Browse research from the School of Biological and Marine Sciences.
Submissions from 2017
Cascading of high salinity bottom waters from the Arabian/Persian Gulf to the northern Arabian Sea, GI Shapiro, F Wobus, V Solovyev, X Francis, P Hyder, F Chen, and M Asif
Coastal bacterioplankton community response to diatom-derived polysaccharide microgels, Michael Cunliffe and Joe D. Taylor
Correcting wave reflection estimates in the coastal zone, Kris Inch, Mark Davidson, Gerd Masselink, and Paul Russell
Coupling cross-shore and longshore sediment transport to model storm response along a mixed sand-gravel coast under varying wave directions, Rafael J. Bergillos, Gerd Masselink, and Miguel Ortega-Sánchez
De novo transcriptome assembly of the amphipod Gammarus chevreuxi exposed to chronic hypoxia, Manuela Truebano, Michael Collins, Oliver Tills, and John I. Spicer
Does capture method or the presence of aquatic protected areas influence the selective harvest of behavioural types in largemouth bass?, ELL Cooke, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Chris K. Elvidge, and SJ Cooke
Does sex really matter? Explaining intraspecies variation in ocean acidification responses, Robert P. Ellis, William Davison, Ana M. Queirós, Kristy J. Kroeker, Piero Calosi, Sam Dupont, John I. Spicer, Rod W. Wilson, Steve Widdicombe, and Mauricio A. Urbina
Do glucocorticoids predict fitness? Linking environmental conditions, corticosterone and reproductive success in the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, L. J. Henderson, N. P. Evans, B. J. Heidinger, K. A. Herborn, and K. E. Arnold
Do intracoelomic telemetry transmitters alter the post‐release behaviour of migratory fish?, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Todd A. Hayden, Christopher S. Vandergoot, Richard T. Kraus, John M. Dettmers, Steven J. Cooke, and Charles C. Krueger
Drivers of the autumn phytoplankton development in the open Black Sea, Alexander S. Mikaelyan, Georgy I. Shapiro, Valeriy K. Chasovnikov, Fred Wobus, and Marcus Zanacchi
Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Rhodolith/Maërl Beds, Sophie Martin, R Riosmena-Rodriguez, W Nelson, J Aguirre, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer
Environment: A journey on plastic seas, Richard Thompson
Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries, Jose A. Fernandes, Eleni Papathanasopoulou, Caroline Hattam, Ana M. Queirós, William W.W.L. Cheung, Andrew Yool, Yuri Artioli, Edward C. Pope, Kevin J. Flynn, Gorka Merino, Piero Calosi, Nicola Beaumont, Melanie C. Austen, Stephen Widdicombe, and Manuel Barange
Evaluating operational AVHRR sea surface temperature data at the coastline using surfers, RJW Brewin, Mora L de, Oliver Billson, Thomas Jackson, Paul Russell, TG Brewin, Jamie D. Shutler, Peter I. Miller, Benjamin H. Taylor, Tim J. Smyth, and James R. Fishwick
Evaluation of salt marsh restoration by means of self-regulating tidal gate – Avon estuary, South Devon, UK, Gerd Masselink, Mick E. Hanley, Anissa C. Halwyn, Will Blake, Ken Kingston, Thomas Newton, and Mike Williams
Exchanges between the shelf and the deep Black Sea: an integrated analysis of physical mechanisms, GI Shapiro, F Wobus, A Zatsepin, T Akivis, and F Zhou
Fishway passage success for migratory rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax is not dictated by behavioural type, S. J. Landsman, A. D.M. Wilson, S. J. Cooke, and den Heuvel MR van
