Browse research from the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Submissions from 2021
Smartphone Applications Designed to Improve Older People’s Chronic Pain Management: An Integrated Systematic Review, Margaret Dunham, Antonio Bonacaro, Patricia Schofield, Liz Bacon, Fotios Spyridonis, and Hadi Mehrpouya
A Multi-Faceted Strategy for Evidence Translation Reduces Healthcare Waiting Time: A Mixed Methods Study Using the RE-AIM Framework, Katherine E. Harding, Annie K. Lewis, David A. Snowdon, Bridie Kent, and Nicholas F. Taylor
Copper IUD continuation, unwanted effects and cost consequences at 1 year in users aged under 30 – a secondary analysis of the EURAS-IUD study, Hannat Akintomide, Nataliya Brima, Diana J. Mansour, and Jill Shawe
Oral care experiences of palliative care patients, their relatives and healthcare professionals: A qualitative study, Delgado M Bernardes, Jos Latour, Helen Neilens, and Sarah Griffiths
The effectiveness and usability of online, group-based interventions for people with severe obesity: Systematic review protocol, Edward Meinert, Madison Milne-Ives, Dawn Swancutt, Lorna Burns, Jonathan Pinkney, Mark Tarrant, Raff Calitri, and Arunangsu Chatterjee
Comparison between centralised and decentralised supply chain of autologous CAR-T therapies: a UK case study based on discrete event simulation, Ching Lam, Edward Meinert, Aidong Yang, and C Zhanfeng
Spotting the sick child for families: Co-development of a mobile phone app, S Neill, D Roland, M Thompson, N Bayes, T Turner, C Croxson, A Tavaré, S Palmer-HIll, and M Lakhanpaul
Collaborative Learning in Practice: videos to prepare students and staff, G Williamson, D clarke, C Jamison, J bunce, C McDowall, H Plowright, and Adele Kane
Behaviour change practices in exercise referral schemes: developing realist programme theory of implementation, John Downey, Katie Shearn, Nicola Brown, Ross Wadey, and Jeff Breckon
Bone turnover in pregnancy, measured by urinary CTX, is influenced by vitamin D supplementation and is associated with maternal bone health: findings from the Maternal Vitamin D Osteoporosis Study (MAVIDOS) trial, Cyrus Cooper, Elizabeth M. Curtis, Camille Parsons, Kate Maslin, Stefania D'angelo, Rebecca J. Moon, Sarah R. Crozier, Fatma Gossiel, Nicholas J. Bishop, Stephen H. Kennedy, Aris T. Papageorghiou, Robert Fraser, Saurabh V. Gandhi, Ann Prentice, Hazel M. Inskip, Keith M. Godfrey, Inez Schoenmakers, M. Kassim Javaid, Richard Eastell, Nicholas C. Harvey, N. K. Arden, A. Carr, M. Clynes, E. M. Dennison, M. Z. Mughal, and S. J. Woolford
Chapter 6: Evaluation. 6.1: Plymouth University, G Williamson, J Bunce, and Adele Kane
Design recommendations for socially assistive robots for health and social care based on a large scale analysis of stakeholder positions, Hannah Louise Bradwell, Noury GE Aguiar, Katie Jane Edwards, Rhona Winnington, Serge Thill, and Ray B. Jones
Did introducing Twitter and digital professionalism as an assessed element of the nursing curriculum impact social media related incidence of ‘Fitness to Practise’: 12-year case review, S Jones, Meriel Chudleigh, Rebecca Baines, and RB Jones
ExMed: An AI Tool for Experimenting Explainable AI Techniques on Medical Data Analytics, Marcin Kapcia, Hassan Eshkiki, Jamie Duell, Xiuyi Fan, Shangming Zhou, and Benjamin Mora
Exploring the cost of eLearning within the field of health professions education: Scoping Review, Edward Meinert, S Reeves, Jessie Eerens, Christina Banks, Stephen Maloney, George Rivers, Dragan Ilic, Kieran Walsh, A Majeez, and Josip Car
Fertility and digital technology: narratives of using smartphone app ‘Natural Cycles’ while trying to conceive, Pippa Grenfell, Nerissa Tilouche, Jill Shawe, and Rebecca S. French
Future solutions to improve comfort during radiotherapy: patient & radiation therapist interviews, S Goldsworthy, S Palmer, J Latour, H McNair, and M Cramp
Identifying the health care–initiated and self-initiated interventions used by women for the management of rectal emptying difficulty secondary to obstructive defecation: a scoping review protocol, Sharon Eustice, Alison James, Ruth Endacott, and Bridie Kent
