CO2 vent for ocean acidification studies, Michael Steinke, Philip Kerrison, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, David J. Suggett, and Leanne J. Hepburn
In situ observations of fish associated with coral reefs off Ireland, M. Söffker, K. A. Sloman, and J. M. Hall-Spencer
Inventory of Environmental Impact Monitoring Activities at Wave & Tidal Energy Sites in Europe, D Conley, R Leeney, D Greaves, B Holmes, AM O’Hagan, B Godley, C McClellan, M Witt, H Mouslim, and J Sundberg
Corals, bryozoans and gastropods are able to calcify in acidified seawater, JM Hall-Spencer and R Rodolfo-Metalpa
Foraminifera resist ocean acidification in the Wagner Basin under conditions similar to high CO2 environments of the Cretaceous-Paleogene, JM Hall-Spencer, L Pettit, MB Hart, A Medina-Sánchez, CW Smart, P Collins, R Rodolfo-Metalpa, and Ledesma RM Prol
The response of foraminifera to modern seawater acidification: A real-time proxy for Paleogene hypothermal events, JM Hall-Spencer, MB Hart, BB Dias, CW Smart, and L Pettit
Deep-water corals along the Norwegian contintental margin: Multidisciplinary studies on Sula Ridge, Traena Reef, Røst Reef, Floholmen and Sotbakken, JM Hall-Spencer, MK Söffker, L Thomsen, and V Unnithan
Population structure of the Christmas Island Blue Crab, Discoplax hirtipes (Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinidae) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean., LM Turner, JP Hallas, and S Morris
Air temperature and winter mortality: Implications for the persistence of the invasive mussel, Perna viridis in the intertidal zone of the south-eastern United States, LB Firth, AM Knights, and S Bell
Mitigating amphibian disease: strategies to maintain wild populations and control chytridiomycosis., Douglas C. Woodhams, Jaime Bosch, Cheryl J. Briggs, Scott Cashins, Leyla R. Davis, Antje Lauer, Erin Muths, Robert Puschendorf, Benedikt R. Schmidt, Brandon Sheafor, and Jamie Voyles
Exploring CO2 volcanic vents at Vulcano Island, Mediterranean Sea, to study the planktonic calcifier response to long-term changes in carbonate chemistry, JM Hall-Spencer, M Passaro, P Ziveri, M Milazzo, and R Rodolfo-Metalpa
Exploring the geochemistry and shell ultrastructure of bivalves as archives of past ocean acidification events: recent Mytilidae in a natural acidic setting in Ischia (Italy, Mediterranean Sea), S Hahn, R Rodolfo-Metalpa, E Griesshaber, WW Schmahl, D Buhl, J Hall-Spencer, C Baggini, and A Immenhauser
Response of pteropods and foraminifera to changing pCO2 and pH: Examples from the Mediterranean Sea, M Hart, B Dias, J Hall-Spencer, D Wall-Palmer, and C Smart
Report of the ICES/NAFO Joint Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC), JM Hall-Spencer and RJ Brock
Global Phylogeography of the Widely Introduced North West Pacific Ascidian Styela clava, Paul Hallas
Comparison of two storage methods for the analysis of cholinesterase activities in food animals., KA Askar, AC Kudi, and AJ Moody
Can oxygen set thermal limits in an insect and drive gigantism?, Wilco C.E.P. Verberk and David T. Bilton
Capture technique and fish personality: angling targets timid bluegill sunfish,Lepomis macrochirus, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Thomas R. Binder, Keegan P. McGrath, Steven J. Cooke, and Jean Guy J. Godin
Effects of ocean acidification on macroalgal communities, Lucia Porzio, Maria Cristina Buia, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer
Encapsulation of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis) microshoots as artificial seeds and their conversion and growth in commercial substrates, Hail Z. Rihan, Mohammed Al-Issawi, Stephen Burchett, and Michael P. Fuller
Fresh waters and fish diversity: distribution, protection and disturbance in tropical Australia., Stephanie R. Januchowski-Hartley, Richard G. Pearson, Robert Puschendorf, and Thomas Rayner
High in situ repeatability of behaviour indicates animal personality in the beadlet anemone Actinia equina (Cnidaria)., Mark Briffa and Julie Greenaway
Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales, Tim Scott, Gerhard Masselink, and Paul Russell
New technology facilitates the study of social networks, Jens Krause, Alexander D.M. Wilson, and Darren P. Croft
No reason for complacency, Jason Hall-Spencer
Numerical investigation of deep water circulation in the faroese channels, Nataliya Stashchuk, Vasiliy Vlasenko, and Toby J. Sherwin
Short-term exposure to warm microhabitats could explain amphibian persistence with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis., Joshua H. Daskin, Ross A. Alford, and Robert Puschendorf
Specialization in Plant-Hummingbird Networks Is Associated with Species Richness, Contemporary Precipitation and Quaternary Climate-Change Velocity, B Dalsgaard, E Magard, J Fjeldsa, AMM Gonzalez, C Rahbek, JM Olesen, J Ollerton, R Alarcon, AC Araujo, PA Cotton, C Lara, CG Machado, I Sazima, M Sazima, A Timmermann, S Watts, B Sandel, WJ Sutherland, and J-C Svenning
Submissions from 2010
A Quantitative, Non-Destructive Methodology for Habitat Characterisation and Benthic Monitoring at Offshore Renewable Energy Developments, Emma V. Sheehan, Timothy F. Stevens, and Martin J. Attrill
Association between the squat lobster Gastroptychus formosus and cold-water corals in the North Atlantic, K. Olu, Guilloux E Le, J. M. Hall-Spencer, and M. K. Söffker
Climate change and the green energy paradox: the consequences for twaite shad Alosa fallax from the River Severn, U.K., MW Aprahamian, CD Aprahamian, and AM Knights
Simple models of the chemical field around swimming plankton, RN Bearon and V Magar
Dynamic transcriptomic profiles of zebrafish gills in response to zinc supplementation., D Zheng, P Kille, GP Feeney, P Cunningham, RD Handy, and C Hogstrand
Dynamic transcriptomic profiles of zebrafish gills in response to zinc depletion., D Zheng, P Kille, GP Feeney, P Cunningham, RD Handy, and C Hogstrand
Marine plankton phenology and life history in a changing climate: current research and future directions, R Ji, M Edwards, DL Mackas, JA Runge, and AC Thomas
Stereotyping starlings are more ‘pessimistic’, BO Brilot, L Asher, and M Bateson
Rapid Microsatellite Isolation from a Butterfly by De Novo Transcriptome Sequencing: Performance and a Comparison with AFLP-Derived Distances, AS Mikheyev, T Vo, B Wee, MC Singer, and C Parmesan
Herpetological observations from field expeditions to North Karnataka and Southwest Maharashtra, India, T Lewis, S Piggott, R Griffin, P Grieg-Smith, G Martin, G Barretto, K Bajibab, C Thorpe, P Prodromou, M Fordham, D Willis, J Turner, A Radanovic, D Holloway, R Wood, N Hand, S Lloyd, M Clapson, J Hennesy, and G Oldham
Background document for maerl, JM Hall-Spencer, J Kelly, and CA Maggs
The Mediterranean Sea Regime Shift at the End of the 1980s, and Intriguing Parallelisms with Other European Basins, A Conversi, S Fonda Umani, T Peluso, and et al
Recruit-recruit interactions, density-dependent processes and population persistence in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, AM Knights and K Walters
Report of the ICES/NAFO Joint Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC), JM Hall-Spencer