The Plymouth Student Scientist
Biological and Marine Sciences Articles
Impact of geographical variability on the bleaching stresses in the Atlantic, Indian and South Pacific Ocean
Niamh Bowdler
pp.48 - 66
pp.67 - 90
pp.91 - 106
Variability in epifaunal assemblages between Sargassum muticum and Zostera marina: a functional group approach
Jenny Hickman
pp.107 - 127
The effect of parental thermal environment on maternal investment and offspring performance
Bianca Allegra Parodi
pp.128 - 139
Spatial variation in epibiont communities on the shells of Patella vulgata along an estuarine gradient
Edward Wilson
pp.140 - 159
Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences Articles
pp.1 - 26
Engineering, Computing and Mathematics Articles
An isotropic neo-hookean finite element model of healthy elastic arterial walls within commercial software
Reece Ambrose
pp.253 - 278
Scale model behaviour and float geometry influence on an oscillating water column system
Daniel Cresswell
pp.279 - 310
The effect of onshore wind on wave overtopping of a vertical sea wall
Sarah Durbridge
pp.311 - 355
What effect do government policies have on the transmission of COVID-19?
Emily Prestige
pp.356 - 428
Predicting Emergency Repairs using Classification Method
Jacqueline Tan, Qing Zhang, Sia Wang Ying, and Yutong Qin
pp.465 - 496
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Articles
pp.160 - 190
Does cannabidiol (CBD) oil convert to psychotropic cannabinoids including tetrahydrocannabinol?
Danielle Young
pp.191 - 224
Psychology Articles
pp.497 - 512
Exploring the minimum number of trials needed to accurately detect concealed information using EEG
Rhian Graham
pp.532 - 547
pp.548 - 570
Who owns these objects? - Impact of social and personal conditions on self-prioritisation
Sammy Parkin
pp.571 - 586
The extent to which autistic traits are predictive of impairments in allocentric spatial navigation
Amber Presley
pp.587 - 606
How do personality traits influence the experience of positive emotions?
Elenie Shotton
pp.607 - 635
The Dark Tetrad of personality and the tendency to engage in revenge porn
Niamh Thomason-Darch
pp.651 - 668