Browse research from the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Submissions from 2016
Impact Of UK And Australian Transnational Higher Education in Malaysia, N Arunasalam
Models and activities of critical care outreach in New Zealand hospitals: results of a national census, A Pedersen, A Psirides, and M Coombs
The role of peer-assisted learning in enhancing the learning of undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice: a qualitative systematic review protocol., Matthew C. Carey, Bridie Kent, and Jos M. Latour
Treatment withdrawal, allow a natural death, passive euthanasia: a care-full choice of words, MA Coombs
Redefining the patient-carer model at end of life, R Parker, K deVries, and MA Coombs
Managing social awkwardness when caring for morbidly obese patients in intensive care: A focused ethnography, C Hales, K de Vries, and M Coombs
Professional learning needs in using video calls identified through workshops, Ray Jones, Sarah Statton, Martin Thomas, Tracie North, Ruth Endacott, Adrian Frost, Dazzle Tighe, and Gail Wilson
OC47 – NICUs and family-centred care, from the leadership to the design, the results of a survey in Italy (by FCC Italian NICU study group), I Dall’Oglio, Anna Portanova, Emanuela Tiozzo, Orsola Gawronsk, Gennaro Rocco, and J. M. Latour
Defining Disease Phenotypes in Primary Care Electronic Health Records by a Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study in Identifying Rheumatoid Arthritis, Shang Ming Zhou, Fabiola Fernandez-Gutierrez, Jonathan Kennedy, Roxanne Cooksey, Mark Atkinson, Spiros Denaxas, Stefan Siebert, William G. Dixon, TW O’Neill, Ernest Choy, Cathie Sudlow, and Sinead Brophy
The intensive care bereavement follow-up service 10 years on: Results of a New Zealand and Australian Survey, M Mitchell, M Coombs, MS James, and MK Wetzig
Bringing ‘something more’ to the bedside: the importance of clinical wisdom at end of life, M Coombs, W Ayley, J Pickthorne, and P Larkin
‘Something normal in a very, very abnormal environment’ – Nursing work to honour the life of dying infants and children in neonatal and paediatric intensive care in Australia, MJ Bloomer, R Endacott, B Copnell, and M O’Connor
Tending to everyday and BIG conversations in teaching and practice, MA Coombs and EC Meyer
Vigilant attentiveness in families observing deterioration in the dying intensive care patient: A secondary analysis study, M Coombs, J Tang, and T Long-Sutehall
Characteristics and Dying Trajectories of Adult Hospital Patients from Acute Care Wards who Die following review by the Rapid Response Team, MA Coombs, K Nelson, AJ Psirides, N Suter, and A Pedersen
Early Sepsis in Children Assessment by Parents: an Evaluation, J Latour, S Bracefield, P Sadler, R Endacott, and A O’Connor
Introducing Twitter as an assessed component of the undergraduate nursing curriculum: case study, Ray Jones, Janet Kelsey, Pam Nelmes, N Chinn, T Chinn, and Tracey Proctor-Childs
Talking about persons – Thinking about patients: An ethnographic study in critical care, C McLean, M Coombs, and M Gobbi
Achieving cost and carbon savings in neonatal practice: A review of the literature on sustainable waste management, A Nichols, J Grose, and R Mukonoweshuro
A focus group consultation round exploring patient experiences of comfort during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer, Simon D. Goldsworthy, Kelly Tuke, and Jos M. Latour
Assessment of Early Sepsis in Children by Parents and General Practitioners: an Evaluation, JM Latour, S Bracefield, P Sadler, A O'Connor, and R Endacott
Contraception for women with diabetes: challenges and solutions, A Robinson, C Nwolise, and J Shawe
Experience with phlebotomy for people with hepatitis C: a systematic review, F Fry, V Shawyer, and R Endacott