Global patterns of interaction specialization in bird-flower networks, TB Zanata, B Dalsgaard, FC Passos, PA Cotton, JJ Roper, PK Maruyama, E Fischer, M Schleuning, González AM Martín, J Vizentin-Bugoni, DC Franklin, S Abrahamczyk, R Alárcon, AC Araujo, FP Araújo, SMD Azevedo-Junior, AC Baquero, K Böhning-Gaese, DW Carstensen, H Chupil, AG Coelho, RR Faria, D Hořák, TT Ingversen, Š Janeček, G Kohler, C Lara, FMG Las-Casas, AV Lopes, AO Machado, CG Machado, IC Machado, MA Maglianesi, TS Malucelli, J Mohd-Azlan, AC Moura, GM Oliveira, PE Oliveira, JF Ornelas, J Riegert, LC Rodrigues, L Rosero-Lasprilla, AM Rui, M Sazima, B Schmid, O Sedláček, A Timmermann, MGR Vollstädt, Z Wang, S Watts, C Rahbek, and IG Varassin
How do anthropogenic contaminants (ACs) affect behaviour? Multi-level analysis of the effects of copper on boldness in hermit crabs, Mark Briffa and Stephen J. White
Identifying the consequences of ocean sprawl for sedimentary habitats, Eliza C. Heery, Melanie J. Bishop, Lincoln P. Critchley, Ana B. Bugnot, Laura Airoldi, Mariana Mayer-Pinto, Emma V. Sheehan, Ross A. Coleman, Lynette H.L. Loke, Emma L. Johnston, Valeriya Komyakova, Rebecca L. Morris, Elisabeth M.A. Strain, Larissa A. Naylor, and Katherine A. Dafforn
Integrated biological responses and tissue-specific expression of p53 and ras genes in marine mussels following exposure to benzo(α)pyrene and C 60 fullerenes, either alone or in combination, Awadhesh N. Jha, Yanan Di, Yann Aminot, Declan C. Schroeder, and James W. Readman
Linking the biological impacts of ocean acidification on oysters to changes in ecosystem services: A review, Anaëlle J. Lemasson, Stephen Fletcher, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Antony M. Knights
Metabolic and reproductive plasticity of core and marginal populations of the eurythermic saline water bug Sigara selecta (Hemiptera: Corixidae) in a climate change context, J. A. Carbonell, D. T. Bilton, P. Calosi, A. Millán, A. Stewart, and J. Velasco
Metagenomic analysis of the complex microbial consortium associated with cultures of the oil‐rich alga Botryococcus braunii, John Love, Christine Sambles, Karen Moore, Thomas M. Lux, Katy Jones, George R. Littlejohn, João D. Gouveia, Stephen J. Aves, David J. Studholme, and Rob Lee
Microplastic ingestion in fish larvae in the western English Channel, Penelope K. Lindeque, Madeleine Steer, Matthew Cole, and Richard C. Thompson
Nested high resolution models for the coastal areas of the North Indian Ocean, F Wobus and G Shapiro
North Atlantic Rhodolith Beds, Jazmin J. Hernandez-Kantun, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Jacques Grall, Walter Adey, Fabio Rindi, Christine A. Maggs, Ignacio Bárbara, and Viviana Peña
Nutrient Pumping by Submesoscale Circulations in the Mauritanian Upwelling System, R. J. Torres, P. J. Hosegood, P. D. Nightingale, A. P. Rees, C. E. Widdicombe, E. M.S. Woodward, and D. R. Clark
On the harmonization of methods for measuring the occurrence, fate and effects of microplastics, Chelsea M. Rochman, Fiona Regan, and Richard C. Thompson
On the hindered settling of sand-mud suspensions, J Spearman and AJ Manning
Pleistocene range shifts, refugia and the origin of widespread species in Western Palaearctic water beetles., I. Ribera, David García-Vázquez, David T. Bilton, and Garth N. Foster
Reproductive effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol-A and 17β-oestradiol, on Cerastoderma edule from south-west England: field study and laboratory exposure, AL Lusher, N Pope, and RD Handy
Storm overwash of a gravel barrier: Field measurements and XBeach-G modelling, Luis Pedro Almeida, Gerd Masselink, Robert McCall, and Paul Russell
Strandings of NE Atlantic gorgonians, E. V. Sheehan, A. Rees, D. Bridger, T. Williams, and J. M. Hall-Spencer