Implementing online patient feedback in a ‘special measures’ acute hospital: A case study using Normalisation Process Theory, Rebecca Baines, Frazer Underwood, Kim O’Keeffe, Jessica Saunders, and Ray B. Jones
Is there an association between drug use and oral health conditions?, Martha Paisi, Robert Witton, and Anastasios Plessas
Learning From Pre-Hospital Journeys: Uncertain Illness Trajectories For Young Children With Serious Infectious Illness, S Neill, D Roland, B Carter, L Riches, N Bayes, J Hughes, L Bray, S Palmer-Hill, ED Carrol, J O'Donnell, and P Pandey
Loneliness in care homes, is it a phenomenon? And what can we do to improve the situation?, Patricia Schofield
Modeling Large Sparse Data for Feature Selection: Hospital Admission Predictions of the Dementia Patients Using Primary Care Electronic Health Records, Xianghua Xie, Gavin Tsang, and Shang Ming Zhou
Older Patients’ Views of Oral Health Care and Factors which Facilitate or Obstruct Regular Access to Dental Care-Services: A Qualitative Systematic Review, Alexander R. Legge, Jos M. Latour, and Mona Nasser
Participant views and experiences of sexual health research: The Contraception Choices online trial, Julia V. Bailey, Kirsty F. Bennett, Anasztazia Gubijev, Jill Shawe, and Judith Stephenson
Preconception and Diabetes Information (PADI) App for Women with Pregestational Diabetes: a Feasibility and Acceptability Study, Chidiebere H. Nwolise, Nicola Carey, and Jill Shawe
Prioritising Design Features for Companion Robots Aimed at Older Adults: Stakeholder Survey Ranking Results, Hannah Bradwell, Rhona Winnington, Serge Thill, and Ray B. Jones
Return on investment of a model of access combining triage with initial management: an economic analysis, David A. Snowdon, Katherine E. Harding, Nicholas F. Taylor, Sandra G. Leggat, Bridie Kent, Annie K. Lewis, and Jennifer J. Watts
Seeing lockdown through the eyes of children from around the world: Reflecting on a children's artwork project, S Neill, MJ Foster, M Al-Motlaq, B Carter, T O'Sullivan, A Quaye, M Majamanda, K Abdullah, IK Hallstrom, C English, A Vickers, I Coyne, E Adama, and E Morelius
The use of Breast Milk Fortifier in Preterm Infants by paediatric dietitians in the UK, Kate Maslin and Sophie Jupe
Type-1 OWA Operators in Aggregating Multiple Sources of Uncertain Information: Properties and Real-World Applications in Integrated Diagnosis, Shang Ming Zhou, Lin Huo, Francisco Chiclana, Robert I. John, and Jonathan M. Garibaldi
What is the global prevalence of dental healthcare needs and unmet dental needs among adolescents?, Martha Paisi, Robert Witton, Philip Radford, and Anastasios Plessas
Where are the children? An autoethnography of deception in dementia in an acute hospital, G Hodge
Where next for the design, delivery, and evaluation of community-based physical activity prescription? Emerging lessons from the United Kingdom, E. J. Oliver, B. Buckley, C. J. Dodd-Reynolds, J. Downey, C. Hanson, H. Henderson, J. Hawkins, J. Steele, M. Wade, and P. M. Watson
Submissions from 2020
(Not) talking about fertility: the role of digital technologies and health services in helping plan pregnancy. A qualitative study, Rebecca S. French, Jill Shawe, Nerissa Tilouche, Sarah Earle, and Pippa Grenfell
Is there an association between oral health-related quality of life and Alzheimer's disease?, Martha Paisi and Anastasios Plessas
The Effectiveness and Usability of Online, Group-Based Interventions for People With Severe Obesity: Protocol for a Systematic Review (Preprint), M Milne-Ives, D Swancutt, L Burns, J Pinkney, M Tarrant, R Calitri, A Chatterjee, and E Meinert
Exploring Patient and Staff Experiences of Video Consultations During COVID-19 in an English Outpatient Care Setting: Secondary Data Analysis of Routinely Collected Feedback Data, HL Bradwell, RL Baines, KJ Edwards, SG Stevens, K Atkinson, E Wilkinson, A Chatterjee, and RB Jones