Factors influencing the sustainability of volunteer peer support for breast-feeding mothers within a hospital environment: An exploratory qualitative study, Heather Hopper and Heather Skirton
Family centred care before and during life-sustaining treatment withdrawal in intensive care: A survey of information provided to families by Australasian critical care nurses, K Ranse, M Bloomer, M Coombs, and R Endacott
Family-Clinician Communication Within Critical Care Settings: Unraveling the Complex and Valuing the Hidden, Joseph C. Manning and Jos M. Latour
General practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and views of providing preconception care: a qualitative investigation, Jill Shawe, Obiamaka Ojukwu, Dilisha Patel, Judith Stephenson, and Beth Howden
How far have we really come in the last 20 years in Europe?, J Latour
How nurses prepare families for treatment withdrawal in intensive care: Results of an Australasian survey, M Bloomer, M Coombs, K Ranse, and R Endacott
Impact case studies submitted to REF 2014: The hidden impact of nursing research, Daniel Kelly, Bridie Kent, Ann McMahon, Julie Taylor, and Michael Traynor
Improving access for community health and sub-acute outpatient services: protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial, Katherine E. Harding, Jennifer J. Watts, Leila Karimi, M O’Reilly, Bridie Kent, Michelle Kotis, Sandra G. Leggat, Jackie Kearney, and Nicholas F. Taylor
Levels of physical dependence on tobacco among adolescent smokers in Cyprus, Costas A. Christophi, Despina Pampaka, Martha Paisi, Solonas Ioannou, and Joseph R. DiFranza
O3‐10‐06: Dissemination and Implementation in Dementia Care: A Mixed‐Methods Systematic Review, I Lourida, RA Abbott, IA Lang, M Rogers, B Kent, and J Thompson-Coon
Optimising self-care support for people with heart failure and their caregivers: development of the Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure (REACH-HF) intervention using intervention mapping, CJ Greaves, J Wingham, C Deighan, P Doherty, J Elliott, W Armitage, M Clark, J Austin, C Abraham, J Frost, S Singh, K Jolly, K Paul, L Taylor, S Buckingham, R Davis, H Dalal, and RS Taylor
Regarding “Development of a postgraduate interventional cardiac nursing curriculum” by Currey et al., Fenella Gill, Gavin D. Leslie, Carol Grech, and Jos M. Latour
Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure—a facilitated self-care rehabilitation intervention in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (REACH-HFpEF) and their caregivers: rationale and protocol for a single-centre pilot randomised controlled trial, V Eyre, CC Lang, K Smith, K Jolly, R Davis, C Hayward, J Wingham, C Abraham, C Green, FC Warren, N Britten, CJ Greaves, P Doherty, J Austin, Lingen R Van, S Singh, S Buckingham, K Paul, RS Taylor, and HM Dalal
Sedation protocols to reduce duration of mechanical ventilation in the ICU: a Cochrane Systematic Review., LM Aitken, T Bucknall, B Kent, M Mitchell, E Burmeister, and S Keogh
Strengths and weaknesses in team communication processes in a UK emergency department setting: findings using the Communication Assessment Tool-Team, B Graham, J Smith, and DG Enki
Taste preference, food neophobia and nutritional intake in children consuming a cows’ milk exclusion diet: a prospective study, K. Maslin, K. Grimshaw, E. Oliver, G. Roberts, S. H. Arshad, T. Dean, J. Grundy, G. Glasbey, and C. Venter
Test–retest stability of patient experience items derived from the national GP patient survey, Antoinette F. Davey, Martin J. Roberts, Luke Mounce, Inocencio Maramba, and John L. Campbell
The accuracy of dietary recall of infant feeding and food allergen data, K. Maslin, Zyl Z van, T. Dean, R. Blaauw, and C. Venter