Sub-lethal effects of waterborne exposure to copper nanoparticles compared to copper sulphate on the shore crab ( Carcinus maenas ), Richard D. Handy, Lisa M. Rossbach, Benjamin J. Shaw, Dawid Piegza, William F. Vevers, and Andrew J. Atfield
The city as a refuge for insect pollinators, Damon M. Hall, Gerardo R. Camilo, Rebecca K. Tonietto, Jeff Ollerton, Karin Ahrné, Mike Arduser, John S. Ascher, Katherine C.R. Baldock, Robert Fowler, Gordon Frankie, Dave Goulson, Bengt Gunnarsson, Mick E. Hanley, Janet I. Jackson, Gail Langellotto, David Lowenstein, Emily S. Minor, Stacy M. Philpott, Simon G. Potts, Muzafar H. Sirohi, Edward M. Spevak, Graham N. Stone, and Caragh G. Threlfall
The Deposition and Accumulation of Microplastics in Marine Sediments and Bottom Water from the Irish Continental Shelf, Audrey Morley, Jake Martin, Amy Lusher, and Richard C. Thompson
The development of an advanced vertical discretisation scheme for a regional ocean model, D Bruciaferri, G Shapiro, and F Wobus
The genomic basis of eco-evolutionary dynamics, Jessica Stapley, Alejandra Rodríguez-Verdugo, and James Buckley
Tracking reveals limited interactions between Campbell Albatross and fisheries during the breeding season, LA Sztukowski, Toor ML van, H Weimerskirch, DR Thompson, LG Torres, PM Sagar, PA Cotton, and SC Votier
Turning off the DRIP (‘Data-rich, information-poor’) – rationalising monitoring with a focus on marine renewable energy developments and the benthos, Thomas A. Wilding, Andrew B. Gill, Arjen Boon, Emma Sheehan, Jean Claude Dauvin, Jean Philippe Pezy, F O’Beirn, Urszula Janas, Liis Rostin, and Mesel I De
Submissions from 2016
Tropical CO2 seeps reveal the impact of ocean acidification on coral reef invertebrate recruitment, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Ro Allen, Andrew Foggo, Katharina Fabricius, and Annalisa Balistreri
Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fishery Is Underpinned by Trophic Subsidies from Chemosynthetic Primary Production, Nicholas D. Higgs, Jason Newton, and Martin J. Attrill
Alternative protein sources in the diet modulate microbiota and functionality in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ), Karina Gajardo, Alexander Jaramillo-Torres, Trond M. Kortner, Daniel L. Merrifield, John Tinsley, Anne Marie Bakke, and Åshild Krogdahl
Research challenges and conservation implications for urban cat management in New Zealand, KH Kikillus, GK Chambers, MJ Farnworth, and KM Hare
Navigating uncertain waters: a critical review of inferring foraging behaviour from location and dive data in pinnipeds, M Carter, K Bennett, C Embling, PJ Hosegood, and D Russell
Rip current types, circulation and hazard, B. Castelle, T. Scott, R. W. Brander, and R. J. McCarroll
The extreme 2013/2014 winter storms: Beach recovery along the southwest coast of England, Tim Scott, Gerd Masselink, Tim O'Hare, Andrew Saulter, Tim Poate, Paul Russell, Mark Davidson, and Daniel Conley
New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (November, 2016), CH MYTILINEOU, EHK AKEL, N BABALI, and et al
Weaponry and defenses in fighting animals: how allometry can alter predictions from contest theory, Alexandre V. Palaoro and Mark Briffa
Grain-size distributions on high energy sandy beaches and their relation to wave dissipation, Sam Prodger, Paul Russell, and Mark Davidson
Ocean sprawl: Challenges and opportunities for biodiversity management in a changing world, Louise B. Firth, Antony M. Knights, Danielle Bridger, Ally J. Evans, Nova Mieszkowska, Pippa J. Moore, Nessa E. O'connor, Emma V. Sheehan, Richard C. Thompson, and Stephen J. Hawkins
