Plymouth Institute of Education Open Journal
Editorial - summer 2020
It is a real pleasure to welcome you to our newly relaunched PIoE (Plymouth Institute of Education) journal. We plan to have two editions each academic year from now on.
We begin this issue with a number of heartfelt thanks. Firstly, thanks go to all the Institute colleagues who initially suggested submissions and worked with Julie Anderson and the students and others who kindly agreed to offer their work. Much of this was during the early days of the pandemic when everyone was suddenly having to make all sorts of changes to working practices, so very sincere thanks to all.
Despite the risk of forgetting anyone, we would like to try to thank everyone by name. Some including Rosamonde Birch worked with Julie as willing ‘guinea pigs’ on the draft outlines of submission guidelines (thanks to Liz Done for her initial help with those too). That was all much appreciated.
In addition, colleagues helped suggest, check and edit papers as they came in. Thanks for that work go to Kath Vineer, Heather Knight, Joanna Haynes, Jan Georgeson and Rebecca Carter Dillon in particular. Thanks too to our excellent outgoing subject librarian Julie Luxton for helping with the initial set up including going out with Julie Anderson to take the photos that make up our colourful new journal banner. Very sincere thanks too to various library colleagues but in particular Louise Woolland (Senior Information Adviser (Open Access) Library and Digital Support) as well as our own PIoE colleague Michael Key for all their help in the mechanics of getting this journal up and running within the PEARL database.
Thank you finally to all those willing to be part of the Editorial team. At time of writing that is Institute Director Beth Gompertz, Julie Anderson, Mandy Andrews, Kay Chapman, Suanne Gibson, Verity Campbell-Barr, Paul Warwick, David Burghes, Jocey Quinn and Liz Done. In addition, Christie Prichard (Student Learning Manager, Academic Registry) has offered to support the team by supporting future journal writing. With Julie Anderson leaving the Institute in July 2020, Mandy Andrews has kindly agreed to be the contact for the journal from now on.
We are delighted to have papers for our first edition from a wide range of our PIoE programmes, something that is very important to us. You can read details in the individual biographies supplied. In brief, the seven articles in our first edition here cover:
- Intra-Active ‘World-Making’: Hope, Education, Utopias and Potential Eco-Socially Just Futures by Rosamonde Birch.
- Karen Garlick has written on her investigation to evaluate the Effectiveness of a Primary school’s Improvement Plan focusing on Maths Attainment and Progress through Problem Solving.
- We also have a discussion on the Involvement of Somalia’s children in Armed Conflict by Matilda Nash.
- Then we have an Autoethnographic study by Emma Jones looking at Work-based Learning and Racial Hostility.
- Sadie Spira has asked how Confident are Final Year Students with the Speech and Language interventions utilised for the Educational and Social Development of Children with Autism in one Mainstream School in South Devon?
- Kath Vineer explores the Widening Participation Issues encountered by Women as they embark on one Primary PGCE Initial Teacher Training Course and
- Zoe Durston has written about Childhood and Well-Being in Bangladesh with a focus on Gender Inequalities, Child Marriage and Climate Change Issues. If you are inspired to offer some work for consideration for future editions of this journal please contact or your tutor or programme lead in first instance. Thank you.