The effectiveness of education in the recognition and management of deteriorating patients: A systematic review, CJ Connell, R Endacott, JA Jackman, NR Kiprillis, LM Sparkes, and SJ Cooper
The Future of Infant and Young Children's Food: Food Supply/Manufacturing and Human Health Challenges in the 21st Century, K Maslin and Carina Venter
The prevalence, natural history and time trends of peanut allergy over the first 10 years of life in two cohorts born in the same geographical location 12 years apart, Carina Venter, Kate Maslin, Veeresh Patil, Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy, Jane Grundy, Gillian Glasbey, Roger Twiselton, Taraneh Dean, and Syed Hasan Arshad
Transition to Specialty Practice Program characteristics and professional development outcomes, Julia Morphet, Bridie Kent, Virginia Plummer, and Julie Considine
Submissions from 2015
Measuring parents’ perspective on continuity of care in children with special health care needs, Paola Rucci, Jos Latour, Elisa Zanello, Simona Calugi, Silvia Vandini, Giacomo Faldella, and Maria Pia Fantini
Nurses' knowledge and role in the management of thalassemic disease in the Sulaimania Thalassemia Centre, JA Kelsey, PM Azize, and FA Tahir
Transferring critically ill patients home to die: developing a clinical guidance document, MA Coombs, A Darlington, T Long‐Sutehall, and A Richardson
Effects of a clinician referral and exercise program for men who have completed active treatment for prostate cancer: A multicenter cluster randomized controlled trial (ENGAGE)., Patricia M. Livingston, Melinda J. Craike, Jo Salmon, Kerry S. Courneya, Cadeyrn J. Gaskin, Steve F. Fraser, Mohammadreza Mohebbi, Suzanne Broadbent, Mari Botti, Bridie Kent, and ENGAGE Uro-Oncology Clinicians' Group
Minimising post-operative risk using a Post-Anaesthetic Care Tool (PACT): protocol for a prospective observational study and cost-effectiveness analysis, Maryann Street, Nicole M. Phillips, Bridie Kent, Stephen Colgan, and Mohammadreza Mohebbi
Web-Based Textual Analysis of Free-Text Patient Experience Comments From a Survey in Primary Care, Inocencio Daniel Maramba, Antoinette Davey, Marc N. Elliott, Martin Roberts, Martin Roland, Finlay Brown, Jenni Burt, Olga Boiko, and John Campbell
A national survey exploring views and experience of health professionals about transferring patients from critical care home to die, A-SE Darlington, T Long-Sutehall, A Richardson, and MA Coombs
Balancing cure with comfort: Palliative care in critical care, J Bion and M Coombs
Doctors’ and nurses’ views and experience of transferring patients from critical care home to die: A qualitative exploratory study, M Coombs, T Long-Sutehall, A-S Darlington, and A Richardson
A stronger voice, Graham R. Williamson and Sherrie Anne Hitchen
An analysis of Australian graduate critical care nurse education, Fenella J. Gill, Gavin D. Leslie, Carol Grech, and Jos M. Latour
A roadmap for paediatric and neonatal critical care nursing science in Europe: engage, action and impact, Lyvonne N. Tume, Erwin Ista, den Hoogen A van, Joke Wielenga, and Jos M. Latour
Classification of accelerometer wear and non-wear events in seconds for monitoring free-living physical activity, Shang Ming Zhou, Rebecca A. Hill, Kelly Morgan, Gareth Stratton, Mike B. Gravenor, Gunnar Bijlsma, and Sinead Brophy
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure (REACH-HF) facilitated self-care rehabilitation intervention in heart failure patients and caregivers: Rationale and protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial, R. S. Taylor, C. Hayward, V. Eyre, J. Austin, R. Davies, P. Doherty, K. Jolly, J. Wingham, R. Van Lingen, C. Abraham, C. Green, F. C. Warren, N. Britten, C. J. Greaves, S. Singh, S. Buckingham, K. Paul, and H. Dalal