Regulatory ecotoxicity testing of nanomaterials – proposed modifications of OECD test guidelines based on laboratory experience with silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles, K Hund-Rinke, A Baun, D Cupi, TF Fernandes, R Handy, JH Kinross, JM Navas, W Peijnenburg, K Schlich, BJ Shaw, and JJ Scott-Fordsmand
Ocean acidification can mediate biodiversity shifts by changing biogenic habitat, Jennifer M. Sunday, Katharina E. Fabricius, Kristy J. Kroeker, Kathryn M. Anderson, Norah E. Brown, James P. Barry, Sean D. Connell, Sam Dupont, Brian Gaylord, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Terrie Klinger, Marco Milazzo, Philip L. Munday, Bayden D. Russell, Eric Sanford, Vengatesen Thiyagarajan, Megan L.H. Vaughan, Stephen Widdicombe, and Christopher D.G. Harley
Symbiodinium biogeography tracks environmental patterns rather than host genetics in a key Caribbean reef-builder, Orbicella annularis, Emma V. Kennedy, Linda Tonk, Nicola L. Foster, Iliana Chollett, Juan Carlos Ortiz, Sophie Dove, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Peter J. Mumby, and Jamie R. Stevens
Release of synthetic microplastic plastic fibres from domestic washing machines: Effects of fabric type and washing conditions, Imogen E. Napper and Richard C. Thompson
Microplastics in Seawater: Recommendations from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Implementation Process, Jesus Gago, Francois Galgani, Thomas Maes, and Richard C. Thompson
Factors limiting the establishment of canopy-forming algae on artificial structures, Eva Cacabelos, Gustavo M. Martins, Richard Thompson, Afonso C.L. Prestes, José Manuel N. Azevedo, and Ana I. Neto
A Structured and Unstructured grid Relocatable ocean platform for Forecasting (SURF), F Trotta, E Fenu, N Pinardi, D Bruciaferri, and et al
Plymouth — A World Harbour through the ages, Antony M. Knights, Louise B. Firth, Richard C. Thompson, Anna L.E. Yunnie, Keith Hiscock, and Stephen J. Hawkins
The Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety dedicated to oil slicks predictions, G Zodiatis, M De Dominicis, L Perivoliotis, and et al
Proximate mechanisms of animal personality among-individual behavioural variation in animals, Mark Briffa
The opposite effects of routine metabolic rate and metabolic rate during startle responses on variation in the predictability of behaviour in hermit crabs, Mariana Velasque and Mark Briffa
Maximum swimming speeds of sailfish and three other large marine predatory fish species based on muscle contraction time and stride length: a myth revisited, Paolo Domenici, Morten B.S. Svendsen, Stefano Marras, Jens Krause, Kevin M. Boswell, Ivan Rodriguez-Pinto, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers, Paul E. Viblanc, Jean S. Finger, and John F. Steffensen
An in situ assessment of local adaptation in a calcifying polychaete from a shallow CO 2 vent system, Noelle M. Lucey, Chiara Lombardi, Maurizio Florio, Lucia DeMarchi, Matteo Nannini, Simon Rundle, Maria Cristina Gambi, and Piero Calosi
Combined effects of exogenous enzymes and probiotic on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) growth, intestinal morphology and microbiome, Daniel Merrifield
Linking genotoxicity and cytotoxicity with membrane fluidity: A comparative study in ovarian cancer cell lines following exposure to auranofin, Awadhesh N. Jha, Deepu Oommen, Nicholas J.F. Dodd, Dennis Yiannakis, and Rana Moyeed
