Browse research from the School of Health Professions.
Submissions from 2018
Impact of route and adequacy of nutritional intake on outcomes of allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation for haematologic malignancies., Julie Beckerson, Richard M. Szydlo, Mary Hickson, Catriona E. Mactier, Andrew J. Innes, Ian H. Gabriel, Renuka Palanicawandar, Edward J. Kanfer, Donald H. Macdonald, Dragana Milojkovic, Amin Rahemtulla, Aristeidis Chaidos, Anastasios Karadimitris, Eduardo Olavarria, Jane F. Apperley, and Jiri Pavlu
Therapeutic recommendations in HFE hemochromatosis for p.Cys282Tyr (C282Y/C282Y) homozygous genotype, Desley White, Paul Adams, Albert Altes, and et al
Standing Practice In Rehabilitation Early after Stroke (SPIRES): a functional standing frame programme (prolonged standing and repeated sit to stand) to improve function and quality of life and reduce neuromuscular impairment in people with severe sub-acute stroke-a protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial., Angie Logan, Jennifer Freeman, Bridie Kent, Jillian Pooler, Siobhan Creanor, Jane Vickery, Doyo Enki, Andrew Barton, and Jonathan Marsden
Tolerance to rotation of toric monofocal and bifocal intraocular lenses. A theoretical study, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, A Domínguez-Vicent, D Monsálvez-Romín, JJ Esteve-Taboada, and E Papadatou
Engaging student dietitians in ‘sustainability principles’ throughout the curriculum: an exploratory pedagogic workshop', C Pettinger, E Atherton, and W Miller
The Effective Dynamic Ranges for Glaucomatous Visual Field Progression With Standard Automated Perimetry and Stimulus Sizes III and V, Michael Wall, Gideon K.D. Zamba, and Paul H. Artes
An Investigation of the Post-laryngectomy Swallow Using Videofluoroscopy and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), Margaret M. Coffey, Neil Tolley, David Howard, Michael Drinnan, and Mary Hickson
Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): Preliminary results of a randomised controlled feasibility trial., HJ Gunn, J Andrade, L Paul, L Miller, S Creanor, K Stevens, C Green, P Ewings, A barton, M Berrow, J Vickery, B Marshall, J Marsden, and J Freeman
Data obtained with an open-source static automated perimetry test of the full visual field in healthy adults, Iván Marín-Franch, Paul H. Artes, Luke X. Chong, Andrew Turpin, and Michael Wall
Determinants of tenancy sustainment following homelessness: A Systematic Review, Leonie Boland, Anita Slade, Richard Yarwood, and Katrina Bannigan
Double Blind Study Investigating the Effect of Different Voice Prostheses on Ease of Swallowing and Residue Post Laryngectomy, Margaret M. Coffey, Neil Tolley, David Howard, and Mary Hickson
Effects of superficial heating and insulation on walking speed in people with hereditary and spontaneous spastic paraparesis: A randomised crossover study., Amanda L. Denton, Alan D. Hough, Jennifer A. Freeman, and Jonathan F. Marsden
Evaluating physical activity in dementia: a systematic review of outcomes to inform the development of a core outcome set, A-C Gonçalves, J Cruz, A Marques, S Demain, and D Samuel
Evaluating the effect of different voice prostheses on alaryngeal voice quality, Margaret M. Coffey, Neil Tolley, David Howard, and Mary Hickson
Four days of simulated shift work reduces insulin sensitivity in humans, D. J. Kennaway, R. Bescos, M. J. Boden, M. L. Jackson, A. J. Trewin, E. C. Marin, I. Levinger, A. Garnham, D. S. Hiam, F. Falcao-Tebas, F. Conte, J. A. Owens, and G. K. McConell
'If you can't help me, so help me God I will cut it off myself…' The experience of living with knee pain: A qualitative meta-synthesis., J Wride and K Bannigan
Microbial Preparations (Probiotics) for the Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults and Children: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis of 6,851 Participants., Bradley C. Johnston, Lyubov Lytvyn, Calvin Ka Fung Lo, Stephen J. Allen, D Wang, Hania Szajewska, Mark Miller, Stephan Ehrhardt, John Sampalis, Deniz G. Duman, Pietro Pozzoni, Agostino Colli, Elisabet Lönnermark, Christian P. Selinger, Samford Wong, Susan Plummer, Mary Hickson, Ruzha Pancheva, Sandra Hirsch, Bengt Klarin, Joshua Z. Goldenberg, L Wang, Lawrence Mbuagbauw, Gary Foster, Anna Maw, Behnam Sadeghirad, Lehana Thabane, and Dominik Mertz
Occupational Therapy and client participation in religious practices: a scoping review, Patricia Eyres, Mary Birken, Katrina Bannigan, and Gayle Letherby
Paediatric Traumatic Cardiac Arrest: A Delphi study to establish consensus on definition and management, AC Rickard, J Vassallo, T Nutbeam, MD Lyttle, IK Maconochie, DG Enki, and JE Smith
Parkrun, activity and health: The public health potential of parkrun, C Stevinson and M Hickson
Physiotherapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis across Europe: Regions and other factors that matter., Patrícia Martinková, Jenny Freeman, Adéla Drabinová, Elena Erosheva, Davide Cattaneo, Johanna Jonsdottir, Ilse Baert, Tori Smedal, Anders Romberg, Peter Feys, Jose Alves-Guerreiro, Mario Habek, Thomas Henze, Carme Santoyo Medina, Antonie Beiske, Asch P Van, Daphne Bakalidou, Yeliz Salcı, Erieta Nikolikj Dimitrova, Markéta Pavlíková, and Kamila Řasová
Protein provision in critically ill adults requiring enteral feeding, A Mitchell, R Clemente, C Downer, F Greer, K Allan, A Collinson, and S Taylor
Reviewing the effect of hyperemesis gravidarum on women's lives and mental health, C Dean, K Bannigan, and J Marsden
Sustainable eating: Opportunities for nutrition professionals, C. Pettinger
The experiences of stroke survivors, and their families and unpaid carers, regarding goal setting within stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review of qualitative evidence., Anna Lloyd, Katrina Bannigan, Thavapriya Sugavanam, and Jennifer Freeman
The McGill Face Database: A Novel Database of Facial Expressions of Mental States, G Schmidtmann and I Gold
The nutritional care of people living with dementia at home: A scoping review, Mary Hickson, Louise Mole, Bridie Kent, Rebecca Abbott, and Chloë Wood
The relationship between physiological and perceived fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis: implications for assessment and management, Hilary Gunn, Michelle Cameron, Phu Hoang, Stephen Lord, Steve Shaw, and Jennifer Freeman
Transient alpha and beta synchrony underlies preparatory recruitment of directional motor networks, Edward Rhodes, William C. Gaetz, Jonathan Marsden, and Stephen D. Hall
’Who Cares?' The experiences of caregivers of adults living with heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary artery disease: a mixed methods systematic review, Miriam Catherine Noonan, Jennifer Wingham, and Rod S. Taylor
Submissions from 2017
Exploring foot and ankle impairments affecting mobility and balance in stroke (FAiMiS study), TR Gorst, J Freeman, J Marsden, J Paton, M cramp, A rogers, and S morisson
Investigating feasibility of use of an Android Smart Phone Application (MoveIt) as a clinical outcome measure, LM Bunn, A Payne, D Bell, M Marshall, L Dowling, and S Ashworth
Wee-Wii-validation: Investigating the validity and reliability of the Nintendo Wii Balance Board for assessment of standing balance in young children, LM Bunn, D Cowie, D Brady, A Cattani, and J Marsden
A randomised crossover trial investigating actual and perceived changes in peak knee extensor torque following Kinesio Tape® application., E Walsh, J Barrett, J Beeson, M Zammit, and AG Rickard
Is there an association between visual tracking and eye-hand coordination? A ´mobile laboratory methods´ based pilot study, LM Bunn, E Weeks, B Walsh, L Silcox, and S Carr
Platelet rich Plasma in Achilles Tendon Healing 2 (PATH-2) trial: protocol for a multicentre, participant and assessor-blinded, parallel-group randomised clinical trial comparing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection versus placebo injection for Achilles tendon rupture, J Alsousou, DJ Keene, PA Hulley, P Harrison, and et al
Dietary Magnesium May Be Protective for Aging of Bone and Skeletal Muscle in Middle and Younger Older Age Men and Women: Cross-Sectional Findings from the UK Biobank Cohort, Ailsa A. Welch, Jane Skinner, and Mary Hickson
Dietary Magnesium May Be Protective for Aging of Bone and Skeletal Muscle in Middle and Younger Older Age Men and Women: Cross-Sectional Findings from the UK Biobank Cohort., Ailsa A. Welch, Jane Skinner, and Mary Hickson
Autism and primary care dentistry: parents’ experiences of taking children with autism or working diagnosis of autism for dental examinations, N Thomas, S Blake, C Morris, and DR Moles
Prognostic factors for recovery following acute lateral ankle ligament sprain: a systematic review., JY Thompson, C Byrne, MA Williams, and et al
A Reflection on Some Key Pedagogical Competencies, Valuable to the Role of the Medical Educator, A Houldsworth
Collaborative knowledge and intellectual property: an action learning conundrum, T Elliott and M Pedler
Intrarater reliability and agreement of linear encoder derived heel-rise endurance test outcome measures in healthy adults, C Byrne, DJ Keene, SE Lamb, and K Willett
Optical quality of rotationally symmetrical contact lenses derived from their power profiles, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, D Monsálvez-Romín, and E Papadatou
There is more to accommodation of the eye than simply minimizing retinal blur, I Marín-Franch, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, P Bernal-Molina, JJ Esteve-Taboada, and et al