Developing and testing the standard of practice and evaluation of critical-care-nursing tool (SPECT) for graduates of critical care nurse education programs, F Gill, G Leslie, C Grech, D Boldy, and J Latour
Development and validation of the BRIGHTLIGHT Survey, a patient-reported experience measure for young people with cancer, Rachel M. Taylor, Lorna A. Fern, Anita Solanki, Louise Hooker, Anna Carluccio, Julia Pye, David Jeans, T Frere–Smith, Faith Gibson, Julie Barber, Rosalind Raine, Dan Stark, Richard Feltbower, Susie Pearce, and Jeremy S. Whelan
Development of Australian clinical practice outcome standards for graduates of critical care nurse education, Fenella J. Gill, Gavin D. Leslie, Carol Grech, Duncan Boldy, and Jos M. Latour
Education and training for implementation science: our interest in manuscripts describing education and training materials, Sharon E. Straus, Anne Sales, Michel Wensing, Susan Michie, Bridie Kent, and Robbie Foy
European neonatal intensive care nursing research priorities: an e-Delphi study, Joke M. Wielenga, Lyvonne N. Tume, Jos M. Latour, and den Hoogen A van
Evaluating the impact of cross professional peer tutoring among nursing and physiotherapy students, F McLeod, Caroline Jamison, K Young, and Karen Treasure
Exploring nurses’ reactions to a novel technology to support acute health care delivery, Bridie Kent, Bernice Redley, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Lemai Nguyen, Nyree J. Taylor, Hoda Moghimi, and Mari Botti
Family Involvement in PICU Rounds, Lyvonne N. Tume and Jos M. Latour
Implementation science: a reappraisal of our journal mission and scope, Robbie Foy, Anne Sales, Michel Wensing, Gregory A. Aarons, Signe Flottorp, Bridie Kent, Susan Michie, D O’Connor, Anne Rogers, Nick Sevdalis, Sharon Straus, and Paul Wilson
Multisite analysis of the timing and outcomes of unplanned transfers from subacute to acute care, Julie Considine, Maryann Street, Mari Botti, Bev O'Connell, Bridie Kent, and T Dunning
Nurses' perceptions of using an evidence-based care bundle for initial emergency nursing management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury: A qualitative study, Jintana Damkliang, Julie Considine, Bridie Kent, and Maryann Street
Pediatric Critical Care Nursing Research Priorities—Initiating International Dialogue, Lyvonne N. Tume, Minette Coetzee, Karen Dryden-Palmer, Patricia A. Hickey, Sharon Kinney, Jos M. Latour, Mavilde L.G. Pedreira, Gerri R. Sefton, Lauren Sorce, and Martha A.Q. Curley
Personal budgets for all? Implementing self-directed support in mental health services, Graham R. Williamson, Sherrie Hitchen, and Mary Watkins
Practice expectations for graduates of Australian critical care nurse education: Development of the standard of practice and evaluation of critical-care-nursing tool (SPECT), F Gill, G Leslie, C Grech, and J Latour
Psychometric Evaluation of the Newcastle Satisfaction With Nursing Scales, Michela Piredda, Ercole Vellone, Giovanni Piras, Roberta Fida, Jos M. Latour, Maria Matarese, Rosaria Alvaro, and Marinis MG De
Submissions from 2014
Local Modelling Techniques for Assessing Micro-Level Impacts of Risk Factors in Complex Data: Understanding Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Childhood Educational Attainments, Shang Ming Zhou, Ronan A. Lyons, Owen G. Bodger, Ann John, Huw Brunt, Kerina Jones, Mike B. Gravenor, and Sinead Brophy
Understanding high and low patient experience scores in primary care: analysis of patients' survey data for general practices and individual doctors, John L. Campbell, Martin J. Roberts, Gary A. Abel, Antoinette F. Davey, Natasha L. Elmore, Inocencio Maramba, Mary Carter, Marc N. Elliott, Martin O. Roland, and Jenni A. Burt
Followership: the forgotten part of leadership in end-of-life care, M Coombs