Developing a blockchain-based supply chain system for advanced therapies: study protocol, Edward Meinert, Ching Lam, and Velthoven M van
Barriers and facilitators to dental care access among asylum seekers and refugees in highly developed countries: a systematic review, Martha Paisi, Rebecca Baines, Lorna Burns, Anastasios Plessas, Philip Radford, Jill Shawe, and Robert Witton
External Use of Mirabilite Combined with Lactulose Improves Postoperative Gastrointestinal Mobility among Older Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery, Wenyan Pan, Shining Cai, Jos M. Latour, Ming Zhong, Minzhi Lv, Jingjing Li, X Zhang, and Y Zhang
‘How to recognize if your child is seriously ill’ during COVID-19 lockdown: An evaluation of parents’ confidence and health-seeking behaviors, Jos M. Latour, Emma Lim, Ravi D. Mistry, Alexandra Battersby, Kerry Dockerty, Aaron Koshy, Michelle N. Chopra, and Matthew C. Carey
Searching for individual determinants of probabilistic cueing in large-scale immersive virtual environments, Rory Baxter and Alastair D. Smith
Need for recovery amongst emergency physicians in the UK and Ireland: a cross-sectional survey, Laura Cottey, Tom Roberts, Blair Graham, Daniel Horner, Kara Nicola Stevens, Doyo Enki, Mark David Lyttle, and Jos Latour
The financial cost of sharps injuries, Kevin Hambridge, Ruth Endacott, and Andrew Nichols
Cross-cultural adaptation of children´s environmental health questionnaires for nursing students in England, Carmen Álvarez-Nieto, Cristina Álvarez-García, Rachel Carter, Janet Kelsey, Sebastián Sanz-Martos, and I López-Medinaa
Parents’ experiences of VOICE: a novel support programme in the NICU, den Hoogen A van, Rian Eijsermans, Henriette D.L. Ockhuijsen, Floor Jenken, Maatman SM Oude, Marian J. Jongmans, Lianne Verhage, der Net J van, and Jos M. Latour
Perceived barriers and facilitators to accessing and utilising sexual and reproductive healthcare for people who experience homelessness: a systematic review, Martha Paisi, Jane March-Mcdonald, Lorna Burns, Erna Snelgrove-Clarke, Lyndsey Withers, and Jill Shawe
Stress, burnout, and coping strategies of frontline nurses during the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan and Shanghai, China, Jos M. Latour, Chouwen Zhu, Yuxia Zhang, Chunling Wang, Wenyan Pan, Jili Zheng, Jian Gao, Xiao Huang, Shining Cai, and Yue Zhai
Sustainable waiting time reductions after introducing the STAT model for access and triage: 12-month follow up of a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial, Katherine E. Harding, David A. Snowdon, Luke Prendergast, Annie K. Lewis, Bridie Kent, Sandy F. Leggat, and Nicholas F. Taylor
Brazilian translation, cross-cultural adaptation, validity and reliability of the EMPATHIC-30 questionnaire to measure parental satisfaction in intensive care units, Cristian T. Tonial, Alessandra D. Lessa, Felipe C. Cabral, Caroline A.D. Costa, Gabriela R.H. Andrades, Francielly Crestani, Paulo R. Einloft, Francisco Bruno, Daniel Sganzerla, Maria C.C. Matte, H Friori, Jos M. Latour, and Pedro Celiny R. Garcia
Prevalence, Predictors, and Early Outcomes of Post-operative Delirium in Patients With Type A Aortic Dissection During Intensive Care Unit Stay, Shining Cai, X Zhang, Wenyan Pan, Jos M. Latour, Jili Zheng, Jun Zhong, Jian Gao, Minzhi Lv, Zhe Luo, Chunsheng Wang, and Y Zhang
Factors influencing family member perspectives on safety in the intensive care unit: a systematic review, R Endacott, M Coombs, S Statton, and C Endacott
The prevalence and management of deteriorating patients in an Australian emergency department, CJ Connell, R Endacott, and S Cooper
An Ethnographic Study of Palliative and End-of-Life Care in a Nigerian Hospital: Impact of Education on Care Provision and Utilization, David A. Agom, Tonia C. Onyeka, Jude Ominyi, Judith Sixsmith, Sarah Neill, Stuart Allen, and Helen Poole
Compliance with aspirin in pediatric congenital heart disease post percutaneous transcatheter occlusion: A cross-sectional study, Li Hui Zhu, Qing Qing Song, O-Y Chen, Z-R Xiao, Z Chen, Y-B Xiao, Jian Chao Meng, Chao Zuo, and Jos M. Latour
