The Plymouth Student Scientist
Biological and Marine Sciences Articles
You'll face me: an investigation into improving puffin crossing safety by controlling PDU placement
Ibrahim Aliouche
pp.62 - 82
pp.83 - 104
An investigation into the effects of underwater bubble formations on sound speed and attenuation
Erin King
pp.105 - 144
The derivation of sea surface velocities from satellite imagery using maximum cross correlation (MCC)
Philip Lawrence
pp.145 - 161
pp.162 - 213
Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences Articles
pp.4 - 23
pp.24 - 61
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Article
The comparison of Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation as a means to synthesise alkyl xylenes
Penny Whalley
pp.252 - 296
Psychology Articles
Relationship between motivation, attribution and performance expectancy in children's reading
Jocelyn Nuttall
pp.214 - 228