Browse research from the School of Art, Design and Architecture.
Submissions from 2022
Word Embeddings for Automatic Equalization in Audio Mixing, Satvik Venkatesh, David Moffat, and Eduardo Reck Miranda
Autoethnographic Memory Archive, K Parker and S Moore
The Other Side of Now, K Parker, D Sergeant, and S Moore
Cadence, Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore
Exploring the contemporary Moon Under Water through illustration: nostalgia and the power of the image, Stephanie Black
Urban AI depends: the need for (wider) urban strategies, Alessandro Aurigi
SSVEP-based Brain-computer Interface for Music using a Low-density EEG System, Satvik Venkatesh, Eduardo Reck Miranda, and Edward Braund
An Investigation into the Potential Use of TDR Measurement Systems to Accurately Assess the Moisture Content at the Center of Completed Earthen Walls, S Goodhew, M Fox, J Carfrae, M Boutouil, and F Strieff
Cob, Future Heritage of the 21st Century?, S Goodhew, F Strieff, T Morton, and M Boutouil
Bachelard, Besson and Bakhtin: A Dialogical Discourse on the Potential of Intimate Space, Robert Brown
Psychoactive space: Glimpses of the unknown, Mathew Emmett
Performing Resilience: Anchorage and Leverage in Live Action Role-Play Drama, Jamie Harper
Quantum Brain Networks: A Perspective, José D. Martín-Guerrero, Eduardo R. Miranda, Satvik Venkatesh, Carlos Hernani-Morales, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano
Smart cities, metaverses, and the relevance of place, Alessandro Aurigi
Assessing annual thermal comfort extent in central courtyards: Baghdad as a case study, Omar Al-Hafith, BK Satish, and Wilde P de
You Only Hear Once: A YOLO-like Algorithm for Audio Segmentation and Sound Event Detection, Satvik Venkatesh, David Moffat, and Eduardo Reck Miranda
Mapping Home, Memory and Spatial Recovery in Forced Displacement, Sana Murrani, Helen Lloyd, and Ioana Cristina Popovici
Testing scores for performing placestories, Phil Smith
A psychological model for the prediction of energy‐relevant behaviours in buildings: Cognitive parameter optimisation, J von Grabe and S Korsavi
“I love a party with a happy atmosphere”; notes on the ontology of interpersonal atmosphere, H Drayson
Application of machine learning in thermal comfort studies: A review of methods, performance and challenges, Z Qavidel Fard, ZS Zomorodian, and SS Korsavi
An approach to interfacing the brain with quantum computers: practical steps and caveats, E Miranda, S Venkatesh, JD Martin-Guerrero, C Hernani-Morales, L Lamata, and E Solano
An approach to interfacing the brain with quantum computers: practical steps and caveats, ER Miranda, S Venkatesh, JD Martın-Guerrero, C Hernani-Morales, L Lamata, and E Solano
Earth construction: Field variabilities and laboratory reproducibility, A Azil, Guern M Le, K Touati, N Sebaibi, M Boutouil, F Streiff, S Goodhew, and M Gomina
Community Campus as Threshold: A Space of Dialogue for Academia and the Community, R Brown and P Warwick
Evaluating social sustainability in Jordanian residential neighborhoods: a combined expert-user approach, Ahlam Ammar Sharif, Ala’a Saleh Alshdiefat, Muhammad Qasim Rana, Amit Kaushik, and Olugbenga Timo Oladinrin
Interrupting Immersive Immediacy, Jamie Harper
Investigating the potential of EDA data from biometric wearables to inform inclusive design of the built environment, Katharine S. Willis and Elizabeth Cross
Living wall systems for improved thermal performance of existing buildings, Matthew Fox, Jack Morewood, Thomas Murphy, Paul Lunt, and Steve Goodhew
Messages in a time of crisis Graphic communication design A change of tack?, V Squire
Sense and the city: An Emotion Data Framework for smart city governance, Katharine S. Willis and Christian Nold
Simulation of Heritage Buildings: The Duke of Bedford's Cottages in West Devon, Dirk Saelens, Jelle Laverge, Wim Boydens, Lieve Helsen, Jack Morewood, and Pieter de Wilde
The Thermal Performance Prospects of Courtyards in Cold Conditions, Omar Al-Hafith, BK Satish, and Pieter De Wilde
Understanding the thermal benefits of retrofitting ‘living walls’ to existing buildings, Matthew Fox and Tom Murphy
Submissions from 2021
A longitudinal assessment of the energy and carbon performance of a Passivhaus university building in the UK, SS Korsavi, RV Jones, PA Bilverstone, and A Fuertes
The gap between automated building management system and office occupants' manual window operations: Towards personalised algorithms, SS Korsavi, RV Jones, and A Fuertes
Scientometric Analysis of Global Scientific Literature on Aging in Place, Kasun Gomis, Olugbenga Oladinrin, Wadu Mesthrige Jayantha, Lovelin Obi, and Muhammad Qasim Rana
Novel Dual Walling Cob Building: Dynamic Thermal Performance, K Zeghari, A Gounni, H Louahlia, M Marion, M Boutouil, S Goodhew, and F Streif
A Quantum Natural Language Processing Approach to Musical Intelligence, ER Miranda, R Yeung, A Pearson, K Meichanetzidis, and B Coecke
How might we simulate a riverside experience through virtual collaboration?, Z Latham and L Ward
Quantum Computer Music: Foundations and Initial Experiments, ER Miranda and ST Basak
Operations on windows and external doors in UK primary schools and their effects on indoor environmental quality, SS Korsavi, RV Jones, and A Fuertes
Mayflower and The Seven Seas: Sonification of The Ocean, C Mead, D Hearle, and ER Miranda