Long-term antibiotic exposure in soil is associated with changes in microbial community structure and prevalence of class 1 integrons, DW Cleary, AH Bishop, L Zhang, and et al
Stable isotopes and mtDNA reveal niche segregation but no evidence of intergradation along a habitat gradient in the Lesser Whitethroat complex (Sylvia curruca; Passeriformes; Aves), Stephen C. Votier, Simon Aspinall, Stuart Bearhop, David Bilton, Jason Newton, Per Alström, Paul Leader, Geoff Carey, Robert W. Furnes, and Urban Olsson
Ocean acidification reduces demersal zooplankton that reside in tropical coral reefs, Joy N. Smith, G De’ath, Claudio Richter, Astrid Cornils, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Katharina E. Fabricius
The London Workshop on the Biogeography and Connectivity of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, A Glover and et al
Heterokairy: a significant form of developmental plasticity?, S. D. Rundle and J. I. Spicer
Morpho-sedimentary dynamics of a micro-tidal mixed sand and gravel beach, Playa Granada, southern Spain, Rafael J. Bergillos, Miguel Ortega-Sánchez, Gerd Masselink, and Miguel A. Losada
Multi-year assessment of coastal planktonic fungi reveals environmental drivers of diversity and abundance, Michael Cunliffe and Joe D. Taylor
Seabird diving behaviour reveals the functional significance of shelf-sea fronts as foraging hotspots, S. L. Cox, P. I. Miller, C. B. Embling, K. L. Scales, A. W.J. Bicknell, P. J. Hosegood, G. Morgan, S. N. Ingram, and S. C. Votier
The distribution of deep-sea sponge aggregations in the North Atlantic and implications for their effective spatial management., Kerry Louise Howell, Nils Piechaud, Anna Leena Downie, and Andrew Kenny
Pathogenic marine microbes influence the effects of climate change on a commercially important tropical bivalve, LM Turner, Christian Alsterberg, AD Turner, G SK, Ashwin Rai, Jonathan N. Havenhand, M. N. Venugopal, Indrani Karunasagar, and Anna Godhe
Increasing the Depth of Current Understanding: Sensitivity Testing of Deep-Sea Larval Dispersal Models for Ecologists, Rebecca E. Ross, W. Alex M. Nimmo-Smith, and Kerry L. Howell
Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases, Palma A De, Stefan Abrahamczyk, Marcelo A. Aizen, Matthias Albrecht, Yves Basset, Adam Bates, Robin J. Blake, Céline Boutin, Rob Bugter, Stuart Connop, Leopoldo Cruz-López, Saul A. Cunningham, Ben Darvill, Tim Diekötter, Silvia Dorn, Nicola Downing, Martin H. Entling, Nina Farwig, Antonio Felicioli, Steven J. Fonte, Robert Fowler, Markus Franzén, Dave Goulson, Ingo Grass, Mick E. Hanley, Stephen D. Hendrix, Farina Herrmann, Felix Herzog, Andrea Holzschuh, Birgit Jauker, Michael Kessler, M. E. Knight, Andreas Kruess, Patrick Lavelle, Féon V Le, Pia Lentini, Louise A. Malone, Jon Marshall, Eliana Martínez Pachón, Quinn S. McFrederick, Carolina L. Morales, Sonja Mudri-Stojnic, Guiomar Nates-Parra, Sven G. Nilsson, Erik Öckinger, Lynne Osgathorpe, Alejandro Parra-H, Carlos A. Peres, Anna S. Persson, Theodora Petanidou, Katja Poveda, Eileen F. Power, Marino Quaranta, Carolina Quintero, Romina Rader, Miriam H. Richards, Tai Roulston, Laurent Rousseau, Jonathan P. Sadler, Ulrika Samnegård, Nancy A. Schellhorn, Christof Schüepp, Oliver Schweiger, Allan H. Smith-Pardo, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Jane C. Stout, Rebecca K. Tonietto, Teja Tscharntke, Jason M. Tylianakis, Hans A.F. Verboven, Carlos H. Vergara, Jort Verhulst, Catrin Westphal, Hyung Joo Yoon, and Andy Purvis
A high-resolution map of the gut microbiota in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): A basis for comparative gut microbial research, K Garjardo, Trond M. Kortner, TM, Åshild Krogdahl, Anne Marie Bakke, Daniel L. Merrifield, and S Henning