Development and implementation of a decision pathway for general practitioners for the management or referral of suspected allergy., RB Jones, EJ Ashurst, D Jones, R Gude, and E Kaminski
Cultural responses to pain in UK children of primary school age: A mixed‐methods study, PM Azize, R Endacott, A Cattani, and A Humphreys
Physical Activity and Excess Weight in Pregnancy Have Independent and Unique Effects on Delivery and Perinatal Outcomes, Kelly L. Morgan, Muhammad A. Rahman, Rebecca A. Hill, Shang Ming Zhou, Gunnar Bijlsma, Ashrafunnesa Khanom, Ronan A. Lyons, and Sinead T. Brophy
An Electronic Delphi Study to Establish Pediatric Intensive Care Nursing Research Priorities in Twenty European Countries*, Lyvonne N. Tume, den Hoogen A van, Joke M. Wielenga, and Jos M. Latour
Cultural responses to pain in UK children of primary school age: a mixed-methods study., Ruth Endacott, Pary M. Azize, Allegra Cattani, and Ann Humphreys
Developing and Testing the Standard of Practice and Evaluation of Critical-Care-Nursing Tool (SPECT) for Critical Care Nursing Practice, Fenella J. Gill, Gavin D. Leslie, Carol Grech, Duncan Boldy, and Jos M. Latour
Development of a Management Algorithm for Post-operative Pain (MAPP) after total knee and total hip replacement: study rationale and design, Mari Botti, Bridie Kent, Tracey Bucknall, Maxine Duke, Megan Jane Johnstone, Julie Considine, Bernice Redley, Susan Hunter, Steiger R de, Marlene Holcombe, and Emma Cohen
Development of Australian clinical practice outcome standards for graduates of critical care nurse education, F Gill, G Leslie, G Grech, D Boldy, and J Latour
Effect of Nonnutritive Sucking and Oral Stimulation on Feeding Performance in Preterm Infants, Yuxia Zhang, Tianchan Lyu, Xiaojing Hu, Peng Shi, Yun Cao, and Jos M. Latour
Implementing the family-centered care model, parents’ satisfaction and experiences in neonatology, I Dall’Oglio, A Portanova, M Fiori, O Gawronski, R Fida, A Cocchieri, G Rocco, E Tiozzo, and JM Latour
Investigating Women's Experiences of Asthma Care in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study., Graham R. Williamson, Chervonne Chamberlain, Beatrice Knight, Mark Daly, and David M.G. Halpin
Mining textual data from primary healthcare records: Automatic identification of patient phenotype cohorts, Shang Ming Zhou, Muhammad A. Rahman, Mark Atkinson, and Sinead Brophy
Patiëntveiligheid vanuit de patiënt, J. M. Latour and Dijk M van
Repositioning for pressure ulcer prevention in adults, Wendy P. Chaboyer, Brigid M. Gillespie, Elizabeth Mcinnes, Bridie Kent, Jennifer A. Whitty, and Lukman Thalib
South African critical care nurses' views on end‐of‐life decision‐making and practices, Shelley Schmollgruber, Gayle Langley, Paul Fulbrook, John W. Albarran, and Jos M. Latour
Type-1 OWA methodology to consensus reaching processes in multi-granular linguistic contexts, Francisco Mata, Luis G. Pérez, Shang Ming Zhou, and Francisco Chiclana
Using an evidence-based care bundle to improve Thai emergency nurses' knowledge of care for patients with severe traumatic brain injury, J Damkliangmns, J Considine, B Kent, and M Street
What’s new in ICU visiting policies: can we continue to keep the doors closed?, Alberto Giannini, Maité Garrouste-Orgeas, and Jos M. Latour
Submissions from 2013
“Until the trial is complete you can’t really say whether it helped you or not, can you?”: exploring cancer patients’ perceptions of taking part in a trial of acupressure wristbands, JG Hughes, W Russell, M Breckons, and et al
Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy with Child Weight at Birth, Age 12 Months and 5 Years – A Population-Based Electronic Cohort Study, Kelly Morgan, Mohammed Rahman, Mark Atkinson, Shang Ming Zhou, Rebecca Hill, Ashrafunnesa Khanom, Shantini Paranjothy, and Sinead Brophy