A method for estimating scheduled and manual override heating behaviour and settings from measurements in low energy UK homes, A Bruce-Konuah, RV Jones, and A Fuertes
We Have Always Been Geohackers, H Pritchard, J Rocha, and F Snelting
The Elephant in the Room: How neoliberal architecture education undermines wellbeing, I Troiani
Audio-visual instruments and multi-dimensional architecture in Visual Research Methods in Architecture., Igea Troiani, Suzanne Ewing, and Mathew Emmett
Introduction: Visual research methods and 'critical visuality', I Troiani and S Ewing
How To Refuse Research from The Ruins of Its Own Production, CU Andersen and G Cox
Quantum Computer: Hello, Music!, Eduardo Reck Miranda
The Other Side of Now, Kayla Parker, David Sergeant, S. Moore, and R. Mitchell
Socio-spatial relationships in design of residential care homes for people living with dementia diagnoses: a grounded theory approach, Ricky Burke and Alejandro Veliz Reyes
Quantum Brain Networks: a Perspective, E Miranda, S Venkatesh, C Hernani-Morales, L Lamata, JD Martin-Guerrero, and E Solano
A combined technological, behavioural and quality systems approach to achieving near zero defect buildings., Julie Goodhew, Steve Goodhew, Matthew Fox, Joao Alencastro, and Gavin Kilip
Improving the thermal performance of earthen walls to satisfy current building regulations, Matthew Fox, Steve Goodhew, Mohamed Boutouil, François Streiff, Guern M Le, and Jim Carfrae
A Review of the Iraqi Housing Sector Problems, Omar Al-Hafith, BK Satish, and Pieter Wilde
Investigating the Effects of Training Set Synthesis for Audio Segmentation of Radio Broadcast, Satvik Venkatesh, David Moffat, and Eduardo Reck Miranda
The Death and Life of UK Universities and the Cultural Spaces They Consume, I Troiani and T Carless
3D printing system for earth-based construction: Case study of cob, Mohamed Gomaa, Wassim Jabi, Reyes A Veliz, and Veronica Soebarto
Creative Quantum Computing: Inverse FFT Sound Synthesis, Adaptive Sequencing and Musical Composition, ER Miranda
Impacts of land covers on stormwater runoff and urban development: A land use and parcel based regression approach, Guoqiang Shen, Long Zhou, C Li, Tian Chen, S Li, and Robert Brown
Many-objective Population Visualisation with Geons, Marius N. Varga, Swen E. Gaudl, and David J. Walker
RadioMe: Challenges During the Development of a Real Time Tool to Support People With Dementia, G Shakeri, S Brewster, S Venkatesh, D Moffat, A Kirke, E Miranda, S Banerjee, A Street, J Fachner, and H Odell-Miller
The interacion between humans and buildings for energy efficiency: a critical review, T Harputlugil and P De Wilde
The Pregnant Pause, Sarah Blissett
To the Bitter End: Affect, Experience and Chemical Ecology, H Drayson
Under threes’ play with tablets, Jackie Marsh, Jamal Lahmar, Lydia Plowman, Dylan Yamada-Rice, Julia Bishop, and Fiona Scott
Submissions from 2020
On Interfacing the Brain with Quantum Computers: An Approach to Listen to the Logic of the Mind, ER Miranda
Figurations of Timely Extraction, H Pritchard, J Rocha, and F Snelting
Ubiquity, an end piece, M Phillips and C Speed
Opportunities and barriers to business engagement in the UK domestic retrofit sector: An industry perspective, B Butt, RV Jones, and A Fuertes
Designing Smart Places: towards a holistic, recombinant approach, Alessandro Aurigi
Introducing Shaping Smart for Better Cities, Alessandro Aurigi and Nancy Odendaal
Camp Followers of the Cold War, K Parker and S Moore
Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement, S Murrani
CobBauge -A hybrid walling technique combining mechanical and thermal performance, S Goodhew, J Carfrae, and M Fox
Composing, Recording and Producing with Historical Equipment and Instrument Models, C Mead, D Moffat, and ER Miranda
Gallery in the Cinema, Anya Lewin, Kayla Parker, F Bernstein, G Rubin, C Bridget, A Pugh, and R Lucy
Quality management in UK social housing projects: Addressing thermal performance, J Alencastro, Casals A Fuertes, and Wilde P De
An Interactive Compositional Tool using the Electroencephalogram, R Horrell
Genetic Music System with Synthetic Biology, Eduardo Reck Miranda
Regenerating Unfinished Buildings, I Troiani and A Dawson
Ventilation rates in naturally ventilated primary schools in the UK; Contextual, Occupant and Building-related (COB) factors, SS Korsavi, A Montazami, and D Mumovic
Composing Popular Music with Physarum polycephalum-based Memristors, S Venkatesh, E Braund, and ER Miranda
Designing Brain-computer Interfaces for Sonic Expression, S Venkatesh, E Braund, and ER Miranda
Convivial Acts for an Ecosensual Labyrinth, Helen Billinghurst and Phil Smith
Flow, Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore
Quantum Computer: Hello, Music!, ER Miranda
Neural and physiological data from participants listening to affective music, Ian Daly, Eduardo Miranda, Nicoletta Nicolaou, Duncan Williams, Faustina Hwang, Alexis Kirke, and Slawomir J. Nasuto
Application of Optimization and Simulation to Musical Composition that Emerges Dynamically during Ensemble Singing Performance, A Kirke, GB Davies, and J Eaton
Creative Quantum Computing: Inverse FFT, Sound Synthesis, Adaptive Sequencing and Musical Composition, ER Miranda
The World Viewed: The Silverfish and the Broken Planets, M Punt
Comfort, Cooling and Critical Accountability: a teaching tools and research odyssey, U Ola, T Gillian, Z Yiqiang, and S BK