Potential transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via robot pets in care homes, Hannah Bradwell, Ray Jones, and Mar Soler-Lopez
Microbial contamination and efficacy of disinfection procedures of companion robots in care homes, Hannah Louise Bradwell, Christopher W. Johnson, John Lee, Rhona Winnington, Serge Thill, and Ray B. Jones
Feeding practices in 6–24-month-old children with chronic cholestatic liver diseases: a mixed-method study, Yuxia Zhang, Xiao Chen, Jianshe Wang, Yi Lu, Xinbao Xie, Ying Gu, and Jos M. Latour
Strategies to improve oral health behaviours and dental access for people experiencing homelessness: a qualitative study, Martha Paisi, Robert Witton, Lyndsey Withers, Anastasios Plessas, Martin Burrows, Stephan Morrison, Louisa McDonald, and Elizabeth Kay
Gender, spatiality and motherhood: intergenerational change in Greek-Cypriot migrant families in the UK, Gina Kallis, R. Yarwood, and N. Tyrrell
Evaluation of a community dental clinic providing care to people experiencing homelessness: A mixed methods approach, Martha Paisi, Rebecca Baines, Christina Worle, Lyndsey Withers, and Robert Witton
Exploring the barriers and gateways to intersubjectivity in dementia care: A meta‐ethnography, G Hodge, K Froggatt, M Limmer, and A Bingley
Turkish adaptation and validation of the EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care (EMPATHIC-30) questionnaire to measure parent satisfaction in Neonatal Intensive Care Units, Hamide Zengin, Oznur Tiryaki, Nursan Çınar, M Umaroğlu, and Jos M. Latour
A systematic review of the organizational, environmental, professional and child and family factors influencing the timing of admission to hospital for children with serious infectious illness, Bernie Carter, Damian Roland, Lucy Bray, Jane Harris, Poornima Pandey, Jo Fox, ED Carrol, and Sarah Neill
Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of a Version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy for Women’s Partners, Geraldine Barrett, Jennifer A. Hall, Beth Howden, Dilisha Patel, Jill Shawe, and Judith Stephenson
Measuring ‘Need for Recovery’ as an indicator of staff well-being in the emergency department: a survey study, Blair Graham, Laura Cottey, Jason E. Smith, Mark Mills, and Jos M. Latour
Reviewing hospital patients retrospectively following hypoglycaemia prevents further episodes, N Wood, S Butter, and JM Latour
An interactive website for informed contraception choice: randomised evaluation of Contraception Choices, Judith Stephenson, Julia V. Bailey, Ana Gubijev, Preethy D'Souza, Sandy Oliver, Ann Blandford, Rachael Hunter, Jill Shawe, Greta Rait, Nataliya Brima, and Andrew Copas
Barriers to delivery of enteral nutrition in pediatric intensive care: a world survey, Lyvonne N. Tume, Renate D. Eveleens, Sascha C.A.T. Verbruggen, Georgia Harrison, Jos M. Latour, and Frédéric V. Valla
Student nurses exposed to sustainability education can challenge practice: A cohort study, Janet Richardson, Jennie Aronsson, Daniel Clarke, and Jane Grose
Exploratory study of clinician and patient views regarding the use of a preconception care app for women with diabetes, Nwolise C Hope, Nicola Carey, and Jill Shawe
A study protocol for a multi-centre longitudinal mixed methods study to explore the Outcomes of ChildrEn and fAmilies in the first year after paediatric Intensive Care: The OCEANIC Study, Joseph C. Manning, Jos M. Latour, Martha A.Q. Curley, Elizabeth S. Draper, Tahseen Jilani, Philip R. Quinlan, R. Scott Watson, Janet E. Rennick, Gillian Colville, Neethi Pinto, Asam Latif, Emma Popejoy, and Jane Coad
Nurse Expertise: A Critical Resource in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response, Schwerdtle P Nayna, CJ Connell, S Lee, V Plummer, PL Russo, R Endacott, and L Kuhn
Keep safe: The when, why and how of epilepsy risk communication, Cordet Smart, Georgia Page, Rohit Shankar, and Craig Newman
