The Plymouth Student Scientist
Biological and Marine Sciences Articles
pp.4 - 19
pp.20 - 30
Engineering, Computing and Mathematics Articles
The effect of copper-induced oxidative stress on regeneration in Anemonia viridis (Forskäl, 1775)
Katharine Childs
pp.31 - 55
Investigating the relative importance of parentage versus environmental factors on heterochrony in basommatophoran freshwater snails
Myriam Vanderzwalmen
pp.56 - 77
The bending of beams and the second moment of area
Chris Bailey, Tim Bull, and Aaron Lawrence
pp.328 - 339
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Articles
Landsliding on the south east coast of the Isle of Wight: nature, characteristics and causes
Grant Cole
pp.124 - 176
pp.177 - 210
An investigation of the bioavailability of heavy metals in tailing run-off sediment at Devon Great Consols
Chan Yin Chi
pp.211 - 309
Psychology Articles
The effect of age on interhemispheric transfer time: an event related potential study
Amy Boyson
pp.78 - 97
Literature Reviews
The effectiveness of management options in reducing human disturbance to wetland and coastal birds
Christopher Batey
pp.340 - 354