Browse research from the School of Biological and Marine Sciences.
Submissions from 2010
Biomimetics Learning from Nature, H Le, CA Wang, and Y Huang
In situ perturbation experiments: natural venting sites, spatial/temporal gradients in ocean pH, manipulative in situ pCO2 perturbations, U Riebesell, VJ Fabry, L Hansson, J-P Gattuso, JP Barry, JM Hall-Spencer, and T Tyrell
Comparison of Two Storage Methods for the Analysis of Cholinesterase Activities in Food Animals, KA Askar, AC Kudi, and AJ Moody
A Review of Graduate Schools in the UK., MP Fuller, P Denicolo, D Berry, and C Raven
Behavioral correlations across activity, mating, exploration, aggression, and antipredator contexts in the European house cricket, Acheta domesticus, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Emily M. Whattam, Rachel Bennett, Laksanavadee Visanuvimol, Chris Lauzon, and Susan M. Bertram
Boldness and intermittent locomotion in the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, Alexander D.M. Wilson and Jean Guy J. Godin
Boldness and Reproductive Fitness Correlates in the Eastern Mosquitofish,Gambusia holbrooki, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Jean Guy J. Godin, and Ashley J.W. Ward
Effects of ocean acidification and high temperatures on the bryozoan Myriapora truncata at natural CO2 vents, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Chiara Lombardi, Silvia Cocito, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Maria Cristina Gambi
Effects of ocean acidification on invertebrate settlement at volcanic CO2 vents, M. Cigliano, M. C. Gambi, R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, F. P. Patti, and J. M. Hall-Spencer
Fabrication and Characterizations of YSZ Electrolyte Films for SOFC, M-F Han, Z Yang, Z Liu, and H-R Le
Foraging behaviour and brain morphology in recently emerged brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, Alexander D.M. Wilson and Robert L. McLaughlin
Multimodal structure of baroclinic tides in the South China Sea, V. Vlasenko, N. Stashchuk, C. Guo, and X. Chen
Novel variation associated with species range expansion, Andrew Pomiankowski, James Buckley, and Jon R. Bridle
Perfluorodecalin enhances in vivo confocal microscopy resolution of Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll, John Love, George R. Littlejohn, João D. Gouveia, Christoph Edner, and Nicholas Smirnoff
Preparing to teach in Higher Education., MP Fuller, AM Lee, and M Pettigrove
Seamounts as refugia from ocean acidification for cold-water stony corals, Derek P. Tittensor, Amy R. Baco, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, James C. Orr, and Alex D. Rogers
The ecology of seamounts: structure, function, and human impacts., Malcolm R. Clark, Ashley A. Rowden, Thomas Schlacher, Alan Williams, Mireille Consalvey, Karen I. Stocks, Alex D. Rogers, Timothy D. O'Hara, Martin White, Timothy M. Shank, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer
Submissions from 2009
Quantification of abnormal repetitive behaviour in captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), BO Brilot, L Asher, G Feenders, and M Bateson
Background document for carbonate mounds, JM Hall-Spencer, KM Stehfest, and AJ Wheeler
Water bathing alters the speed–accuracy trade-off of escape flights in European starlings, BO Brilot, L Asher, and M Bateson
Champagne Seas—Foretelling the Ocean’s Future?, J Hall-Spencer and E Rauer
Scientific divers quantify first known outbreaks of cold-water coral disease, J Hall-Spencer, C Munn, and K Hiscock
Using scientific diving to investigate the long-term effects of ocean acidification at CO2 vents, JM Hall-Spencer and R Rodolfo-Metalpa
Can we use starlings’ aversion to eyespots as the basis for a novel ‘cognitive bias’ task?, BO Brilot, CL Normandale, A Parkin, and M Bateson
Background document for Lophelia pertusa reefs, JM Hall-Spencer and K Stehfest
Boldness and behavioral syndromes in the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, Alexander D.M. Wilson and Jean Guy J. Godin
Design of Marine Protected Areas on high seas and territorial waters of Rockall Bank, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Mark Tasker, Marta Soffker, Sabine Christiansen, Stuart Rogers, Maria Campbell, and Kjartan Hoydal
Long-term evolution of strongly nonlinear internal solitary waves in a rotating channel, JC Sanchez-Garrido and V. Vlasenko
Predicting global habitat suitability for stony corals on seamounts, Derek P. Tittensor, Amy R. Baco, Paul E. Brewin, Malcolm R. Clark, Mireille Consalvey, Jason Hall-Spencer, Ashley A. Rowden, Thomas Schlacher, Karen I. Stocks, and Alex D. Rogers
Subtle but significant effects of CO2 acidified seawater on embryos of the intertidal snail, Littorina obtusata, Robert P. Ellis, Jess Bersey, Simon D. Rundle, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and John I. Spicer