Investigating feasibility of use of an Android Smart Phone Application (MoveIt) as a clinical outcome measure, LM Bunn, L Dowling, J Lake, M Marshall, D Bell, A Payne, and S Ashford
Physiotherapy management of the ataxias towards best clinical practice: 2016 guideline update, LM Bunn, J Marsden, E Cassidy, and C Kilbride
Future Dietitian 2025: informing the development of a workforce strategy for dietetics, M. Hickson, J. Child, and A. Collinson
Effects of self-paced interval and continuous training on health markers in women, Andrew M. Jones, Luke J. Connolly, Stephen J. Bailey, Peter Krustrup, Jonathan Fulford, and Chris Smietanka
Uncovering the complexity of workplace wellbeing using a cross-case analysis approach, C Pettinger, K Bannigan, R Nelder, and K Nnoaham
Validity, reliability and minimal detectable change of the balance evaluation systems test (BESTest), mini-BESTest and brief-BESTest in patients with end-stage renal disease, C Jácome, I Flores, F Martins, C Castro, CC McPhee, E Shepherd, S Demain, D Figueiredo, and A Marques
Human eyes do not need monochromatic aberrations for dynamic accommodation, P Bernal‐Molina, I Marín‐Franch, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, JJ Esteve‐Taboada, and et al
Patients’ and nurses’ views on providing psychological support within cardiac rehabilitation programmes: a qualitative study, KM Turner, R Winder, JL Campbell, DA Richards, and et al
RF shape channels: The processing of compound Radial Frequency patterns., G Schmidtmann, A Desjardins, and F Kingdom
Development of a balance, safe mobility and falls management programme for people with multiple sclerosis, Hilary Gunn, Ruth Endacott, Bernhard Haas, Jonathan Marsden, and Jennifer Freeman
Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): a guided self-management programme to reduce falls and improve quality of life, balance and mobility in people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial, H. Gunn, J. Andrade, L. Paul, L. Miller, S. Creanor, C. Green, J. Marsden, P. Ewings, M. Berrow, J. Vickery, A. Barton, B. Marshall, J Zajieck, and J. A. Freeman
Using judgement analysis to identify dietitians’ referral prioritisation for assessment in acute adult services, M Hickson, M Davies, H Gokalp, and P Harries
Dynamic accommodation without feedback does not respond to isolated blur cues, JJ Esteve-Taboada, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, P Bernal-Molina, N López-Gil, and et al
Non-invasive measurements of the dynamic changes in the ciliary muscle, crystalline lens morphology, and anterior chamber during accommodation with a high-resolution OCT, JJ Esteve-Taboada, A Domínguez-Vicent, D Monsálvez-Romín, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, and R Montés-Micó
Clinical CPD in Devon and Cornwall: Surveying current constraints to accessing activities and scoping the potential for web-based CPD delivery for clinicians, LM Bunn, R Jones, B Haas, H Gunn, and P Schoenborn
Deprivation and Healthy Food Access, Cost and Availability: A Cross-Sectional Study, C. Pettinger, S. Williamson, M. McGregor-Shenton, B. Brumble, and B. Wright
Effect of even and odd-order aberrations on the accommodation response, AI Moulakaki, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, JJ Esteve-Taboada, and R Montes-Mico
Are energy and protein requirements met in hospital?, K. Pullen, R. Collins, T. Stone, H. Carter, H. Sadler, and A. Collinson
Development of a Statistical Crop Model to Explain the Relationship between Seed Yield and Phenotypic Diversity within the Brassica napus Genepool, E Bennett, C Brignell, P Carion, S Cook, and et al
Apprehension and interest: Therapist and student views of the role emerging placement model in the Republic of Ireland, Alison Warren and Esther Linnane
The involvement of people with Parkinson’s in designing a study of the lived experience of anxiety, Christopher J. Lovegrove, Katrina Bannigan, Debbie Cheeseman, and Jos M. Latour
Sensitivity to Binocular Disparity is Reduced by Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Gunnar Schmidtmann, Tatiana Ruiz, Alexandre Reynaud, Daniel P. Spiegel, Maude Laguë-Beauvais, Robert F. Hess, and Reza Farivar
Drifts in real-time partial wavefront correction and how to avoid them, I Marín-Franch, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, X Levecq, and N López-Gil
The experience of falls and balance impairment for people with Charcot Marie Tooth disease, JF Marsden
Engaging homeless individuals in discussion about their food experiences to optimise wellbeing: A pilot study, Clare Pettinger, Julie M. Parsons, Miranda Cunningham, Lyndsey Withers, Gia D'Aprano, Gayle Letherby, Carole Sutton, Andrew Whiteford, and Richard Ayres