Use of non-sterile gloves in the ward environment: an evaluation of healthcare workers’ perception of risk and decision making, Ashley Flores, Martha Wrigley, Peter Askew, Rachel Craig, Bernadette Egan, Linda Towey, and Jill Shawe
Paediatric Intensive Care follow-up provision in the UK and Republic of Ireland, Joseph C. Manning, Barnaby R. Scholefield, Emma Popejoy, Elizabeth Dodds, and Jos M. Latour
Investigating The Implementation of a Collaborative Learning in Practice Model of Nurse Education in a Community Placement Cluster: A Qualitative Study, Graham R. Williamson, Jane Bunce, Adele Kane, Caroline Jamison, and Danny Clarke
A systematic review of effectiveness of interventions applicable to radiotherapy that are administered to improve patient comfort, increase patient compliance, and reduce patient distress or anxiety, S. Goldsworthy, S. Palmer, J. M. Latour, H. McNair, and M. Cramp
Hospital response to the COVID-19 outbreak: the experience in Shanghai, China, Juying Qian, Yuxia Zhang, Zhan Sun, Jos M. Latour, and Bijie Hu
Longitudinal Diary Data: Six Months Real-world Implementation of Affordable Companion Robots for Older People in Supported Living, Hannah L. Bradwell, Rhona Winnington, Serge Thill, and Ray B. Jones
COVID-19 Epidemic Editorial, Graham Williamson
Implementation of an evidence-based guideline of enteral nutrition for infants with congenital heart disease: a controlled before-and-after study, Yan Hu, Ying Gu, Huiwen Zhang, Weijia Fu, Yuxia Yang, and Jos M. Latour
Is there an association between children's screen use and cariogenic diet?, M Paisi, R Witton, and A Plessas
Untellable tales and uncertain futures: the unfolding narratives of young adults with cancer, Susie Pearce, Faith Gibson, Jeremy Whelan, and Daniel Kelly
A concept analysis of confidence related to older people living with frailty, Frazer Underwood, Jos M. Latour, and Bridie Kent
A concept analysis of confidence related to older people living with frailty, Frazer Underwood, Jos M. Latour, and Bridie Kent
A Dental Student Perspective on the Impacts of an Inter-professional Engagement Module, A Ahmed, N-L Bannerman, M Paisi, R Witton, and R Potterton
An interactive website to aid young women’s choice of contraception: feasibility and efficacy RCT, J Stephenson, JV Bailey, A Blandford, N Brima, A Copas, P D’Souza, A Gubijev, R Hunter, J Shawe, G Rait, and S Oliver
A Pioneering Placement, R Reynolds
Are older people any different from younger people in the way they want to interact with robots? Scenario based survey, Ray B. Jones, Mriganka Biswas, Marta Romeo, and Angelo Cangelosi
Collaborative learning in practice: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the research evidence in nurse education, Graham R. Williamson, Hayley Plowright, Adele Kane, Jane Bunce, Danny Clarke, and Caroline Jamison
Dementia and its relationship with suicidality: A critical interpretive synthesis, G Hodge
Developing and testing a nurse-led intervention to support bereavement in relatives in the intensive care (BRIC study): a protocol of a pre-post intervention study, Mol MMC van, Sebastian Wagener, Jos M. Latour, Paul A. Boelen, Peter E. Spronk, Uil CA den, and Judith A.C. Rietjens
Effectiveness of empathy clinical education for children’s nursing students: A quasi-experimental study, Li hui Zhu, Xiang Ding, Li Wang, Jing Sun, Dong ya Li, Bing ya Zheng, Shi wen He, and Jos M. Latour
Effectiveness of nurse-coordinated, person-centered comprehensive assessment on improving quality of life of community-dwelling, frail older people: A systematic review protocol, Helen Lyndon, Frazer Underwood, Jos M. Latour, Jonathan Marsden, Anne Brown, and Bridie Kent
Effect of treating carious teeth on children's and adolescents' anthropometric outcomes: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials, Martha Paisi, Anastasios Plessas, Despina Pampaka, Lorna Burns, and R Wilton
Ethical perceptions towards real-world use of companion robots with older people and people with dementia: survey opinions among younger adults, Hannah L. Bradwell, Rhona Winnington, Serge Thill, and Ray B. Jones