Three-dimensional evolution of large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar, Vasiliy Vlasenko, Jose C. Sanchez Garrido, Nataliya Stashchuk, Jesus Garcia Lafuente, and Miguel Losada
Submissions from 2008
Polar diversity of the Tardigrada: A combined morphological / molecular approach., CJ Sands, SJ McInnes, NJ Marley, WP Goodall-Copestake, and et al
Loss of Mediterranean marine biodiversity in a high-CO2 world, JM Hall-Spencer and R Rodolfo-Metalpa
Management recommendations for sustainable exploitation of mussel seed in the Irish Sea, JA Maguire, AM Knights, M O'Toole, G Burnell, and et al
Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Sophie Martin, Emma Ransome, Maoz Fine, Suzanne M. Turner, Sonia J. Rowley, Dario Tedesco, and Maria Cristina Buia
The Science behind the Guidelines: A Scientific Guide to the FAO Draft International Guidelines (December 2007) for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas and Examples of How the Guidelines may be Practically Implemented., JM Hall-Spencer, AD Rogers, MR Clark, and KM Gjerde
Genetic, ecological, behavioral and geographic differentiation of populations in a thistle weevil: implications for speciation and biocontrol, I Olivieri, MC Singer, S Magalhães, A Courtiol, and et al
Response to HEFCE’s consultation on the assessment and funding of higher education research post-2008, A Smith, A Dell, D Edwards, J Hall-Spencer, A Hopper, R Jones, C Lazzeroni, J Skinner, and P Wadler
Effects of naturally acidified seawater on seagrass calcareous epibionts, Sophie Martin, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Emma Ransome, Sonia Rowley, Maria Christina Buia, Jean Pierre Gattuso, and Jason Hall-Spencer
How to measure and report growing conditions for experiments in controlled environments., M. P. Fuller, J. Franklin, and L. D. Incoll
How to mesure and report growing conditions for experiments in controlled environments., MP Fuller, J Franklin, and LD Incoll
Non-linearities, regime shifts and recovery: The recent influence of climate on Black Sea chlorophyll, Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Laurence D. Mee, Dionysios E. Raitsos, and Georgy I. Shapiro
The Coastal Geomorphology of North Cornwall: St. Ives Head to Trevose Head, D Buscombe and T Scott
Vertical structure of the field of current velocities in the northwest part of the Black Sea based on the LADCP data for May 2004, EM Lemeshko, AN Morozov, SV Stanichnyi, LD Mee, and GI Shapiro
Submissions from 2007
Three-dimensional shoaling of large-amplitude internal waves, V. Vlasenko and N. Stashchuk
Festival publicity helped change fishing policy., JM Hall-Spencer
Impact of fish farm deposition on maerl beds., JM Hall-Spencer and N White
Report of the Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC) , 26-28 February 2007, JM Hall-Spencer
Arctic coral reefs, T Kerby and JM Hall-Spencer
A generalized method for transfecting root epidermis uncovers endosomal dynamics in Arabidopsis root hairs, Prisca Campanoni, Jens Uwe Sutter, Craig Stewart Davis, George Robert Littlejohn, and Michael Robert Blatt
Analysis of supercritical stratified tidal flow in a Scottish Fjord, Nataliya Stashchuk, Mark Inali, and Vasiliy Vlasenko
Behavioural syndromes in brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis: prey-search in the field corresponds with space use in novel laboratory situations, Alexander D.M. Wilson and Robert L. McLaughlin
Corals on seamounts, TJ Pitcher, PJB Hart, T Morato, R Santos, M Clark, AD Rogers, A Baco, H Griffiths, and JM Hall-Spencer
Deep-sea coral distribution on seamounts, oceanic islands, and continental slopes in the Northeast Atlantic, J Hall-Spencer, A Rogers, J Davies, and A Foggo
Diseases affect cold-water corals too: Eunicella verrucosa (Cnidaria : Gorgonacea) necrosis in SW England, JM Hall-Spencer, J Pike, and CB Munn
Effects of salmon farming on benthic Crustacea, J Hall-Spencer and R Bamber
Preserving deep-sea natural heritage: Emerging issues in offshore conservation and management, AJ Davies, JM Roberts, and J Hall-Spencer
Submissions from 2006
Mechanisms of larval transport: vertical distribution of bivalve larvae varies with tidal conditions, AM Knights, TP Crowe, and G Burnell
Evidence of multimodal structure of the baroclinic tide in the Strait of Gibraltar, A. Vázquez, N. Stashchuk, V. Vlasenko, M. Bruno, A. Izquierdo, and P. C. Gallacher
Marine Ecology. Process, Systems, and Impacts, J Hall-Spencer
Report of the Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC), 4-7 December 2005, Miami, USA., JM Hall-Spencer and M Tasker
Amplification and suppression of internal waves by tides over variable bottom topography, Vasiliy Vlasenko and Nataliya Stashchuk
Durum wheat quality: II. The relationship of kernel physicochemical composition to semolina quality and end product utilisation, J Samaan, GH El-Khayat, FA Manthey, MP Fuller, and CS Brennan