Bird pollinators, seed storage and cockatoo granivores explain large woody fruits as best seed defense in Hakea, Byron B. Lamont, Mick E. Hanley, Philip K. Groom, and Tianhua He
Reconstructing ancient Mediterranean crossroads in Deronectes diving beetles, Ignacio Ribera, David García-Vázquez, David T. Bilton, Rocío Alonso, Cesar J. Benetti, Josefina Garrido, and Luis F. Valladares
Ocean acidification affects fish spawning but not paternity at CO2 seeps, Marco Milazzo, Carlo Cattano, Suzanne H. Alonzo, Andrew Foggo, Michele Gristina, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Mauro Sinopoli, Davide Spatafora, Kelly A. Stiver, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer
A new species of Anacaena Thomson, 1859 from South Africa (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), David T. Bilton and Albrecht Komarek
Two new water beetles from the South African Cape (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae), David T. Bilton
Temporal patterns in habitat use by small cetaceans at an oceanographically dynamic marine renewable energy test site in the Celtic Sea, S. L. Cox, M. J. Witt, C. B. Embling, B. J. Godley, P. J. Hosegood, P. I. Miller, S. C. Votier, and S. N. Ingram
An experimental comparison of three towed underwater video systems using species metrics, benthic impact and performance, Emma V. Sheehan, Sandrine Vaz, Erin Pettifer, Nicola L. Foster, Sarah J. Nancollas, Sophie Cousens, Luke Holmes, Jean Valery Facq, Gregory Germain, and Martin J. Attrill
A lionfish (Pterois miles) invasion has begun in the Mediterranean Sea, Demetris Kletou, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Periklis Kleitou
Optical closure in marine waters from in situ inherent optical property measurements, Ina Lefering, Fethi Bengil, Charles Trees, Rüdiger Röttgers, David Bowers, Alex Nimmo-Smith, Jill Schwarz, and David McKee
After the Ice Age: The Impact of Post-Glacial Dispersal on the Phylogeography of a Small Mammal, Muscardinus avellanarius, W. Edwin Harris, Fraser J. Combe, Jonathan S. Ellis, Kirsty L. Lloyd, Bradley Cain, and C. Philip Wheater
Amphiesma stolatum (striped keelback): Habitat and reproduction, D Pryce, C Thorpe, S Kulkarni, and T Lewis
A critical evaluation of the fish early-life stage toxicity test for engineered nanomaterials: experimental modifications and recommendations, BJ Shaw, CC Liddle, KM Windeatt, and RD Handy
Differential responses of three coastal grassland species to seawater flooding, Mick E. Hanley, Tom L. Gove, Gregory R. Cawthray, and Timothy D. Colmer
Observed shifts in the contact zone between two forms of the diving beetle Hydroporus memnonius are consistent with predictions from sexual conflict., David T. Bilton and Garth N. Foster
Predaceous water beetles (Coleoptera, Hydradephaga) of the Lake St Lucia system, South Africa: biodiversity, community ecology and conservation implications, Matthew S. Bird, Renzo Perissinotto, and David T. Bilton
Amphiesma stolatum (striped keelback): Habitat and reproduction, D Pryce, CJ Thorpe, S Kulkarni, and TR Lewis
Corrigendum: A physics-enabled flow restoration algorithm for sparse PIV and PTV measurements (2015 Meas. Sci. Technol . 26 065301), Andrey Vlasenko, Edward C.C. Steele, and W. Alex M. Nimmo-Smith
DERMOPHIS GLANDULOSUS (Glandular Caecilian) DIET, R Puschendorf and G Chaves
Sediment transport dynamics in the swash zone under large-scale laboratory conditions, Daniel Conley, Andrea Ruju, Gerd Masselink, and Jack Puleo