The height of the cricothyroid membrane on computed tomography scans in trauma patients, T Nutbeam, R Clarke, T Luff, DG Enki, and D Gay
Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis (BRiMS): A guided self-management programme to reduce falls and improve quality of life, balance and mobility in people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial, H Gunn, J Andrade, L Paul, L Miller, S Creanor, C Green, J Marsden, P Ewings, M Berrow, J Vickery, A Barton, B Marshall, J Zajicek, and JA Freeman
Standing up in Multiple Sclerosis (SUMS): Protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of a home-based self-management standing frame programme in people with progressive multiple sclerosis., JA Freeman, W Hendrie, S Creanor, L Jarrett, A Barton, A Hawton, D Morby, S Hooley, J Marsden, and J Zajicek
Effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions in treating orthostatic hypotension in the elderly and people with a neurological condition, Angela Logan, Jonathan Marsden, Jennifer Freeman, and Bridie Kent
Exploring the lived experience of homelessness from an occupational perspective, MJ Cunningham and A Slade
Using the Arts for Food Research and Dialogue, P Flint, C Pettinger, V schoen, R Segal, R Taylor, B Wheeler, and C Williams
The experiences and expectations of return-to-work input in people with chronic pain: are we progressing?, AG Rickard
The effect of aberrations on objectively assessed image quality and depth of focus, AJD Águila-Carrasco, SA Read, R Montés-Micó, and DR Iskander
Accommodation Responds to Optical Vergence and Not Defocus Blur Alone, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, I Marín-Franch, P Bernal-Molina, JJ Esteve-Taboada, and et al
Validation of a spectral light scattering method to differentiate large from small particles in intraocular lenses, G Łabuz, E Papadatou, F Vargas-Martín, and et al
Dietary nitrate and blood pressure: evolution of a new nutrient?, Ann Ashworth and Raul Bescos
Development and refinement of a complex intervention within cardiac rehabilitation services: experiences from the CADENCE feasibility study, R Winder, SH Richards, JL Campbell, DA Richards, and et al
CPD with a twist: the ROTTERS Curry Club, M Hocking, AF Warren, and K Bannigan
Reclaiming the periphery: Automated kinetic perimetry for measuring peripheral visual fields in patients with glaucoma, Paul H. Artes, VM Moenter, and David P. Crabb
Working together to promote dementia friendly flying, AF Warren, K Turner, and H Chami
Objective assessment of the effect of pupil size upon the power distribution of multifocal contact lenses, E Papadatou, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, JJ Esteve-Taboada, D Madrid-Costa, and A Cervino-Exposito
7-day weighed food diaries suggest patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia may spontaneously modify their diet to avoid nosebleed precipitants, Claire L. Shovlin, Helen Finnamore, B. Maneesha Silva, B. Mary Hickson, and Kevin Whelan
Amplitude, Latency, and Peak Velocity in Accommodation and Disaccommodation Dynamics, AJ Del Águila-Carrasco, JJ Esteve-Taboada, E Papadatou, T Ferrer-Blasco, and R Montés-Micó
A Pilot RCT Investigating the Effects of Targeted Compression on Athletes with Pelvic / Groin Pain, Leanne Sawle, Jennifer Freeman, and Jonathan Marsden
Assessing the accommodation response after near visual tasks using different handheld electronic devices, AI Moulakaki, A Recchioni, AJD Águila-Carrasco, JJ Esteve-Taboada, and R Montés-Micó
Assessment of dysphotopsia in pseudophakic subjects with multifocal intraocular lenses, James S. Wolffsohn, Phillip J. Buckhurst, Shehzad A. Naroo, Leon N. Davies, Sunil Shah, and Tom Drew
Conceptualisation of the ‘good’ self-manager: A qualitative investigation of stakeholder views on the self-management of long-term health conditions, J Ellis, E Boger, S Latter, A Kennedy, F Jones, C Foster, and S Demain
Does body mass index impact on muscle wasting and recovery following critical illness? A pilot feasibility observational study, E. Segaran, L. Wandrag, M. Stotz, M. Terblanche, and M. Hickson
Evaluating rehabilitation: An ongoing challenge., Jennifer Freeman
Experiences of people with Parkinson's disease and their views of physical activity interventions: a qualitative systematic review protocol., Heather Hunter, Christopher Lovegrove, Bernhard Haas, Jennifer Freeman, and Hilary Gunn
Humeral elevation reduces the dynamic control ratio of the shoulder muscles during internal rotation, Gary L. Shum, William Howard, Jonathan Burgess, Borut Vrhovnik, Christian Stringer, Sherrie T. Choy, Jonathan F. Marsden, and Ingrid A. Gedikoglou