Durum wheat quality I: some physical and chemical characteristics of Syrian durum wheat genotypes, GH El-Khayat, A Samaan, FA Manthey, MP Fuller, and CS Brennan
Evaluation of abiotic stress resistance in mutated populations of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis), MP Fuller, EMR Metwali, MH Eed, and AJ Jellings
Impact of fish farms on maerl beds in strongly tidal areas, J Hall-Spencer, N White, E Gillespie, K Gillham, and A Foggo
Preliminary findings from a study of the upper reaches of the Tamar Estuary, UK, throughout a complete tidal cycle: Part I. Linking sediment and hydrodynamic cycles, SJ Bass, AJ Manning, and KR Dyer
The effect of cold-acclimation on the water relations and freezing tolerance of Hordeum vulgare L, S Burchett, S Niven, and MP Fuller
Submissions from 2005
Climate records from the Faroe-Shetland Channel using Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758), A Freiwald, JM Roberts, MJ Risk, J Hall-Spencer, and B Williams
Distribution and habitats of Acesta excavata (Bivalvia: Limidae) with new data on its shell ultrastructure, JM Roberts, A Freiwald, JM Hall-Spencer, ML Correa, A Freiwald, and M Taviani
Report of the Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC), 8-11 March 2005, JM Hall-Spencer
Adiabatic behavior of strongly nonlinear internal solitary waves in slope-shelf areas, V Vlasenko, L Ostrovsky, and K Hutter
Consistency in Context‐specific Measures of Shyness and Boldness in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Alexander D.M. Wilson and E. D. Stevens
Generation of secondary internal waves by the interaction of an internal solitary wave with an underwater bank, Vasiliy Vlasenko and Werner Alpers
Numerical modelling of disintegration of basin-scale internal waves in a tank filled with stratified water, N. Stashchuk, V. Vlasenko, and K. Hutter
Submissions from 2004
Degradation of Cornish calcified seaweed (maerl) in soil, and effects on soil fertility, R Parkinson, JM Hall-Spencer, S Burchett, and H Young
A new species of amphipod crustacean, Pleusymtes comitari sp nov, associated with gorgonians on deep-water coral reefs off Ireland, A. A. Myers and J. M. Hall-Spencer
Maerl grounds provide both refuge and high growth potential for juvenile queen scallops (Aequipecten opercularis L.), NA Kamenos, PG Moore, and JM Hall-Spencer
Nursery-area function of maerl grounds for juvenile queen scallops Aequipecten opercularis and other invertebrates, NA Kamenos, PG Moore, and JM Hall-Spencer
Simulated effects of climate change on the production pattern of winter cauliflower in the UK, DCE Wurr, JR Fellows, and MP Fuller
Small-scale distribution of juvenile gadoids in shallow inshore waters; what role does maerl play?, NA Kamenos, PG Moore, and JM Hall-Spencer
Submissions from 2003
An experimental study of the ecological impacts of hydraulic bivalve dredging on maerl, C Hauton, JM Hall-Spencer, and PG Moore
Increased brain histamine H3 receptor expression during hibernation in golden-mantled ground squirrels, T Sallmen, AF Lozada, OV Anichtchik, AL Beckman, and P Panula
Problems facing maerl conservation in Brittany, J Grall and JM Hall-Spencer
Substratum heterogeneity of dredged vs un-dredged maerl grounds, NA Kamenos, PG Moore, and JM Hall-Spencer
Submissions from 2002
Numerical experiments on the breaking of solitary internal waves over a slope-shelf topography, Vasiliy Vlasenko
Our very own coral reef crisis, J Hall-Spencer
Saving Europe's coral reefs, JM Hall-Spencer
Trawling damage to Northeast Atlantic ancient coral reefs, Jason Hall-Spencer, JH Fossa, and Valerie Allain
Submissions from 2001
The first ecological study of a Red Sea maerl bed., G Brownlie, JM Hall-Spencer, A Hamid, C Henderson, A Kinchington, R Linklater-McLennan, and H Mokhtar
Maerl - a spectacular Firth of Clyde habitat., JM Hall-Spencer
Mass transport by non-linear internal waves on the Malin Shelf, ME Inall, GI Shapiro, and TJ Sherwin
Use of the Nakhodka-Naoetsu submarine cable for studying the temporal variability of the integral water transport in the Sea of Japan, NA Pal'shin, LL Vanyan, RD Medzhitov, GI Shapiro, MA Evdoshenko, H Utada, H Shimizu, and Y Tanaka
Submissions from 2000
Limaria hians (Mollusca: Limacea): A neglected reef-forming keystone species, J. M. Hall-Spencer and P. G. Moore
Scallop dredging has profound, long-term impacts on maerl habitats, J. M. Hall-Spencer and P. G. Moore
Transport of fine sediment with mesoscale currents in the shelf-slope zone of the sea, GI Shapiro, TM Akivis, NV Pykhov, and SM Antsyferov
Submissions from 1999
Maerl-forming coralline algae and associated phytobenthos from the Maltese Islands, E Lanfranco, M Rizzo, J Hall-Spencer, JA Borg, and PJ Schembri
Observations and possible function of the striking anterior coloration pattern of Galathea intermedia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura), J. M. Hall-Spencer, P. G. Moore, and L. U. Sneddon